MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 190 Sorry, I am late.

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Chapter 190, sorry, I am late.

Dungeon, a horrible place.

Black, cold, damp, dirty, sinful and oppressive despair is a true and permanent portrayal of this place.

When Gu Xiran rushed all the way, he had already imagined countless possibilities in his heart. A heart was up and down, fearing to be extreme, faint, and a desire and impulse to kill.

If Shu Huan is really inside, he can't be safe. He has no doubt that he will immediately take out the person who harms her. In the most **** and cruel way in the world, he can't live without it. He can't die, but this bloodthirsty impulse is strong. Compared with his hope of Shu Huan’s peace, it’s not worth mentioning. As long as Shu Huan can be safe, he has nothing to ask for.

With complicated and fierce emotions, he rushed to the entrance of the dungeon. Gu Xiran accidentally saw a smashing basket carrying a broken food basket, hesitantly hesitating back and forth, and the dungeon gate behind him was slightly open. .

The Qingcheng Order has been going on for a long time, and there are still people in the city.

Gu Xiran was emotionally suppressed on the rationality at this moment. He did not think at all. The reaction to this instinctive instinct was rejection. He felt that he was very suspicious, and immediately stopped and gasped and said: "What are you doing here?"

The servant was shocked by his drink, and the food basket in his hand fell to the ground. Immediately there were several wolf heads mixed with wild vegetables and the color hair was rolled out from it: "Small... the villain is giving Give the meal..."

He said as he chased and licked those wolves, and the hand that stretched out was a little trembling, and he did not dare to look up and see Gu Xiran.

This kind of flustered behavior, with the meaning of no silver three or two hundred, is naturally more suspicious, but Gu Xiran has no emotion at this moment to waste time and attention on people unrelated to Shu Huan, so see Du Qiu catch up, After picking up the key to the dungeon that he handed over, when he walked out into the gate, he said: "This person is suspicious, you see him."

Du Qiu couldn't help but squint at the servant's servant, and hugged his arm in front of the dungeon.

At this time, it is best to let Gu Xiran go in alone, because no one knows what happened to the head there...

When Gu Xiran stepped into the dungeon, he felt that his eyes were black and he could stand in the spot for a moment before he could vaguely identify the road ahead, but a thick, disgusting breath had already come.

Shu Huan, he is always looking for Shu Huan, may be locked in this place

His heart seemed to be smashed by an invisible hand, and there was a tearful pain that came in, and more, it was a distress for Shu Huan, so he could not help but also hold it. Tightened his fist and felt a thin layer of sweat in his hand.

Take a step very slowly and take another step.

It’s so slow, not because the light is dark, but that his emotions have jumped out of desperate fanaticism and become extremely contradictory. I want to rush in immediately, looking for Shu Huan inside, tight Holding her, I hope that she will not be in the roots, not in the place that does not match her at all, without the torture and suffering that will make him heartache.

The road is long, it is slower, and there are times when it is finished.

When there was a glimmer of light on the current side, and a faint snoring came from it, Gu Xiran suddenly heard a scream, and his heart suddenly jumped, and suddenly he was drenched with cold sweat.

Fortunately, the screaming screaming and tragic, but a rough male voice, he could not help but speed up, quickly rushed to the light in front, but rushed to the cell to see the scene before the scene, 怔However, stand.

In front of me, there are three or four cells, half in the shadow and half in the shadow.

The prisoners in the cell seemed to be rioting, and they all clung to the iron fence. Some even wanted to have their heads stretched over the narrow gap between the fence and the fence. Of course, this is impossible. The things that arrived, and the prisoners’ dirty faces, which were squashed by the fence, became more and more horrible, and they continued to swear, with the original animal nature. The sound of the show reveals a near-perverted madness.

They have only one direction in their eyes, which is what makes them extremely excited.

The most inner cell

Gu Xiran only felt that his blood was straight on his face, and his heartbeat seemed to stop completely. He moved extremely mechanically two steps forward. He wanted to find a point where he could see the cell, and he was afraid that he was already late, and he could not save it. Huan.

Outside the cell, the dim oil lamp suddenly brightened and burst into a lamp.

While Gu Xiran held his breath, he saw a scene that completely exceeded his imagination and made him shockless to speechless...

In the cell, six or seven prisoners lay down on the ground and were tied tightly by a rope into a meat ball. Some people's buttocks were pressed against the other's face, and some people's feet almost sneaked into other people's mouths. In short, everyone's limbs were not twisted, and they were not there, but they whispered from time to time.

Shu Huan?

Back to him, leaning on the door safely, he played with a sharp dagger in his hand, waiting for him to walk two more steps. From another angle, he could see her small half face and lips. Yang, as if with a smile, is looking at the heart and there.

Right, appreciate...

I don’t know if it was stimulated, but I also remembered the tragic experience of the past. She is not the same as Shu Huan. At this moment, her hair is scattered and sweaty, and there is no purpose in the ball.狠揍狠 kick Just put the six or seven prisoners as adult meat sandbags, and hit the key points from time to time, so Gu Xiran heard several more sounds, similar to the kind that he just heard when he came in. Humming.

It’s not a sweat, it’s Gu Xiran’s sweat.

God knows how many steps he has made, how much effort he has spent, how much perseverance he has supported and when he sees this amazing scene in front of him, how much effort he has spent, how much perseverance he relies on. I didn’t cheer because of ecstasy.

He didn't want to cheer, but he didn't want to suddenly make a sound, scaring Shu Huan.

Somehow, the feeling of acidity in the nose is constantly spreading upwards and spreading into the eyes. This long-lost experience has not happened since he was seven years old.

Gu Xiran slightly narrowed his eyes, raised his lips, and dumbly said: "Sorry, I am late..."

Surrounded by noise, all the crazy prisoners were screaming.

Shu Huan is so tired that she just wants to call her to rest and continue to swear. If she doesn't think about it, she suddenly hears a voice that she is so obsessed with in her life. In the various snoring, she can still recognize the sound immediately...

Gu Xiran?

She was a glimpse first, then ecstasy rushed into the heart, but still turned around in the future, with a pair of hands crossed the fence, tightly around her waist, and then a warm breath between the neck 拂Come up.

Gu Xiran bit her ear: "Hold up first, let me believe that I really found you..."

Looking at the sky again, I said that I have a bad taste.

Please ignore my chapter name. . . . No pop-ups, updated in time!