MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 94 love tossing warmth

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  Early in the morning, when Wen Xu was exercising, he happened to make a detour by Wen Shigui's sheep pen, and was about to call the second brother to his house for breakfast. The two brothers stopped by to go to the town to see the livestock together.

I brought the beams to the sheepfold that Wen Shigui built at the foot of the mountain. The structure of the whole small house was almost finished. If you say it’s a house, it’s really a bit high. If you say it’s a shed, it’s very suitable, and there’s nothing around. For the wall, there are four thick pillars, and several asbestos tiles are propped up on the southern plateau, surrounded by colored strips of plastic woven cloth sealed with wooden strips. The old windows with glass were removed from nowhere, and the unfaded red paint can still be seen around the top.

  The house that people live in is not as good as the sheepfold next to it, which still has a thick grass roof.

   "Second brother, is it difficult for your house to keep out the rain?" Wen Xu walked around, looked around the house inside and out, and said to Wen Shigui who was busy feeding the sheep.

Wen Shigui smiled at Wen Xu: "Now it's almost the beginning of summer, and don't underestimate this shed, let alone shelter from the wind and rain, even if there is a heavy snowfall, it may not be able to put my little one down. The shed is knocked down!"

  Wen Xu had no choice but to smile, and seeing Wen Shigui grabbed a lamb, touched it, looked at it, and asked curiously: "What's wrong with this lamb?"

"Yesterday I felt a little diarrhea. I originally wanted to give some medicine, but Mr. Yan didn't allow any western medicine at all, so I asked an old shepherd from another village for a folk prescription. I boiled water to feed it last night. Go on, it looks a lot better this morning!" Wen Shigui didn't have much worry on his face, it seemed that the diarrhea symptoms of the little lamb had fundamentally improved.

   "Remedies?" Wen Xu was a little confused, why the sheep on his side had diarrhea, and none of the sheep he transferred from the space had diarrhea.

  Of course Wen Xu didn't go there very often, and he didn't care about his flock. Maybe some sheep also had diarrhea, but Wen Xu didn't know about it.

"Hmm! The little sheep will have diarrhea from time to time, and I don't know why, but the big sheep don't have this kind of situation. I asked the old shepherd and told him the symptoms of the sheep, and he said no. I don't know what's going on, I just say it doesn't look like a serious illness..." Wen Shigui let go of the little lamb in his hand and said.

   At this time, Second Sister-in-law You came over, greeted Wen Xu and asked, "Shixu, are you looking for your second brother to go to town?"

   "Yes, second sister-in-law, by the way, ask second brother to go to my house with you for breakfast!" Wen Xu said.

  Sister-in-law You waved her hand and said, "Let your second brother go, there are so many sheep here, you can't go away!"

Wen Shigui also smiled when he heard the words and said: "You should go back and eat by yourself. I will go there when I am done with my work. I really can't stand the effort you spend on eating. If I watch you cook Fan, you must have a heart attack!"

Not to mention Wen Shigui, the whole Wenjia Village knows that Wenxu is picky, and every meal is carefully cooked. Even a bowl of stick noodle porridge makes Wenxu cook with much more tricks than other families. For the villagers of Wenjia Village, they spend a large part of their time thinking about how to eat, which is obviously not something that a serious farmer should do.

  Everyone has a little opinion of Wen Xu, but because this guy's seniority is too high, and he also has skills, so everyone didn't say it publicly.

Hearing what the two couples said, Wen Xu didn't try to persuade him: "Second brother, you can come to my place at some time, let's try to go back as soon as possible! Yesterday I called the brick and tile factory in the town Make a phone call and ask them to send two cars to Liyu Bay!"

   "Why do you buy bricks? You don't mean to build another house?" Wen Shigui asked immediately.

  Wen smiled and said: "I'm not fooling around, I just want to build an oven, a bigger one, and bake bread if I want, old geese, ducks, etc."

Yesterday, I told a group of kids that I wanted to bake bread for them. I was talking nonsense at first, but after the kids left, Wen Xin was a little greedy for the bread she baked, so she thought about making a baked bread. Bread stove, and then I felt that building a stove just to bake bread is a bit useless, so I just built a bigger one, and sometimes I can bake some chickens and geese when guests come. When she was young, Wen Xu designed a brick wood-fired oven by herself.

  Wen Shigui heard this and said: "Isn't this called nonsense? Why did you toss out a stove and pull two carts of bricks just to get something to eat? How big is your stove to be able to use two carts of bricks?"

   "If it's big, then it's small!" Wen Xu said with a smile, and didn't take what the second brother said to heart.

   "Brother, sister-in-law, if you don't go, I'll go back first?" After greeting Wen Wen, she was ready to go home.

Wen Shigui immediately stopped Wen Xu again after hearing this: "Shixu, my brother and I have discussed this period of time, thinking about repairing the tombs of several ancestors in a few days, the stele should be described, the soil on the grave It should be added, as for the old grave, see if the current mound can be changed to lime cement with stones, or if it doesn’t work, it has to be surrounded by bricks... ".

Slowly, Wen Shigui talked about the thoughts of his elder brothers. Wen Xu didn't have much objection to the matter of repairing the grave, and he didn't have much support. It doesn't make much sense to pay people to pay homage to graves where no one is worshiping.

However, it is not easy to refute the idea of ​​the old brothers to repair the grave. How can outsiders see this matter as the filial piety of the descendants. Everyone agrees to build the ancestral grave, but you are holding back. No matter how you look at this matter, you seem to be a fool Talented, warm and not stupid, and there is no shortage of money on hand.

   "I have no opinion, if everyone wants to do this, then fix it!" Wen Xu said.

   "It's not that simple. We calculated the cost back and forth, and it took more than 60,000 yuan to live, including artificial stones, cement mortar and so on," Wen Shigui said.

"How much is the gap?" Wen Xu thought that the second brother wanted him to pay some money so much. After all, there are not many rich houses in the village, and even if more than 60,000 yuan is paid, it is not too much for him now thing.

  Wen Shigui waved his hand and joked: "It's not about money, it's everyone's ancestral tomb and it's not yours alone. You kid wants to rush to express your affection to the ancestors, and we're not happy about it!"

There are 18 tea trees and everyone praises the tea they produce, which makes the old people in the village think of their ancestors from time to time, so they began to prepare to build their ancestral graves. In the past, they always said that they were poor , This year, it is easy for everyone to say too much.

   "What's that?" Wen Xu couldn't figure it out now.

   "Those friends of yours, those people surnamed Xu!"

   "That's it!" Wen Xu was even more confused, didn't he talk about repairing the ancestral tomb, what did Xu Daxin do?

Wen Shigui's next sentence solved the mystery: "They all have seen the big world, why don't you ask them to help us design and make the ancestral grave at home more foreign, so that someone will come to visit our old tea tree in the future. It’s not too shabby looking at our ancestral grave next to it, is it?”

   Even though Wen Shigui has been the village chief for half his life, his knowledge is limited. When he saw the homestay designed by Xu Daxin, he felt astonished, thinking that this house could not be built! So when he thinks of transforming the ancestral grave, he naturally thinks of him, but unfortunately he and Xu Daxin have no friendship and can only rely on Wen Xu to settle this matter.

   So this is the problem! Wen Xu understood now.

"I said, second brother, let's not engage in Western styles in the ancestral tomb. The ancestors may not be able to bear that stuff, and these people in the old tomb are all from the Ming Dynasty. We looked at all the foreigners at that time. It's still a barbarian, we give the ancestors a whole barbarian-style grave, you think the ancestors are upset!" Wen Xu said nonsense.

  Wen Shigui frowned when he heard this, and thought for a while before saying, "It really makes sense!"

"Just take stones and build a round tomb. At most, when everyone has money, we can use a white marble fence to surround the ancestors. It is enough to add a sacrificial table or something. It's too fancy and it's troublesome now." Wen Wen Said.

   "That's okay, why don't we go to the Mausoleum of the Founding Father and learn from it?"

   "You really dare to think about it!" Wen Xu was amused by the second brother's idea: "You go, I dare not go!".

Seeing that Wen Xu was about to leave, Wen Shigui said again: "One more thing, the price of livestock today may be a little higher, 500 more than the normal price, but the livestock are good animals. The big brown donkey, in the past, was a good animal that ran a thousand a day and eight hundred at night, and it really has good eyesight.”

  When Wen Xu heard Shihuayan, he retracted his foot again: "What Shihuayan?"

  Heard of brown donkeys, black donkeys and gray donkeys, Wen Xu had never heard of a kind of donkey called Stone Eyed.

Wen Shigui said: "The stone eyes are the eyes of a donkey. I can't explain it now, because I have never seen a donkey with stone eyes, but this old guy is very excited, saying that this kind of donkey's stamina Among all the mules and horses is the first-class resistance to handling..."

To be honest, after hearing this, Wen Xu didn’t quite believe it. How can a donkey run a thousand times a day and run eight hundred at night? Not to mention a donkey, even a horse bred by modern animal husbandry can’t do that. Donkeys can be so durable It is estimated that the endurance of the donkey is a little bit better than that of the usual donkey.

  But even though she thought so in her heart, when she heard what the second brother said, Wen Nuan kept nodding her head. Waiting for the second elder brother to finish speaking, Wen Xu's mind was full of such an image: a tall and big body, strong and powerful four legs, and the whole body can be seen to be full of endless power.

   After chatting with Wen Shigui about the stone-eyed donkey, Wen Xu jogged back to his small courtyard and started to make breakfast for himself. Today's breakfast is simpler, preserved egg and lean meat porridge, served with mustard.

The so-called Huzhanzi is a warm old saying. The flour and chopped green onion are mixed together to make a paste, and then put oil in the pot, so that the oil can evenly cover the sides of the pot. It can’t be exposed. Wait until the fire is big enough. Just when the pot is hot enough, scoop a spoonful of batter into the pot and spread it out. If you want to make it more delicious, you can add eggs and leeks on the spread out dough.

  Don't look at the local dishes, they taste like a thief with an appetite, and Wen Xu killed two Hu stalls by himself and drank a big bowl of preserved egg and lean meat porridge.

After eating, Wen Xu washed the dishes and brushed the pot, and was about to leave the house, when he saw that the scum food dish was so light that it could reflect the shadow of a person, and it would have disappeared a long time ago, but today this guy But he was still in the pot house, looking up at the black squirrel on the branch, wanting to go crazy but not daring to show his head, which made people laugh.

  For the scum, the black squirrel may be the **** devil!

   "Devil King!" Wen Xu thought the name was good, so the name of Black Squirrel was decided.

   "Stop beating this guy, how come you didn't get a blessing in disguise, did you?" Wen Xu shouted at the Dark Lord, and then pointed at the scum who was huddled at the door.

   "Squeak! Squeak!"

  The Dark Lord was dancing on a tree branch, waving the shelled pine nuts in his hands.

   "Forget it, let you make troubles!" Wen Xu couldn't understand whether the Dark Lord agreed or opposed, so he decided to let them make troubles, just don't interfere with himself!

   (Four updates are completed, ask for tickets, ask for favorites, ask for clicks, ask for subscriptions, anyway, continue to ask for all the stones you can ask for!)