MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 105 Invitation to pick mountain goods

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   "Who hasn't seen the world, let me tell you that when I went abroad to play, that squirrel was not afraid of people!" Zhou Qian was a little unhappy when she heard Wen Xu say that she had never seen the world.

  Yang Han nodded and said: "Indeed, when I went to England to play, I was only one meter away from the squirrel. The squirrels are not afraid of people, and no one hurt the squirrels. Our squirrels are afraid of everyone!"

   "Well, well, Chinese people's awareness of animal protection is not strong yet!" Qu Yinger nodded in agreement.

Wen Xu laughed and said: "Okay, okay, touch a squirrel and it's on this, you hold the nuts, feed them slowly, don't think about touching them all at once, hold on for a few days, wait until they are not afraid of you When you touch them, you will naturally touch them, but don’t forget, they are not pets, so be careful when you touch them, they bite!"

   "Squirrels bite too?"

   "Nonsense, mice still bite people!" Wen Xu said.

So the four girls squatted under the tree, each guarding a pool of peanuts, waiting for the devil and his wife to come down from the tree, and the devil and his wife are not stupid, so the four of them squatted and guarded the peanuts. Anyway, there was something to eat in their nests, so the four of them faced each other and the two squirrels squatted on the branch of a tree while watching each other.

Wen Xu was not so idle. After tidying up the small fish, he brought the basin into the pot house, started kneading the noodles, then fired the earthen stove, put oil in it, added dried chilies and some seasonings, and then poured the small fish into the pot. After repeated frying in the pot, add water and start cooking on high heat. After the soup in the pot boils, add garlic, soy sauce and other seasonings. At this time, spread reconciled noodles around the iron pot. Then cover the pot and turn on the fire.

After burning until the hot steam rises from around the lid of the pot, Wen Xu no longer adds firewood, and finishes the fire with the fire in the stove. Waiting for the steam to disappear between the gaps in the lid, a pot of farmhouse miscellaneous fish pot stickers is ready. up.

   "It's time to eat!"

  After setting up the chopsticks and getting everything ready, Wen Xu asked the four silly women who were guarding the peanuts under the tree to eat.

"Chef Wen, you must have been too sloppy today. I used to eat a few dishes, but today I just have this one!" As soon as Zhou Qian entered the room, she saw that there was only a pot of small miscellaneous fish on the pot. Plates or something, and this pot doesn't have much appearance. If you don't say anything else, there are broken or broken small fish in this big pot.

  Yang Han also said: "Chef Wen has been in the country for a long time, and he is not so particular about his cooking after he has been exposed to the rustic atmosphere? He doesn't have the exquisite sense of the past at all!"

   Wen Xu said: "Stop talking nonsense, eat and eat, this is a pure country dish, don't look at this little fish, it tastes fresh, be careful not to bite off your tongue!"

  Qu Yinger said: "I'm afraid of eating freshwater fish, it has too many thorns!"

"Eat and eat first, I haven't eaten yet, so many words!" Wen Xu motioned for the four of them to sit at the table, before the four of them sat down, he touched a piece of potsticker and took a bite in his hand. He picked up a small fish and put it in his mouth, chewing and swallowing the pot stickers without spitting out the thorns.

   "Yeah! That's the smell!" Wen Xu said happily.

   "This pancake is too tough, it's such a big piece, I'll be full after just one piece of pancake"

Zhuo Yiqing forked a piece of pancake with a wide top and a narrow bottom. Looking left and right, she found that the pancake was fully one centimeter thick, and about one-third of the bottom was covered with fish soup, and the pancake was brown-gray in color. , reminded Zhuo Yiqing of our hard struggle life in the Anti-Japanese War drama, let’s put it this way, pancakes don’t look so appetizing!

"I said Miss, you eat and watch, you think you are picky, then do you think I am picky when I eat? I said that the delicious food is right, especially the one with soup on the bottom, take a bite first and see." Look, if I don't taste good, you can put it aside, I can eat the rest!" Wen Xu raised his chopsticks and gestured to Zhuo Yiqing.

  Zhuo Yiqing listened to the gentle manner, opened the big pancake ten centimeters square with five hands, turned to the place where the soup was hung, and took a light bite.

"Yeah!" After taking a bite, a fresh scent rushed into his mouth together with the noodle scent, making his mouth salivate all of a sudden, the whole pancake was soaked with the fresh scent of river fish, and Zhuo Yiqing tasted it all at once. Mouth wide open.

Seeing Zhuo Yiqing's expression, the remaining three immediately grabbed one and started to eat. Soon, the four of them were holding pancakes in one hand and sticking out chopsticks in the other hand to hold the small fish into their mouths. Send it, and eat it with big mouthfuls.

"The pancakes hanging in the soup are the best..." Wen Xu just wanted to pass on his experience of eating pot stickers, when Zhuo Yiqing bit off a pancake hanging in the fish soup, and put the rest on the ground, Dong Liang In the food bowl, I just put it down on one side and picked up a pancake with fish soup on the other side.

  Zhuo Yiqing took the lead, and the remaining three were not stupid, so the four of them cut off the part soaked in the hanging fish soup and ate it, and put the rest back on the plate.

  Wen Xu ate two pancakes, and when he wanted to eat the third pancake, he found that there was no fish soup on the pancakes on the plate.

   Thumbs up to the four of them: "You four are really good!"

   Zhou Qian stretched out her hand and patted Wen Xu's shoulder: "Anyway, there are no outsiders, Chef Wen, yes!"

  Wen Xu looked at her, she felt like a junior high school hooligan molesting a female classmate for the first time, that kind of pretending to be strong but a little uneasy.

   shook off her hand on her shoulder, and said warmly: "Okay, pancakes are as delicious in soup! The essence of miscellaneous fish pot stickers is in this soup!"

   "We're full! I'll give you all the delicious food!"

  Wen Xu took a look at the pot, and found that almost all the small fish had been 'killed', leaving only some fish heads and tails and other offal, plus a large pot full of thick fish soup.

   Divided half of the fish soup and poured it into Dongliang's basin, and poured another half into the scum's basin. After soaking a piece of pancake with the rest, Wen Xu felt full.

After waiting for the meal, Wen Xu cleaned up and left the pot house. She was a little dumbfounded immediately. The four girls sat side by side under the jujube tree on a reclining chair. In front of each of them was a small pile of peanuts. A man wearing sunglasses sits cross-legged on a deck chair and looks up at two squirrels on a tree branch.

   "You also brought three reclining chairs?" Wen Xu asked the four of them: "Zhuo Yiqing, why can't you follow others and bring one too!"

   "I'll just grab yours, don't take it with you!" Zhuo Yiqing said confidently.

  Wen Xu choked on these words, and was stunned for a few seconds before saying: "You're ruthless!"

  Turning around and returning to the main room, moved a wooden chair and sat in the yard to digest food, picked up a novel and started reading, after reading a few chapters, I felt uncomfortable and missed my reclining chair very much.

The scum came back stealthily, stood at the door and looked up at the squirrel on the tree branch, then rushed into the pot house with his head shrunk, but today the devil was watching the four 'fools' under the tree and was in no mood to throw the scum, So the scum rarely returned to the pot house safe and sound, and ate his own meal happily.

  The only thing Wen Xu is satisfied with now is that his small courtyard has temporarily returned to quietness. Of course, it would be great if his reclining chair can be returned to his own ass, but although Wen Xu has a good idea, he also knows that it is not realistic.

   "Sister Yiqing, sister Yiqing!"

   After being quiet for less than half an hour, the voice of recruiting younger brothers came from the gate of the courtyard, not only recruiting younger brothers, but also welcoming younger brothers and taking care of younger brothers.

As soon as Zhuo Yiqing heard Zhaodi call her, she immediately turned up from the reclining chair: "Zhaodi, come in quickly, I've brought something!" After speaking, she ran into the house with Xiaopaoer, and took out a bag after a while. Pack something and send it to Yingdi's arms.

   "Sister Yiqing, I can't take it!" Brother Zhao immediately shied away when he saw the things and knew they were not cheap.

Wen Xu stretched out his head and took a look, and found that the four schoolbags were all of that brand. Although Zhuo Yiqing thought it was ordinary, it was something that Zhaodi couldn't even think about. Come on, what are you doing carrying such a good thing? And their conditions do not allow any extravagance.

   "Just take it for you, and tell me to take it when I get home!" Wen Xu saw that they were all schoolbags and stationery, Zhuo Yiqing didn't have a short-circuit in his brain and sent an LV or Prada, which is already very good.

  Brother Zhao looked at Wen Xu twice, but still didn't reach out to pick it up.

   "Your dad wants to say that you asked him to come to me, and I asked you to accept it," Wen Xu said again.

  Brother Zhao stretched out his hand to take the things, and said in a low voice, "Thank you!"

The remaining three probably have never seen such a big and young girl. When they were eight or nine years old, they probably didn't know how to take care of themselves, and they wouldn't carry their younger brother behind their backs, so they all felt that the girl recruiting younger brother was sensible. But it hurts, I never thought that this is a normal phenomenon in rural areas, especially in families with many children.

"Sister Yiqing, we are going to go up the mountain to pick mountain goods tomorrow. You said you wanted to go last time. I heard you came and ran over to ask if you want to go tomorrow. We will go in the morning and come back in the evening!" Zhaodi paused Only then did he explain his intention.

  Hearing about Jinshan, how could these four lively people let go, and they immediately responded with high emotions.

   "Go, why not! Hearing what you said, I can hardly bear it any longer." Zhuo Yiqing immediately said, "What do you want to bring?"

"You don't need to bring any of them, just bring your dog, a basket, and a sickle for digging. For seven or eight of us, just bring a pick. Besides, we don't have to go too far, so we just go up to the old grave." Son, if you can dig mountain mushrooms, you will be successful," Zhaodi said.

  Hearing that it wasn't far away, Zhou Qian's interest was halved immediately: "Why don't you go deeper, what's the fun in walking around!"

For them, they don't know the horror of the old forest at all, just like some 250 donkey friends who think that they can survive in the deserted barren hills after climbing a few scenic mountains and camping a few times, and they really go in I didn't even know the way to find it, so I was dumbfounded now, looking at the sky, I usually cry without a good voice.

  Wen Xu himself doesn't really want to enter the mountain now, but the situation doesn't allow it. I guess no one in the recruiting group has the ability to greet these four female Taisui, let alone let these four enter the mountain? Seeing a person who can stare at two squirrels for a long time, Wen Xu can't rest assured, he should go along by himself, don't go in four and come out one less, or it will be troublesome if there are broken legs and no feet.

   "I'll go tomorrow too, I haven't been to the mountains for a long time!" Wen Xu said.

   "Then it's settled, we'll leave at dawn tomorrow morning!" After Zhao brother finished speaking, he carried his brother on his back and pulled his little sister to turn around and leave the yard.

   Zhou Qian looked at the back of Zhaodi and sighed: "My cousin is older than her, and he is not as sensible as this little girl after he is in the first year of high school, hey!"

  Wen Xu really wants to say that you are not so sensible now! When the words came to his lips, he still held back and didn't spit them out. If it wasn't for that, he would definitely cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

Getting ready to enter the mountain, Wen Xu started to prepare. Naturally, Wen Xu didn't have to worry about water or anything. He could just raise his hand in the space. It wasn't possible for Lao Lin to kill Wen Xu. It was just some cover in the space. For example, if you get a big backpack or something, Wen Xu doesn’t plan to carry it by yourself. It will be easier to bring a big white bull with you. Of course, Dongliang is also indispensable. If you encounter a wild animal or something, you can deal with it .

Dogs alone are not enough, you don’t even want to see tigers and leopards in the woods, even bears have to meet great luck, the kind that smokes from ancestral graves, Wen Xu has only heard of it until now, never I have never seen it, not only Wen Xu, after the liberation, no one in the whole Wenjia Village has seen a crescent bear. Now there are many wild boars in the old forest. This thing is mentally ill. What happens if you meet four female nerves? Well, it's hard to say.