MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 40 Labor shortage

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This Spring Festival is the busiest Spring Festival that Wen Xu has experienced in the past ten years. Zhou Qian and Zhuo Yiqing stayed until the morning of the second year of junior high school and left after eating dumplings and glutinous rice balls. Zhao Defang's family paid New Year's greetings, and Yan Dong had already returned in the fourth day of the new year, and after the fifth day, the lives of the two of them returned to normal.

Wen Xu has gradually become running between her hometown and Mingzhu. Not only is there something about the solar greenhouse in her hometown, but Wen Xu has already felt that the small truck can no longer meet her requirements for making money. If you change to a medium-sized truck, if you want to get a B license, you have to go back to the place of residence. There is no B license that can be taken anywhere, and it can only be taken at the place of residence.

Such a warm life gradually became tense, but fortunately, money is constantly being squeezed into pockets, and the sunny greenhouse at home is also being built day by day. As for the exam, Wen Xu is quite good at it, B2 exam Pretty smooth too.

  Driving her own little Wuling, Wen Xu went back to Liyu Bay outside the mountain, threw the car at the door of her nephew, and removed an unlicensed small motorcycle from the little Wuling.

   "Uncle Xiaoxu? You are back to see your sunshine greenhouse again."

  Wen Guangfa, in his forties, is Wen Xu's nephew. His father is an accountant in the village. His name is Wen Shijie, and he is Wen Xu's fourth brother. After Wen Guangfa got married, he settled his home in Liyu Bay, which is easy to get in and out of. Besides Wen Guangfa, there are four other families. Anyway, there are no families with surnames other than the one surnamed Wen or the one surnamed Wen.

   "Well, how is your business?" Wen Xu closed the car door casually, took out a pack of cigarettes from the bag he was carrying, and put it in Wen Guangfa's hands.

"Uncle Xu, it's not that you don't know that this mountain is closed at every turn. Besides, there are no people in this village now. Even if the children are too young, the older ones go to the town to go to school again, and they can only come back in a week. Once there, the business of this mountain product is going to be impossible." Wen Guangfa took the cigarette that Wen Xu handed over, and he was not polite, although Wen Xu was younger than ten years old, but no matter how you say it, Wen Xu is also an elder, what to give? He doesn't need to be polite.

   After taking the cigarette, Wen Guangfa took a look and was reluctant to smoke it. He thought that when he got to the town to exchange the cigarettes to the canteen, he would still smoke a five-yuan pack of red plums.

   "By the way, Uncle Xu, I heard that you are going to find someone to show you the greenhouse. Have you found anyone? What do you think of me?" Wen Guangfa asked.

  At this moment, Wen Guangshou, Wen Xu's other nephew who also lived here, walked over. Wen Guangshou was five or six years younger than Wen Guangfa, and the two brothers knew each other since they wore open crotch pants.

"Brother, you still want to show Uncle Xu the room. Can you weed or pick vegetables? Let me tell you, this job doesn't want you. What you want is a capable wife and mother-in-law. With your white skin and tender flesh, you should pour some mountain goods." Wen Guangshou said with a smile.

Seeing that Wen Guangshou was coming, Wen Xu took a pack of cigarettes from his bag and handed it to him: "I'm looking for help, mainly not looking at the greenhouse but picking vegetables, and the salary for one month is not too high. About one thousand five, you can help me find it, about five or six people like this."

"There is no advantage in this salary, Uncle Xu, let me tell you the truth, more than 2,000 was not bad three years ago, but it really doesn't work now. The clothing factories in the county have a basic salary of 2,800 a month, plus piecework. What?" Wen Guangshou said.

  Wen Guangfa said: "Guangshou, you can't say that. Uncle Xu's greenhouse is built in front of the house, and the money for food and accommodation is saved. It's almost two thousand five thousand a month. I think it's not bad."

   "Meals are included at noon, and people can go back when the sun sets. If you are busy, meals are also included in the evening. Please help me and ask, be honest and capable," Wen Wen said.

It's been almost two weeks since the news was released. There were a few people who asked, but none of them really wanted to do it. Wen Xu decided to raise his salary a little bit. Wen Xu didn't worry about the food at all. Anyway, the things grown in the solar greenhouse were just a cover , It will take a lot of effort to deal with it at that time, how much can a few hired workers eat.

   "Okay, let me ask for you," Wen Guangchang and the brothers said in unison.

Now that Wen Xu is seeing the greenhouse getting up day by day, he remembers that he can't squat in the vegetable field every day to pick vegetables and put them into baskets. He has to hire someone, so he started looking for someone again last week, and the salary is not high, isn't it? It is said that Wen Xu is reluctant to part with the money, but the job is simple, and he is looking for someone he likes, which is a bit qualitative, don't find someone who is 18 or 19 who is not qualitative, and runs away after a few days, that is also troublesome .

   "Then you guys ask me, I'll go back to the village first." Wen Xu said, then got on his own scooter, and ran towards the village with smoke coming from his buttocks.

After half an hour of ups and downs, Wen Xu came to the door of his old house. Now the old house has been renovated, and the courtyard walls have been reorganized. The grass growing on the roof and the broken tiles have been replaced. A new one was installed, the original slight cracks on the wall were simply reinforced, and the house was repainted. At least when I entered the house again, I could already smell the musty smell when I came back years ago. The old house now Residential is no problem at all.

   Putting the unlicensed scooter in the courtyard, Wen Nu locked the door again and went directly to the construction site of the solar greenhouse to take a look.

   After going out, I turned around the small stone bridge and saw the sunshine greenhouse whose walls have been erected. Two of them can already see the steel hinge shelves on the top floor, and the rest are only complete walls.

After walking two steps, Wen Xu saw a little old man squatting under a tree by the side of the road. The old man was very hunchbacked, his eyebrows and hair were white, and the hair on his head didn't seem to have fallen much, and the half-length white hair hung all the way to his shoulders , it seems that there is still a bit of 'literary atmosphere', and the old man's spirit is also very good. Although his eyes look a bit confused, they don't see the dimness that he should have at his age. Under the old man's buttocks sat a black and shiny bench that had been scuffed, holding a dry pipe in one hand, smoking it bang bang, while looking puzzled at Wen Nu who came over.

   "Grandpa Ninth?" Wen Xu walked up to the old man, bent down and smiled, squatted on the ground and greeted the old man.

The old man with the highest seniority in the entire village is this old man. Thinking about Wen Xu's seniority, this old man is two generations older than Wen Xu. As for Wen Xu's age, it is too clear, but this year is at least ninety. Now the old man's sons are all dead, and he is living at his grandson's house, and his body is still strong.

   "Who are you?" Ninth Grandpa looked at Wen Xu and asked.

"I am Shixu, and my father is Wen Liangzhuo, who lives under the old jujube tree at the east end of the village..." Wen Xu explained while taking out a pack of cigarettes from his small bag, untied it, and pulled out a cigarette. Gave it to Uncle Jiu.

  After taking the cigarette, Grandpa Ninth said, "Oh, it's Shixu!"

  While talking, Uncle Jiu leaned into the mouth of his pipe and lit the cigarette, put it to his mouth and took a puff, and then alternately smoked one puff of the tobacco and one puff of the cigarette.

   "Grandpa Jiu, why are you sitting here? Isn't it cold? Go back early, it's only spring and it's cold outside!" Wen Xu said to Grandpa Jiu with concern.

  The old man nodded after listening, then raised his head, and asked Wen Wen again with a puzzled expression: "Whose family are you from?"

  Wen Xu was stunned when he asked this question, then he came back to his senses and said, "I'm Shixu..."

   Not two minutes after he finished speaking, the old man said to Wen Xu who are you again, Wen Xu only then realized that the old man's memory is probably not good enough.

"Hey! You just stay here, I have something to go first!" I felt that I couldn't tell the old Grandpa Jiu, so I had to put the remaining cigarettes in Grandpa Jiu's hand, stood up and continued. Go to your own greenhouse.

   "Shixu is here!" Wen Shigui saw Wenxu walking over and extending his hand to say hello.

Wen Xu glanced at the few people standing next to Wen Shigui, and greeted them with a smile. After saying hello to everyone, he took out cigarettes and scattered around. These people were all technicians, people from the greenhouse construction company, responsible for Technical guidance for greenhouses.

   "Mr. Zhang, how long will it take to finish?" Wen Xu asked the fifty-year-old technician wearing black-rimmed glasses.

   "If you don't add drip irrigation, it will take a week at most, but if you suddenly want to add drip irrigation to all the greenhouses, it will take another five or six days..." Zhang Gong said to Wen Wen.

Originally, Wen Xu wanted to make a simple appearance, but after watching it a few times, I felt that I should not be too frugal here. Afterwards, the demand for fruits like watermelon and pears on Han Tao's side also increased. In addition, the investment here is not too large. At first, I thought that adding tens of thousands would be enough to make a breakthrough, so Wen Xu's side Just added drip irrigation equipment in his own greenhouse.

Later, I felt that drip irrigation was too weak, so I added some money to buy a computer-controlled ventilation and lighting adjustment system. Later, I felt that all these things were added, so I just added a little more, so nearly 30 tons of processed imported The struvite is used as the base fertilizer, and the mixed professional planting soil is used as the soil for the greenhouse. In the end, I felt that three seemed a bit too little, so I added three more.

So this three plus two plus has become the current scale. Let's put it this way, there will never be another grower as rich as Wenxu in the whole county. The entire greenhouse is controlled by computers, and the entire province is Wenxu's current six. The solar greenhouse has this style.

   "Then you can tighten up a little bit, I'm waiting for the seeds to be planted here," Wen Wen said.

   "I have to guarantee the quality!" Mr. Zhang said, "No matter how tight the project is, it will be difficult to guarantee the quality of the project. You also know that people are not machines, and it is impossible to maintain concentration all the time."

Through several contacts, Wen Xu also knew that Mr. Zhang was a meticulous person. Wen Xu just reminded him casually. He is an expert in these things. Wen Xu here entrusts professional things to professional people. Don't stand by and point fingers when others are working.

   "Okay! Do as you say" Wen Xin said with a smile.

  Mr. Zhang said: "Then I'll take you to have a look. The two roofs can be erected today, and the glass can be installed in the next two days..." As he spoke, Mr. Zhang signaled Wen Yan to follow him into the greenhouse to have a look.

  Walking around for a few times, he expressed his satisfaction with the project, Wen Xu was called to the side by Wen Shigui while it was at Zhang Gong's greenhouse site.

  Wen Shigui came to the trail with Wen Xu, took out two documents from the leather bag hanging on the head of his bicycle, and handed them to Wen Xu.

"Here! You want two things. A pond and a small hill are rented out for you. Just bring this document to the county to register and pay the rent for the first five years. The money will be handed over to you, Brother Shijie, he is the accountant of the village, and the things in the forest must be handed over to the county, pay attention, it is written in black and white that all trees must be planted as much as they are felled, and it must be guaranteed..." .

  After Wen Shigui said a long list, he said to Wen Xu: "Shixu, I always think this thing is not worth it!"

"It's okay, thank you second brother, I just want to raise sheep and pigs or something, and I'm not going to cut down trees to sell, are these conditions the same for me?" Wen Xu took the document and read it carefully .

   It took half an hour for Wen Xu to read the two contracts from beginning to end twice, and felt that he couldn't see any problems. Then he nodded and put the file into his small bag.

   "Did you find anyone from your side?" Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Wen Xu's side, Wen Shigui asked again.

   "Not yet! Now I have booked Guangsong and his wife, and none of the others," Wen Xu said.

   "It's hard to find people now, and few are willing to work in agriculture anymore," Wen Shigui said with a sigh.

  Wen Xu said: "Look slowly!"

   "If you really can't, you can hire a small worker, how much is the day, so that the young and old in the village who have nothing to do can also help, and those who are bored at home can also earn some oil and salt or something," Wen Shigui said.

  Wen Xu thought about it for a while: "If you can't hire someone, you can only do this first!"

Wen Xu never thought that this labor shortage would come to her one day. She originally thought that the human resources in the countryside should be the most abundant. Who knew that people here like to go to the big cities, or the county towns, and few want to stay. Rural.