MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2601 2603【The strong dragon does not overwhelm the local snake】

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  Chapter 2601 2603 [The strong dragon does not suppress the local snake]

"It's not obvious, I open a bar next door to my bar, and it's still cooperating with Dongxing's Smiling Tiger." Xiang Nan said coldly, "Brother Ji, I managed to make Yau Ma Tei Hong Xing all the same, but now you bring Dongxing came to my site to plant a flag, do you think I, Chen Haonan, have no temper?"

   "Anan, I don't think so." Ji Ge immediately waved his hands and said, "We are all brothers from the same family, so we should support each other. It's nothing if I go to you Yau Ma Tei to open a bar, right?"

   "You can go, I can also arrange a place for you, and I can partner with you even if you don't have money. Brothers of the same family, whoever makes money is not making money, and I can't wait for someone to invest." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "That's right." Ji Ge laughed immediately when he heard that.

   "But Dongxing can't." Xiang Nan said categorically, "Why should I let Dongxing take a share of the territory I have won with great difficulty.

   Moreover, they open a bar here, and they must send a younger brother to watch the scene. Now that I have seen this bar, should I do the parking business, do I want to do the pill business, do I want to do the chicken sinus business... They have done all these businesses, so do my people drink Northwest Wind?

  Besides, it’s a community responsibility system now, and I’m from Yau Ma Tei, so if something goes wrong, the police will be the first to find me. We are brothers from the same school. If you have an accident, I can help you carry it. What are Dongxing, why should I be responsible for them? ! "

   "This..." Ji Ge was stunned by Xiang Nan's words.

"Brother Ji, don't say I don't give you face, I will give you two choices now. First, you withdraw from that bar. I will pay you back all the money you invested before. The rest is up to you." I deal with Dongxing, you don't want to be caught in the middle.

  Second, you kicked Dongxing out, we brothers jointly funded the bar, and I was in charge of running the bar. At that time, I will share your bonus proportionally. "Xiang Nan said again, "You don't suffer from either way, so I didn't treat you badly. "

   "No, no." Ji Ge shook his head hurriedly and said, "Anan, you are right, I'd better choose the first one."

  Actually, he didn't spend a penny in that bar. Smiling Tiger just asked him to take a share of dry stock and give him a little money every month. Simply put, it is to use his name to plant a flag in Yau Ma Tei.

  He thought he could get something for nothing, so he was naturally greedy. But now after hearing Xiang Nan's words, he realized that it was not that simple.

  Dong Xing used his name to grab Xiang Nan's territory. And no matter whether he succeeds or not, he has a bad reputation of stealing from others and betraying his colleagues.

  Since this is the case, it is natural for him to withdraw first. Otherwise, if the turmoil continues, he will be double-faced and completely lose his foothold.

  Xiang Nan nodded, and then wrote him a check for HK$500,000.


   After taking the check, Brother Ji called Smiling Tiger in front of Xiang Nan.

   "Hey, Tiger, I've thought about it, and I still don't get involved in the business of Dongman Bar." Ji Ge said.

   "Brother Ji, why do you think so suddenly. I'm still pointing at you to make me rich." Smiling Tiger was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

"Hey, Yau Ma Tei is not my site after all. I used to open a bar, and I was suspected of stealing food from my fellow doormen." Ji Ge explained, "Well, if you really want to open a bar, you can come to our West Ring. That's me You can open as big a site as you want."

   "Brother Ji, think again. There are not many opportunities like this." The smiling tiger persuaded again.

  He will not open a bar in Western District. It was the earliest developed area in Xiangjiang, and because of premature development and saturation, it has not caught up with the dividends of the times, so the entire Western Ring Road is full of old buildings, and the population is aging very seriously, so there is no vitality at all.

  The customers of the bar are all young people. Therefore, opening a bar in Xihuan is the same as selling raincoats in the Sahara Desert and combs in the Monk Temple.

   "No need to say any more, anyway, I'm quitting. From now on, Dongman Bar has nothing to do with me, and I don't care about it anymore." Ji Ge said, and then simply hung up the phone.

   "Anan, I've made it clear to them." After Ge Ge hung up the phone, he looked at Xiang Nandao.

   "Well, Brother Ji, you are really smart, but you are too loyal and trust people too easily." Xiang Nan nodded and smiled, "Don't be fooled again in the future."

   "Okay." Ji Ge nodded.


   "Aki actually quit, what should I do now?" Seeing that Brother Ji hung up the phone and was determined to quit, the smiling tiger couldn't help looking at the crow depressed.

   "Fuck, quit, just quit, without him, I will do the same!" Crow kicked over the stool and said violently.

"Crow, don't be impulsive." Smiling Tiger immediately persuaded, "Chen Haonan's current power in Yau Ma Tei is not something we can afford. Without Aji to help us carry it, we would have to be swept away in the first round out."

  Crow and Smiling Tiger were indeed Dongxing’s eldest brother, and they had a strong influence. But after all, they went to the Netherlands for more than three years, and their power has shrunk to a considerable extent

   But Xiang Nan has managed Yau Ma Tei in the past year, but it has done well and prospered. Every venue is full of people and is extremely prosperous. It is conservatively estimated that there are two to three hundred million Hong Kong dollars in revenue a year.

   What's more, he is also in charge of the business in Macau, and the money is even more profitable. If you have money, you can support more younger brothers, and those younger brothers are more willing to work for him.

  That's why Yau Ma Tei was completely dominated by Hong Xing, and other associations couldn't get involved at all.

  If they choose to fight hard, they are likely to be beaten to the ground by Xiang Nan as soon as the battle begins.

   "Then what should we do now, can we just let it go like this." Crow said again.

   "You can't do it recklessly, you can only take it out of your wits." Smiling Tiger said with a smile, "Give me some time, and I will think of a way to get him out."

   "What about Dongman Bar, is it really closed?! Fuck, I voted a million dollars." Crow called.

  Renting a house, doing renovations, applying for a liquor license, hoarding red wine... all of them are free of charge.

   "There's nothing we can do now." Smiling Tiger waved his hands, "But don't worry, I will make him pay back twice as much in the future as much as he swallows now."

   "Yeah." The crow nodded.


   "Brother Nan, I heard that Dongman Bar is closed." A few days later, Baopi said to Xiang Nan.

  Xiang Nan nodded, not surprised by this.

  The so-called strong dragon does not suppress the local snake. In Yau Ma Tei, he is a local snake, while crows and smiling tigers are not even strong dragons, they are at most loaches. Without Brother Ji carrying the thunder in front, the two of them would not have the courage to break into Yau Ma Tei.

  However, Xiang Nan also knew that they would not let it go, and would definitely find ways to sneak in.

  However, there is a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no reason to prevent a thief for a thousand days. It is better to take the initiative to attack than to guard against death.

  Although it is not easy for Xiang Nan to make a move, he can also rely on Ding Yan's relationship.

  The Sanlian gang will take care of the crow and the smiling tiger, and it will not be a pity to let the two of them die for safekeeping.

  (end of this chapter)