MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 72 Juvenile Delinquent in Shura Field

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Congliang has always disdained and disliked any form of entanglement between people. If it was placed in the past, she would never be able to make a public appearance. In order to compete with a little girl for jealousy, she also used this kind of show-off method like a declaration of sovereignty in an attempt to let the other party know the difficulty. retreat.

She is cute and knowledgeable, not to mention that she has been with this person for two lifetimes. How can anyone who has been in water and latex for years and years not sink into the deep and be restrained willingly.

Due to the environment in which she grew up, the eldest treasure in this life has a complex personality and is not accustomed to it. She liked the Jin Gui self-sustainability in her bones even when she was in a desperate situation in the first Wei Zi. She liked Yun Chou even if she was struggling, she still did not give up a glimmer of hope.

Congliang always knew that she was not good, and she was able to handle the first Wei Zishi with ease, because Wei Zishi's likes and dislikes were clear and clear at a glance.

She was very confident in front of the second Yun Chou, because Yun Chou had never experienced warmth, and what she gave was unique, if not the best.

But in this life, Jiang Yin was the youngest, but she was the first to make her uncertain. She was not sure whether Jiang Yin would be uncommon for her two lifetimes of tumultuous affection.

In the end, caring about Jiang Yin's attitude and sticking to a word of liking is not hypocritical, but a guilty conscience. This is almost the same modern life as she once lived, and she has experienced the baptism of information explosion. She is afraid of her appearance and personality under such a background and premise, Will not please the big baby.

After all, what she is running is not only the strategy, but also the life of two hearts.

Cong Liang hooked Jiang Yin's neck, and used this kind of act of swearing sovereignty that only appears in third-rate TV series to wake up the little bell behind Jiang Yin, this man belongs to her, don't think about it.

In fact, it is Congliang's nature to put a kitchen knife directly on the little girl's neck to threaten, but Da Baoer once told Congliang personally that this is his sister, Congliang saves others by himself, of course it can't be too simple and rude.

At the end of the kiss, Jiang Yin blushed and did not raise his eyes. He kept looking at the steps under his feet, his back still maintaining a slightly curved arc, and he was completely separated from Congliang Congliang's face. The stubble has grown a lot now, and when I touched it, it is no longer sticky, and it is soft.

Jiang Yin awkwardly threw off Congliang's hand and touched the top of his head. He always felt that Congliang was touching his son. He raised his finger and wiped his cool lips because Mizuze was exposed to the air. , with a particularly embarrassed look, he gently pushed her shoulders, "Come on, let's go."

Cong Liang never understood where Jiang Yin's shyness was. He felt that the place where he should be shy was especially rogue.

Yu Guang slipped to the little bell and stared at Jiang Yin and her complexion, whiter than Cong An who was entangled by the system in the car. Cong Liang was secretly delighted, but his face turned solemn at Jiang Yin.

The big knife above her head that "she is the one who did the wrong thing" has been hanging for a long time. During this time, she was rushing forward, and even used the heavy hand training. Jiang Yin has not yet reached the point." At the age of "deep communication", Congliang has nothing to do, it's time to let the "guillotine".

After the system is upgraded, the types of charm medicines in the space have different kinds of strange effects, and even more Jinjiang coins, and Chixin San can make a person obsessed with you for a lifetime, but Congliang doesn't want to use any of them. If this "knife" "Jiang Yin couldn't bear it, she planned to forcibly quit this world directly.

"I haven't told you yet," Congliang stared into Jiang Yin's eyes, "My name is Congliang."

Jiang Yin glanced at the eyelashes and turned back to Congliang's face.

"Pulling you to block the knife will cause you to enter the juvenile detention center..." Although Congliang has no hesitation, but carrying the pot for the original green tea, his heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney still hurt, "I'm sorry."

Cong Liang avoided Jiang Yin's gaze, said nothing, opened the car door and sat in, pulled the system from Cong An's body and rolled it into a big ball, and threw it on the back seat.

"Go home," Cong Liang controlled his neck without twisting in Jiang Yin's direction.

When Cong An closed the glass with the one-way film attached, Cong Liang turned back to stick it on the glass, and what he saw was Jiang Yin's astonished look.

Cong Liang pouted and leaned against the car window again, looking at Jiang Yin, who was getting smaller and smaller, through the rearview mirror.

"Is that the little boyfriend you said?" Cong An asked Cong Liang with a raised eyebrow and a gentle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"...I don't know if it can be done," Congliang knocked his head on the chair, "I did something I'm very sorry for him." Although it wasn't her doing at all, she felt the blame for it. Really bottomless.

"...Cheating?" Cong An knew that his sister had always been very playful.

"No!" Cong Liang shook the system's head, "How can I do that."

Cong An, who was familiar with the original green tea information, was undecided, smiled and reassured, "I think he likes you very much, the young man sees you with bright eyes," Cong An thought for a while, and then said, "Even if As long as you don't get hit by him, I can find a way to wipe it off for you."

Erase an occurrence? Or the existence of a person? Cong Liang stared at Cong An with awe.

Such domineering words come out of Cong'an's mouth, not only does not appear to be pretentious, but gives people a convincing power, Congliang shook his head dumbfoundedly, "I really don't..."

After a while, Cong Liang asked again, "What does he think of me?"

Just catching up with the red light, Cong An brewed for a while, and Cong Liang waited with bright eyes. When the red light passed, Cong An turned back and smirked, "I can't learn, anyway... It's a bit like Xiao Bai seeing noodles."

The "Xiaobai" system twisted its head, and rustled from Cong Liang's body to Cong An's body, and immediately tense up from Cong An's relaxed posture.

Congliang grabbed the system's tail and pulled it over again, "Brother, are you afraid of snakes?"

Cong'an didn't say a word. For a long time, seeing that the system had been lying on Congliang's body honestly, he slowly relaxed, "'s not that I'm afraid, it's just that Xiaobai is a little cold."

"It's actually called Xiaofang..." Cong Liang looked at Cong An because he was afraid of snakes, and he could barely tolerate the sound of the system, which probably caused the system to panic that day.

"Xiaofang?" Cong An smiled, "is... a good name."

Congliang was determined to give Jiang Yin time to digest himself. After that day, except for buying a new mobile phone and applying for a new card, he never contacted Jiang Yin again, nor did he blatantly send warmth.

It’s really annoying to just stay at home like this. Cong’an has the pleasure of cooking for Congliang three times a day. I don’t know when it will turn into three meals a day and make noodles for the system in different ways. It’s probably because I can’t stand the entanglement. Sometimes He would also stiffen his body and feed him one by one. Cong Liang couldn't bear to see the system's complacent death, so he beat the system several times for this excuse.

Congliang sold all the original jewelry, and returned to the previous apartment to return the lease. The clothes and bags were sold as new, and the old ones were packaged and thrown away. All the money was opened and stored in a card. Wang Yi He and Liu Gaoyuan didn't wait for Congliang to come forward, and Cong'an settled it with a few words, but few knew that they were brothers and sisters, and it was rumored that she was packaged by Cong'an.

Congliang waited for two weeks, and her cell phone never rang. She was paralyzed on the carpet of the new home that Cong had bought. She felt like a thirsty fish. Her teddy bear cuddled her to sleep, but she was often kicked out of bed in the middle of the night.

Three weeks later, Congliang's mobile phone still did not move at all. Her number was the couple's number with Jiang Yin's mobile phone. At that time, it cost hundreds of dollars. It was very easy to remember. She could remember it at a glance. May not remember.

If she didn't contact her, she must have cut off her thoughts with a "slash" in the head. Cong Liang's plan to accept the electric shock punishment and force him to log out of the world slowly calmed down after several times of deafening red alerts from the system.

She has been with Da Bao'er for two lifetimes. She is much luckier than most women. Even if she can't let go, she knows that there is no reason for you to like someone, and whoever will respond to you, not to mention that she is nothing at all. Heavenly fragrance and national color, she is just a native girl from the countryside.

Can't be together, anyway, she still lives in the same city, she can secretly help her eldest baby, there's nothing wrong, she has lived two lifetimes, and she will never die for this matter.

Once her mentality was balanced, her days became particularly comfortable. First of all, in order to understand the itchiness in her hands, she customized a big dog with a life-size penis. When there was nothing in the morning, she would turn the system into a small group to go out for a walk.

She also looked for a cake shop that was cashing out. It was not big or expensive, but she didn't directly redeem the money she had, but made an appointment with the owner of the cake shop to learn how to bake cakes first. It's just that she really didn't study very well, and it was barely considered a form, and the taste was unsatisfactory.

A month and a half passed in a blink of an eye. The weather in early autumn turned cold early because of two heavy rains. Cong Liang was practicing yoga in front of the TV in his living room. Cong An bought this house from a newly married couple.

The decoration or something is not very good, but I don’t choose Cong’s, and it’s right next to Cong’s. I found a door in the middle, and the simple and rude two families became one. The brothers and sisters discussed plans to start the Spring Festival. This project is almost over. When we go out for a spring outing with their company, we will find someone to do the decoration.

Cong Liangzhao gestured to a seemingly simple leg-pressing posture, but he couldn't do it himself. When he was lucky, Cong An knocked on the door in the middle of the house, saying that he was looking for her for something.

He took the towel on the coffee table and wiped his sweat, then opened the door, "What's the matter?" Cong Liang impersonally stretched out on the sofa and asked breathlessly.

"I have a cocktail party, and I don't have a girlfriend. Would you like to go out for a walk with me?" Cong An now knows Congliang's urination. "There will be free seafood and desserts at the cocktail party. I've been exercising for a long time, so I'm going to make up for it."

"You don't have a company?" Congliang obviously didn't believe it, she stood up straight, she felt that Cong An should have a female companion, "Who did you bring to the reception before?"

"My secretary." Cong Ann said, "she recently found out that she is pregnant."

"Ah, I want to have a sister-in-law and a nephew." Cong Liang said, "Her husband is the manager of our business department, so she won't be allowed to attend the reception."

"Okay," Congliang pouted, "it's agreed that I'll only be responsible for eating, don't expect me to stop you from drinking."

"No need." Cong An smiled.

Cong Liang used Cong An to wear her hair and make-up. It was very cold, and she even got a halter dress. Cong Liang refused to wear it, so she didn’t even try it. In the end, Cong An had to choose a dress that was strict from head to toe. Seriously, Cong Liangcai agreed to wear it.

But she regretted wearing it. The waist of this skirt was very tight, and the chest was specially folded. Originally, she had a big chest and a big butt. When you put it on, the effect is simply... It's not serious.

"The key is such a tight waist, how many bites can you tell me to eat?" Congliang was awkward, and finally the clerk added a large embroidered shawl. With her curly hair and sharp eyebrows, she was completely flaming red lips. The beacon of beacon, the kind that draws a gun every minute.

When he was in the car, Congliang thought of a **** thing again. There were quite a few "acquaintances" in the upper class, so he had to recognize them, but he wasn't ashamed enough.

Cong Liang was fidgeting like a needle with long eyes. Cong An was laughed at by her tossing, and she took out a plate of white snakes the thickness of her little finger from her pocket, and gently rubbed the snake's head with her fingers.

"No one can recognize you." Looking at Congliang, Cong An said meaningfully, "You are two completely different people than before."

With a jump from his conscience, he quickly changed the subject, "Why did you come out with Xiao Fang?!"

Cong An smiled helplessly, "It has to follow." After speaking, he opened the pocket of his suit and carefully put the system in.

Cong Liang's heart skipped a beat for a moment, always feeling as if something was wrong, but when the car stopped, Cong Liang lifted her skirt and got out of the car door that Cong An opened for her.

When she looked up - she couldn't feel anything.

The author has something to say: After Valentine's Day tonight is New Year's Eve, I hope you will become a master overnight in school, and you will be able to make objects everywhere, and you will be successful in business and mahjong.