MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 81 obsessed

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In order to make money, by the way, Shu Huan is working tirelessly every day.

The two aloes that Gu Xiran sent her were not enough to consume. The vanilla map was also sorted out by the help of Ji Danqing. A thick piece of bamboo paper was punched at the edge, and the cotton thread was bound and opened. One page, the eye is the excellent color map of the painter. No matter who sees it, I have to praise it. But if I look down, I am afraid that the praise will be in the throat, because Shu Huan The pen-small 簪 楷 楷 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

After finishing these things, embroidering is not a quick day or two, so Shu Huali naturally indulged in the painting stone, but the last ten paintings only sold five or two silver, and the average piece sold less than half of the money. Therefore, she felt that she should improve her paintings. She must not continue to graffiti on the stones, nor can she draw the abstract stream of consciousness that was not popular in ancient times, even no one can understand, or it is taught by Ji Danqing. The skill is to draw some flowers, flowers, birds or characters on the stone, and perhaps sell high prices.

The idea was there, and the rest was painting. However, after a few days of eager painting, she suddenly felt that something was missing, but she couldn’t help but wonder, and she had to stare at the pile of stones. daze.

I sat in this way for two days, and the teacher looked at it very strangely. Before the night, I couldn’t help but say: "If you want to sleep early in the night, then you will stay up, I doubt you have to become Stone man."

Shu Huan fiddled with a painted stone on the hand and looked at the lady. "Is there a light in the night that disturbs you to sleep? Sorry, or I will go to the study room."

Gu Xiran didn't have a good air: "Light is a trivial matter. It is terrible to dream back at midnight. When you blink, you can see a white woman sitting in front of the window, facing me, and wearing a black hair like a cloud."

At this time, the beautiful scenery just sent tea in. When I heard this, I couldn’t help but say: "Two lords, what is terrible? You are too small."

Gu Xiran squinted at her and suddenly smiled happily: "Yeah, this is not terrible, but you think, in case the white woman slowly, slowly turned around, you found her face. It looks exactly the same as the back of the head, and it is also covered with a cloud of Ufa..."

His words have not been finished yet. The beautiful hand holding the tea tray trembled and panicked and stopped him: "Second Lord, don't say it anymore, I dare not go back to sleep..."

Shu Huan was drawn to laugh: "Well, I will sleep earlier, don't scare her."

Gu Xiran smiled slightly, took the tea from the beautiful scenery, drank two, and went to the table and reached out and pulled out the stone road she painted: "It's very good, what are you upset about?"

Shu Huan frowned and sighed: "I don't know, I just feel that something is missing."

She said this, the beauty also looked at the probe, seeing the pieces of stone on the table, some painted flowers, some painted birds, could not help but spit out: "This is going to make one The set is interesting, just like the juggling jade carving child in the Shengmei Pavilion..."

Her voice has not fallen, Shu Huan has already "yes" and stood up, excitedly reaching out and holding her back: "The right thing is this is missing"

It is no wonder that the more the painting is the more unsatisfactory, the original lack of a theme, not to mention the ancients pay attention to everything, they must be paired to discuss a colorful head, draw a piece of lonely stone, teach people to buy back where to stay? It's better to draw a pair, or even a set, so that the selling price can be higher, and she also finds it interesting to draw.

The beauty was embarrassed by her, but she was not easy to break free. She had to look at Gu Xiran for help.

Gu Xiran’s face was stunned. He coughed twice and wanted to attract Shu Huan’s attention. Who knows that she is still immersed in the joy of doubts, and she didn’t pay attention to the movements of the people nearby. When I got up, I muttered to myself: "Is it a good time to draw Jinling Twelve, or is it better to paint Liangshan one hundred and eight? The four beautiful women can also draw... Right, they can also add these stones. Some simple background stories, but the words are not well trained, this is really a very nerve-racking thing..."

This person is really crazy.

Gu Xiran sighed helplessly and secretly decided that she would discuss the paintings differently in the future, and even thought about whether she should limit her painting time.

Only the beauty is still unwilling to reach out and nudge her: "Milk, you go back to God, I still have something to ask you."

After several pushes, Shu Huan woke up and found herself glaring at her. She also stunned and relaxed her hand. She barely said, "What is it?"

The beautiful scenery laughed: "Sister Huiyun said that the day after tomorrow is the birth of Yunxiao Niang, teach me how to do it."

Shu Huan sighed a little: "How did you manage it in previous years?"

What she asked was not the beauty, but Gu Xiran. After all, the day when the beauty came to her was not long. How can I know the old things?

However, Gu Xiran didn't hesitate and he shook his head. The plain voice said: "I don't know about this. You want to ask Huiyun well."

Nothing to sleep.

Early the next morning, Shu Huan first passed Huiyun to ask questions. Only then did she know that Yun’s birthday was in the house of Zhai, because there were many people there, and Gu Xiran was sick again. Yun Yunniang would not let us At the end of the day, at most, it is to collect the birthday rituals such as embroidered sacs, and then to sip the shou shou to the people to eat, and then listen to two long-lived Geely words.

Now that Gu Xiran is getting better and better, he should work hard by Shu Huan. In order to avoid being complained, everything has to be done according to the routine. Naturally, it can't be as slow as before. However, there is no ready-made example. Shu Huan also feels very embarrassed. After all, she has never done this kind of thing, not to mention the identity of Yun Xiaoniang.

After thinking for a while, she finally got an Let Huiyun quietly go to Zhai Zhai to find an old mother to ask, see how the grandfather and the grandfather’s room are surrounded by birthdays. According to the example on the other side, you can deal with the past by adding points and reducing points.

Huiyun took it and went to Zhaizhai. When he went outside the courtyard, he didn’t enter the door. He heard the sound of wrestling in the faintly, and mixed with a group of sly and old mothers. The group is really lively

When she used to send a bad message, she didn’t rarely see the arrogant girl. Although she had won the reward from her, she didn’t like her. At this moment, she heard her being angry, her lips could not help but slightly, but she always cautious. The face still did not reveal any inappropriate look, only slowed down the temper, the probe looked into the courtyard, want to find the gap to call the old mother out, ask two sentences and leave.


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Princess Thousand Years Old

Book number: 1971850

Introduction: Princess Growth ()
