MTL - Si Nian, Do You Want To Kiss Me?-Chapter 61

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Si Nian let out a low cry, she felt Jiang Hanyu's soft hair brushing gently across her cheek, itching and numbness, and the part of her heart seemed to be swept too Generally, it causes tremors, and when the beating is about to lose its former frequency.

"Jiang Hanyu..." Si Nian looked up at the person in front of him and called out his name.

Jiang Hanyu just looked at her fixedly without any extra movement. There was still some intoxication in her eyes, as if she had not woken up yet, with a haze.

In such a look, Si Nian almost thought that Jiang Hanyu was going to do something to himself. She felt Jiang Hanyu's hot palm pressing against her slightly cold cheek, and it was not that she couldn't understand the burning sensation in the former's palm. Jiang Hanyu still had some thin calluses on her palms, and she felt it too. She even felt that such an intimate contact made her tremble slightly, but she didn't dislike it. Si Nian wanted to close her eyes a little, but she admitted that at this moment, she coveted the warmth and embrace brought by Jiang Hanyu. There is still a little secret in my heart that I can't tell, I want, want, want more...

However, just when Si Nian thought that Jiang Hanyu might have to do something to himself, Jiang Hanyu left her.

Jiang Hanyu sat on the edge of the bed with her back to her, with her elbows on her knees, she wiped her face, as if this would make herself awake this morning. point the same. "I'm sorry, I don't know who it is, the subconscious reaction..." In fact, the real subconscious reaction is throat lock, but the smell on Si Nian's body seems to have been set in her brain to protect her subconsciously. This command is higher than She subconsciously ordered to defend, so in the end, her hand was not on Si Nian's throat, but on her cheek.

Jiang Hanyu took some time to confirm who the person in front of him was, and was suddenly awakened in a dream. In addition to being drunk last night, his mind was not fully awake. When he found that he was pulled into bed and pressed When the person under him turned out to be Si Nian, he suddenly sat up from the bed.

Si Nian opened his eyes when he heard Jiang Hanyu's hoarse voice. She tilted her head to look at Jiang Hanyu's slender back, propped on the bed with one hand, sat up slowly, jumped out of the bed, and stroked her hair, which was slightly messy because of the movement just now, "It's okay, I didn't knock on the door, maybe I was scared. There you are. Since you are awake now, wash up and change your clothes quickly, and you are about to go out to class." After Si Nian finished speaking, he turned around and opened the door without waiting for Jiang Hanyu's answer, as if he felt that something was chasing him. Just like your own, leave quickly.

When she came to the corner of the stairs, she was sure that no one could see her at this time, so Si Nian stretched out her hand to cover her cheeks, she could feel the rising temperature above.

When they came out of the house and sat in the back seat, Si Nian and Jiang Hanyu were separated by one person. In fact, it was still the same as usual, but Si Nian felt that the space in today's carriage seemed extraordinarily cramped. In this early winter day, she wanted to open the window.

When Si Nian saw Jiang Hanyu inadvertently, he found that the latter did not seem to be affected by the misunderstanding this morning. At that moment, Si Nian felt a little uncomfortable. Is it because it's too common, so Jiang Hanyu doesn't take it seriously at all? Did she do the same thing to many girls in the past? Si Nian couldn't help thinking wildly. She forced herself to look out of the window and warned herself not to think about it anymore, but her consciousness was so uncontrollable. The more she tried to restrain something, the more it appeared, Si Nian closed her eyes. , leaning his head against the side of the car door, his whole person's posture is evasive and extremely negative.

When she arrived at the school soon, Jiang Hanyu got off the bus first, and Si Nian followed behind her, keeping a short distance. There were no quarrels, no contradictions, but Si Nian felt that there was a gap between himself and Jiang Hanyu.

Because it took Jiang Hanyu some time to go out in the morning, when he came to the classroom, he was about to start his early self-study. As soon as he entered the classroom, Si Nian saw a person sitting in the seat belonging to Jiang Hanyu with sharp eyes.

And Zhao Qiao seemed to be arrogantly confronting the man.

Si Nian hadn't passed by that seat when he heard Qiao Lian, sitting in Jiang Hanyu's seat, shouting in their direction, "Jiang Hanyu!"

Si Nian subconsciously looked at Jiang Hanyu's expression next to him, who frowned at this time, as if a little impatient.

Jiang Hanyu has already strode towards his position, and Si Nian is not far behind.

"What are you doing here? Get up!" Jiang Hanyu said, and unceremoniously stretched out his hand to pull up the person who occupied his position, "Go back to your own class!"

Qiao Lian took advantage of the situation to stand up, but Jiang Hanyu's hands were too strong, she was not careful and fell into Jiang Hanyu's arms.

For Si Nian, at this time, standing behind Jiang Hanyu, there was such a familiar scent of perfume from her nose. Si Nian's face instantly turned ugly, and at this moment, Qiao Lian's questioning voice came from his ear: "Jiang Hanyu, was it you last night!"

Si Nian hurried back to his seat. When he woke up in the morning, he felt a little uncomfortable, like a cold, and now even more so, like being stimulated by the smell of perfume, his stomach rolled Amazing, she threw down her schoolbag and walked quickly towards the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

Last night, when Jiang Hanyu came to her room, the perfume on her body was exactly the same as what she smelled on Qiao Lian now!

This thought made Si Nian feel cold in his heart and itchy in his eyes.

In the early winter, she felt the severe cold of winter. After closing the door of the compartment, Si Nian squatted down and vomited out uncomfortably.

In the classroom at this time, Jiang Hanyu angrily pulled out the person in his arms, "What do you mean by throwing a hug!"

"I just asked if it was you yesterday!" Qiao Lian stared at Jiang Hanyu with a fierce look on her face. She pointed at the slap print on her face that had not disappeared, "Say it! I woke up this morning and I saw it. Did you do this?"

Jiang Hanyu's eyes swept lightly over his "masterpiece traces" last night, and twitched the corners of his mouth, "Well, to keep you awake."

"Damn it! Jiang Hanyu, you are so cruel! Don't you know how to wake up!" Qiao Lian was angry.

Jiang Hanyu pushed her away from her who was standing in front of him, and sat in the seat without lifting his eyelids, "I thought you should thank me for coming here now." The anomaly on Lian's side might be what the situation is now.

These words made Qiao Lian seem to think of something, and her face turned a little bad, "This is one thing!" However, when he spoke, his arrogance was not so arrogant. "Even if I drink unconscious at that time, can't you take me back to your house?!"

"No!" Jiang Hanyu said firmly.

"Why!" Qiao Lian doesn't understand, she's not a wild man, why can't she be?

Jiang Hanyu raised his head at this time, with a half-smile expression on his face, "I don't want it, woman, let alone!"

Qiao Lian: "You are crazy!"

Jiang Hanyu did not answer her words, and handed the homework book to the class representative who came to collect the homework. This move shocked Qiao Lian even more. Jiang Hanyu, who has never done homework, what happened now? Heck!

The author has something to say: I haven’t finished it yet, I’ll add another chapter in the afternoon, kids remember to brush it~ It should be before six o’clock~~~