MTL - Scumbags Follow the Good System-Chapter 118 The one-armed tailor of the Shura field

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Cong Liang stared at the people on the big screen for a long time. The too thin back made her feel like something was pulling her in her heart. Ding Mao became very thin later, but because of a stomach problem, Cong Liang kept secretly The nutrient solution was greedy in the meal, the empty bottle of nutrient solution that was not thrown away in the system space, there were a whole bucket, and it was not able to keep him for a few years.

Ding Mao always wanted to keep a child for her, for fear that he would take a step first. Congliang was alone in the world. For a period of time, he dragged her to make a child like a demon. Later, Congliang had to lie again, saying that after she mutated, she couldn't have a child. For future generations, this is the end.

Cong Liang thought of holding a big baby in his arms like a bone-like body, that kind of squeaking feeling, stimulated by the same thin back on this big screen, and his eyes were a little wet.

He took a deep breath, and then followed the frame of the picture, the hem of the big baby's long gown lifted by the wind, and watched the plot of the next life.

It is a very vulgar story. The original owner was a concubine of a big family. Since childhood, she was suppressed by her mistress and couldn't raise her head.

But the mistress had already planned to give her to a businessman as a child. The businessman was over fifty and the belly was more exaggerated than the one who was pregnant in October. , and then pretended to be pregnant and asked the scholar to take her away.

The scholar has distant relatives and is an official in the imperial city. A few days ago, he sent a letter from someone saying that a high-ranking official in Licheng had fallen because of corruption. He pulled out the radish and brought out the mud.

Licheng is a piece of fat. In order to prevent the situation of officials and officials from collaborating with each other again, the officials who have been directly sent by the imperial court should be promoted from the recommendations of various places. Relatives have already recommended him, and he must be cautious in his words and deeds. , the above will send someone to inquire, and decide whether to appoint him according to his talent, appearance and virtue.

Although the recommendation of relatives is the position of the assistant official of the local minor officials under the rule of Licheng, most of the official roads start from the local area. , stepping on this step, he still has relatives in the imperial city, and he does not worry that he will not be able to go all the way to the imperial city in the future.

After receiving the letter, the scholar was very emotional. Although he was very infatuated with the tenderness of the original owner, it was impossible to elope with a concubine at this juncture, not to mention that the two of them had that incident. He was very careful, where did he start his pregnancy? ?

When they were pressed hard, they agreed with all their mouths, but they didn't go in the early morning when they agreed to elope.

I thought that if the original owner was arrested and ran away, he would definitely be locked up, his reputation would be ruined, and he would not be able to marry. It won't be too late to come back to find her when he has a firm foothold in the place.

So the original owner was waiting at the pier with anticipation, but it was the general sent by the mistress who came to arrest her. After she learned that her sweetheart betrayed her, she knew that it would never be a good day to go back.

Her body is already broken, and this time she can't even make a businessman's concubine. Maybe she will be given to any business person in the city by the mistress, and a sedan chair will be carried in by the back door, and she will be reduced to a low-level plaything for the rest of her life.

So taking advantage of the family's unpreparedness, he jumped into the river to seek death.

It is normal to come here, the women at the bottom of the feudal society who do not give in, resolutely pursue happiness. Although he was a little scheming, his eyes were a little worse, and he looked like a fool. In the end, he was betrayed by his sweetheart, and he didn't think about it for a while. He would rather jump into the river to seek death than live as a plaything.

It's just that I didn't die. I was catching up with the small tailor to rent a cargo ship that day, and went to Chaoyang City across the river. It is said that a kind of material that is said to be cool and non-sticky to wear in summer, this material is very popular in Shancheng recently.

At that time, the sky was bright, and the little tailor witnessed the original owner jumping into the river. A bunch of bubbles disappeared in the water. The six or seven big men on the opposite side were just standing on the shore watching the fun and no one went into the water. He plunged into the river to save people.

He has one arm and struggles to swim by himself, so he can only untie his belt, bundle the two of them into a pile, and try his best to swim with one arm.

But the original owner begged for death and struggled ruthlessly. The little tailor managed to swim up to the water several times, but he was dragged and sank by the original owner.

The man was rescued but he didn't thank him. He beat him first and then cried a lot. After the boat docked, the original owner's cry attracted a lot of onlookers, and the little tailor didn't care about it.

He recognized the woman as a daughter born from a concubine of a large family. She was kind enough to send the person back, but she didn't want to be smothered in the bag. The mistress had always disliked the original owner and was ashamed. The tailor, after listening to what the generals had said, simply asked the little tailor to untie the belt and tie the person, sullying the name of her slave daughter and asking him to marry the original owner.

The little tailor went to the house several times to take the measurements for the mistress and the young ladies. When the young ladies changed into new clothes, they would call the original owner over to throw some old clothes and humiliate her, and every time she accepted them with a stiff smile. , but his eyes were very cold.

The little tailor really didn't like the character of the original owner, not to mention that when the rescuer first came, he also listened to the neighbors' discussions for a few times.

Although his arm was disabled when he was young, and he never married, all he yearned for was a gentle woman like his mother. He didn't dislike the status of a concubine, but the original owner was not only not gentle, but also eloped with others. It's a matter of fact, no one wants to change it.

The little tailor wanted to shirk, and he defended himself and the situation at the time. He didn't want to see his life buried at the bottom of the river, so he could save people, but because of this, he couldn't marry someone who didn't care about fame and festivals, and didn't care about himself. The woman of life is a wife.

But because he took off his belt to save people, he carried the original owner ashore with loose clothes. Many people saw it. The mistress was biting on this point. , the mistress is even more impossible to let him go, this marriage is so awkward.

The little tailor was reluctant at first, but it was a foregone conclusion that he did not let the original owner lose face. Does he run a small shop by himself, selling ready-to-wear and fabrics? It's even thicker, because I want to live a good life with her.

Who would have thought that this woman would marry and enter the house, but she became an unjust crime. On the wedding night, not only did she drive the little tailor to the study, but she still refused to marry him. When she saw him, she spoke ill of him, and she also hooked up with men everywhere.

Stealing the savings of the little tailor to gamble, he specially picks people near the shop to hook up with them, looking up and not looking down.

No matter how good-tempered she was, she was irritated like this. The mistress knew the behavior of the original owner, and she felt a little guilt. She introduced the business to the little tailor a few times, and said that people don't have to be used to it. , arrested the traitor and sent it to the government, and from home also stood by his side.

The little tailor refused to accept the help of the mistress, and forced him to give him this wife. Now he feels that his whole life has been ruined.

Because his shop had several conflicts with the original owner, the business was gradually reduced, and his family was completely destroyed by the original owner. The original owner hooked up with people all day long. The tailor was worried, and the shop had been closed for several days, and a notice was posted, ready to exchange the shop.

The little tailor has been gentle since he was a child, not to mention that they have the name of husband and wife. The original owner is his wife who is married to the door. One day husband and wife are a hundred days of kindness. Splashed on the spot, had to accept his fate and compromise.

But the original owner's violent actions had completely exceeded his bottom line of acceptance. He hit an iron chain and tied the original owner to his home. He planned to take her to the countryside to find a place to live after the shop was sold. If she doesn't change her temperament, she will be tied to her for ten years.

Da Bao'er was a little tailor in this life, and the node where Congliang crossed was that the little tailor who was irritated by the original body was chained by a chain, and he was on a hunger strike.

After watching the plot, Congliang rubbed her face hard and wanted to open her mouth to express a few words of emotion.

"This plot is too pitiful," the system's voice suddenly sounded in my mind, "I always suspect that your plot is not seven stars, but ten stars."

Cong Liangmeng nodded in agreement, "Indeed, I..."

"But every time I see such a **** plot, you're done with the object," the system said again, "I think your difficulty seems to be one star."

"...Go away!" Cong Liang roared.

"Okay, do you want to wear it now?" The system said, "Yang San is asleep, do you want me to turn it on for you now, so I can quickly save your little tailor."

"Or do you slow down first and come by yourself?"

"You can tamper with the plot for me." Cong Liang said with a look of hopelessness.

"...I don't have that authority baby." The system replied helplessly.

"Then at least tamper with the character's memory for me. I haven't used you to change it for a long time, but it really won't work if you don't change it this time!"

"But I can't change your eldest baby, so he still bumped into the original owner and others doing that." The system said cruelly.

"You can change whoever you can," Cong Liang frowned, "Look at the change, start the time-travel."

"...Take care." The system said meanly.

"Starting transmission... 25%... 76%... Reorganizing data... Reorganization successful... Syncing senses... 66%... 82%... 95%... Synchronization successful... Transmission successful √"

Cong Liang rubbed his teeth and closed his eyes, listening to the sound of the system in his brain, trying to adapt to the coming dizziness. It's just that this time, her dizziness took a long time to get used to, but she couldn't get over it. She felt like she was placed in the cradle and rocked back and forth.

"What's going on?" Cong Liang couldn't help asking the system in his mind.

The system did not respond. After a few seconds, there was a sharp buzzing sound in the brain, followed by the system prompt, "Batch modification of memory is successful, the remaining number of times is 3, please use it with caution."

Jianliang was speechless for a while, and managed to open his eyes, what he saw was... table legs? The legs of the stool, and the textured wooden floor.

She calmed down, blinked her eyes and rolled over, and found herself lying on the floor at the moment, dizzy and weak.

The voice of "squeak-squeak-" came along with the sound of footsteps, Cong Liang sat up with his trembling body and shook the chains on his feet.

Since she was facing the window, she followed her line of sight to the outside. She should be on the second floor. She saw the top of a large willow tree. Gorgeous tree shadows were split on the window sash, a gust of wind blew in along the window, and the smell of sunlight and green plants spread all over the body.

Cong Liang squinted his eyes, took a deep breath, and the door behind him creaked open.

The author has something to say: here, the new world and new atmosphere, give the little angel who chased here a Momoda,

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