MTL - Shipborne Special Forces-Chapter 17 I didn't do it on purpose

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King Wang patriotic looked at Huang Gang's big stupid expression and asked, "What do you know?"

"I know what you are thinking about." Huang Gang said confidently.

The king is patriotic. He is also known. As a result, Huang Gang said, "You must be thinking about it, how can you send Bi Yiye away?"

"Wait a while, where am I going to send Grandpa Bi?"

"Hospital." Everyone said solemnly.

The king is patriotic. How did this answer come about?

岗 Huang Gang paused and explained, "Yes, I think you and the leaders of the 12th team have been dead forever. At this moment, the outstanding soldiers are about ten thousand miles away from you, right?"

The king of patriots almost spit out old blood, did this open up a second channel? Co-authoring can't change the impression, just send people away?

I can't do it, he is a good soldier, at least to be a good soldier in the face, this is not the case.

After thinking about it, Wang Aiguo suddenly stood up and said to everyone eagerly, "No, I must work hard from tomorrow. I want to become a qualified naval fighter."

"What's the truth?"

"The truth is, if I go on like this, I will be retired before I become a qualified soldier."

"Boy, you are very conscious!" Huang Gang and others nodded, and in their opinion, Wang Aiguo was very clear about the situation.

Uh ...

当天 The day when the trainer left, wait, it seems that the words are not right, it should be the day when the trainer is sent away ... It seems that it is still not right. Forget it, don't care about these things.

After yesterday, Wang Aiguo understood that the real military career was about to begin. Next, they will start to go down the road of qualified soldiers. The road must be rugged, but Wang Aiguo has no choice because he has a grand dream. After three years, the sky is high.

Uh ...

Time: August 10, 2012

Weather: Sunny and scary, the temperature is as high as 37 degrees at noon.

Location: Inside the dormitory

Why did I stay in the dormitory? There was no way, because the task of the first day was to fold the quilt. After eating at noon, Jia District arranged a cleaning.

Reasoning, although Jia Qu said, "Why can't a house sweep the world?"

But in Wang Aiguo ’s opinion, is n’t it because they have n’t cleaned the building for a year, so they treat them as strong men?

However, these words Wang Aiguo would not say, after all, it would be very troublesome.

It should have been a lunch break at noon. Suddenly a house cleaning made everyone uncomfortable, but there was no way. The army ordered it to be banned. Jia Qu went to sleep by himself, leaving everyone to work.

King Aiguo discussed the division of labor with everyone in the dormitory.

There is a young man named Lao Liu in the King's Patriotic Dormitory. This child will not be very young next year, but I don't know why. Everyone sees him very much and wants to call him Lao Liu. After all ... this face is a bit anxious.

I can't help but say that this brother Liu is definitely a good low-key comrade. When Wang Aiguo and others hadn't thought of cleaning, he had begun to mop the floor every day.

So while everyone was still discussing, Lao Liu stood up and said he contracted the floor hygiene.

With Lao Liu taking the lead, everyone also began to express their opinions actively, expressing their desire to work.

I saw that everyone was so enthusiastic, Wang Aiguo thought about it, and he had to behave well. After all, it is certain that Jia District will inspect various dormitories later, and cleaned dormitories will be praised. This is also an opportunity to change the impression of the leader on him.

Thinking of this, Wang Aiguo began to enthusiastically, either he did not do it, and the hardest thing was to do it.

Then he looked around the room and finally decided that he contracted the ceiling!

When King Aiguo uttered his ideas, everyone looked at him with astonishment.

After a while, the leader said, "I have to say, your idea is still very creative!"

"Creative your sister? I am the hardest job to do!" Wang Aiguo said angrily.

The puppet master shrugged his shoulders and said, "Yes, this is indeed the hardest job. So we want to know, what do you want to do?"

The ceiling is not too much, two electric fans, several lights. But the question is, how do you get up?

The king of patriots hummed coldly and said lightly, "Is it difficult to get me?"

"... Why do I have a bad feeling." The leader suddenly muttered.

…… ..

Twenty-five minutes later, various wailing and shouting sounds were heard in Wang Aiguo's dormitory.

Especially Lao Liu, holding Wang Aiguo's thigh and crying, "Three brothers, can you spare me?"

"Can you stop doing this, I just borrow your bed to use it." Wang Aiguo shouted cursing.

When I heard this, Old Liu was more anxious, and said quickly: "Why do you use your bed to use your own, what do you do with me?"

King Wang patriotic thought for a long time, and the final solution was to pull a person's bed over. Anyway, the bed was bunk. He climbed to the upper bunk and wiped the fans and lights. It was not a problem at all.

The problem is ~ ~ His bed is right here on the window sill, it's pulled too far, so he dragged the bed of Lao Liu and the leader nearby.

However in front of this whimper.

Seeing this kind of picture, Wang does not play with patriotism. Is this something to do? Borrowing a bed, can he still eat the bed?

"You're enough, I didn't eat your bed, just drag it over to do the work!"

"I'm not afraid of you eating, I'm afraid you'll step off my bed. Turning back the bed board is broken, where did you let us sleep for two nights?" Lao Liu and the leader shouted shyly.

Hearing these words, Wang Aiguo, can I still stand? Mad, someone else sent the nickname s city jade face fat dragon. The last man named Chen Biaojin was as flexible as he was. With his skill, could a bed be broken?

So Wang Aiguo kicked Lao Liu and the leader without hesitation, and immediately turned over the upper floor immediately.

Seeing Wang Aiguo jumping up, the hearts of Lao Liu and the leader almost jumped out of his throat.

After Wang Aiguo went up, the bed clicked twice.

"Did you see that? I am so heavy? Can I step on the bedboard? You underestimate our PLA's equipment. Don't say I turn over, I will jump twice on it, this bedboard will definitely not break."

After Wang Aiguo said a word, he jumped a little and wanted to prove what he said.

"Sit down, three hundred brothers, don't you be kidding me!" Just when Wang Aiguo jumped up, old Liu and the leader yelled in horror.

As a result, Wang Aiguo just landed on the ground ... it really landed on the ground.

After a loud noise, Wang Aiguo stood in the middle of the bed with his face covered in a cloud of dust.

Everyone looked at Wang Aiguo stupidly, and saw a ghost shape.

"That one……"