MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-v11 Chapter 49 finale fix

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  The demon owl lit up the emperor star on the altar, and became a veritable devil emperor in the demon world!

  The devil world is boiling.

Laughing and laughing everywhere, everyone was excited, Qin Luoyi couldn't help being happy for Mo Xiao, after the ceremony, there was a banquet in the palace, and even Linghua City had already prepared Fengshengbi's flowing water seats for those who came to watch the ceremony The monks carnival.

  During the banquet, Demon Xiao also seemed very happy, and he almost never refused the toasts from everyone. Besides the Four Demon Kings, there was also the beautiful woman in yellow who accompanied him.

   "I didn't expect to see Miss Sang today. Miss Sang happened to be in time for His Majesty to light up the Emperor Star. Calculating the time, it seems that I haven't seen her for nearly 200,000 years."

   "Yes, I heard that she was in seclusion before, but I didn't expect that this seclusion lasted nearly 200,000 years. Before she retreated, she was at the level of a mysterious demon. I'm afraid her current level of cultivation is also terrifying."

"At least it's the great devil who has cultivated. Miss Sang has a special physique. She was seriously injured before, and her aptitude is very good, but she can't cultivate too fast. I also heard that the place where she practiced and retreated was found by His Majesty himself. I have personally blessed many formations and barriers, except for Your Majesty, no one knows where Miss Sang is retreating."

"Your Majesty is really kind to Miss Sang. I think back then, he traveled all over the three worlds to heal her, just to find those top-level healing medicines. As long as any priceless medicine is available, he will do it for her at any cost. Miss Sang came here, and at that time we in the devil world were guessing that after Miss Sang recovered from her injury, His Majesty would definitely double cultivate with Miss Sang."

"Yeah, I also thought that His Majesty would double cultivate with Miss Sang. I didn't expect that Miss Sang had completely disappeared since then. I thought something happened to Miss Sang... Haha, it seems that I was worrying too much. Your Majesty is here , how could something happen to Miss Sang." [

   "Your Majesty, it is impossible for Miss Sang to have an accident!"

   "Haha, I was wrong. Seeing Miss Sang's current state, she has no injuries at all. I think His Majesty has not only healed her injuries, but also completely improved her physique."

   "It seems that our Demon Realm not only has a Demon Emperor now, but soon there may be another Demon Queen."

   "Your Majesty will really double cultivate with Miss Sang? Who is Miss Sang? Your Majesty was really kind to her before? Did you treat Miss Qin? Didn't it be said that Miss Qin would double cultivate with Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty is very kind to Miss Qin, but... I think it was a misrepresentation that she and Miss Qin would have a double cultivation. Isn't Miss Qin already married? Looking at you like this, you know that you are still very young, so there is nothing to talk about." One hundred thousand years, I must have never seen Miss Sang before, let me tell you, Miss Sang and His Majesty used to..."


  Qin Luoyi stood on the edge of the rockery outside the Jiuzhong Hall, and saw two intimate figures walking towards her in the distance.

  There was a lot of discussion in Linghua City. She had heard a lot during the two hours since she came to the Demon Realm. Although she hadn't seen what happened to Mo Xiao and Miss Sang with her own eyes, she was already familiar with it.

  The two intimate figures were Mo Xiao and the woman in yellow, Miss Sang. Miss Sang put her hand on Mo Xiao's arm, and they walked and talked with a very intimate expression.

  Qin Luoyi pursed his thin lips.

   Seeing the two figures getting closer, but they didn't avoid them, they just stood there quietly and turned around the rockery, because she was standing right behind the rockery, Mo Xiao and the two also saw her.

Mo Xiao paused, the smile on his face faded, and then he walked towards her again. Before Mo Xiao could speak, the eyes of the woman beside him lit up, and she looked at her with a smile and said, "Qin Girl...why are you here alone?"

  The two had already known each other at the banquet. Qin Luoyi had been surrounded by several handsome men, each of whom was extraordinary.

   "Miss Sang!"

  Qin Luoyi nodded at her with a faint smile, his eyes were as usual, neither alienated nor intimate, and nodded at Mo Xiao to say hello. [

   Mo Xiao looked at the extremely indifferent gaze on her face, and a gloom filled his heart. He only glanced at her, and then his eyes fell on the woman in yellow, with a soft light in his eyes.

  Qin Luoyi's heart ached.

Miss Sang seemed to be very interested in Qin Luoyi, and didn't seem to mind that Qin Luoyi didn't answer her question. Seeing that Xuanyuanqing and the others were not around, she let go of Mo Xiao's hand, and walked towards her with a smile: "When I came out of closed-door training, Miss Qin was the one I heard the most. It's a pity that I have been in closed-door training, and I only got out of it more than half a month ago. I missed the great fight between you and the big devil Mo Chen... Chen is not a good thing, I almost died at his hands back then, you and Your Majesty finally killed him, it's really great!"

   While talking, he was about to come to hold Qin Luoyi's arm. Qin Luoyi's body moved slightly, and he avoided it without a trace.

   Miss Sang took a break.

  Mo Xiao's face darkened, and he clenched his hands hanging by his sides. His expression was even more obviously displeased.

  Qin Luoyi didn't want to see the two of them flirting with each other, so he said a few words and found an excuse and left quickly. Mo Xiao stared at the direction she was leaving, and his expression became even colder.

   "Don't look, everyone is gone!" Standing beside him, Miss Sang couldn't help laughing out loud when she saw him like that. Mo Xiao withdrew his gaze and glared at her, but the disappointment in his eyes could not be concealed.

Without saying a word, she raised her feet and walked forward. The speed was a bit fast. Miss Sang couldn't catch up, so she had to use her spiritual power to catch up with him. Her dark eyes rolled: "Hey, I think she Doesn't seem to like me."

Mo Xiao paused slightly at his feet, then continued to walk forward with an expression on his face, but muttered in his mouth: "She doesn't like me very much." He has always been pestering her. They didn't take the initiative to say a word to him.

  When he said he liked him, he was the one who resorted to tricks, especially when the two of them had a strong love for each other...Qin Luoyi was teased by him, saying that he liked him, while staring at him with those phoenix eyes.

Miss Sang looked at him like that, couldn't help but sneered again, and squinted at him: "Tsk, our Demon Emperor has so little confidence in himself? Let me tell you, she not only doesn't like me, but also rejects me." , hehe, I think she is still jealous of me!"

   With a determined look on his face.

   Mo Xiao's heart skipped a beat, and he finally stopped, looking at her with beautiful eyes, his eyes were amazingly bright: "Jealous...why didn't I see it?"

   It's not that he doesn't have confidence in himself, he was also very confident in the first place! But now, hey, it doesn't matter if I don't talk about it.

   And jealous... It's not like he hasn't seen a woman jealous before, Qin Luoyi did what he did just now, how could he show jealousy?

   "Of course you can't see it, that's my intuition!" Miss Sang winked at him and smiled like a fox.

  Mo Xiao's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, and he looked thoughtful. After a few inhalations, his eyes lit up, and his face looked much better than before.

   "If you don't believe me, you want to see her jealous... Actually, I can help you." Miss Sang leaned close to him, looking at him with a half-smile.

   "No need!" Mo Xiao immediately came back to his senses, and glared at her: "You are not allowed to mess around." He was really afraid that the more she helped, the more she would help.

  Miss Sang's face collapsed.

  Mo Xiao looked at her like that, but smiled, raised his hand to stroke her head, his eyes were full of doting.

   "Don't rub my hair!" He slapped Mo Xiao's hand away vigorously.

Mo Xiao shook his head, raised his head and was about to walk forward, but saw Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian standing in the distance looking at them, seeing him looking up, Qin Luoyi quickly looked away, Mo Xiao thought The jealousy I mentioned just now, I couldn't help but walked towards her.


Before he approached Qin Luoyi, there was a sudden booming sound in the sky. The sound was like thunder, sweeping from the depths of the void, making the entire upper realm seem to be It trembled violently.

  The sky, which was originally bright and sunny, suddenly became gray, and the sun disappeared, with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the howling wind.

All kinds of forces surged up, forming countless terrifying tornadoes and vortices, and the void was quickly torn into several pieces, forming several huge void cracks, but in an instant, many monks were destroyed by those tornadoes. Devoured by void cracks.

   "Heaven, it's the torrent of time and space!"

   "The torrent of time and space broke out, run!"


  Exhausted turbulence surged out from the torn void, forming a huge ocean wave in a distant place. Wherever it passed, life was swallowed up, not even bones left! This change came suddenly, and many people were swallowed by the torrent of time and space before they came back to their senses.

  The torrent of time and space will erupt every hundreds of thousands of years, and the interval between each eruption is irregular and unpredictable, and each eruption is a huge and cruel catastrophe to the upper realm.

   Many monks from the upper realm died in the torrent of time and space!

  Looking at the sudden change of the situation in the sky, Qin Luoyi's expression was unusually dignified. Today was originally the day when the demon lord ascended to the throne, but unexpectedly, such a thing happened.

As for the time-space torrent, the most terrifying disaster in the upper realm, although she has not encountered it yet, she has heard it mentioned by Xuanyuanqing and Mo Xiao, and Xuanyuanqing also said that the eruption of the time-space torrent is only in the last two million years In fact, the void of the upper realm two million years ago was actually very stable, and the torrent of time had never happened.

  If the torrent of time and space is allowed to rage, it can be predicted that everything in the world will wither, and the destruction of the universe seems to be in sight.

Qin Luoyi could even see the desperation flashing in the eyes of the monks around the torrent of time and space. The torrent of time and space appeared too suddenly, too terrifying, and at an extremely fast speed. You can retreat, you can escape, the only thing waiting for them is to be swallowed by love!

  Crying, screaming, desperate roaring...screaming and angry, resounding between heaven and earth. Just as the storm rose and the roaring torrent of time and space erupted, a white figure soared into the sky, standing firmly between the sky and the earth.

Wisps of powerful and bright fairy light flew out from his crystal-like jade fingers, and his black hair fluttered in the wind. The laws of the immortal way were dazzling and radiant, condensing into a huge sky net, heading towards the broken void Going away, the rushing torrent of time and space was blocked by this, and it slowed down instantly.

   "It's King Xuanyuan!"

  Because of King Xuanyuan's attack, the torrent of time and space slowed down a lot. Many monks who thought they were doomed miraculously survived. They immediately left the most dangerous place and looked at the white figure excitedly.

Immediately after King Xuanyuan charged into the void, there was Mo Xiao who had just lit up the Emperor Star. He also wove a powerful sky net and headed towards the void. He joined hands with Xuanyuan Qing to repair the void. It is a stagnation.

  Qin Luoyi felt a little relieved.

Seeing that Mo Xiao and Xuanyuan Qing were enough to deal with it, she didn't make a move for the time being, but her pitch-black phoenix eyes peered into the raging black depths through the cracked gap in the space, and her spiritual consciousness continued to penetrate deeply. She wanted to know, What is it that suddenly triggered this terrifying torrent of time and space.

The fairy light and magic light in the hands of Xuanyuanqing and Mo Xiao all hit the sky net, making that sky net more and more tenacious. Feng Feili also jumped into the void, and the three of them kept talking. Hands, hand kept, eyes are all looking towards the depths of the broken void.

   "Ah, the torrent of time and space is coming again!"

Suddenly, in a far away place, there was another shrill scream. Seeing that several ruptured voids have been successfully blocked by the Skynet, the place that was originally peaceful, suddenly changed, and several roads appeared again. Huge space cracks and terrifying time-space turbulence poured out from the void again, and countless creatures were sucked in in an instant.

"how so?"

   "Heaven, is our Upper Realm about to be destroyed in the turbulence of time and space today?"

   "Why...why is our current space so unstable, there will be space-time turbulence!"

Xuanyuanqing, Mo Xiao, and Feng Feili joined forces, and the speed at which the time-space torrent was blocked was incomparable when the time-space turbulence broke out before. Everyone was happy at first, but now they saw another space rupture, and compared to In the beginning, the space-time turbulence was even more terrifying and huge, and I couldn't help feeling desperate again.

People in the upper realm will live forever unless they are killed or their lives are taken during the thunder disaster. This is not the first time for many people to experience this space-time torrent storm, but there has never been such a severe time-space torrent before. After the previous eruption, if the void was repaired, it would never be broken through again. How could it last for hundreds of thousands of years? I didn't expect that it was blocked now, and the void was broken through from other places.

   This is something that has never been done before!

Qin Luoyi pursed the corners of his lips, shot out of his body, and stood on the void in an instant. Like her, there were also Chu Yifeng, King Guyue and other kings and powerhouses of the three realms of monsters and immortals. They went up against the strong wind, stood apart on the void, mobilized the power of heaven and earth, and helped Xuanyuan Qing and the others seal the void again, and Xuanyuan Qing's sky net was still expanding due to the enlargement of the void rupture.

  After standing on the void for a while, Qin Luoyi inexplicably felt that there was a strange attraction for her in the depths of the ruptured void, and the Hunyuan Dzi in her body even jumped slightly.

While she was driving a series of powerful forces into the sky net, she continued to let go of her spiritual sense to probe inside, and the inside was filled with turbulent currents. The deeper her spiritual sense penetrated, the more terrifying aura became. Spiritual consciousness was crushed and pulled by the turbulent current, causing dull pain.

  But that inexplicable attraction kept pulling her consciousness towards the depths of the turbulent void, and after a long time, she actually vaguely saw a very vague and slender figure.

  Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank suddenly.

  My heart jumped wildly.

She carefully stopped approaching, but withdrew her divine sense, stepped back and looked at Xuanyuanqing, and was about to transmit sound to Xuanyuanqing and everyone in the air, when a huge gap in time and space suddenly opened on the top of her head, terrifying Turbulent currents swept towards her.


The closest ones to her are Chu Yifeng and Qin Tian. Although they are also helping to maintain the Skynet, their cultivation is not as good as Xuanyuanqing and Qin Luoyi's. They paid more attention to the surroundings, especially Qin Luoyi, and the two stood around Qin Luoyi, one on the left and the other on the right. Seeing that Qin Luoyi was about to be swallowed by the turbulent flow of time and space, the two of them immediately discovered , his eyes were red in an instant, and with a roar, he rushed towards her.

Feng Feili is not far away from them. In fact, Qin Luoyi thought that Feng Feili's cultivation base was weaker than Xuanyuanqing and Mo Xiao's, so he deliberately stood near him, seeing that Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng would also Being involved, Feng Feili yelled, "Don't go!"

Two powerful forces rushed towards the two of them, wrapped them up and threw them to a safe place, while he himself rushed towards Qin Luoyi, trying to hold her hand, but time and space were turbulent. It was too terrifying, not only did he not hold Qin Luoyi, but he was also swept in by the turbulence of time and space, and both of them disappeared in an instant.

  The two roars of Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng resounded between the heaven and the earth, such a sudden change, no one expected that the space would rupture again, and Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili were involved.

But after the two of them were involved, the torrent of time and space disappeared automatically in an instant, and there was no space-time crack in the sky anymore. Mo Xiao's face was ashen, and he stepped over, directly tearing the void in the direction where Qin Luoyi disappeared, jumped in.

  Xuanyuanqing also rushed over, his eyes were fierce, and he tore the void and jumped in without saying a word.

Qin Luoyi, who was caught in the torrent of time and space, immediately added a powerful defense on her body, but even so, she felt that the turbulent and terrifying energy seemed to crush her, and her heart was even more It was very stuffy, and when Chu Chu fell into it, he couldn't open his eyes in it, and could only perceive everything around him with his spiritual sense.

  Her hand was pulled tightly.

  She knew it was Feng Feili.

  When she was swept in by the torrent of time and space, Feng Feili rushed over and grabbed her. Also got involved with her.

Feng Feili also added a powerful defense on her body, and the hands of the two were almost separated by the torrent of time and space several times, but both of them knew that if they were really washed away, they might never find each other again, so the two Everyone reluctantly held hands tightly, and then Feng Feili seized a rare opportunity and threw himself at Qin Luoyi's side. The two hugged each other tightly, and he strengthened his defense to the fullest. on two people.

Qin Luoyi felt that the pressure had eased a lot, and she was finally able to open her eyes. She looked at Feng Feili, and Feng Feili looked at her with bright peach eyes: "Luoyi, hold me tight, let's find a chance to go out slowly .”

The turbulent flow of time and space is the turbulent flow formed by the continuous and rapid interlacing of time and space. Even if you go out, you don't know where you will go. Qin Luoyi's eyes dimmed, but he smiled and said: "Okay." She also hugged him tighter.

  Many thoughts flashed through my mind instantly.

It is said that the torrent of time and space is a catastrophe in the upper realm. The figure she saw before was clearly standing in the deepest part of the torrent of time and space. Qin Luoyi vaguely guessed that the outbreak of the torrent of time and space might have something to do with that person, not the so-called natural disasters and catastrophes.

  She told Feng Feili what she saw before through sound transmission, Feng Feili's eyes flashed, she didn't speak, but hugged her even tighter. I wondered in my heart where that person was hiding. It seemed that the danger here was not only the turbulent flow of time and space, but also the figure hiding in the dark.

Both of them have a tacit understanding, and they must quickly leave the turbulent flow of time and space. They are constantly ups and downs in the turbulent flow. Apart from the two of them, there is no one around, except for Feng Feili. Some monks were also involved, but those monks had turned into blood mist in an instant after being involved.

Knowing that Feng Feili's cultivation was similar to hers, Feng Feili blessed the barrier to cover the two of them. She knew that she would have to bear a terrifying force, so she naturally didn't want to just hide behind Feng Feili's body. Under the wings, thinking of the heaven-defying bracelet that covers the sky, with a thought, he quickly moved Feng Feili and himself into the space of the bracelet.

  The pressure on the two of them was instantly relieved. They looked at each other and smiled, and then put their consciousness outside the sky-shading bracelet, paying close attention to the situation outside, and constantly looking for opportunities to escape from the torrent of time and space. , is also safer than staying here.

"I didn't expect that you not only have the Hunyuan Dzi Bead on you, but also this heaven-defying bracelet." An ethereal but extremely cold voice appeared in their ears, and the two of them shuddered at the same time, but they didn't see anyone around. silhouette.

   "Who are you?" Qin Luoyi shouted coldly. The voice came from the space of the bracelet, like jade and stone hitting each other, it was extremely cold.

"Oh, you don't need to know who I am. Anyway, you will be dead soon, and your soul will be swallowed by me. It's useless to know more." The strange voice came again, and the voice was even more ethereal and indifferent: " Although this bracelet is against the sky, it cannot save your lives...haha!"

  The sound gradually faded away.

However, the torrent of time and space surrounding the bracelet became even more riotous. The powerful and terrifying force kept crushing and tearing the bracelet, and the sky-shading bracelet trembled. There was a powerful defense on it, but the time and space torrent of the riot was too terrifying, and the power they added was quickly torn away, and soon even cracks began to appear in the sky-shading bracelet.

  Feng Feili tightly held Qin Luoyi's hand.


After a crisp sound, the space of the bracelet exploded violently and turned into fragments. Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili were exposed, but both of them had been prepared for a long time, and they blessed their bodies with powerful barriers. Standing side by side, the moment the space of the bracelet burst open, the two rushed straight to the east.

  A black figure was hidden in the torrent of time and space, Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili quickly rushed in front of him, powerful and terrifying forces poured out, and they all attacked that figure.

   "Hmph, the divine sense is really strong enough, and you can use the Hunyuan Dzi to sense my existence. You are better than that Jin Ruihuang." Jin Ruihuang has never been able to sense his existence.

  The black figure's mouth curled up. People who can sense his existence naturally cannot stay, which will be a powerful threat to him.

When Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili rushed over, his eyes were also full of murderous intent. While continuing to maintain the space-time torrent riot in the space, a strange green light appeared on his body, and he went towards Feng Feili, and His figure rushed towards Qin Luoyi.

   "Go to hell, you guys!"

  He laughed maniacally, and the ink-colored skirt danced wildly in the torrent of time and space, obviously wanting to kill Qin Luoyi first. Kill Feng Feili again.

Feng Feili smiled coldly, his body was full of purple light, and his radiance was brilliant. He raised his slender fingers like jade, and met the green light head-on. With a bang, the green light was scattered, and his figure flew away instantly. When he arrived at Qin Luoyi's side, he joined hands with Qin Luoyi.





In the terrifying torrent of time and space, the sound of fierce fighting can be heard endlessly. Although Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili had to allocate a large part to bless the defensive enchantment on their bodies, at this time, the two men were full of murderous intent and full of potential. One, they didn't fall behind, but gradually gained some advantages.

  The man in black was furious.

  Looking at the distance, he snorted coldly: "In this torrent of time and space is my world, let's see how long you can hold on!"

  As soon as the voice fell, the body quickly disappeared. In this torrent of time and space, his movements seemed to be unaffected at all. Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili glanced at each other, but did not catch up. The man in black clothes left. At this moment, the two realized that their bodies had lost their strength. Qin Luoyi looked into the distance, and a silver figure quickly flew over.

  The look in Qin Luoyi's eyes was very complicated.

   Like joy, but also like blame.

   In the blink of an eye, that figure was in front of the two of them, and it was Mo Xiao. Seeing that both of them were fine, Mo Xiao relaxed and smiled, then took a deep look at Feng Feili.

  He could faintly feel the fight just now in the distance. If Feng Feili and Qin Luoyi hadn't come in together, Qin Luoyi would definitely not be the opponent of the mysterious person in this torrent of time and space.

   "Go, I'll take you out! Don't stay here for long."

   "Can you go out?" Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up.

  Mo Xiao nodded.

"Very good."

Qin Luoyi's heart relaxed, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and he took Feng Feili's hand. In the previous battle, Feng Feili had been hit by the man in black in order to protect her. At the end of the day, Mo Xiao also noticed it, so he walked silently to the side, didn't say much, and specially blessed another barrier on the three of them.

The three of them quickly went in the direction where Mo Xiao came. Mo Xiao kept figuring out what to do while flying, and after flying for nearly a stick of incense, he stopped and turned to look at Qin Luoyi and Feng Fei Li: "The time and space here are extremely chaotic. If you are not careful, you will be lost in time and space. Both of you will enter the bracelet space and go out with me."

   "The bracelet is broken." Feng Feili sighed.

  Mo Xiao's face changed, and he looked at Qin Luoyi's wrist. Although the bracelet was separated by the sleeve, there was no trace of the bracelet. A gloomy look flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the two of them without speaking.

"The torrent of time and space is too powerful, and the person who manipulates the torrent of time and space is also very strange." Qin Luoyi said, in fact, it's all about cultivation, that person's cultivation is not as good as hers, but he is too good at manipulating the turbulent flow of time and space: "Without the bracelet, the three of us have to tighten up."

  The most important thing now is to get out of here quickly. Feng Feili's expression was already very pale. The healing pill she gave him didn't seem to have any effect. Although the defensive barrier outside the body was also blessed by the demon owl, that powerful force still had an effect on them. If this continues, something will happen.

"Without the bracelet, I can only take one person away. If I take two people, the three of us will be crushed into powder by the turbulence of time and space!" Mo Xiao looked at the two of them and said slowly: "Besides, we have to enter the torrent of time and space again." Waiting to find this place will delay at least half an hour!"

   Now it was Qin Luoyi's turn to change expression.

   "Take Luoyi away!" Feng Feili pursed her lips, Taohua's eyes were full of seriousness, he stared at Mo Xiao, and thrust Qin Luoyi into his arms: "Take her away!"

   "No!" Qin Luoyi shook his head, turned around and held Feng Feili's hand tightly: "You go first!"

  Feng Feili's body was seriously injured, how could he hold on for more than half an hour, maybe as soon as they left, that weird black-clothed man would immediately turn around, why would he wait for the demon owl to come to rescue him again.

"You go first! Luoyi, be obedient!" Feng Feili spoke again, looking at her with peach blossom eyes, her voice was cold and stern: "I'll wait here." Putting aside Qin Luoyi's words fiercely hand, and put her into Mo Xiao's arms again.


  Mo Xiao took advantage of the situation and grabbed Qin Luoyi's hand.

  Qin Luoyi's eyes glistened with tears. If she really left first, Feng Feili would be left alone, and this life would be a farewell. How could she just leave him when she left? Looking at Feng Feili, she felt a pain like a knife in her heart.

   "You were injured so badly, yet you still let me go first... You might as well kill me with a knife first!" Qin Luoyi growled at him. In just this moment, Feng Feili's face became even paler. It hurt her heart to see it.

Feng Feili didn't look at him, he only looked at Xiang Moxiao: "Take her out, the two of you are the contracted ones, protect her well." Seeing that Mo Xiao didn't leave, he reminded Mo Xiao coldly. owl.

  Qin Luoyi is dead, and he will not survive!

Mo Xiao looked at him with deep eyes, and the eyes of the two intersected in the air, crackling, as if bursting into flames, Qin Luoyi held Feng Feili tightly with the other hand and did not let go: "You go first, okay? "

  Mo Xiao looked at Qin Luoyi again, and suddenly smiled.

Turning around and no longer looking at the two of them, mobilizing the Heavenly Demon Dafa and God-attracting Art in his body, the whole body suddenly emitted a golden light, he raised his hand and squeezed out the hand formula in the air, and dazzling golden lights shot out from his hand It came out and intertwined into complex runes in the air.

   After a while, the turbulent flow of time and space around seemed to be frozen, no longer surging randomly, let alone crushing and tearing relentlessly, a small black vortex gradually emerged.

After the whirlpool gradually stabilized, Mo Xiao turned around, and without looking at Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili's expressions, he directly separated the hands of the two of them, pulling one at the other, and pulled them to the front of the whirlpool , and deliberately added a thick-to-heavy defensive barrier on Feng Feili's body.

   "Mo Xiao, what are you going to do!" Feng Feili looked at him viciously: "Take your clothes and go!"

   Mo Xiao's men paused, but still didn't make a sound, and then pointed him at the whirlpool. Feng Feili was pushed in without any resistance, and roared angrily: "Mo Xiao! You bastard!"

"You go first, I'll stay with Yi'er." Mo Xiao's expression on his face, watching the vortex disappear quickly, then turned to look at Qin Luoyi who was staring at him in a daze, smiled slightly, and then transmitted the sound Entering the secret way: "I'm tired, I need to meditate to restore my cultivation, you help me protect the law."

  As soon as the voice fell, he sat down cross-legged regardless.

Qin Luoyi bent his lips, nodded and said: "Okay." Seeing that the tip of his nose was dripping with sweat, he knew that it would not be easy for him to send Feng Feili back. He grabbed all the medicines and gave them to him, even the Hunyuan Dzi.

Mo Xiao glanced at her, did not refuse, ate all the pills, and the Hunyuan Dzi was also sucked into his body, then closed his eyes again, Qin Luoyi sat opposite him, and Feng Feili just left Although the vortex disappeared, the demon lords around him seemed to have set up a formation, which could temporarily not be affected by the turbulent flow of time and space.

Looking at Mo Xiao's slightly pale handsome face, Qin Luoyi felt mixed emotions in her heart. She knew that asking him to send Feng Feili away first was because she was selfish and wanted to protect Feng Feili, but... she never thought that Mo Xiao would agree to her. Selfish request, and finally chose to stay with her.

   Feeling guilt and joy in my heart.

  Chu Yifeng, Qin Tian, ​​Jian Yuyan, Duanmu Changqing... and the kings and powerhouses of the three worlds of monsters and immortals looked at the direction where Qin Luoyi was swallowed just now. No one spoke, and everyone looked dignified.

Ever since I met Qin Luoyi, I knew that Qin Luoyi had already advanced to the rank of Great Demon King, and his cultivation was even higher than his own, so there was no need for them to follow Dahei and Heidi to protect him. They ran and searched for treasures everywhere, because Mo Xiao ascended the throne as the Devil Emperor, they came to Linghua City in order to see the Emperor Star, and they knew that Qin Luoyi would definitely come.

   Unexpectedly, they encountered the celestial catastrophe of the torrent of time and space.

   They and Chu Yifeng tore through the void to find it, while Xuehu was left behind, but the void was calm, where there was no space-time torrent, and where were Qin Luoyi and the others.

   Unable to find anyone, they had to wait quietly for a miracle to appear here.

  These people all know that Xuehu and Dahei are Qin Luoyi's contracted beasts. They are fine, which means that Qin Luoyi is fine. This is why Chu Yifeng and the others wait here silently even though their hearts ache.

Also, Mo Xiao and Xuanyuan Qing have both gone. With their cultivation base, they should have great confidence in rescuing Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili. There are no figures of the two of them in the void. They should follow the time and space. The torrent has gone, unlike them, they can't even find the shadow of the torrent of time and space.


   King Guyue and other kings of the demon world and the kings of the fairy world also looked anxious, but they clenched their fists tightly and did not make a sound.

  After half an hour, the space in front of them suddenly became turbulent. Everyone's expressions turned serious, and they stared intently at the turbulent space... Soon, a black vortex appeared in the air, and a figure quickly fell out of it.

   "Flying Phoenix!"

  Chu Yifeng and the others looked bright, and rushed over, looking at him with burning eyes. After Feng Feili fell out of the black vortex, the black vortex disappeared quickly.

  Feng Feili staggered, and then stood firm.

   "Brother, you're fine, that's great. Where's Luoyi? Didn't you see Luoyi?" Duanmu Changqing looked at him expectantly, seeing his pale face, he stretched out his hand to support him.

  Jian Yuyan also reached out to support him.

  Feng Xili didn't look at them, but only looked at the direction she came out just now, with a sad and angry expression, but she pursed her lips tightly and didn't speak.

"Brother, didn't you see Luoyi?" Duanmu Changqing's face gradually changed, and there was a tremor in his voice unconsciously. Feng Feili was the first to go in. They also saw that he pulled Luoyi hands up.

  Dahei and Xuehu are fine, which means she is fine now, but... where did she go when she was fine, she was left alone, in the torrent of time and space, he felt very sad when he thought about it.

   "Young Master Feng, have you seen our Majesty?"

   "See if King Xuanyuan..."


   Facing everyone's expectant and disappointed eyes, Feng Feili finally withdrew her gaze, and said in a hoarse voice: "I didn't see King Xuanyuan, but I saw Demon Xiao. I've been with Luoyi all this time..."

Hearing what he said, Miss Sang, who had always been expressionless, burst into tears and cried bitterly, muttering: "This is not the first time he has entered the turbulent flow of time and space, last time he also made a passage to , came out by himself, but... For half a month, his cultivation was not as good as that of a demon king! At that time, I never heard him say that there was a mysterious person stalking him, but he just created a passage, which almost exhausted his cultivation base..."

   King Guyue and the other four demon kings changed their expressions drastically when they heard the words.

  They didn't know about it.

   "Devil Xiao!" Feng Feili gritted his teeth and said these two words, his whole body fell down, and he fell to the ground, completely passed out. Dahei and Heidi leaned over and let him fall on top of them.

   Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng were stunned for a long time. Then the space of the heaven-defying bracelet has been broken, and if the person inside takes advantage of the situation to come out, Mo Xiao will not have the power to fight, Luo Yi...the two of them are a natal contract! No matter who has something to do, the other cannot escape.

  Ouyang Ling and the others fell silent.

  Northern Pluto couldn't help it anymore, glanced at Feng Feili, muttered in his mouth, with warm eyes: "Your Majesty!" Knowing that the demon owl is probably in danger at this time.

They knew that Mo Xiao liked Qin Luoyi, but they didn't expect him to like Qin Luoyi so much that he put himself in danger, even his life. He had no power to protect himself, even if Qin Luoyi's cultivation was not damaged, he could only care about it How could I still take care of him!

   King Guyue and other people from the demon world also looked sad. If they didn't know that it was useless to break in, they would have already broken in again... Seeing the sad expressions of everyone in the Demon Realm, how could Dahei not know what they were thinking?

   "Your Majesty Demon Xiao and my master, they are a contract of life and death, and if any one of them has an accident, the other will not be able to live alone!"

  Miss Sang turned her head abruptly and stared at him.

  Everyone in the Demon Realm also turned their heads to look at him, and looked at them with a **** face. The light in Miss Sang's eyes flickered: "What you said, is it true?"

  Da Hei rolled his eyes at her, glanced at Feng Feili, who was still unconscious, and Chu Yifeng, who looked ugly: "What do you think?" He chatted so much, and he still joked with her at this time?

  Qin Luoyi's premonition came true.

   Mo Xiao didn't meditate for a while, when the nasty black-clad man came, circled around the barrier Mo Xiao had set up twice, and soon started to attack.

Even though Qin Luoyi tried his best to protect him, the formation only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour. Although the man in black's cultivation base was not high, the turbulent flow of space was under his control at that time, and the attack power was too amazing. .

  After the formation was broken, Qin Luoyi stood tightly on the body of the devil to protect him, and sacrificed the vase of the Dao, but the vase of the Dao couldn't hold on for a while, and it still broke.

   Soon, Qin Luoyi's usable magic weapon was completely destroyed. Because she wanted to protect Mo Xiao who was lucky, the Hunyuan Dzi in her body was given to Mo Xiao, and the elixir was also given to Mo Xiao. In the torrent of time and space, her cultivation was only depleted but not supplemented, and she soon became weak in follow-up. Beads of sweat glistened on his face, and his face was a little pale.

   "Haha!" The man in black ink had a smug look in his eyes, "I'll see how long you can hold on!" He attacked Qin Luoyi fiercely again.

However, Mo Xiao opened his eyes at that time, his eyes shone with an extremely cold light, a powerful aura shot out from his body, and he blocked the palm that was about to fall on Qin Luoyi's body down.



Mo Xiao was fine, but the man in black yelled wildly, and quickly backed away. Mo Xiao coldly opened his eyes and watched him run away quickly, then his body softened, and the blood from the corners of his lips gushed out even more violently. And his hands were trembling at this moment.

   "The Demon Owl! The Demon Owl!"

Qin Luoyi's tears fell down like a kite with a broken string. In order to avoid the escaped man in black falling back and seeing something wrong, she resisted wiping his blood with her hand and handkerchief, and instead used spells to give him blood. Quick clean up.

  She still doesn't understand why Mo Xiao sent Feng Feili just now, it's not because the power in her body is seriously's very serious.

The palm that Mo Xiao blocked for her was obviously seriously injured. The two had a natal contract. At this time, Mo Xiao's cultivation was not enough to cover up his injuries. She could even feel the pain on his body. feel.

   "The devil, the devil..."

Seeing her face full of guilt, distressed and uncomfortable, Mo Xiao held her hand and said softly: "Luo Yi, don't be sad, don't cry... don't put your feelings on me, being by your side, We are just like this together, I am very happy and very happy."

  He knew that Qin Luoyi could feel the pain in his body. It's just that even if it's death, he still wants her to go to **** with him without any pain. Want to make her happy.

  When the man in black wandered back again, Qin Luoyi immediately spotted him, and the Hunyuan Dzi had already returned to her body. Seeing Mo Xiao continuing to meditate, the man in black did not dare to approach him.

  Qin Luoyi glanced at him, with a smile on his lips, and then approached Mo Xiao's ear and said something, Mo Xiao opened his eyes, full of evil spirit, and looked in his direction.

  The man in black was so startled that he quickly stepped back tens of meters, his eyes full of fear.

Both Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao laughed, then Qin Luoyi stood up, leaned over and gave Mo Xiao a long kiss, neither of them closed their eyes, they looked at each other with lingering and strong love in their eyes meaning.

  The man in black ink's face became even uglier, he snorted softly, and was about to approach again, Qin Luoyi let go of Mo Xiao, not afraid of the torrent of time and space, and walked towards him with fluttering skirts.

   Mo Xiao sat with a smile on his face, Qin Luoyi continued to walk towards the man in black, his pitch-black phoenix eyes were burning like flames, he stared at him intently, but there was a cruel smile on his lips.

The man in black clothes retreated instead of advancing, looked at Mo Xiao who was sitting leisurely, then at Qin Luoyi who looked indifferent, snorted softly, turned around and wanted to leave quickly again, but said in his mouth: "I'm too lazy Do it yourself!"

The corners of Qin Luoyi's lips twitched fiercely. He didn't expect that this person would want to run away again. Mo Xiao laughed loudly behind him. Qin Luoyi's eyes flashed, and he also hooked his lips into a smile, and quickly stopped him. go up. If she is going to die, she has to be buried with someone, right? She has never been so kind as to let the person who hurt her go!

   It was when I didn’t time travel!

   Now too!

  Qin Luoyi played with all his might, and the man in ink soon noticed it, and when Qin Luoyi didn't defend himself and was not afraid of getting hurt at all, he was at a disadvantage. So he gritted his teeth with hatred, and was thinking of a way to get out, when a faint voice suddenly sounded nearby.

   "It seems that I am not too late."

  Qin Luoyi was startled.

  The man in black ink turned pale in an instant, and while Qin Luoyi was stunned, he quickly ran away. Qin Luoyi turned around, and the man standing behind her, who wasn't Xuanyuanqing?

   Mo Xiao's body has been re-blessed with a layer of powerful enchantment, which was clearly blessed by Xuanyuan Qing. Qin Luoyi looked at him and smiled brightly: "It's too timely!"


   If it was a little later, she would be ready to die with that bastard. Others couldn't do it, but she could do it with the Hunyuan Dzi. The closer they were, the stronger her feeling.

   "It's not too late."

  The demon owl nodded.

   laughed too.

Xuanyuanqing also laughed, before he was depressed, because he and Qin Luoyi were not in the original contract, he searched for a long time in the torrent of time and space, and finally found Qin Luoyi, he only hated himself for not being a devil Xiao, the relationship between Qin Luoyi and Qin Luoyi is not a natal contract.

Knowing that Mo Xiao became like this because he sent Feng Feili out, Xuanyuan Qing blinked: "If I send you out first, 80% of them will become like you, and I'll catch them first Hold on, let's go out slowly."

Let Qin Luoyi and Mo Xiao stay together, and then blessed them with an enchantment, and left quickly with the Hunyuan Dzi. After half an hour, he came back. In addition to the Hunyuan Dzi, he actually had There is a bead about the same size as the Hunyuan Dzi.

   "What about people?"

  Qin Luoyi asked curiously.

Xuanyuan Qing raised the bead in his hand: "He was cultivated from this bead, and he was born to control time and space. Like your Hunyuan Dzi, they are all beads in the dark world, and one is a yin bead. One is a yang bead, the one in your hand is a yin bead, and this one is a yang bead, Jin Ruihuang only got the yin bead back then to refine the formed soul inside, but this yang bead escaped."

  ------Off topic------

   It’s almost twelve o’clock, and the tail is still a little bit behind. If it’s too late, it won’t be published. The last little bit will be added in this chapter tomorrow, okay?