MTL - Science and Technology Library-Chapter 18 : Who wants you

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Chen Moton lived in the footsteps. When he turned back, he saw a woman coming over to him and gave him a sigh of relief. He thought it was the female salesman of the agency company.

The woman is blue-haired and shoulder-to-shoulder. She seems to be lean and capable, and she is very powerful and looks like a strong woman in the workplace. But Chen Mo can be sure that he does not know this woman.

But this beauty is a bit familiar, forget where I have seen it?

His unforgettable skills, if you have seen it before, like this kind of capable short hair beauty, absolutely impressed.

Maybe just because I took a look at the crowd.

"calls me?"

Chen Mo looked around and found that no one around him was sure that the other party was calling him.

"It's you."

Zhao Min stopped in front of him and looked at him up and down. Just now she only saw Chen Mo’s back. Now she sees the front, the more she looks familiar, the two figures are together, she has already confirmed.

“You are the young man who saved the baby on the shopping street half a month ago?” Zhao Min said.

"Hey? Is there something?" Chen Mo did not deny it.

At the beginning of the day, the news was hot, and many people were looking for him and Xiao Yu. Because the light was not good at the time, the photos on the network could not see the face.

Later, a news of a star derailment broke out, and the heat of this incident was overshadowed, and his life was not disturbed.

He did not expect anyone to remember, actually recognized him.

"I was at the scene that night, the gangster grabbed my bag." Zhao Min said.

When Chen Mo jumped out to save the baby girl, her heart almost jumped out of her chest. I was very impressed with Chen Mo’s agile skill.

"Let's have a meal together, I invite you, it's a small thank you."

"It’s not me who grabs the bag for you."

"You saved people, they are all the same. It’s rare to have a chance to meet again, and to have something to eat together is a small thank you."

Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo. This young man doesn't look like an ordinary person. The kind of deep and confident in his eyes is very attractive.

"Yes." Chen Mo said without hesitation.

Have a free dinner, do not eat is the bastard, or beauty please.

On the way, Zhao Min is looking at the ‘big boy’ who looks a little older than her. It seems to be curious about Chen Mo.

"My name is Zhao Min, Zhang Wuji's Zhao Min, may I ask you a big name? Little hero." Zhao Min broke the silence. At the beginning, Chen Mo's rescue behavior gave her a first impression.

"Hey? My name is Chen Mo." Chen Mo touched his nose: "Little heroes don't dare to be."

“Where are you currently working?”

"no job."

"Look at you not like someone who doesn't work? Would you like me to introduce a job to you?" said Zhao Min.

"No, prepare for business."

Chen Mo smiled at Zhao Min and turned his eyes to the water-like vehicles on the roadside.

"Entrepreneurship? Now the business is not bad. Which line are you going to do? I have managed the company, maybe I can give you some advice. If you have the right opportunity, you can introduce some partners to you."

Zhao Min’s impression of Chen Mo is good. If she can help him, she will not be embarrassed.

“High-tech products and technology research and development.”

Seeing that Zhao Min was so enthusiastic, Chen Mo did not hide.

“High-tech products? Technology development?”

Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo in surprise, looked up at the restaurant on the side of the road and led him in.

"In the field of technology, it is the most difficult area for novice entrepreneurs. Do you choose this field, have sufficient capital technology, or a research and development team?"

Zhao Min chose to sit down by the window, and Chen Mo sat down opposite her.

“There are funds, products, and no team. The company just registered.”

Chen Mo said as he picked up the menu and opened it. He ordered a few dishes that he could eat and handed it to the waiter.

The two chatted, it is also a preliminary understanding, the topic is a lot of open.

Zhao Min is very impressed with Chen Mo, so take the initiative. A young man risk his life to save people. If she can help, she will not mind returning him.

"Don't look at me, what are you doing now?" Chen Mo turned the topic to Zhao Min.

“The former vice president of the Greater China Region of Wanbao Group has resigned and is currently not working.”

Chen Mo looked at Zhao Min with amazement and quickly took out his mobile phone search. After seeing her information and photos, she showed a happy smile.

He now lacks a person who has the ability to manage the company. This is simply to see him going to sleep and give him a pillow.

At this time, Chen Mo stared at Zhao Min, just like the wolf saw the meat, and the thief was bright.

"I have a bold idea."

Chen Moqing cleared up the scorpion that was picked up, and talked so much, he also let go a lot, at least not so restrictive.

"Talk about it?"

"I want you……"

"I don't think about my little brother." Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo and smiled.

"I didn't finish it, I want you to help me manage the company. The company has successfully registered and just wanted to find a manager. We also have a fate, and we obey the arrangement of God."

Zhao Min is a senior talent, graduated with a master's degree in business administration, and served as vice president of Wanbao Group in China for two years. He will never let go of such a good opportunity.

"The idea is quite bold. I want to empty the white wolf." Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo with a slight smile: "What is your company's name? How many people are there? What is the product? How much is the money?"

"The company just registered successfully..."

"Little brother, although my sister thank you for being brave, but my sister has no time to work with you."

"Remove the word 'small'." Chen Mo's face is depressed: "There are funds products, just let you recruit people for me, manage the company. Of course, the salary will not be given to you."

"How much is the money? Little brother." Zhao Min grabbed the boiling water at the table and said something.

"Where am I small?" Chen Mo’s forehead’s blue veins jumped and jumped: “There are tens of millions of funds...”

"Hey? Keke..."

Zhao Minzheng was drinking water, and he stumbled and tried to cough.

Seeing her appearance, Chen Mo was in a good mood and handed the paper towel on the table to her.

"Do you brag about drafting?"

"Look at this." Chen Mo put the bank's balance information in front of Zhao Min.

"You grab. Robbery? Little brother."

Seeing the above figures, Zhao Min’s eyes were full of surprises and could not be seen. Chen Mo was still a small local tyrant.

“A little brother?” Chen Mo’s brain is braving the black line: “This is the legal income after tax payment.”

"My salary is very high. If you are going to play with your parents' money, it is better to go home to eat, drink and have fun."

"Have you seen such a handsome embarrassment?"

Zhao Min laughed, this Chen Mo said a little: "Then you said that there is a product, what is it?"

“Freshly baked smartphone operating system.”

"You find that you have two advantages. In addition to doing good things, you can lie and not blush." ​​Zhao Min smiled.

"Do not believe that we can make a bet and bet that I really have a smartphone operating system."

"What is the bet?"


"I want my money, or color." Zhao Min joked.

"I want your people."

Chen Mo did not pay attention to Zhao Min's teasing, and took out the successful Hua Wei mobile phone and put it in front of Zhao Min.

"There is a new system that I developed. You can find a professional to verify. If it is a new system, you join my company and help me manage it. If not, this mobile phone is a joke."

Zhao Min looked at Chen Mo with a slight smile.

Chen Mo's calm and confident appearance made her begin to hesitate. Chen Mo’s appearance is not like lying. It’s not good for him to lie at this time.

"If it is true, you can join it, maybe I will become the richest woman in the future."

Zhao Min took a look at the phone and made her surprised that it was not Android.

Although she doesn't know much about technology, she has changed a lot of Android phones. This kind of operation interface is definitely not Android system, nor is it the system that comes with Huawei.

But do not rule out, this is a cottage machine. But for Chen Mo's words, she has already believed in three points.

Zhao Min put the phone on, and turned his attention to Chen Mo: "What is your company's name?"

"The marching ant, a marching ant who just came out of the nest."