MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 41 director? Not interested in!

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   "Second brother, I just saw Grandpa Ninth, why does it look like his brain is not working?" Wen Xu asked.

Wen Shigui said: "It's because you haven't come back very much in the past two years, maybe it was the year before last." Wen Shigui thought about it for a while and then said: "Yes, from the year before last, I gradually lost my memory of people. Sometimes I thought I was living decades ago, looking for my wife in front of the house and calling my son home for dinner."

   "Oh, did you go to the hospital to have a look (see is dialect, it's equivalent to seeing a doctor)?" Wen Xu asked.

"Why didn't you look at it, but it's useless to look at this disease even when you're old. It's just like that. Anyway, the old man is not annoying. Now it takes a long time to sit on a small bench all day long. You can still eat when you eat. It is a blessing for the grandchildren to know that going back to the old house, even though they don’t recognize people, don’t make trouble, it’s good,” Wen Shigui said.

After speaking, Wen Shigui remembered another thing, and said to Wen Xu: "Shixu, I'm afraid I won't be able to work as the village director for long! There is news from the village that it is very likely that I will be transferred to the village and put on the job. A class and a half waiting to retire”

   "Then who will be the village director and branch secretary? Election?" Wen Xu felt very surprised. He has been the village director for decades, so why is he about to retire? Who will take over after the second brother retires?

"I can't say for sure. The news I got here is not reliable. Some people say that there will be a college student village official in our village, someone from the Provincial Youth League Committee, and some people say that there are villagers elections or something. Anyway, our village is like this. It's almost the same by anyone's guess," Wen Shigui said.

  Wen Xu laughed and said: "Then what's there to say, if someone is transferred, they will be asked to spend two years of money, and everyone will be elected!"

Linjiang has always been quite wealthy, but the standard of living in Wenjia Village is far below the average standard of the whole province. It’s not enough to say it’s poor, but it’s just enough to make ends meet. If you want to say how good it is, it’s really Not to mention, I have been here for two college student village officials before, but each of them was smoked immediately after two years. The so-called smart woman can't cook without rice. It's not just lip service.

   "If you choose, I think you should be the village director," Wen Shigui said to Wen Xu.

  Wen Xu raised her hands immediately when she heard this, and said repeatedly: "I can't do it! I haven't done anything at all, don't harm the young and old in the whole village!"

  Wen Xu has no interest in being the village chief, even if he is prepared to switch between the two ends of Mingzhu's hometown from time to time, he is not prepared to put himself in such a bridle.

   "Looking around, you are not only of high seniority in the village, but also educated, and you are also a person who has seen the world. It is better for you to be the director than others," Wen Shigui said.

"Second brother, my good second brother, I really can't do this, besides, I can't stay in the village all the time, I plan to go to Mingzhu from time to time, I really can't do this director " Wen Xu said.

  Wen Shigui saw Wen Xu's evasion, so he said: "Then let's see, if the higher-ups send someone, then we won't say this. If no one is sent, you have to respect everyone's choice!"

   "Are you still planning to drive the donkey to the shelf? I really can't do it!" Wen Xu said with a bitter face.

It's really not that Wen Xu is hypocritical, but that he really doesn't want to be the village director. The village is poor in the first place, and there is nothing to earn. Secondly, they are all from the same family, so it is troublesome to do things. If Wen Xu is willing to work **** such things Well, with his intelligence, he might be able to sneak into the middle management of a big company, and he would want to go back to his hometown to enjoy the blessing after making a little money.

   "Okay, you can watch here first, I still have something to do over there." Wen Shigui put away the support of the car as he said, turned around with the car and prepared to go back to the village.

  Wen Xu raised his hand to signal to the second brother, then took out a stack of tickets from his bag and patted it in Wen Shigui's hands: "This is next week's wages, and the rest will be distributed to everyone!"

   After taking the money and stuffing it into the small bag hanging on the front of his car, Wen Shigui said with a smile: "Your boy is good at this, just follow the old man's pride! I still think that the village director is really the best choice for you"

"Second brother, can we not mention this matter, and don't spread the word for me?" Wen Xu said, "Or even if I become a director, I will go to your house every day to eat and drink, and I have been lingering." !"

"It's up to you!" Wen Shigui pushed the car and trotted for two steps, stepped on the pedal with his left foot, lifted his right leg over the seat and landed firmly on the seat, stepping on it twice , The bicycle ran towards the entrance of the village.

  Wen Xu watched the second elder brother's figure getting farther and farther away, sighed and said to himself: "What are you doing, village director, whoever wants to do it!"

   After speaking, Wen Xu went to look at Qinglongwa, which was soon to be his own, and the small hill next to Qinglongwa. After turning around like this, it was already half past two in the afternoon when he returned to the old house.

  Going back to the old pen, Wen Xu is going to cook something to eat. The old stove has also been re-powdered. According to the rural rules, the two cast iron pots side by side are the same as those of everyone in the village. What Wen Xu does is also very simple, just put the vegetables and rice she brought on the pot and steam them with a curtain.

  Heat-resistant plastic large lunch box, the lower layer is rice, and the upper layer is braised pork ribs. It has just been warmed up and is not ready to eat when I hear Wen Guangsong’s voice from the door.

   "Uncle, Uncle! Are you at home?"

  Wen Xu immediately left the pot room, and shouted at the door: "The door is open, come in!"

   "Uncle! Why are you eating now?" Seeing Wen Xu holding a lunch box, Wen Guangsong froze for a moment and said, "How about I come back later?"

"Okay, just tell me if you have anything to say." Wen Xu just took the lunch box and planed the rice into his mouth. After digging a couple of mouthfuls, he found a small head exposed at the door. The owner of the head was Wen Guangsong's son, also Wen Xu's grandson Senior, Wen Yuanbo.

   "Come in if you want, what are you doing with your head at the door!" Wen Xu smiled and said to Wen Yuanbo at the door.

  Wen Yuanbo walked in with a silly smile when he heard this, and pointed his eyes at his father while walking.

   "What are you doing here, I have something to say with your old uncle, let's go play" Wen Guangsong saw his son approaching, and immediately said with a straight face.

"Okay, we're not underground party joints, come as soon as the children come." Wen Xu signaled Wen Yuanbo to come to his roots, picked up the chopsticks and picked the largest piece of ribs from his lunch box and handed it to Wen Yuanbo. The little guy directly Grab it and put it in your mouth.

After Wen Guangsong glared at his son, seeing his son ignoring him, he turned his head and said to Wen Xu: "Old man, before you set up this greenhouse, the couple of us are paid wages, it's not very good what".

Wen Xu said: "What are you talking about? If you go to work part-time, don't you get paid now? I can't let you just idle without getting a penny without starting work on my side. That's not taking advantage of it." Is your house cheaper? And don’t be too embarrassed, you will have work to do soon, I have taken down Qinglongwa and the small hill next to Qinglongwa, and I will send the first batch of sheep in a few days There are also fish fry and so on, you can help me and go take a look if you have nothing to do."

   "We haven't herded sheep before?!" Wen Guangsong immediately said: "Don't lose it for you, and learn how to herd sheep with Fourth Uncle and the others tomorrow."

"It means that you have nothing to go and have a look at. If you don't need anyone to look at it, there are people here who can't steal it!" Wen Xu said, not only the village raises sheep, but many families raise them, but there are more than a dozen of them, and no one has seen them. After all, people in the same clan have a terrible reputation for stealing things, and no one wants to do that.

   This is also one of the reasons why Wen Xu wants to hide herself in her hometown, and she has to be a bit cheeky.

   "That's no problem." Wen Guangsong finished speaking and asked again: "When will it be delivered, and how many heads are the first batch?".

  Wen Xu thought for a while and said: "The first batch is about 200 heads, the exact number is not yet certain, we will see how many heads we can get in touch with when the time comes."

For a while, Wen Xu didn't know how many sheep he should have in the first batch, because he didn't expect that he would take the woodland of the hill so quickly, but now Wen Xu suddenly said, how can Wen Xu explain clearly, the whole plan is still A first draft in my mind.

   "There are so many sheep here as you said, how will they be shipped out?" Wen Guangsong heard that there were more than two hundred sheep in one batch, so the problem of transportation jumped out of his mind in an instant.

"How about getting a few more three-wheeled motorcycles first?" Wen Xin thought about this question, and just bought a few more three-wheeled motorcycles. In the beginning, the shipment here doesn't need to be too much. Two or three three-wheeled motorcycles just happen to be a small truck. .

Wen Xu and Wen Guangsong talked about their thoughts, and from time to time, they picked up a piece of ribs for Yuan Bo from his lunch box. After a while, even Wen Guangsong's big yellow dog smelled the meat and came over, but what he ate was not Wen Xu. The pork ribs are the bones that Wen Yuanbo picked off.

Yuan Bo ate more than half of a box of pork ribs, and Wen Xu ate more than half of it with soup and rice, and the remaining half was cheap for the big yellow dog. After chatting, Wen Xu pushed the motorcycle and went out with Wen Guangsong and his son , back to Pearl.

   Coming back this time, for Wen Xu, his plan has been officially launched. Now, in Wen Xu's view, the only thing missing is a suite in Mingzhu and a new wife.

After returning to Mingzhu, I returned to my hometown again along with the vegetables and fruits that I had been transporting for a few days. After finishing all the procedures for renting the land, I began to slowly transport sheep and fish to my hometown. For convenience, Wenxu here Not far from the high-speed exit of Mingzhutong County, I rented a small factory building and used it to save sheep and pigs. Every time I saved a carload of pigs and sheep, large and small, they would be transported back to my hometown together, so that the folks from time to time I saw Wen Xu transporting a batch of sheep and pigs. I don't know the number, but everyone knows that Wen Xu seems to be ready to do a big job.

In order to facilitate the life of the free-ranging sheep and pigs, Wen Xu also built a batch of animal pens beside the hill. These animal pens are not used to keep animals, but to shelter the sheep and pigs from wind and rain. The most important thing is that salt ore is also placed here to supplement the salt needed for survival by these animals.

During this period of time, let’s put it this way, since the Chinese New Year, everything about Wen Xu has been going smoothly, and all plans are progressing towards the goal bit by bit according to the schedule. Although Wen Xu has been busy a lot, her mood is Every day is a clear sky.

Opening her own small car card, Wen Xu prepared to transport the last batch of pigs that she pretended to be a facade to her hometown, and arrived at the town safely. When she was about to turn on the mountain road leading to the village, Kong suddenly found that she couldn't walk in front of her. The road was blocked by people, no matter how much Wen Xu honked his horn, he still couldn't see these people make way.

"Damn! Hit and kill you bastards!" After honking the horn for about five minutes, no one gave way at all. No matter how good-tempered a person is, he is full of anger. After a warm curse, he turned off the fire and went down. Car, trying to see what happened in front of him.

  Close the car door, push away the crowd and squeeze in, and after a while, I heard a dry howl of women.

   "I'm a mother, I can't survive this day! Your family has been murdered for thousands of dollars today, hurry up and pay back our family's money!..."

  Following the woman's dry howling, there was a man's angry voice: "If your family doesn't pay back the money today, I will kill you!"

   "Pay back the money! Pay back the money! Don't think that if the man runs away, you don't have to pay back the money!"


  Listening to the voice inside, Wen Xu figured out that it was the accountant who was making trouble. After figuring out that there is a bill, Wen Xu has no interest in reading any more.

After this period of understanding, Wen Xu also knows that the most popular thing in his hometown is not to engage in business, but to lend usury, the kind that makes a lot of money, and what Land Rover, BMW, etc. he saw along the way, can't say ten Most of them are loan sharks, and at least 40 to 50 percent of them drive luxury cars. They are either loan sharks or businessmen who borrow money from usurers. The whole countryside is going crazy because of this, either because of bills or hard-earned money being swept away, the whole society is a little bit crazy.

In the past two years, the industry has become more and more difficult to do. There are many businesses in the countryside, and the price fluctuations of the large-scale breeding industry are also very frequent. Not to mention, this kind of drama is being staged almost every day in small towns in the countryside and in county towns.