MTL - Seeking Good Fortune and Avoiding Misfortune Starts From Tianshi Mansion-Chapter 253 252 Taoist Lei catches a big fish (for the "Da Meng Huang" alliance)

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Chapter 253 Chapter 252. Chief Lei catches a big fish (Added updates for the "Da Meng Huang" alliance and the "He Tian Tian" alliance)

Like Meng Shaojie who first entered this realm, Kang Ming also did not act rashly. He only calmly observed the bizarre void of the universe.

While he was observing the current environment, Lei Jun was also observing him.

Sure enough, with Kang Ming, Lei Jun further confirmed his current conjecture.

 The soul of a person who can touch the shadow separated from the dark side of the Book of Heaven is relatively special.

Lei Jun took a rough look and found that Kang Ming's spirit was also unique.

Although he is different from Meng Shaojie, Kang Ming's basic qualifications are also not obvious to the outside.

 Compared to the physical body, talents are more reflected in the soul.

Those who do not have special souls can combine the shadows of the dark side of the Book of Heaven.

 Even within this small group, only a very few special people have a chance.

While observing Kang Ming, Lei Jun recalled Meng Shaojie from before. After thinking about it, he summarized the commonalities between the two parties.

After Kang Ming stayed here for a period of time, his soul took the initiative to leave this pale universe.

However, after a while, he returned again.

 While going in and out, it seems that they are making attempts in various aspects, even testing.

 Due to personal experience, most of the time, he is more cautious than Meng Shaojie.

 But in some cases, it is even bolder.

After Kang Ming tried continuously for a period of time, Lei Jun smiled and touched the dark moon-shaped Jidu.

After a long while, a silver moon shone brightly on Jidu.

Meng Shaojie, who was on his way back to Beijing, suddenly felt something strange about the shadow.

After hesitating again and again, he finally threw his mind into this pale universe.

 Aware of a silver glow on the surface of Jidu, Luohu, where Kang Ming was, suddenly fell silent.

However, the circle of golden light like an annular solar eclipse is still there, indicating that Kang Ming has not left.

  While he and Meng Shaojie were both in shock and confusion, a light shone before their eyes.

 The brilliance, in front of the two of them, condensed into handwriting and presented the words.

The gold and silver radiance on the surfaces of Rahu and Jidu flashed slightly at the same time.

 Kang Ming and Meng Shaojie were both shaken at this moment.

 Compared with the content of the writing, both of them were more surprised by their current situation.

 Lei Jun is mentally prepared for this.

If he were to choose, whether emotionally or rationally, he would be more inclined to do what Sun Yao did in the Starry Sky Universe, hiding his authority and playing happily with his friends as an ordinary member.

Lei Jun has no intention of being a master or controller, and rarely gives orders to others.

Of course, he also doesn’t like to be dominated and controlled by others.

 Becoming an ordinary member of the group and communicating with friends on an equal footing will not easily arouse resistance and wariness from others.

 But for now, between Kang Ming and Meng Shaojie, the latter is fine for now. Lei Jun has some thoughts about the former.

The assumption is not that he wants to order the other party to do something.

 Instead, he hopes that the other party can take a further step as soon as possible.

Kang Ming’s early progress will be the greatest help to Director Lei.

For this reason, Daochang Lei does not mind investing in advance.

“This is... the talisman of my Taoist talisman sect?”

Kang Ming observed his surroundings for a long time, but no one else appeared.

 After a slight hesitation, he did not try to break away from Rahu.

Kang Ming was even more surprised when he read the shining words in front of his eyes.

Although they are somewhat different from what Huang Tiandao has learned in the past, these teachings have their own mysteries and are not distortions or fallacies.

 When Kang Ming looked at it, he suddenly had a sense of analogy and was enlightened.

 He ​​is a rising star that Huang Tiandao focuses on training. Although his mentor who introduced him to Taoism died early, he is usually guided by other Huang Tiandao masters, and he has good eyesight and rich experience.

After carefully observing the runes on the talisman for a moment, Kang Ming realized: "This may be a classic from the ancient Taoist talisman sect before or after the reform of Taoism."

 The dharma urn runes are incomplete.

  Kang Ming, who had the upper half but not the lower half, couldn't help but feel itchy.

 But he was more on guard at the moment.

Nothing is free in this world.

Especially Huang Tiandao has been besieged and suppressed by the imperial court and the Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain over the years.

 Among them, there are even more ambush methods such as trapping.

Hence Kang Ming restrained himself and stopped looking at the talismans and runes.

However, there are other words displayed under the talisman runes.

“Looking for more classics or spiritual objects that contain similar Taoist aggregates?” Kang Ming was surprised again.

 This is a task given to him?

If you complete the mission, in addition to the Talisman and Taoist classics, are there other rewards possible?

Kang Ming was surprised.

 Could this be a trap or a trap?

 Why should we target ancient Taoist Fulu sect collections or spiritual objects?

 He was filled with doubts.

 But the handwriting in front of him was ordinary and cold, and there was no further reaction.

Meng Shaojie on the other side, the situation is similar.

 Task is the same task.

 The same cannot be said for advance rewards.

  "Planting flowers with intention will not bloom, but willows with willows will provide shade..." Meng Shaojie suddenly became stunned and silent.

 Hands planted with intention will not bloom.

 He has experienced this for some years.

Sometimes, he would even consider that maybe he should recognize himself and reconcile with himself as soon as possible instead of forcing himself to follow in the footsteps of Shangguan Zhengqing, Ye Song, and Zhang Ziye. He does not have to compare with these people.

 Take a step back, the sea and the sky are brighter.

It’s just that, now in his early twenties, he always has some reluctance, some fantasy, and some vigor in his heart.

 So I gritted my teeth and refused to give up.

 But where is his unintentional planting of willows and willows?

“Looking for ancient Taoist Talisman sect books or spiritual objects...where should I look for them?” Meng Shaojie began to think unknowingly.

 With a faint golden glow flashing and a faint silver glow flashing in Rahu and Jidu, this monotonous black and white world is a little changing color in the sky.

 Both sides were silent for a long time.

In Jidu, Meng Shaojie came back to his senses and looked at Luo Hu, who was flashing golden light across from him. He hesitated slightly, but still did not try to contact the other party. Instead, he planned to leave here first.

 “This friend?”

On the contrary, it was Luo Huizhong, Kang Ming, who broke the silence and took the initiative to speak.

Under Lei Jun's control, his voice changed and his original appearance could no longer be heard.

Meng Shaojie hesitated for a while and finally responded: "Please give me your advice."

The voice was the same as Kang Ming's in Luohui opposite, but the original sound could not be recognized.

  It seems to indicate that everyone’s identity will be kept secret.

This made Kang Ming and Meng Shaojie breathe a sigh of relief.

 Kang Ming started the conversation first.

Lei Jun blurred his own existence and only regarded himself as a ruthless task dispatcher. At this moment, he calmly listened to the conversation between Kang Ming and Meng Shaojie.

The situation was very different from Lei Jun's own situation when he first arrived at Tianshu Zhengzhang Xingkong Universe next door.

 Kang Ming and Meng Shaojie were wary of each other, so their first conversation was not in-depth.

However, they also exchanged a lot of intelligence information while trying to keep it secret.

For the time being, there is no downside to this weird starry sky universe.

However, both Kang Ming and Meng Shaojie were still on guard.

 Later, each "offline".

 On the coast of the East China Sea, near a small city, in a hidden farm.

Kang Ming pushed open the door and left the courtyard.

 He wears his hair in a bun, wears regular clothes, and looks like a layman. He looks like an ordinary person.

The sun was high in the sky, and Kang Ming looked up.

Facing the sunlight, his eyes narrowed slightly.

It was not because of the glare of the sun, but because Kang Ming thought of the strange dark sun again.

Luohu...Kang Ming chewed these words silently.

 It could still be a trap.

If it’s not a trap, but it’s a real person…is there an ancient Taoist Taoist tradition from before the Yuan Dynasty that has been passed down to this day, and some top masters have reappeared in the world?

 Similar means, at least a three-day monk.

 But I had never heard of it before.

  Could it be that he had recently returned to a foreign world outside the Tang Dynasty that he had lived in before?

 What are you doing when you come back?

Is it just to find some relics of the predecessors, or is it to find like-minded people to re-change the current Taoist Fulu Sect inheritance?

 Kang Ming thought a lot at that moment.

But should you tell the other people in Huang Tiandaoli, tell the head master, tell Gao Gong elders Qi Shuo and Zhao Zongjie?

Kang Ming hesitated at this moment.

 Is this a trap or an opportunity?

  Traps, needless to mention.

 Given the opportunity…

Kang Ming lowered his head slightly and no longer looked up at the sky.

 Huang Tiandao's current conditions in all aspects are too tense.

There is still more than one force that secretly supports them so that they can be maintained.

 However, compared to the upright Tianshi Mansion, Huang Tiandao has always been lacking in resources and conditions in all aspects.

 In this case, the only way is to differentiate supply.

Kang Ming’s talent is not bad.

 But there are other young talents in Huang Tiandao, and the competition is fierce.

 Chen Ziyang and Han Wuyou are both young heroes of Huang Tiandao who started, practiced, and became famous before him.

One of Kang Ming's disadvantages is that the elders of his sect are no longer there. His mentor died when he was crossing the chasm between the sixth and seventh heavens.

And Chen Ziyang is the direct disciple of Taiping Taoist, the leader.

Han Wuyou is a direct disciple of the high-gong elder Qi Shuo.

Kang Ming had previously been closer to Zhao Zongjie, another highly accomplished elder.

However, Zhao Zongjie has recruited a young direct disciple in recent years and has made rapid progress...

“The Huangtian Sect Altar is about to open, but only one person can go there this time.” Kang Ming took a deep breath.

Huangtian Zongtan is not like the Wanfa Zongtan of Longhushan Ancestral Court, which can suppress the fortune of the mountain gate for nearly ten thousand years.

On the contrary, Huang Tian Zongtan, like human beings, has a lifespan limit and has now begun to enter "old age". This is no secret both inside and outside Huang Tiandao.

Furthermore, Huangtian Zongtan must be more vigilant to avoid being destroyed by foreign enemies.

Due to various considerations such as economy and confidentiality, Huang Tiandao will only select one of the best young disciples in the Sixth Heaven Realm to go to the Zongtan for cultivation in the near future.

 For others, if this step is slow, then every step may be slow.

 Kang Ming is not without pressure.

 Due to the environment and experience, every disciple of Huang Tiandao strives to walk the tightrope between the trap of foreign enemies and chance.

 When luck comes, if you don’t grab it with all your strength, your life’s destiny may be very different.

 Kang Ming has also been going along the way.

 Now, another opportunity that might be a trap was placed in front of him.

 Where should I go?

 Kang Ming raised his head again and looked directly at the rising sun above.


 On Longhu Mountain, Lei Jun's mind at this moment also retreated from the dark side of the Book of Heaven.

Looking at the peaceful dark side of the Book of Heaven, he shook his head slightly.

 It is somewhat of a pity that I cannot completely pinpoint the whereabouts of the separated shadow.

However, it should be difficult for Riyao to borrow half of the main chapter of the Heavenly Book to confirm the location of several scattered pages of the Heavenly Book.

 As for other methods…

Lei Jun opened and closed his eyes, and deep in his eyes, there seemed to be light condensed into talismans, flickering on and off constantly.

There also seemed to be a glimmer of light coming out from between his eyes.

Talismans also appeared on the earlobes of both ears, flashing faintly.

Meng Shaojie is just paying it forward. On Kang Ming's side, if a Thousand Mile Transmission Note made by him falls into Lei Jun's hands, Lei Jun can basically lock its location at any time in a large area, and even monitor it.

 Later, you can pay attention to this aspect.

 You can also try to figure out more about the relevant mysteries of the Heavenly and Earthly Principle Law, and further improve and perfect it.

Lei Jun was sitting upright. In addition to the Heaven-Connecting-Earth-Penetrating Dharma Barrel, other dharma jars of all kinds of dharma were also emerging around his body.

 The first is the Xuanxiao Five Thunder Method.

 Black thunder condensed into an array in mid-air, with five colors of lightning growing together.

On top of the black thunder formation, another thunder formation appeared, also flashing five-color thunder light, but it originated from the Five Thunder Dharma directly transmitted from the Tianshi Mansion.

Following the previous condensation in the Daoyin realm, the Yin and Yang two Five Elements and Five Thunder arrays appeared again and faced each other from a distance.

However, under Lei Jun's deliberate control, the two are currently not compatible. Instead, they are vaguely tit-for-tat, forming a confrontation.

At the same time, two identical Liangyi Tianyuan magic urns appeared, and they landed on the top and bottom of the thunder formation respectively. Then we saw four Dharma baskets, one above the other and spread out in mid-air.

Under the intertwining of yin and yang, the Liangyi Tianyuan Dharma Ribbon began to generate a more powerful magnetic force.

The power of Yuan Magnet forms a mana field at this moment, and then feeds back to the two Five Elements and Five Thunder Arrays.

 So you can see that the magic formations sometimes complement each other, sometimes conflict with each other, and are constantly changing.

 Lei Jun flicked his fingers again at this time.

A heavenly and earthly dharma urn flies into it, and is constantly expanding and contracting under the pressure of the yin and yang elemental magnetism.

Lei Jun is immersed in the world of Taoism and is full of fun.

However, the date for the battle between senior sister Xu Yuanzhen and Jinzhou Ye Moquan is getting closer and closer.

 The contest between the two Nine-layer Heavenly Cultivators is of great importance, and everyone in the Tianshi Mansion pays great attention to it.

 But it seems that, except for the person involved…

Seeing that the summer solstice was approaching, Xu Yuanzhen had not returned to the mountain yet.

Even the Tang imperial family in the capital was extremely concerned.

For a moment, people were almost wondering whether the current top master of Tianshi Mansion had disappeared like he did after the Poyang Daze War?

 Fortunately, the news has not been cut off.

Lei Jun concentrated his efforts on improving the Tiantong Dizhe Falu and Qianli Transmission Notes with great success.

Xu Yuanzhen was more regretful: "The secret realm itself has nothing of value, but the secret realm may lead to another place."

Lei Jun raised his eyebrows: "Oh?"

Xu Yuanzhen: "I simply won't go back to Longhu Mountain. I will stay here for a while and go directly to Jinzhou before the summer solstice."

Lei Jun: "It depends on what you want, senior sister."

 A certain heavenly master’s reaction to this was:

 “I’m going to Jinju too!”

Tang Xiaotang is already gearing up.

Yuan Mobai and others all looked at her.

Tang Xiaotang said confidently: "I will not join forces with my senior sister to fight two against one, but who knows if those old scholars will plan to fight in a group? I am not only going to watch the battle, but also to support my senior sister!"

What I said is not completely unreasonable.

But coupled with Tang Tianshi's impatient expression, no matter how you look at it, it makes people think that her real idea is to join in the fun.

Even, lest the excitement is not big enough.

 Lei Jun waited for a moment.

 I don’t see the light ball flashing in my mind triggering the draw.

 It seems that specific fortune will only be triggered by more specific circumstances and events.

So Lei Jun arranged for his apprentice Zhuo Baojie to give daily lessons, and then quietly went down the mountain.

 He needs to further test his spells on the ground.

Having conquered Jiangzhou earlier, he obtained many treasures such as Xingluo Liushuang, as well as various cultural treasures used by the Lin clan of Jiangzhou to draw the characters as if they were faces, which made Lei Jun more interested in the method of communication in Confucian tradition. , the understanding is much deeper.

He himself does not practice Confucianism, nor can he be said to be proficient in seeing words as if they were faces.

But this does not prevent him from constantly trying to figure it out through Taoist means such as the thousand-mile transmission of notes.

 In other directions, Lei Jun will not set limits for himself, but will try to expand his thinking as much as possible.

 However, because of the current situation, he has a clear understanding of Confucianism and has a relatively clear goal orientation and results demands.

Most of the copybooks and letters in Lei Jun’s possession came from the Lin people in Jiangzhou.

 So most of the gains from research and speculation come from this.

 The remaining small part of the harvest is directed to the Youzhou Lin tribe.

North and South Lin have been separated for a long time, and there are already considerable differences in family classics and various family studies.

Although seeing words as faces is a common method used by Confucian monks, it has been accumulated for many years by famous families, and every family has its own uniqueness.

Lei Jun gradually figured out some of the tips with the help of various cultural treasures left by the Lin clan in Jiangzhou.

It's a pity that we lack relevant information about Jinzhou Ye Clan... Lei Jun shook his head slightly and immediately started on the road.

Before I left the mountain gate, the changes in the yin and yin of the natal dharma and the celestial body began to bless me immediately.

 Wait until you leave the mountain and immediately call up the Xuanxu Mirror.

Although the Xuanxu Mirror has damaged the vitality, the foundation is still there. After Lei Jun's time of nurturing, it can play some role.

The ancient mirror turned, and the dim mirror light quietly enveloped Lei Jun.

Lei Jun's figure then further disappeared, almost disappearing without a trace.

Coupled with the original Xirang Banner, Lei Jun can fully exert all his spiritual power after he reaches the seventh heaven realm, and Lei Jun's hiding skills in the current realm have been fully maxed out again.

 He nodded with satisfaction and set off on his way.

Lei Jun’s destination this time was to cross the river and head to the northern area of ​​Taihu Daze.

The remaining descendants of the Lin tribe of Nanzong, under the leadership of Lin Yuwei, settled temporarily in this area.

 Once the distance reached a certain range, Lei Jun officially launched his own Heavenly and Earthly Principle method and began to actually try it.


 Inside the Huangtian Daozong altar.

The Taoist Taoist leader, Taiping, sits cross-legged, silently exhales and regulates his breath, and meditates to retain his spirit.

 In front of him, there was a person sitting across from him, it was Qi Shuo, a high-ranking elder of Huang Tiandao.

 Qi Shuo waited patiently.

 After a while, Taiping Taoist opened his eyes and looked at Qi Shuo: "Junior Brother Qi."

 Qi Shuo lowered his head: "Brother, the head of the school, the summer solstice is coming soon."

Taiping Taoist: "Is Ye Moquan sure he will fight Xu Yuanzhen?"

Qi Shuo: "As the leader expected, the most important issue in the Tianshi Mansion this time is Xu Yuanzhen.

However, nowadays, there are more and more involvements, and it is no longer a battle between Xu Yuanzhen and Ye Moquan. "

Taiping Taoist nodded slightly: "The fight between snipe and clam seems to be an opportunity for fishermen to gain, but for us, there is internal unrest and we may suffer from it if we act rashly."

Qi Shuo was startled and looked up at Taoist Taoist Taiping: " is rare to see enlightenment in the wild world. Otherwise, it is not enough to perform the Three-hole Desolate God Tribulation. Everything I do is for my sect. I have absolutely no selfish motives. It's just a pity that the Three-hole Desolate God Tribulation It ultimately didn’t work out.”

Taiping Taoist: "You have all worked hard in the past few years. Without external help, our sect will be unable to support itself. I understand that."

 Qi Shuo lowered his head: "Thank you, senior brother, head master."

Taiping Taoist: "Where is the person that Junior Brother Zhao contacted?"

Qi Shuo: "This aspect is extremely mysterious. I haven't been able to find any clues about it for several years."

Taiping Taoist stood up and said: "So, if there is internal instability, things will fail. This is not an opportunity for us to make a profit, but an opportunity to eliminate internal troubles."

 He ordered: "Summon Junior Brother Zhao to come see me."

 Qi Shuo: "Yes, the leader."


 The ancestral land of the Ye people in Jinzhou.

 Ye Wei came to the mansion and met his father, the old clan leader Ye Moquan.

“Father, everything is ready here in Jinzhou.” Ye Wei said softly.

 Old man: “Okay, everything will go as scheduled.”

Ye Wei: "The Nanzong Lin clan has obtained the meaning of the text from that secret realm and made most of the ritual vessels."

 Ye Moquan nodded lightly.

Ye Wei: "Father, after all, they don't have any great scholars who can govern the country."

 At present, the Lin clan of Nanzong only has one master at the eighth level of heaven, and that is Lin Yuwei.

Lin Yuwei is a monk of the Confucian Shenshe lineage, who has achieved the realm of opening up borders in the eighth heaven, but he is not the realm of ruling the country in the eighth heaven of the Confucian lineage.

"It doesn't matter, as long as there are people who are familiar with the classics at the Seventh Heaven Realm, it will be enough." The old man looked out the window: "The key is to keep the secret and don't let the news leak."

Last winter when he rushed to the aid of the Youzhou Lin tribe, Ye Moquan also had a fight with Xu Yuanzhen.

Knowing that against this opponent, any method can only be effective if it catches her off guard the first time, otherwise the effect will be greatly reduced.

"They have a single line of communication with the secret realm and do not pass through other houses. It is precisely because of this consideration." Ye Weiyan said.

 The old man nodded slowly.

After a while, he suddenly asked: "Do you have any clues about the Taoist Waidan monks who were helping the Tianshi Mansion in Jiangzhou that day?"

Ye Wei: "It can only be confirmed that there was civil strife in Shushan that day, and there were indeed fake dead people hiding in hiding. The most likely candidates have been listed, but they have not been confirmed, and the purpose is even less clear."

 The old man nodded silently and stood up.

The body that was originally stooped straightened up again.


Lei Jun spread out a huge piece of yellow paper and laid out his pen and ink.

So, every now and then, the air force began to pull the pen and ink to move automatically, and on the Taoist yellow paper, dragons and phoenixes danced, writing lines and sentences.

 At the same time, these words were also successfully presented on the Confucian scrolls where words appear as faces.

 It’s just that no one knows about it. In another place, on Taoist yellow paper, the ink pen keeps writing.

 After stopping writing, Lei Jun took out a piece of yellow paper and looked at it.

In the depths of his pupils, the talisman shone brightly, and in the center of his eyebrows between his eyes, there was also a small ray of light.

 Seeing words as faces is a method that Confucian monks can only practice after at least three days of cultivation.

Due to the previous losses, the Nanzong Lin clan has only a few people now, and even fewer monks in the middle three days.

 Hence Lei Jun was quite regretful during this period of time because he lacked a large number of mice.

Until one day, he "intercepted" a letter that was clearly written on the letter. It came from one of the few remaining Shangtiantian monks in the Nan Zonglin clan.

"Big fish..." Lei Jun read this letter surprisingly slowly.

 According to what was mentioned in the letter, a large amount of materials from the north were successfully transported to the Nan Zonglin tribe.

 But it is not to help them set down roots or even renew their cultural context.

 It is related to the next battle between Xu and Ye.

Lei Jun calmed down and did not make any announcement immediately, but then searched and received more seriously.

 As he gained more, Lei Jun gradually understood the situation.

 The Nanzong Lin clan who moved here received help from other clans, and also secretly took on some tasks and made some ritual vessels, which will be of great use in the upcoming summer solstice.

I think it is because the outside world focused a lot of attention on the two sides in the battle between Xu and Ye. The Lin clan of Nan Zong, who had lost most of their lives, was relatively inconspicuous and therefore kept relatively secret.

 Many times, confidentiality is the best protection.

 …that’s how it should be.

But when Lei Jun unexpectedly and secretly targeted him, the situation changed.

 The message itself is valuable.

However, as Lei Jun got more information, he gradually discovered something unusual.

“Sister, I remember that the member of the royal family who went to visit the secret realm with you was Zhang Rui, King of Huayang?” Lei Jun contacted Xu Yuanzhen again.

 Xu Yuanzhen: “Not bad.”

Lei Jun: "He may have a problem."

Xu and Zhang, as Xu Yuanzhen said, have not mentioned much to the capital about this visit, and they expect to summarize it together after they return.

However, what Lei Jun knows about the situation of the Nanzong Lin Clan, and some of the ritual vessels they made are related to the secret realm recently explored by Xu Yuanzhen and Zhang Rui.

Xu Yuanzhen himself will not reveal it.

 This can only show that Zhang Rui, King of Huayang, is not as loyal to the Queen as he appears.

It should be said that he may not really go to the side of a famous family.

  It is more of a secret communication between famous families of the same family, and the two sides have a good relationship.

 Generally speaking, Lei Jun was not particularly surprised by the news.

Not to mention the imperial family of the Tang Dynasty, there are probably similar people on the other side of the aristocratic family, and the level is very high.

Therefore, when the Battle of Daheishan in Northern Xinjiang affected the whole body, the Queen responded quickly and decisively. When the four surnames and six looks secretly gathered together, she also decisively put the chips in her hands together and called the four surnames and six looks to tie their hands. Binding feet.

 In the end, the northern and southern forests were severely damaged at the same time.

In hindsight, rather than saying that the Queen responded decisively, it was more likely that she had been prepared and was waiting for that moment to come.

 Most likely someone ventilated her.

 This winter and spring, I heard that there are frequent investigations within the famous families, so I think it is not without purpose.

 Correspondingly, the Tang Dynasty imperial family was not 100% peaceful.

Few people would have thought that during the Battle of Youzhou, Chu Yu and King Zhang Rui of Huayang went to Northern Xinjiang to preside over the situation, but Zhang Rui had other ideas.

Looking back now, the scene seems to have had another meaning.

Zhang Rui also made some small moves during this trip to visit a special secret place.

"Don't move him for now, and leave it to Zhang Wantong to deal with it later. Let them go now."

Xu Yuanzhen's voice sounded like a smile: "I can probably guess what they did, and there is a gift waiting for them in return."

Lei Jun: "The summer solstice is coming soon."

Xu Yuanzhen said in a casual tone: "Well, I will go to Jinzhou in the next two days."

 She was more interested in Lei Jun's self-created spell: "This method is interesting."

 Lei Jun: "I haven't even entered the room yet, I just have a rough idea."

PS1: 7k chapters

PS2: Additional updates for the two alliance leaders of the "Da Meng Huang" alliance and the "He Tian Tian" alliance. I felt that no matter how I divided the chapter into chapters, it was inappropriate, so I simply made a two-in-one chapter. I hope the two alliance leaders will not be offended. In addition, there are The addition of the "1 High Mountains and Flowing Waters 1" alliance allows me to find opportunities later. I would like to thank several alliance leaders again. Finally, I would like to ask for some monthly votes from everyone. It is a rare opportunity to double the chance. Thank you everyone!


 (End of this chapter)