MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 1 Detention

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In the morning, Shengmei Pavilion.

After a night of stunned, just after entering the dreamland, Shu Huan was pushed up.

Confused, seeing Qiu Qiaoyun standing in front of the bed, said to her: "Grandma, offended!"

Before she could wait for her reaction, there were two servants who stepped forward and left her to go outside the house.

She couldn't help but panic: "What is this going to do?"

Qiao Yun led the way and did not return the head: "The old lady said, change the place of the second grandmother to a proper place, lest you look at it again and again for three days."

The so-called proper place of residence is a small ear room in the Shengmei Pavilion. The four-panel wall has no furniture inside. The empty bed is not even placed. Only the dry straw is piled on the ground, even if it is given. Sitting down.

This is where the resident is, obviously it is detention.

Shu Huan was smashed into the straw pile. Before he got up, he heard the door "touch" and slammed it. He closed the door and heard the sound of the lock.

Seeing this is the iron heart to shut her, then it is useless to shoot the door crying, she will not have to use that strength, strong support with the knees sitting, put the chin on the knees, suddenly feel the eyes sour Sour, I want to cry.

The inexplicable crossing has already made her unhappy.

However, the original owner of this body had to hang himself, so that she would lie down and lay the bed for two days. She was filled with seven or eight bowls of Chinese medicine that could kill people. I still didn’t think about what to do next, but fell to the At the point of detention, it seems that the mess left by the original owner is more troublesome than she suspected.

Abnormal experience, physical pain, mental torture...

Under heavy pressure, Shu Huan could not stand, and fell asleep again.

When I fell asleep, my heart was still tangled, so I woke up again, woke up and slept again, and I didn’t know how many times I went back and forth. I didn’t know how long the time had passed. When she was completely awake, she had completely figured it out and calmed down. .

Cherish life and stay safe.

Anyway, the scorpion is not afraid of biting, and it is unfortunate to be at the extreme, and it is forced to be calm.

Climb up and sort the straw, so that it is more comfortable to sit and sleep. Suddenly I heard the sound of the door being unlocked. She turned back and saw Qi Huiyun holding the red paint tray and pushing the door in, and behind her was a sly twilight.

It’s going to be dark, no wonder the light in the room is so dark.

When Hui Yun came down and put the red paint tray on the ground, I saw the food that was sent in the morning and at noon. I still had no movements there. I couldn’t help but wrinkled my brow: "Grandma, no matter how wronged in my heart." This thing still has to be eaten."

"Eat! Of course!"

Previously, the room was too dark. Shu Huan didn't find those meals. In fact, he was already hungry. He reached out and grabbed a flower roll from the tray and put it on his mouth.

Hui Yun saw her willing to eat, immediately let go of her heart, Wen Yan comforted her: "The second grandmother first succumbed for a few days, the old lady said, and wait for the second master's illness, let you go out."

A sip of flowers suddenly fell into the scorpion.

Shu Huan took over the tea that Hui Yun hurriedly rushed over, and he showed up with a bitter smile.

In the two days of bed rest, although she was unhappy, she was not in the mood to pay attention to other things, but she also heard some gossip, and vaguely knew that the original owner of this body was married to Gu Jiachong’s poor woman, and she hanged herself in the night of the cave. Then, Gu Ergong, who was seriously ill, was fainted, and four or five doctors took turns to take care of it.

I didn’t make it, but I was touched by a big mold. In all fairness, Gu’s detention was so extenuating. She was very depressed, but she was not angry. She thought that when she was relieved, she would always let her go out. I want Huiyun to give her a sunny day at this moment. This is comfort, it is even worse than no comfort!

Shu Huan is afraid that he will be wrong, and then ask: "Will you wait until he is sick to go out?"

Huiyun nodded a little embarrassedly: "The old lady said so..."

I really want to smash the table!

Shu Huan had no appetite and put the flower in the tray: "When do you think his illness is good?"

Huiyun hesitated and did not answer.

Same as guessed!

Both are seriously ill and need to be happy, and it is a terminal illness that is not a cure! When the Gu Erzi is sick, don’t he have to wait until the land is gone?

Shu Huan said: "If his illness is always bad, even..."

Huiyun panicked: "The second grandmother don't say this, the two ji people have a good looks, always good."


Shu Huan picked up a straw and kept on dying: "I didn't mean to curse him. I just wanted to ask, how long has he been ill?"

Huiyun also knows that he can't deceive people, and bows his head: "The second brother is not good at playing with a small body. This disease has been lingering since the age of four or five. It has been seriously ill once, and later slightly better, eat it. I have a diet, but I can't get out of bed. The old lady hopes that he can get better. But I didn't expect to commit another spring this year..."

After listening to this, Shu Huan couldn’t sit still, and stood up and said: "I am bothering you, take me to see Laotaijun."

In any case, I always want to find the hope of survival for myself, whether it is impossible or not, it is better to sit still.

I didn't think Huiyun hurriedly stopped her: "The old lady is in a bad mood these two days, and she can't hide it. How can the second grandmother hit it? Or stay here for a few days."

"I can't go on!" Shu Huan lifted his eyes and swept the room. He smiled bitterly: "Is it afraid that I will look for a short time? I don't even give a bed! I don't care if I sleep on the ground, but the long days are long, let I am so dry and asleep, I can mad people! Your old lady should be a reasonable person, I just want to find her clearly, tell her that I will not look for short-sightedness, do not need to guard against me, I am here to waste your food, it is better to let me go out to serve the second lord, and I will be guilty of my work."

The words are reasonable, but how can it be so simple!

Guan she is here, in addition to fearing that she is looking for a short-sighted is also the old lady who thinks that this person is unlucky, only married to the door and almost killed the second master, this ordered her to be isolated.

It’s just that Hui Yun’s heart understands that it’s because of his bad identity. When she sees her persistence, she has to follow the truth: “Mother’s grandmother, this is a scorpion. You really want to see Laotaijun, I’m afraid I still have to I have asked Yunxiaoniang first."

"Cloud 姨 mother?" Shu Huan Wei Wei.

"Yeah." Hui Yun did not dare to look up at her reaction, only lowered her head: "Yun Yun Niang is the second master to go to the age of Na, but also because he is seriously ill, the wife of the wife wants to slap his wife for him, but the uncle still Unfinished, it is not good to go over him, this is the first to compromise. Yun Yan Niang hit the door, not for three days and three nights, the clothes are incomprehensible, and the second is slightly better, she is tired Next, I often praise her for this old lady, saying that this love is rare, and everything is raised to her, now Grandma you..."

She paused and said, Shu Huan understood: "Now I am detained, what is in this courtyard is she in charge?"

Huiyun nodded, no words.

Shu Huan smiled, not afraid of not knowing the goods, afraid of goods than goods.

Take the thoughts of Yun Yun Niang in comparison with the original master, it is a heaven, an underground!

When the family just entered the door, they rushed to the patient. When the original owner entered the door, he rushed to hang himself.

No wonder she takes up the identity of her wife, and she is still unacceptable!

It’s just that this thing doesn’t know if there is another hidden feeling. Besides, everyone has aspirations. She doesn’t praise anyone who is right or wrong. I only know that the mess that I have to clean up for the original master is big! But in any case, I still have to find a way to go out. This is the most important thing at the moment.

Thinking clearly, Shu Huan is still obsessed: "I am bothering you, please come to Yun Yuniang for me."

Huiyun hesitated and nodded.

Read Kill the Sun