MTL - Shanwa Small Rich Farmers-Chapter 104 world

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  Wen Guangli heard that the group of kids were so enthusiastic, and felt a little bit like an old man talking about teenage madness. He put the things in his hand to the shore, untied the thick spring jacket on his body, and put it on the ground as well.

   "Okay, then let you little things see how we splashed fish in the past, you children are not as good as one generation after another."

  The men in the countryside are not muscular, but they have been under physical labor for many years. Although their bodies are a bit thin, they are not weak in their hands.

  Wearing only a Han shirt on his upper body, Wen Guangli walked to the opposite side of Wen Xu, and reached out to pick up the rope on the ground.


"Let's go!" Seeing Wen Guangli pick up the rope, Wen Xu suddenly seemed to have returned to his rambunctious youth time more than ten years ago. After drinking a drink, two uncles and nephews who were about the same age pulled the rope and began to swing the fence fight.

  It was a bit rusty at the beginning, but after ten or so strokes, the two slowly found the feeling, and cooperated seamlessly. The water scooped up each time was considerable, and the bucket was almost full of pond water every time.

  Every time, the onlookers next to Mandou cheered. The more Wen Wen and Wen Guangli played, the more proud they were. The louder the shouts on the shore, the more they wanted to show off.

   "Stop, I took off my coat." Wen Xu, sweating profusely, stopped Wen Guangli, and began to take off the coat on his body as he spoke, stripping himself like Wen Guangli, leaving only an undershirt.

   "Come on!" With a warm shout, the uncle and nephew began to show off again.

This is the combination of technology and the tacit cooperation between the two. Don't look at the water that is almost full of buckets every time, but the effort of the two is no more than the previous two and a half big kids, because when fighting, The bodies of both of them leaned backward almost at the same time, and the center of gravity moved directly to the back, relying on the weight of their own bodies to remove a large part of the weight of the fence and water.

In the eyes of the people on the shore, the movements of the two people are like mirror images, almost identical, the forward lean of the bucket and the backward tilt of the bucket, combined with the body without too much fat, it is quite eye-catching .

As the water in the pond becomes less and less, you may also see more and more fish turning up mud flowers, and the water in the mud dam will become more and more turbid, and the water in the mud dam will still be low enough Wen Nu and Wen Guangli stopped when they were on their calves. At this time, both of them were already dripping with sweat, and they couldn't stop panting and wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

  At this time, the older children who stayed on the shore immediately took off their shoes, rolled their trousers, rolled their trousers, jumped into the mud dam and started fishing.

At this time, the fish had nowhere to hide. As the old saying goes, it’s easy to fish in troubled waters. What’s more, the water is only up to the ankles, and seven or eight big kids are squatting in the pond. If there are still fish that can be missed, It can only be said that it should not die.

These big guys got into the mud, and after touching the fish, no matter how big or small they raised their hands, they threw it directly on the river bank. The onlookers were not in vain. They were responsible for picking up the fish on the bank and throwing them into small baskets. With such a division of labor and cooperation, soon the fish in the mud pond have been touched.

"How about it?"

"No, I'm still getting old. When I did this last time, I wasn't even married yet. Now my children are running around and I can't keep up physically. If it was at our time, don't say that It’s a bigger place, even if it’s doubled in size, we won’t have such a big pant after we’re done.” Wen Guangli panted, sighing the passage of time.

  Wen Xu knew that this guy was talking big. The pond he made before was bigger, but it wasn't much bigger, and he still had to pant after finishing it.

  Zhuo Yiqing and the other four followed the kids, standing on the bank, running left and right, picking up the fish thrown by others.

   As soon as Wen Xu looked up, he saw Zhou Qian holding a small crucian carp and said happily: "Look, I found a big one!"

  Before he finished speaking, he saw Yang Han picking up a carp that was twice the size in his hand, and the belly was still red. Not only was it bigger than the fish in his hand, but it was also more beautiful. This made Zhou Qian very unconvinced, looking for the big fish thrown up all over the field.

"What are these girls doing so silly!" Wen Guangli put on his gown at this time, and sat down on a handful of green grass on the bank, smoking a cigarette while looking at the busy people below, and saw the four girls picking up It was unbelievable that a fish could be thrown so happily.

   After watching for a while, Wen Guangli shook his head lightly: "The people in this city have never seen the world!"

  Wen Xu smiled and didn't answer the words. The two of them had a good time playing just now, let alone the few city girls who had never seen splashing fish.

  While waiting to see a group of grown-ups squeeze into the river one after another to wash off the mud on their hands and feet, Wen Xu knew it was time to count the fish.

   "What fish?"

"Five crucian carp shells that are one palm long, a dozen or so large loaches, three carp that weigh one or two catties, one scorpion (herring) that weighs about three catties, and the rest are small miscellaneous fish, about seven or eight. It looks like a catty!..." A big boy threw the fish basket into the river and complained, and when he lifted it up again, he reported to Wen Xu.

"Is there any small trevally?" Wen Xu didn't know what the scientific name of this fish was, but they were called small trevally in his hometown. The fish didn't grow very big, at most seven or eight centimeters in length, and the bones were soft enough to be stewed. There is no problem with direct smoking, and it is very convenient and delicious to eat.

   "Yes, it is the most"

  Hearing what the eldest child said, Wen Xu immediately said: "Pick out this little squid for me and see how many there are!"

   Immediately, a group of children started to get busy, and within two minutes, they picked out the little squid that Wen Xu wanted.

   A child looked at the basket and asked again: "Uncle, do you want needle-billed fish? There are quite a few here, and there are a few pounds!"

   "Yes, why not, put them all together!" Wen Xu nodded immediately when she heard that there was still this fish.

A group of Xiong Wazi put all the fish that Wen Xu asked for into a small fish basket, and put them in front of Wen Xu. Wen Xu took the fish basket here, then took out a big bill of 100 yuan from his wallet, and handed it to Xiong Wazi .

   "Uncle, how can I ask for your money!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll take it for you, and take my younger brothers and sisters to buy some stationery, candy, etc." Wen Nuan has the nerve to take the children's things for nothing. Although he also contributed, it is equivalent to taking a quarter of the money. It's nothing to pay for the catch.

  Xiong Wazi took the money with a smile: "Thank you uncle!"

  At this time, the big girl opened her mouth and asked, "Grandpa, when will your family steam bread? You always say that there is no movement yet!"

Although the younger children said they did their best and helped pick up the fish, they didn't get anything. The older children just took them to play, so even though Wen Xu gave them a hundred yuan, like the big girl, Ermaoya, including Yuanshan, Da Leizi, who have taken off their crotch pants for a few years, have no money or fish points. fish points.

  So, for little kids like big girls, the temptation of bread is far greater than money.

   "In a few days, when you Uncle Guangsheng and the others are done with their work, there will be a stove. What's the rush?" Wen Xu said as he lifted the basket and signaled Zhuo Yiqing to follow him into the car.

   "Uncle, let's go back to the village too!" Seeing that there was a car sitting, a kid shouted cleverly.

Wen Xu knew that they didn't go back to the village to go back to the village but to take the car, maybe these little guys would have to run out of their minds when they sat in the village, but they couldn't stop the children from getting on the car, so he said, "Who wants to go back to the village and get on the car! "

  Zhou Qian also likes to be lively, and she is not the kind of person who makes trouble. Seeing the children raised their hands, she said loudly: "Whoever gets in my car, there is food in my car!"

   Suddenly, a group of small faces turned to Zhou Qian.

   Just like that, three cars were full of children, but the second row of Wenxu's car was crowded with one adult and four children, and they were almost piled up.

Just like that, they returned to the village in such a crowded and noisy way, until they reached the gate of Wen Xu's house. There was really no way to take a car, so the group of children got out of the car, each holding some candy in their hands, and made some Candied fruit and the like, and then scattered, and in a blink of an eye, I didn't know where to go crazy.

"What to eat for lunch?"

  After entering the yard, the four girls all gathered next to Dongliang, stretched out their hands and scratched their heads, scratched their itches, and laid Dongliang down comfortably, with their belly soaring.

  Wen Xu shook the basket in his hand: "Today we will eat mixed fish pot stickers!"

After speaking, I went into the house and took out the basin, poured the fish in the basket into the basin and started to take care of the small fish. These small fish have no scales, even if they have scales, the small fish can't remove the scales, warm What can be done is to squeeze out the intestines and viscera of the fish from the squeezed fish stomach with hands, throw away the viscera, and then wash the small fish that have squeezed out the viscera and prepare it for cooking.

  After taking care of the third small fish, Wen Xu was startled by Qu Yinger's scream.

   "What a big squirrel!"

   With this roar, Wen Xu, who was unprepared, almost sat down on the ground in fright. Not only Wen Xu, but even the Demon King and his wife who came out to walk around were startled by the scream. The pine nuts held by the Demon King's wife fell directly and hit Wen Xu's head.

"so cute!"

The four women saw two squirrels on the tree, one black, one red, one big and one small, and they immediately became idiots. They threw down the pillars and surrounded the tree, looking up at the devil standing on the branch in a daze. couple.

The actions of the two women directly confused the two squirrels. The two stood on the branch for a long time without moving. They looked at the women under the tree in a daze, and thought to themselves: Where did these four come from? Mental illness!

   "Chef Wen, Chef Wen, does this belong to your family? Hurry up and let me pet it!" Zhou Qian's voice was full of excitement.

I have to say that the appearance of the Demon King is very deceptive. If you have not been thrown by it before, you will definitely be confused by its appearance. With its big fluffy tail, big eyes, and shiny black fur, it looks like a monster no matter how you look at it. The out-of-print cute thing, Q's hearts are almost melted.

But it is a violent person in essence. If you don’t believe me, just ask the scum. Since it moved out of the yard, the scum’s activity range has been greatly compressed, and it can only be active indoors. It turns out that the courtyard is lazy in the afternoon. Little Sunshine has bid farewell to the scum.

"I don't have this ability. There is a box of peanuts in the left wing of the house. You can put them on the ground and let them come and get them. But I warn you first. Don't rush to touch it. If you want to touch it, take your time. If you are in a hurry, Be careful that it throws you with peanuts, if nothing else, it's not a problem at all if it throws a black eye!" Wen Xu said.

   Before Wen Xu finished speaking, the four girls turned into four bolts of lightning and ran into the house to look for peanuts.

   Sighing softly, Wen Xu continued to clean up the small fish in her basin.

  As soon as the four girls left, the Demon King and his wife jumped down from the village and surrounded the basin with their two short paws holding the edge of the basin, looking out at the fish in the basin. Stretching his neck and smelling it, the smell of fish might have stuck to his beard, the devil stretched out his front paw and wiped his face.

   "Little squirrel, little squirrel!"

  The four girls who came out with peanuts in each hand went to the devil and got off the tree, and all of them bowed their waists, holding peanuts in their hands, and slowly moved forward, whispering about little squirrels while moving forward.

   The Demon King and his wife were frightened by these four people, their four calves trembled, and they quickly climbed up the tree.


   "Chef, help!"

Looking at the four of them, Wen Xu couldn't help but couldn't help crying: "How can I help? Look at the four of you, it's like devils entering the village, and you almost shouted at the fellow, we won't kill people, we won't rob flower girls, don't I’m afraid of talking about squirrels! You can’t calm down a bit, it’s just two squirrels, don’t be so new to the world!”