MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 612 Don't worry, I'm here

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  Chapter 612 Don't worry, I'm here


   is the sound of the door being pushed open.

  Yu Youyou thought it was Shen Zhuo who came, she lowered her head and wiped her tears with her hands: "Can I stay alone for a while?"

  Footsteps approached slowly, and a hand was gently placed on her shoulder.

   "Niaoyao, it's me."

  The familiar voice made Yu Niaoli's heart flutter.

  She raised her head suddenly, looked at the man standing in front of her, her eyes were wide open, and she exclaimed in disbelief.


  Xiao Juan raised his right hand, put his index finger to his lips, and made a silence gesture: "Shh, keep your voice down."

  Yu Niaoyou hurriedly stood up and plunged into his arms.

  She hugged his waist tightly, her face pressed against his chest, like a tired bird returning to its nest, greedily absorbing the warm breath from his body.

  She had never needed him more desperately than now.

  Xiao Juan didn't say anything, and quietly hugged her back.

   It took a while before Yu Niao regained her senses.

  She took a step back, lowered her voice and asked, "How did you find this place?"

  The prince's whereabouts are not particularly secretive, and Xiao Juan found out here without much effort.

  He took Yu Youyou's hand and said in a low voice: "This matter is a long story, let's leave here first, and talk about the rest later."

  Yu Niaoyou was worried: "This is Shen Zhuo's territory, can we leave?"

  Based on what she knew about Shen Zhuo, if Shen Zhuo found Xiao Juan, he would definitely not miss this opportunity to kill Xiao Juan.

  Xiao Juan's voice was full of firmness.

   "Don't worry, I'm here."

  A simple sentence was like a reassurance to Yu Niaoyao, making her heart fall firmly to the ground.

  She held Xiao Juan's hand tightly.


  After experiencing so many things, Yu Niao has completely lost hope in people's hearts, and now the only person she can trust and rely on is Xiao Juan.

  Yu Niaoyou has already firmly remembered the terrain of this courtyard.

  She is responsible for guiding the way, and Xiao Juan is responsible for protecting her.

  The two carefully avoided the patrolling guards, and if they couldn't dodge, Xiao Juan knocked him out.

   Just like that, they escaped from the other courtyard smoothly.

  Although it is already night, there is still a period of time before the curfew. There are still vendors on the street selling stalls, and the shops on both sides are still open, and it is very lively.

  Yu Niaoyou has not felt this kind of prosperity in the world for a long time.

  She was led forward by Xiao Juan, and she was still in a daze.

   "We really escaped? This is too easy."

   Xiao Juan looked back at her.

  Under the light, his face looked extraordinarily soft.

   "Now we are free."

  For some reason, Yu Niaoyou still felt uneasy: "Shen Zhuo will soon find out that I'm missing, and he will definitely send people everywhere to look for us. Let's get out of the city as soon as possible."

  Xiao Juan: "Now the city gate is closed, let's stay in the city for one night first, and then leave the city tomorrow morning."

  Although Yu Niao was uneasy, she had no better way, so she nodded and agreed.

  She thought they were going to stay in a hotel, but unexpectedly, Xiao Juan brought her to the gate of a house.

  By the hazy moonlight, Yu Niaoyou saw two words written on the plaque above the gate, Pan Mansion.

  Xiao Juan stepped forward and knocked on the door, and soon someone came to open the door.

   After entering the house and seeing Pan Dafu's white and fat face, Yu Niaoyou just realized that this is actually Pan Dafu's home.

  Pan Dafu and his family are very enthusiastic.

  They not only prepared sumptuous food and wine, but also packed up the best room in the house for the two of them to live in.

  The night is getting darker.

  Everyone in the Pan family fell asleep, and the mansion became very quiet.

  Yu Niaoyou and Xiao Juan lay on the bed.

  Xiao Juan told how he found her from beginning to end.

  After Yu Niaoyou finished listening, she was both moved and angry.

  She buried her head in Xiao Juan's arms, complaining softly.

   "I told you not to come back, why do you run back foolishly? Do you know how dangerous it is?"

  Xiao Juan hugged her and whispered, "I can't leave you alone."

  Yu Niaoyou tightly wrapped her arms around his waist, like a drowning person hugging a life-saving driftwood, unwilling to let go even for a moment.

  Although she was angry at Xiao Juan's behavior of running back despite the danger, she was actually very fortunate in her heart.

   Fortunately, he came to her side at this time.

   Otherwise, she really had no choice but to give up struggling and let herself fall into the abyss, becoming a numb puppet controlled by Shen Zhuo.


  Yu Niaoyou closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  In the dream, she returned to the Feng family's old house.

   Xie Shi and Feng Lianghan desperately sent her out.

  She escaped by chance, but Xie Shi and Feng Lianghan were left in the flames.

  In the monstrous firelight, a distorted figure can be vaguely seen.

  Yu Niaoyou wanted to rush over to save someone.

  But when she rushed into the flames, what she saw were Yu Kangtai, Yu Sheng, and Yu Pingping.

  They were covered in blood, struggling to crawl towards Yu Youyou, screaming in pain.

   "Niaoyao, save us!"

   "Yiao, we are also your relatives, why did you kill us?"

   "Yiao, why are you so selfish?!"


   "No, I don't, I don't!"

  Yu Niaoyou screamed and woke up from the dream.

  Xiao Juan beside him also woke up immediately, he hugged Yu Niaoyou and asked.

   "Did you have a nightmare?"

  Yu Youyou opened her eyes wide and looked at the top of the bed. At this moment, she already knew that she was dreaming just now, and those were all fake, but her body was still trembling uncontrollably.

  Xiao Juan hugged her even tighter: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

   After a long time, Yu Niao struggled to make a sound.

   "I really want to help my mother and stepfather get justice, but everyone thinks I did something wrong.

  They accused me of destroying the stability of the world for their own selfish desires.

  When a person dies, he is dead, and when he dies, there is nothing left.

  I shouldn't drag everyone into the water for two dead people.

   Ah Juan, did I really do something wrong? Am I really being too selfish? "

   At the end, her voice became choked up, and the warm hot water rolled down, wet Xiao Juan's skirt.

  There are no lights in the house, and the light is very dim.

  Xiao Juan couldn't see Niao Niao's expression clearly at this time, but he could clearly feel that the woman in his arms was on the verge of emotional collapse.

  The revenge plan she tried her best to prepare ended in failure.

  Deng Yuchuan, the only one who stood on the united front with her, died tragically.

  Evidence was completely destroyed.

   Never believed what she said again.

  Even her biological father thought she had done something wrong.

  She is like a traveler who has trekked thousands of miles in the long snowy night. There is darkness ahead, and the cold and loneliness are constantly gnawing at her body and mind, making her more and more tired.

   She's really, really dying.

  Xiao Juan stroked her back lightly, and whispered in her ear word by word.

   "Yiaoyou, you are not wrong."

  The voice is very soft, but the tone is extremely firm.

   "What's wrong is this world that eats people but doesn't spit out bones."

  (end of this chapter)