MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 26 good job done

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The small thatched hut in the space is still the same, and the furnishings inside have not been touched much. It is nothing more than going to the house from time to time to take a nap or something. As for the books inside, Wen Xu also tried to read twice, but because the old books are all It was typesetting vertically, and it was turned from right to left, which made it very uncomfortable to read, so Wen Xu turned it over once or twice, and after reading two pages, she became dizzy and didn't read much.

To say that the number of chickens, sheep, and geese has changed the most from the beginning. Since I came in, the number of dozens of each group has almost doubled, but when the number reaches ninety-nine, they all stop. After so many days, after countless experiments, I found that once the number reaches ninety-nine, things like livestock and poultry seem to have reached a certain balance, and the number will not change. One will die, and one will be born to make up for the lack of one.

Take chicken flocks as an example. Adult roosters and hens account for about one-third of the total chicken flock, half-sized chickens also order one-third, and the remaining one-third are all young chickens, that is, Fluffy little chicks, when you remove a cockerel, another half-sized cockerel grows, and a chick grows into a half-sized chick, and A hen will lay an egg, and a chick will soon hatch into a chick, and it will definitely be a cockerel.

  If the number reaches ninety-nine and you add another chicken to it, then one chicken will die, and it will be of the corresponding gender, which is very magical. Unless you take all the females at once, the cycle continues forever.

  Of course Wen Xu is not so stupid, taking out all the females, isn't this a bad brain and causing trouble for herself!

  Whether it’s geese, sheep, pigs, or even fish in the water, it’s like this, as if they circulate in a certain order. Like these days, Wen Xu catches sheep and catches fish in the space. After catching and fishing, after waiting for about a day, another group of young sheep and small fish grow into big fish. look.

As for why the number of each population is always ninety-nine, Wen Xu doesn't understand, and doesn't want to figure out what the mechanism is. Wen Xu is very self-aware about this, and it is estimated that if I spend my time researching this problem with my IQ , I don’t have to do the second thing in this life!

  Anyway, it’s not a big deal for Wen Xu not to understand, space is already unimaginable, this thing is nothing!

As for the space outside the surrounding woods, Wen Xu also tried to walk in, but every time he walked in, he felt that he was walking straight, and would return to the original point after a few trees, as if there was a kind of mystery It's the same as pulling yourself back to the original place with strength.

Wen Xu also thought about climbing up a big tree to see what was outside the forest, and he also put it into practice, taking some modern tools to go in, but he gave up when he climbed halfway, the big tree tens of meters high, At halfway to 20 meters, Wen Xu suffered from acrophobia, and almost hung himself in the middle of the tree and couldn't get down, drying himself to dry!

To say that the most understanding of space comes from the water flowing out of the jade tripod. This water seems to be the core of the operation of the entire space. When the water in the tripod waters a plant, that plant will grow wildly. For example, if you water a small sapling, A small glass of water can make it grow more than a hundred growth rings, which is very insane.

   I have to say that Wen Xu likes this kind of madness from the bottom of her heart!

Not only the space, but Wen Xu also has a crazy habit. After getting the space, none of the money she earned has been deposited in the bank. Except for the bank card, all other accounts have been emptied, and now all the assets are placed on the side of the couch in the small hut in the space, all of which are one hundred sheets, and the bundles wrapped in white paper are Ten thousand yuan, now more than fifty red bills Grandpa Mao is just lying on the edge of the couch in the house, every time he sleeps in the space, there is a 50% chance of Wen Nuan opening and closing his eyes When I opened my eyes, I saw these grandpas.

It's just that Wen Xu who is lying on the couch is not looking at these dozens of bundles of money, but thinking about what happened last night. These two people have to follow him, and now they are frowning worriedly thinking about how to get rid of these two people.

Wen Xu never thought about killing two people. Wen Xu was not so tyrannical, because he killed two people because he wanted to steal his own way to get rich. Teach people a lesson so that they don't follow me in the future.

There are many ways to kill him. The most joyful thing is to close the space and do whatever you want. As long as it is in the space, it is a tiger. Wen Xin also believes that he can play with it as a kitten, but now he is thinking about how to make it If the two of them don't follow him, they have to rely on scaring.

  Following this train of thought, Wen Xin thought: How to scare?

Pretend to be the boss, that’s definitely not okay, pretending to be the second-generation official with a backstage, it’s not reliable, which official second-generation has nothing to do to make money by selling vegetables, there are many ways for people to make money, and people will send money if they don’t do anything, Who can sell vegetables! Even pretending to be coquettish can't be used, so there is only the most primitive one, the intimidation of pretending to be a ghost!

   Thinking of pretending to be a ghost, Wen Xu's little brain couldn't help but light up, and then he had an idea! Thinking of this, he immediately regained his energy and began to ponder carefully with his chin in hand.

After thinking about it for about half an hour, Wen Xu had an idea, so he got out of the space, got dressed, went downstairs and went straight to his little Wuling, got on the little Wuling, and just as he was about to drive, he saw Dongliang He was wagging his tail and barking at himself.

   "You are guarding the door at home!" Wen Xu said.

Dongliang's dog face immediately shrugged, and he sat down on the ground listlessly, and then looked at Wen Nuan eagerly. The word depression was written all over his dog face. Originally, his face was ugly, but now it looks wrinkled. The little old man is quite funny.

   Watching it, Wen Xu gave a few laughs, and then stretched out his hand and pushed open the passenger door: "Come on!"

   Seeing the door open, Dong Liang opened his mouth instantly, jumped onto the passenger seat with a jet black tongue, and lay obediently on the ground of the passenger seat.

  Wen Xu drove the car to the door, stopped the car and opened the door, then drove the car out, locked the door, and then drove his little Wuling to the city.

As soon as he entered the urban area, Wen Xu went straight to the largest small commodity wholesale market, and sold some rather weird things there. When he was waiting to come out, there were a lot of them on the back seat of Xiao Wuling. Fortunately, There is room for Wen Xu to install, if these things are moved back to the small courtyard, Yan Dong will probably be driven half crazy!

After getting all the props that he could think of, Wen Xu thought that he had arrived here. This Commodity City is not far from where Guan Siya works, at most half an hour away, so he planned to stop by Take a look at Guan Siya's working place, it must have been so many days without showing her face, and today I happened to go to her place to show my face. Thinking of this, Wen Xu drove the small Wuling to the place where Guan Siya worked.

   Who knew that the car hadn't gone halfway, and saw a couple reaching out to stop the car on the side of the road. The woman still had a big belly and looked painful.

But the passing cars were flying past the two of them, and none of them would stop to pick up the two of them. When they turned their heads and saw a taxi on the side road, the driver immediately hung up the sign that there was a customer. When he got up, an accelerator jumped over from the side of his little Wuling.

   "Damn, who the **** is that!" After a curse, Wen Xu started to slow down, and then parked the car beside the couple.

   Pressed the car window, Wen Xu asked, "What's the matter?"

   "My daughter-in-law has a stomach ache. Maybe she's about to give birth. Please drive us to the hospital. I'll give you the money! Double!" The husband said hurriedly.

   "What money are you raising, hurry up and get in the car!" Seeing that the sweat on his wife's face was painful, Wen Xu immediately said to his husband.

As soon as the man heard this, he stretched out his hand and opened the side door, helped his wife into the car, and the couple said as they got into the car: "Thank you, thank you! We have been waiting for almost five minutes, and no car is willing to take us. The elder brother is really Kind people!"

   "Which hospital are you going to?" Wen Xu waved his hand here, and after being polite, he took his mobile phone and prepared to change the navigation.

   "Women and children! Come closer to women and children." The husband closed the car door.

  As soon as Wenxu entered the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, Zhiling's sweet voice came from the navigation system: "Please turn around after 100 meters!"

  Wen Xu saw that he was straight ahead, and then heard the voice of the young daughter-in-law who couldn't stop humming behind him, so he stopped a hundred meters away, and just turned around here.

Thinking of this, coupled with the urgency of the situation, Wenxuan turned on the turn signal and started to turn around. Who knows that his head has not turned yet, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw a red car running towards him' Hui' came over, and the speed was definitely over ninety miles.

  Wen Xu slammed on the brakes, but who knows, he was still a little slower. He only heard the red car squeak for a while, and finally ended with a bang, and the fronts of the two cars collided.

   "****!" As soon as he saw the wicked face of the little red car, Wen Xu suddenly felt that this feeling was not good, and he was selected!

  Looking at the red body, and the leaping black horse on the yellow head, Wen Xin knew that he had won the grand prize today, and when he swung the steering wheel, he hit a real Ferrari!

"Hey, buddy, why are you driving, and you are going to turn around on the double yellow line right here?" The owner of the car looked young, about the same age as Wen Xu, in his twenties and thirties, and was very well dressed Although it is not in a suit and leather shoes, but the clothes are not ordinary at first glance, and I don't see much anger when I get off the car, and the tone of my speech is unhurried and very cultivated.

People go straight and turn around on their own, don't care about their speed or not, I take full responsibility for it, seeing that I hit a Ferrari, I can't just sit still, so I immediately opened the door and got out of the car, and looked at the two cars There is nothing wrong with my little Wuling. The right side of the front of the car is a little sunken. I guess it can be fixed with a few hammers. But the red little Fa is not just a matter of sunken , the headlight was cracked, the front bumper was warped, and a piece of paint the size of a palm was scraped off. It was much worse than my own little Wuling.

  Seeing this, Wen Xu couldn't help touching her head and said: Is Wuling really so awesome! ? Ferrari can't be papered?

"Brother, I'm sorry, I'm fully responsible! There's a pregnant woman in my car, can we take a photo to get insurance? That buddy's wife is in a hurry to have a baby." Looking at the car, even if it is a small Ferrari, it won't drain my half a million insurance money, so I think it's time to hurry up, and I can send someone to have a baby here.

  The young man who got out of the car looked at Wen Xu and suddenly said, "Your friend?"

Before waiting for the couple in the car to reply, the stylishly dressed woman in the co-pilot got down from the seat, looked at the warm little Wuling and couldn't help smiling: "You are fully responsible for the insurance, the insurance is enough to accompany you." No, do you know what kind of car this is and how much it is? Hey, buddy, if you buy half a million insurance, then you will have fun?"

Wen Xu listened to this and smiled: "Don't worry about how much, if the insurance is not enough, I'll just pay you out of my own pocket." Wen Xu didn't believe it, even if it was to change the front bumper, it would still cost 500,000 plus dozens of dollars in his own space No way! Even if it's not enough, I can still do it within a year, so what's the big deal. Look at you, you little chick, it seems like you can't afford to pay for a small Wuling!

  The old man Taizu said, don’t panic when you have food in your hands, and you don’t have to worry about repaying debts with space in your hands for Wenxu!

"We're just in the car!" As soon as Wen Xu finished speaking, he heard the door slam open. The man who was still sitting in the car opened the car door, helped his wife with a big belly to get out of the car, and got out of the car On the other hand, he said: "It's none of our business. I just stopped his car and wanted him to take us to the hospital. It has nothing to do with this traffic accident. He drove the car. If you want someone to lose money, you have to find him." he…"

While talking, the husband and wife got out of the car and walked to the side. At this time, the little daughter-in-law was holding her stomach and hurting. The two almost ran forward along the road with a trot. They must have been frightened by Ferrari. Now even my daughter-in-law's stomach doesn't hurt anymore.

"You guys! I didn't ask you to pay the compensation with me..." Wen Xu didn't know what to say, and he didn't say that he would let the two of them share the money for the car repair. Just now he looked grateful, but now he runs faster than a rabbit Hurry up!

  The man driving the Ferrari couldn't help laughing at Wen Nuan's depressed expression: "Now I believe they are not your friends!"