MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 80 laid back

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After dyeing the ink, Shu Huan dumped the gold in the purse to the table. It can be seen without counting. There are four ingots in total. I want to come to the heart of the ink, and deliberately become like this. She has saved things and only took it. One ingot of gold was locked into the shackles of his own money, and the other three ingots were placed on the table to play with.

This will calm down and think about it. In fact, there is a ready-made example of selling flowers and plants in "Dream of Red Mansions". I only blame her for not thinking about it. She was robbed by Gu Xiran, but when she tried to figure it out for a while, she was annoyed to discover that she I didn’t think about it, she couldn’t make it.

Gu Xiran is the seriousness of Gu’s family. The old Taijun and the lord are not in the other hospitals. The flowers and trees here are all in his mind. Don’t say that they are picked and sold, even if they are pulled out and destroyed, it is estimated that those people are the most He can only say that he is ruining things in the back, but what is bad about him is his family's things, can someone else manage it?

Her identity is not the same as Gu Xiran. She wants to do this. Probably something ugly will come out of the little man’s mouth, saying that she loves her fortune and searches for the land to even the grass and trees. It is already a very gentle discussion. Maybe it will be passed to the end. It will be said that she has to carry the house and the house to her family. The crime is big.

Shu Huan sighed. Throughout the ages, this identity is a very difficult existence to seriously recall. In fact, I can find many ways to make money from "Dream of Red Mansions", but she can't do it according to her, or she has to work hard. Use her little skills to make a little money, just to be safe and stable, long time.

I thought, Gu Xiran came back, and when she came in, she saw her three-slice blonde staring at the table and couldn’t help but laugh: "How come, get rich?"

"Yeah, yeah." Shu Huan’s morning anger has not disappeared. When he saw him, he didn’t get up very well. He threw the three gold into the purse and threw the tether and threw it over him: Oh, congratulations, you have made a fortune of fifteen or two gold, enough for your monthly money."

Gu Xiran had already encountered ink on the way back, so she was not surprised to hear her say this. She reached out and took the purse and screamed. She said: "Dyeing ink is a capable one, but getting older is not convenient in the future. Walking around the house, I want to find a small four to come over."

When Shu Huan heard this, even the temper was forgotten, and he screamed and shook his head: "He is a close-fitting bookboy of Xiao Si from childhood, can he be willing to be a small four?"

"I can't help but can't do it. The wife has already recited two or three times in his ear, saying that he will pick another two young bookboys for him. At the latest, after the end of the year, the ink and the ink will have to be moved outside. Gu Xiran licked the purse in his hand and smiled slightly: "Small four is still worried that he will be bullied after he goes out. If you know that I want to use him here, I would rather be reluctant to be willing."

"Yes" Shu Huan laughed: "He has never seen you with you, but it is so tired that he will not be able to do things for you in the future. He will not be able to think about it when he wants to let him go to drums and drums. I have to do it, and both are busy."

Gu Xiran smiled and glanced at the past: "Can the person do more work, doesn't the mother like to call him?"

This means something...

Shu Huan is a little depressed, she knows that she wants to sell something to smuggle private money. It is not his own, but these days, the skin is also thicker. She pretended not to understand, and buried her head to the table to sort out the vanilla map. .

Gu Xiran came over and said: "Is this a manuscript, but is it going to be colored?"

"Yeah." Shu Huan said: "There is still some white underneath. I want to write about the characteristics and uses of these herbs, but my words don't look good. Go back and write them yourself."

Gu Xiran’s eyes flashed slightly and smiled: “My word is not good. You can find it for the doctor.”

"I said Erye" Shu Huan sighed and raised his face to seriously scold him: "Do you know that sometimes excessive modesty is equal to pride?"

Her words, she has already seen it, neat and clear, if this is not good, then her words are worse than dog climbing

Gu Xiran did not pick her up, just put the money bag in front of her: "I am tired, go to rest first, this money you take it for me first."

"No," Shu Huan stunned, involuntarily exploring the hand to touch the head, to determine that there is no big word "Qianzhuang" on the head: "How come you have a problem with the beauty, I am not a money house, money save me, There is no interest for you."

Gu Xiran stunned her and glanced at her: "Does the money house give interest? It will only be printed."

Oh, there is still a common understanding of Shu Huanpu. Here is the ancient time. There is no interest in saving money in the bank. I have to pay the storage fee. I thought, she gave me a hand: "That gives me a custody fee. ”

Gu Xiran smiled and threw a silver of twelve ingots. This should be his monthly money.

So refreshing to give money, Shu Huan was puzzled, but did not wait for her to ask, Gu Xiran would swear to her: "People exchange this silver into money, and return to the next person in the other hospital, no we eat meat If you don’t give them the reason to drink soup, some little people love gossip, and only if they spend money to block their mouths."

This idea is the same as Shu Huan’s, she did not hesitate to collect the silver, but there are not many people in the courtyard, saying that there are not many, too many, too many silver, watching more, not enough Therefore, she decided to add another five or two. If she wants to reward, she will simply reward more points, so as not to spend money, but also be stigmatized.

The next little Shu Huan is a comfortable day. The Tiangao Emperor is far away. The personnel did not have the complexity of the house. The money was then found in a name. In the other hospitals, there is even more praise. The road is the second man and the wife of the t-shirt. When they are called to do things, these people’s legs and feet are diligent.

Shu Huan, I have accumulated some money at hand. Although there are not many gold in the district, it makes her feel that she still has some money to make money. It is a little more secure, and it is not so embarrassing for the future life.

When the heart is loose, the person will follow the leisure. In addition to the family management, she goes to the doctor to learn painting in the morning, and in the afternoon, she goes to find the Du Mu Xuexian. In the night, she has to draw painting stones, carving things, practicing words, and then The vanilla map is very fulfilling every day, and the appetite seems to be getting better. Others are bitter summers and have lost a lot of weight. She has added a few meats to her body, although it is still not mellow, so As thin as before, to the skinny, even the head seems to be a little longer.

Of course, there is such a worrying thing. Seeing that the weather is getting colder and colder, it is already in the autumn. Presumably, they are coming to the head of the summer vacation in the other hospitals, but they are used to the leisure time here, and then let her go back to that. Dead, you can't say more, the road can't take a wrong step, no matter what you do, there are countless pairs of eyes staring at the house, how can she live ()
