MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 38 The Blind Couple of the Shura Field

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The eldest baby ate everything. She had nothing to eat but had to drink a belly of cold water. The love story was in place, but she did not receive the expected effect. After adding a piece of these, she did not feel depressed for two minutes. It can be eaten well. Good appetite, good appetite, good health.

Cong Liang blatantly tossed the exchanged things into the room. The two people's toiletries were placed on the edge of the earthen window. The blankets and quilts were laid out. The iron pot was warmed with the water for the two to wash. Yun Chou, who touched the blanket, felt soft and sweet in his heart.

She thought it would take a lot of trouble again. In the plot, Yun Chou was alone for a long time. Congliang was afraid that it would be difficult if people became autistic. I didn't expect Yun Chou to be very easy to talk. to share a bed.

Cong Liang walked behind Yun Chou, stretched out his hand to encircle Yun Chou, who was bending over to touch the blanket, and also bent slightly following the curvature of Yun Chou's waist, sticking himself tightly on Yun Chou's back.

"What is this?" Yun Chou asked Congliang while touching the blanket.


Yun Chou straightened up and turned his head, Cong Liang was still tightly hugging the man's waist, reluctant to let go from his back to his chest again.

Cong Liang looked at the blanket along Yun Chou's fingers, licked his lips, and made up his mind, "This is... a wolfskin blanket."

lie. Yun Chou withdrew the hand that he had been rubbing. He didn't know many animals, but the only one he had touched was a wolf. Not to mention that the wolf's fur is not as soft as this, and the smell is quite different.

He hadn't smelled this smell when he entered the room, and he appeared plainly after eating.

Yun Chou went through the information he had collected about Congliang in his mind, he could change things out of thin air, if he was too strong, he couldn't kill him, and he didn't need to eat...

He kept sticking to his body even though he didn't eat, and sniffing the smell on his body secretly, he couldn't find any other explanation except to eat him.

The anesthetic on his hands was washed off, so he could only try it at night when the "monster" fell asleep to see if he could escape.

Congliang is very serious about Yun Chou in this world. She is not picky and does not say anything. She teaches people to use modern utensils to wash.

Congliang also showed off with the system for this.

The system looked at Yun Chou, who had stuffed the pickaxe and scissors under the blanket while Cong Liang was not paying attention, and sighed at the back of Cong Liang's head, which was dangling happily.

After washing, the two lay on the bed. Congliang felt like she was dreaming every minute. She had prepared the reason why the two of them had to be squeezed together on the same bed. A set of luggage will be put on the floor to deal with the night, and a temporary bed will be made tomorrow.

Before she could think about it, she mentioned that the two of them wanted to sleep together, Yun Chou nodded without any obstacles, and let her sleep on the inside so intimately. Cong Liang suspected that even if she proposed to kiss and hug now Hehehe, Yun Chou will also agree...

It's just that Congliang was beaten to death, but he never thought that the reason why Yun Chou was at the mercy of Congliang was just a fake docility in front of him that he knew that he couldn't match.

He couldn't go back home, Yun Chou planned to go into the mountain, if there was a second place in this world for him, and it was absolutely safe, there would be only the wolf's den in the mountain.

If he hadn't given birth to a coat of fur to keep out the cold, couldn't use his own skin to keep warm, and couldn't survive the snow-covered mountains in winter, he would have given up the thatched hut long ago and moved directly into the wolf's den.

The two of them each had a ghost in their hearts, lying side by side on the not-so-spacious bed, with their arms against their arms. The small oil lamp went out, and the room fell into darkness. Cong Liang, who pretended to be Chun Liang for a while, rolled sideways and lifted Yun Chou's arm into the person's arms. With an ugly expression, he frowned in the dark.

"Yun Chou," Cong Liang wanted to say something, but the two of them had little contact. It was too early to say anything at this time. The unspoken love in the past and present, "Yun Chou..."

"Huh?" Yun Chou's voice shook directly from the chest into Congliang's ears and into her head. Congliang's heart trembled slightly, rubbed hard into Yun Chou's arms, and did not speak.

The night was silent, and the two of them were breathing quietly.

Yun Chou's eyes were round, and there was no trace of sleepiness. He heard the breathing rhythm of the "monster" beside him gradually slowing down, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Slowly, slowly, he pulled his arm out from under the head of the "monster", rubbed his sore shoulders, sat up slowly, quietly removed the quilt, and dropped his feet, not even daring to shoes. Wearing it, grabbing the clothes on the bedside, the cat is on the waist, just about to touch the scissors and pickaxe under the blanket...

Suddenly, he slept well, sat up like a corpse, closed his eyes and stretched out his hands to scratch around, "Baby, baby?"

In the dark, cloudy, ugly and empty eyes overflowed with suffocation, his always warm face sank, and his flesh was shaking right now.

He touched the pickaxe under the quilt and gripped the handle of the pickaxe tightly, but when Congliang groped for it, he let go of the pickaxe and handed it to Congliang.

"Here." Yun Chou's voice was extremely cold, and the cold Congliang listened in a daze, trembling subconsciously.

"Baby?" Cong Liang rubbed his eyes, and held Yun Chou's cold hand and pressed it against his face, "Why is your hand so cold? Is it cold?"

"Climbing forward from Liangliang, how did you get down?"

Cong Liang stuffed Yun Chou's cold pajamas into the hem of his warm pajamas to keep him warm, pouted his butt, and blew the fire lamp to light the oil lamp.

"Do you want to pee?" Cong Liang yawned and spoke lazily, holding the half-sleep ending. When he got out of bed and saw Yun Chou standing barefoot on the ground, he squatted down and pushed the person onto the bed. He put on slippers, "I happen to be going too, let's go together."

Yun Chou lowered his head, and his scattered hair covered most of his face, so he couldn't see his expression clearly. The two of them went to urinate hand in hand, and then came back hand in hand.

The oil lamp went out again, and the room was dark.

Yun Chou kept his eyes full of suffocation, waited until Congliang's second breath became gentle, slowly released Congliang's fingers, and gently repeated the first movement, this time he had not waited for the ground, Just sitting up, the quilt didn't have time to lift, Cong Liang sat up again "whoosh", and crawled to the ground in a daze, bumping into Yun Chou who was sitting in the dark with a shocked expression on his face.

It's just that he's not blind or night-eye. He can't see Yun Chou's expression of wanting to kill. As he crawled to the ground, he pressed his stomach and muttered, "Drinking too much water at night, I always want to pee..."

From Liang Xian to the trouble of lighting the lamp, half asleep and half awake, he crawled to the ground along Yun Chou's thigh, put on his shoes and went out to pee.

Yun Chou leaned against the bed post, and his ugly face was no longer in line with the warm and jade-like appearance in the daytime. He took out the scissors from under the quilt and held it in his hand. "Kacha Kacha" This "monster" really has the ability to fall asleep. can also watch him

When I came back from the good urine and climbed on the bed, I thought I had woken up Yun Chou, so I was very embarrassed and asked Yun Chou to sleep inside.

Yun Chou held the scissors in his hand and stabbed Cong Liang's head twice, but both times he caught up with Cong Liang's **** to arch him, and he deviates from the direction.

Yun Chou was pushed into the bed, and he couldn't hold back his breath, but he accidentally kicked off the bed and kicked the end of the bed, he didn't move again, and lay down honestly.

The two fell asleep again, this time Congliang was outside and Yun Chou was inside. There was still a little distance between the two of them, and they didn't touch at all. Yun Chou still waited quietly, waiting for Congliang's third breath to slow down. Just in case, after Cong Liang fell asleep, he waited for a while.

Finally, he slowly lifted the quilt and slipped down along the end of the bed. There was no cover at the end of the bed. Yun Chou could see that he had slipped halfway, and he would be able to land after a little more. He didn't plan to take any clothes this time.

However, he froze again, and his neck was so stiff that the "monster" got up again, as if mocking him. He also gently climbed out of the bed and walked out the door without a sound.

Yun Chou thought something was wrong, he guessed that the "monster" of his attempt to run was known. Obviously, the sound sleep just now was fake. Yun Chou returned to the bed, pretending to be stupid and passively waiting for the monster to eat him, and directly poked him. After struggling for a second between running and running, he decided to poke if he didn't die.

Congliang just drank too much cold water, and only urinated three times a night. She never woke up at night. She would be too hungry. She didn’t feel anything, but after tossing it three times, she couldn’t sleep well all night, and she was sleepy and delirious. all.

So, after urinating, she supported her last sanity, and in order not to disturb the rest of her baby sleeping on the "outside", she lifted the quilt from the end of the bed and climbed in.

Yun Chou was thinking about stabbing someone to death, when suddenly the quilt under his feet was lifted up, and then he felt that the "monster" who had been playing with him all night climbed directly onto his body along his feet.

She raised the scissors in the dark, just waiting for the "monster" to crawl out along the quilt, before giving her a blow to the head.

Cong Liang's head has stopped turning, and the stopped interface is all about sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, and climbing onto a warm body, familiar smell and familiar embrace, just like a hotbed tailored for her.

She found the most comfortable position, clasped her head on her warm chest, listened to the hypnotic beat of the rhythm, her body just sank between Yun Chou's legs, this position was extremely comfortable.

She also did something that she often did in her previous life. She slid the wicked little hand down the lower abdomen of Yun Chou into the fabric, grabbed the most deadly and vulnerable place of a man, and slept contentedly.

This problem was accustomed to Wei Zi in the previous life. The two of them watched all the palace doctors in their lives, but they failed to conceive a child. Slowly, Wei Zi used to treat Congliang as a child, and let her play nonsense. Among them are Catch the chicken to sleep.

However, at the age of 20, Yun Chou, who had never even moved himself, could not even breathe from the moment he was caught by Congliang. His neck was flushed red, and the hand holding the scissors trembled slightly.