MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2632 2634【Prepare to take over】

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  Chapter 2632 2634 [Prepare for the upper position]

  Afterwards, Xiang Nan brought Deng Meiling into the room.

   Immediately after that was the rumble of cannons, and the sweat was pouring down like rain.

  When Deng Meiling was satisfied and fell asleep exhausted, Xiang Nan got dressed and returned to the casino.

   "Brother Nan, something happened." When Bao Pi saw him, he immediately walked forward and said.

   "What's going on?" Xiang Nan asked hastily.

  It turned out that after sailing out of the high seas, the casino on the cruise ship began to operate.

  Subsequently, Dongxing people began to lend money on cruise ships, and this business should have been monopolized by Hong Xing according to the contract.

  After all, the most profitable business in gambling houses is lending. High interest rate, fast repayment, rich profits.

   Now that Dongxing came to lend money, if there is no restraint, then Hongxing will suffer a lot.

  So seeing them doing this, Baopi immediately ordered the arrest and locked them in the cabin of the cruise ship.

   And this naturally attracted Dongxing's fierce resistance, and even Chen Jianan ran out to speak for them, which made Baopi bear a lot of pressure for a while.

   "Brother Nan, did I do something wrong?" Baopi asked worriedly, after all, even Chen Jianan jumped out to accuse him.

   "Of course not, you did the right thing." Xiang Nan waved his hand, "Remember, here, you only need to listen to me and Mr. Jiang. You don't have to listen to anything else."

  Bao Pi nodded.


   At this moment, Chen Jianan hurried over.

   "Haonan, what's going on, your little brother is arresting people on the cruise ship, making everyone panic and unable to enjoy themselves." He complained to Xiang Nan.

"Datu, my brother didn't arrest people randomly. It was Dongxing who stepped on the line and came to the cruise ship to lend money. We agreed before that the money lending business here will be handled by Hong Xing." Xiang Nan said, "Datu, They are the guests you invited, so it's too unruly to do so, you allowed them to do so?"

   "Of course not." Chen Jianan shook his head hastily, "However, Haonan, as the saying goes, many friends have many paths, and many enemies have many walls.

  We are in business, of course, to broaden the source of customers. Dongxing can bring us customers, why don't we cooperate with them. In business, the most important thing is to make money. "

"Datuk, many friends have multiple paths. This sentence is indeed true, but it is still different from 'two feet on two boats'. The premise of multiple friends and multiple paths is that there is no conflict of interest between friends, otherwise It means that the way is different and not conspiring with each other.

  You know that Hong Xing and Dong Xing will not deal with each other, and you also know that according to the contract, Hong Xing monopolizes the cruise ship lending business, but you still want to let Dong Xing in. What do you want to do? "Xiang Nan asked.

   "Haonan, I really don't mean anything else, and I didn't let Dongxing do it." Chen Jianan was speechless by Xiang Nan's question, and quickly retreated.

"Okay, based on my previous friendship, I will believe you this time. But if there is another time, I will directly talk about the contract. At that time, Dato, don't blame me for not being sympathetic." Xiang Nan said coldly said, then turned and left.

  When Chen Jianan saw this, he was extremely depressed.

   Originally thought that Xiang Nan was young, low-faced, and easily deceived. I didn't expect him to be so tricky. Not only was he sophisticated, but he also didn't show affection at all. He didn't look like a short mule, but more like a shrewd businessman.

   "Made, I'm in trouble." Faced with such a recalcitrant person, the old fox Chen Jianan couldn't help but feel pressured.


  The maiden voyage of Dragon Star was a complete success.

  In one day and one night, the turnover of the cruise line is as high as 50 million, which is really profitable.

  It has such excellent results that the board is very satisfied.

   As the general manager of Star Dragon, Chen Jianan naturally got everyone's praise, which made his heart, which was angry with Xiang Nan, feel much more comfortable.

   After more than a month, the Star Dragon set sail every day, and the business was very good every day. Xiang Nan followed up with him a few times, and without any major problems, he handed over the business to his subordinates.

  I concentrate on preparing for the Hong Xing leader election in March.

  Hongxing’s leader is selected every three years, and it just expires in March this year.

  Jiang Tiansheng has sent a very clear signal that he is unwilling to seek re-election.

   On the one hand, he has already made enough money. The family wealth accumulated over the years is at least two or three billion Hong Kong dollars. So much money is enough for him to immigrate abroad and enjoy life;

   On the one hand, he has already been marked on it, and it is said that he is very dissatisfied with him. He is also worried that something will happen to him one day, so he also wants to find a successor.

   Among Hong Xing's twelve fitters, Xiang Nan's reputation is the highest.

Not to mention Pheasant, Shisanmei, Han Bin, Prince, Big Boss B, etc., even Jige, Xinge, Liangma, Dafei and other fit people are very supportive of him, so his succession is basically a certainty thing.

  What Xiang Nan has to do now is to take over steadily and avoid trouble at critical moments.


  In just over a month, Situ Haonan also began to publicize Chen Jianan's Huihuajiayuan real estate.

  Because the price of more than 700,000 Hong Kong dollars is really cheap, coupled with convenient transportation, it is very close to the airport and downtown, and it is also convenient for immigration. Therefore, many Hong Kong citizens bought it one after another, and the sales volume is very good.

  For a while, Situ Haonan was full of ambition. The younger brother under him also became more and more arrogant, robbing the territory even more fiercely.

  Let Baopi, Chaopi, and Datianer be very dissatisfied.

   "Made, it's that Datuk who backtracked and promised to sell the real estate to us, but it turned out to be handed over to Dongxing. Damn it, rich people are so dishonest."

   "Brother Nan, the people in Dongxing are too arrogant, why don't I recruit brothers to chop them back."

   "Brother Nan, as long as you say a word, the brothers will go through fire and water, and they will do whatever they want!"

  They asked Xiang Nan to fight.

   "Nonsense, don't mess around. It's their ability to grab business." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "You are not allowed to mess around, watch your own business, and don't worry about other things.

  I told you guys earlier, it doesn’t hurt to leave all the oil and water on the street to Dongxing. Don't just focus on the petty profits, do a good job in the normal business in the store, and earn much more than those on the street. "

  After the return of Xiangjiang, the police’s pressure on associations increased sharply. Before, the police would never have asked about things like fighting and grabbing territory. Now it is showing a high-pressure situation. It can be said that anyone who dares to stand up will be beaten.

  In the movie "Enter the Dragon", He Yong and Chang Maojie just set fire to the newsstand, and Chen Haonan went to the anti-mafia group to invite old people to drink tea.

   But before that, Chen Haonan killed Bakuan in the street, stabbed Smiling Tiger to death in front of the police, and fought with Da Fei and Crow in the street.

  It can be seen that the times have changed. If we follow the previous way of doing things, we will fail sooner or later.

  Situ Haonan, He Yong, Chang Maojie and others, because they came from Southeast Asia, do not understand the local changes in Xiangjiang, and they still want to follow the old rules, and they will suffer a lot sooner or later.

   Seeing what he said, everyone had no choice but to nod.

  (end of this chapter)