MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 224 Another rule

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Ancient romance

Chapter 224 is a separate rule

Waiting for the Zhang family to go, Gu Xun led Gu Xiran to go to the study room to explain some business matters, to know some of the circumstances, as well as the experience of doing business in the past years, carefully told him.

Shu Huan also suddenly became busy, and the servants of the palace went back and forth to pick up things, and they must find her. Under her heart, she knows that this is the next Mawei that Lin gave her. She wants to make her faceless and can't stand up in the house. Otherwise, the handover of this housekeeper can be as slow and gradual as Gusong's handover business. Not when she couldn’t touch a lot of things in all kinds of situations, she threw everything into her mind.

Appreciation is watching her busy and dizzy, quite uneven: "Mr. is too much, this is clearly thinking that you are embarrassed"

The beauty also said: "If the illness of Taijun is not so serious, I can ask her for help when I encounter something, now..."

"What is the use of these?" Liang Chen interrupted: "It is better to think about how to cook these things for the second grandmother, so that people can not make mistakes."

The beautiful face is bitter: "Liang Chen sister, you said it is light, we are all served in the room, do some things, and do the work of passing the conversation. I have never seen Taijun or my wife how to manage the house. How do you think about it?"

Liang Chen said again: "There will be a good idea to learn, and then quietly pay attention to what the people in the house are talking about. If you can know what those people are thinking, the second grandmother will be more comfortable with things."

Shu Huan was sitting under the window at the moment, holding a pen in his hand, biting the tail and thinking about it. When they heard their dispute, they turned their heads and looked at the past. The voice: "Yes."

“What?” The scenery is busy welcoming: “What thoughts did Grandma think of?”

Shu Huan shook his head and said: "Which is so easy, I think of Qiaoyun, who are you going to find her?"

"Qiao Yun sister?" The beauty frowned. "She doesn't have a strong wind, if this is..."

"Nothing, you are looking for her, I only let her help to find out the news, other things can't use her." Shu Huan said that his heart is also suddenly open, there are so many available flaws on hand, each with its own specialties, Naturally, people must do their best, or if she is busy with herself, and everything is caught, will she not be exhausted?

Seriously speaking, she doesn't like housekeepers when she is idle, but knowing that this is like work. If she didn't cross, she would have to go to work to support her family when she graduated from school. This is necessary for survival, no joy or dislike. This said. Furthermore, the situation here is here. If she wants to have a good life, she must work side by side with Gu Xiran, and let her be strong first, so that she will not be allowed to take it anyway.

To create a warm and comfortable environment for the future of happy life, Gu Xiran has no worries, this is what she must do, and she is the duty of her wife. If she wants to be lazy, she should first understand the situation in her home. Then, I will train a few smart and capable ones to come out, so that she can relax in the future when everything is well prepared.

When she thought of this, she bent her lips and smiled. "After the disaster, many things have not been brought out, and the flower list of the family will not be found. I will give it to you." First list the rosters, the date of birth, the match or not, the personality characteristics, what is good at doing things, and how many months of money each month, I have clearly marked it."

Appreciate the heart and promise to go out.

Shu Huan shouted to her: "Where to go?"

Appreciatively replied: "I am not familiar with the people in the house. Let me ask first."

"No hurry, you are not familiar with this matter, Qiao Yunshuo, wait for her to come, let her say, you check the transcript." Shu Huan said and turned to look at Liangchen, smiled: "You go to the second wife." Going for a trip, there are books that can be borrowed to borrow two books. Also, it is best to ask her about the rules of the house at the second room. Even if we can't live and use it, it is good to learn from it."

Liang Chen listened to her saying this, and moved the color: "It’s a good time for two ladies, we can’t ask the wife, and the second wife is the same."

Shu Huan nodded, she is the idea, but this will be busy, she has no time to go away, or else it is best to go there in person, but fortunately, come to Japan, they will stay here in the short term, etc. It’s the same with Chen’s asking for advice when I’m free.

As for the moment to send a good time, it is because this sly is acting steadily and thoughtfully, and will never listen to the words. The beautiful scenery, although the voice is lovable, is a little younger, and some things are not as good as good. It’s not as important as asking for something to send, and it’s better to send beautiful scenery.

This good time went, the beautiful scenery has already called Qiaoyun over, and told the end of the story, Qiao Yun and the appreciation of the two will lift the pen and ink, go out to write a roster of books in the family, Shu Huan teaches the scenery Go to the Gu Xun study room and look for books with celebrities and family rules. If you have them, borrow them all.

There is no rule that is not a square. She wants to follow the experience of others, and then according to the situation of her family, she will first consider some family rules. Of course, there will be many mistakes in the initial standing, but she has time, and later slowly modify the additions and deletions, and then classify these family rules into books according to various situations, and list them.

There is always one day, as long as you turn these books, everything can be solved according to the usual rules, so whether she wants to be lazy, or wait for the hand to be a big one, marry, need to re-train people to familiarize The way of governing the family is extremely convenient.

Lazy, lazy, innocent

All the inventions and creations of human beings are caused by being lazy. She will continue to work harder in the future and come up with more simple lazy methods.

Shu Huan mouth licked a faint smile, sinking for a while, writing a word on the snowy rice paper.

Not to mention that she is busy at this end, she said that Gu Xiran saw the beautiful scenery in the past and found a book. She was curious in her heart. I don’t know how Shu Huan should cope with the problem that Lin’s posing, but also faintly worried, so the sky will be blackened. Helping the beautiful scenery to find a book, and then with Gu Xun said that tomorrow morning, come over and talk about the book, and go out with the beautiful scenery to find Shuhuan.

The two went outside the The scenery was eager to get the curtain into the matter, did not want to be pulled by Gu Xiran, his index finger was on the lips, compared to a squeaking gesture, Close to the outside of the curtain, quietly looking inside from the curtain.

Three people in the house, Shu Huan lowered his head in the book, Liang Chen poured tea for her, and a servant in the house stood in front of them and said: "Grandma, the family used to be not such a rule, this thing, you see Do you think about it again, so that you don't have to look back, my wife is not good."

Take the wife to suppress people

After the servant finished speaking, there was already anger on the face of Liang, but Shu Huan did not speak. She was not open to reprimand. Gu Xiran had to see how Shu Huan responded, and he did not go outside the curtain.

I saw that Shu Huan still turned her head down and hanged her servant's heart. After a while, she waited for her to turn over the last page of the book before she looked up, looking at the servant with a smile. Road: "Do you mean that I am doing this wrong?"

The servant hurriedly shook his head: "I am a man, who dares to assign a second grandmother, but the family has no such rules..."

Halfway through her words, she was coldly smothered by Shu Huan: "Now I am a housekeeper. I will give you the monthly money. Then I will follow the rules of my own. I will only be right or wrong from now on. Who is right? I said that if there was no such rule in the past, anyone would look for the person who had given you rules before, and he would do it according to what I had ordered. If there is nothing else, then you will go back."

The servant touched a nail and knew that the two grandmothers were not fooled. They dared not say it again. They had to slam and retreat. . . . .

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