MTL - Senior Brother – One is Too Unscrupulous-~ extra five

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   For twenty days in a row, Xuanyuan Qing stayed in Qin Luoyi's house, lingering every night, and the two were very affectionate.

Because of taking Chaos Ziyou Pill, Qin Luoyi is very concerned about her body. With her and Xuanyuanqing's current cultivation base, naturally, she doesn't have to wait until her body is sick with morning sickness to notice it like other women. If there is a slight clue, if there is a little bit of abnormality, she can detect it in advance.

  Every morning when she wakes up, the first thing she does is to use her spiritual sense to detect her body, but twenty days have passed, and she hasn't noticed anything unusual. Knowing that he shouldn't be in a hurry, Qin Luoyi couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

  Like her, Xuanyuan Qing, who was looking forward to her pregnancy like her, comforted her instead, telling her not to worry, and let everything take its course. Every day, he tried every means to make her happy, and came up with a lot of novelties to divert her attention.

  Qin Luoyi couldn't bear to let him down, and she also found that she seemed to be a bit pretentious. When she woke up in the morning, she deliberately ignored it. As time passed, she seemed to really feel relieved.

After Mo Xiao gave Xuanyuanqing the Chaos Ziyou Pill, he closed himself in the Nine Heavens Palace of the Devil Realm and never came out. Qin Luoyi went to the Devil Realm several times, and each time he only looked at his retreat place. It didn't bother him, but I just hoped that the injuries he suffered in the torrent of time and space after this retreat would completely heal as soon as possible.

Xuanyuanqing has been with Qin Luoyi for two months. On the last day of the two months, he took her to the famous open-air hot spring Ninghua Pool in the fairy world. , no one can enter except him.

  The temperature in the sublimation pool is suitable, the surrounding scenery is beautiful, and the water in the pool is green and clear. Qin Luoyi immersed himself in it, and felt that all the pores on his body were comfortably opened.

  After swimming in it for two laps, she simply floated on the water, squinting her eyes in comfort, with a very comfortable look on her face. [

   Xuanyuan Qing who disappeared for a moment stood on the shore.

At this time, Qin Luoyi was only wearing a swimsuit, which was made in the style of modern swimwear. Of course, the material used was not comparable to that of ordinary people in modern times. With a faint crystal luster, her skin is as white as jade and as fine as creamy fat.

  Different from the ones she wore in the past, this one only covered the important parts, the belly was exposed, and the navel was also exposed.

  Xuanyuan Qing's eyes became hotter.

   He stared at her intently.

  In the morning, he personally put on her clothes for her, but at some point, she actually changed into such a **** dress.

  He smiled and passed by.

   There was a soft sound of piercing the air around, Qin Luoyi didn't open his eyes, he didn't even let go of his consciousness, at this time he will appear in this Ninghua Pond, and there will be no one else except Xuanyuanqing.

  A faint pleasant smell of ambergris lingers on the tip of the nose, and it really is Xuanyuan Qing. The corners of Qin Luoyi's lips hooked slightly, and there was a warm and soft touch on her lips, and a pair of warm hands touched her slender waist intimately, just falling on her sensitive zone, Qin Luoyi I couldn't help but tremble slightly, and giggled out loud.

   Laughing while avoiding.

  Eyes also opened.

  Seeing Xuanyuan Qing's thin red lips fluttering slightly, and the glint in his black eyes. Arms nimbly embraced her into his arms, not letting her escape at all.

   Her lips follow her like a shadow, chasing and playing. At this time, although Xuanyuanqing came wading through the water, he was still standing in the water, but the water did not wet his clothes at all, all the water receded, and even the body of Qin Luoyi, who was hugged by him, left the water. , the water was three feet away from the two of them.

  Qin Luoyi was quickly kissed until he was out of breath, but found that the clothes on Xuanyuanqing's body were still neatly dressed, not even a drop of water got on them.

  The eyeballs rolled, and a look of narrowness flashed quickly in the dark and agile eyes. The backhand actively wrapped around Xuanyuanqing's neck, and the body even fell towards Xuanyuanqing, the light in Xuanyuanqing's eyes became even hotter. [

The movements of his hands became more and more presumptuous. Seeing that the sky thunder was about to stir the ground fire, Qin Luoyi suddenly exerted force on his body, and pressed Xuanyuan Qing fiercely behind him. Xuanyuan Qing didn't pay attention, and his feet were unstable. , the body fell straight back. Still holding Qin Luoyi in his hands, he naturally didn't want Qin Luoyi to fall with him, so he used his spiritual power to stabilize his body.

   Hastily caught the teasing and narrow-mindedness in Qin Luoyi's eyes, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, he quickly unloaded the strength in his body, and fell backwards. With a bang, both of them fell into the water. Big splashes of water.

  After the well-dressed, handsome and noble King Xuanyuan entered the water, his clothes were soaked by the hot spring water... Qin Luoyi couldn't hold back anymore, and laughed out loud.

  Xuanyuan Qing pinched her nose fiercely with his hand, his eyes were full of doting.

When Xuanyuanqing stood up from the water, not only his body was dripping with water, but his hair was also completely wet, dripping continuously, and the thin clothes were tightly attached to his body, outlining a slender As for the tall and straight figure, even the two points on his chest appeared, which was very sexy. Qin Luoyi blinked, and his eyes turned twice on him, and there was a sparkle in his eyes.

  Xuanyuanqing gracefully reached out to take off the belt, and smiled at her jokingly while taking it off: "You want to see it? Just say it. Actually, there is no need to be so reserved. I will definitely satisfy any request you have."

  As soon as the words fell, all the clothes on his body fell off, revealing the jade-like skin, the body is shining, shining strangely in the sun.

  Qin Luoyi lost his mind for a moment.

   Actually forgot to refute his words.

This was the first time I saw Xuanyuanqing in Bairi Chiguo's body, and Xuanyuanqing was very satisfied with the fascination shining in her eyes. He stepped out and stretched out his hand to take Qin Luoyi into his arms. The flames are getting hotter and hotter.

  Finally came to his senses, Qin Luoyi doesn't know what he wants to do? I couldn't help but blush. The scene in front of me is really eye-catching.

  When his hand was about to touch his body, he pursed his lips and gave a chuckle. With a movement of his body, he quickly avoided it, and then swam away quickly like a swimming snake.

  Xuanyuan Qing raised his brows, and chased after him like a shadow.

A string of silver bell-like laughter fell into the Ninghua Pond. Seeing her so happy, Xuanyuanqing's heart softened, and he was not in a hurry to catch her. The two figures kept churning in the water, and after a while the water surface , Under the water surface for a while, one is light and the other is vigorous.

Xuanyuanqing took off his outer shirt, although he hadn't taken off his obscene trousers, but the fabric was also very good and very light, the clothes had already stuck to his body because he got wet, it was the same as if he didn't wear them , Qin Luoyi's heart beat faster.

Just when she blushed and her heart was beating, and she couldn't stand the pictures of beautiful men playing in front of her, Xuanyuanqing couldn't help the impulse in her heart, and finally made Ji catch her under the water. Qin Luoyi accidentally caught her in his hand. Accidentally touched a place that shouldn't be touched, and she was a little confused, but at this moment, she couldn't help but let out a scream, and poured a big mouthful of hot spring water into her mouth.

  When Xuanyuan Qing came out of the water with her arms around her, her face was a little red, and she kept coughing and spitting out the water in her mouth.

   Xuanyuanqing felt distressed and funny at the same time, and patted her on the back lightly, trying to make her feel better. When she finally stopped coughing, she regained her strength, took a deep breath, and Xuanyuan Qing kissed the corner of her lips.


   Unexpectedly, Qin Luoyi, who had stopped coughing, suddenly looked away, retching non-stop, with his hands on his chest, and his brows were slightly furrowed.

  Xuanyuanqing was stunned for a moment, seeing that she seemed to be in a very uncomfortable state, he immediately regretted that he shouldn't have chased her under the water until she choked on the water, he jumped out of the water with his hands tightly holding her, and landed on the shore.

   "Uncomfortable? Take it easy, I'll help you smooth it out." His palm warmed up, and a warm and gentle force penetrated into Qin Luoyi's body, instantly permeating her whole body.

  Qin Luoyi felt better, and gradually stopped vomiting, but his brows were slightly furrowed, and he was still feeling bored.

  She leaned her head in Xuanyuanqing's arms, her expression was even dimpled, Xuanyuanqing smoothed her hair, and the other hand continued to inject soft power into her body, her eyes were full of annoyance.

After a long time, the oppression caused by choking water in Qin Luoyi's heart dissipated. When he looked up, he found that Xuanyuanqing's eyes were full of unbearable annoyance. His heart fluttered, and he leaned forward and kissed him proactively, comforting him: "Don't Don't worry, I'm fine, I'll be fine in a while."

The two cuddled together and talked for a while, Qin Luoyi couldn't help being tempted to go into the water again, and when he went down, he pulled Xuanyuanqing down as well. Because of what happened just now, Xuanyuanqing didn't dare to act too violently this time , just stay by her side, whether you hug her or kiss her, you are extremely careful, as if she is some fragile porcelain.

With Xuanyuanqing's carefulness and Qin Luoyi's careful attention, a person with a strong cultivation level would actually choke on the water underwater. Qin Luoyi felt ashamed. If she did it again, she might as well go Take a piece of tofu and kill it.

  Ninghua Pool is on Ninghua Mountain. The entire Ninghua Mountain is very vast and beautiful. There is a private palace of Xuanyuanqing on it. The two stayed in the palace for a day and a night, and they didn't leave until the next afternoon.

   After another two months of intensive construction, the Magic Rain Palace has been completed, and Chu Yifeng has even moved all the things they often use.

The materials used to build the Illusory Rain Palace are all rare from the upper realm. Even if it is a newly built palace, there is no smell at all, and there is no such thing as pollution that needs to be ventilated. Some slightly damp parts were also directly blasted dry by spells.

   When Feng Feili and the others went in, they not only moved their own things into the Magic Rain Palace and arranged them, but also packed up all Qin Luoyi's things and moved them into the Magic Rain Palace.

After leaving Ninghua Pool, Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing moved into Huanyu Palace that night. Qin Luoyi lived in the middle palace. The interior was built according to her design, even more beautiful than she imagined. It's also beautiful, the flowers and trees transplanted into the palace are blessed with spiritual power, bright and verdant, and have not been affected at all.

  The one who will enter her palace at night to accompany her will be replaced by Chu Yifeng.

  The reason why Xuanyuanqing was able to stay with her for two full months was certainly not because of his highest cultivation. The Chaos Ziyou Pill that Mo Xiao took out is extremely rare, it is a elixir in ancient legends, Mo Xiao dared to take it out, he was naturally confident in its effect, Mo Xiao wanted to be by Qin Luoyi's side in a legitimate way How could they not understand.

There were six people, and there was only one pill. For the sake of fairness, the six people drew lots at the end, and Xuanyuanqing won the first prize. Naturally, this child had to belong to Xuanyuanqing. Time was given to Xuanyuan Qing.

Of course, this does not affect the other few people who spend time with Qin Luoyi during the day, but the torture of seeing but not eating makes the other five people unbearable very quickly. They either go to closed doors or use other methods. Things to divert his attention, so that he can temporarily restrain his desire for Qin Luoyi.

However, although the opportunity was given to Xuanyuanqing, this kind of opportunity will not be endless. Before the lottery, everyone agreed that if Xuanyuanqing and Qin Luoyi have been together for two months and have not conceived, the opportunity will be If you give it to others, the order is naturally the order that was drawn when the lottery was drawn.

Xuanyuanqing is the first, Chu Yifeng is the second, and Qin Tian is the third... As long as one day is not conceived, the six of them will take turns to stay with them for two months, until Qin Luoyi is conceived, each of the six will spend two months , if Qin Luoyi is not pregnant yet, the time will return to the normal one day per person before.

  Six people, one person for two months, that is one year, and Qin Luoyi didn't conceive after one year, that only proves that the elixir has no effect.

At the beginning, it was discussed in this way, just in case, Chu Yifeng, who was ranked second, didn't think he would have any chance, although it was already agreed that two months could not be changed into two years by changing the flow of time. For twenty years, or even longer, Chu Yifeng really didn't think he would have a chance.

Xuanyuanqing's two months had ended, and neither Xuanyuanqing nor Qin Luoyi had heard anything about the child after meeting today, so everyone knew that Qin Luoyi was not pregnant, and Chu Yifeng was pleasantly surprised Yu, was somewhat suspicious of the pill Mo Xiao took out.

During the days when Qin Luoyi was with Xuanyuanqing, he spent more than half of his time in seclusion. Seeing that it was his turn to accompany Qin Luoyi, besides working hard to create a human being, he silently planned what he would do during these two months. s arrangement.

Because of moving to the new palace, Qin Luoyi was very happy, so she didn't ask anyone to arrange Daqing. She just drank some wine with her husband and gentlemen. Glittering water.

  Wine can add to the fun, not to mention that Chu Yifeng walked out of the house for a long time, and as soon as he turned a corner, Chu Yifeng couldn't help but hug Qin Luoyi into his arms, wanting to kiss him hard.

  As soon as he touched the corner of her lips, Qin Luoyi's expression changed.

   violently drove him away.

  Bending over, she vomited on one side, Chu Yifeng's face turned green, but she hasn't touched her for two months, could it be that she has gotten used to Xuanyuan Qing by her side, and actually rejected him?

Seeing her throwing up badly, I was annoyed and distressed, and then nervously guessed if she had eaten something wrong, stood beside her, supported her, and hurriedly asked her how she was, where was she? Feeling uncomfortable, she held a piece of silk in her hand and gently wiped the corners of her lips.

Their movement had alarmed Xuanyuanqing and the others not far away, who hadn't left yet, and several figures quickly landed beside Qin Luoyi, all of them looked unattractive, and Qin Tian even gave Chu Yifeng a somewhat dissatisfied look. .

  Chu Yifeng is very innocent.

   "What's the matter?" Jian Yuyan asked anxiously, seeing Qin Luoyi's appearance, he was obviously very uncomfortable.

  Chu Yifeng shook his head.

  He really doesn't know.

Xuanyuanqing felt that Qin Luoyi's appearance was very similar to yesterday's in Ninghua Pond, when she also vomited violently, and he thought it was because she choked on the water, now it has been ten years since she choked on the water yesterday. Come for an hour, and there was nothing unusual about her before.

   It cannot be choking water.

   There was a flash of inspiration in my mind.

  He jumped in his heart, a little unbelievable, and then he couldn't help getting excited, and looked at Qin Luoyi without blinking.

  Qin Luoyi finally stopped vomiting.

  Chu Yifeng wiped her mouth again, still remembering what she ate just now that made her vomit like this. As for Qin Luoyi's thought of repelling him...he couldn't accept it at all, so he skipped it automatically.

  Qin Luoyi raised his head, his eyes were strangely bright, seeing that Xuanyuanqing was beside him, and just about to speak, his chest felt uncomfortable again, and he couldn't help but vomited again.

   "Luoyi...are you pregnant?" Qin Tian was the first to speak, with nine points of joy in his pitch-black eyes, one point of disappointment, and even more unconcealable distress.

  Chu Yifeng was the closest to Qin Luoyi. He was the one who supported Qin Luoyi with his hands. Qin Luoyi threw up so much that he didn't have time to talk to them. His consciousness penetrated into Qin Luoyi's body very carefully.

   quickly backed out.

  Nodding excitedly.

  Qin Luoyi endured the depression in her heart again and raised her head. She vomited so hard that she naturally knew that she might have it. After having this thought, she used her spiritual sense to probe into her body.

   Not only is she pregnant, but it's been a month!

If it wasn't for the fear of not being pregnant and worrying about gains and losses every day, she hasn't paid attention to her stomach since forty days ago. She should have discovered it a long time ago, and she wouldn't wait until now. The funny thing is that yesterday she thought she was choking It was the water that caused the discomfort.

   Subconsciously, I don’t want to believe it, I’m afraid that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. Unexpectedly... The corners of her lips couldn't help but curl up.

  She and Xuanyuan's child!

  Chu Yifeng helped her to sit down beside her. The rouge-like luster on Qin Luoyi's face from drinking had faded, and she looked a little pale, with a smell of weak willow Fufeng.

  Hearing Qin Luoyi say that the child has been a month old, and the wish in his heart has come true, Xuanyuan Qing, who has always been calm and self-sufficient, lost his composure and stood aside with a silly smile.

   stared at her belly.

   "Luoyi...we have a baby! Great!"

  His voice was a little unstable due to excitement, and his speech was a little coherent. He wanted to reach out and hug her into his arms, but he was afraid of making her uncomfortable before vomiting.

  Finally, his body flew into the air with a whirring sound, and flied towards the outside of the Magic Rain Palace. The handsome figure was like lightning, and quickly circled around the Magic Rain Palace.

  Qin Luoyi was stunned, Chu Yifeng and the others couldn't help laughing, this was the first time they saw Xuanyuan Qing who was almost dancing with joy, it was an eye-opener!

  ------Off topic------

  Thanks to the following relatives for their gifts: rrothuyun (1 flower), 18701995616 (5 flowers), Sky is Blue 123 (1 flower), vv515921 (15 flowers), qxyxhlj (1 flower)