MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 9 "Why is it so difficult for me to be a good person?!"

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  Chapter 9 "Why is it so difficult for me to be a good person?!"

  Boss and colleagues all know what happened to Zuo Xiaoduo, and they all try their best to show compassion and sympathy, but there is nothing they can do, so they can only sigh inwardly.

  At noon, Zuo Xiaoduo took a rare afternoon off. He ordered a simple side dish, and took a bottle of the cheapest wine.

The fat boss came over, sighed softly, and comforted him: "Xiao Duo, you have to be more open about everything. There are nine times out of ten unsatisfactory things in life. When you encounter such things, don't worry about them." The face of the person is a natural disaster and a man-made disaster. After all, you are still young, and the top will pass... In this way, I will send you an extra five hundred yuan this month, which is not considered salary or bonus; this money is not in the file and no one will check it. That's right, you can use this money to improve your own life, uncle's ability is limited, so that's all he can do to help you."

   Zuo Xiaoduo said in a low voice; "Thank you boss..."

His lips were tightly pursed, tears rolled in his eyes, and he finally couldn't help it, and roared in a suppressed way; "What kind of world is this, why is it so difficult to be a good person?! Heaven is fair, where is heaven? !"

  Everyone who heard this sentence trembled in their hearts.

  Yeah, how to be a good person is so difficult?

  People, if they have a choice, naturally want to be a good person, but the world is impermanent, and there are always too many unsatisfactory things!

   Zuo Xiaoduo received his salary, and wandered out of the house.

   Everyone looked at his downcast and desolate back, and sighed: "What a good boy, why did he meet such a family, a family of scumbags, scumbags from old to young..."

"To put it bluntly, I really wanted to kill that family. The guy saved your life. You just don't say thank you. To repay your kindness by pouring a pot of dirty water on the savior is simply despicable." Shameless, devoid of conscience!"

  Everyone is indignant.



Li Changjiang was dumbfounded, and said: "This... This guy has been acting since early in the morning... You can imagine what you want to do, I said Ruoyun, you still give them acting lessons? This is too natural... "

  Hu Ruoyun growled angrily and felt ashamed: "Look at you! You're not over yet..."

   After speaking, he looked at the penetrating Zuo Xiaoduo on the screen, and couldn't help rubbing the center of his eyebrows with a headache.

   I really can't think of where this guy's bad taste comes from. It can be solved through normal channels, but he has to find a different way, even in the illusion, he has to vent this breath...


  Thinking of this, four words suddenly flashed in Hu Ruoyun's mind, but immediately suppressed them to prevent himself from remembering.

  However, these four words became more and more clear.

   Devil temperament!

   It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, for a villain to take revenge from morning to night, for a devil to take revenge... not afraid of being late, but not ruthless!

  Probably because what the last one seeks is never fairness, fairness and fairness, but only his own...understanding of thought!


  In the illusion, Zuo Xiaoduo came to the door of that family, smelling of alcohol all over his body, and knocked on the door for a long time but there was no answer. The neighbor opened the door and came out to tell: "They all went to the hospital."

Said with some sympathy, he glanced at Zuo Xiaoduo's tired and dejected appearance, and said, "They said you are a villain, and they said that you came to the house to beat people...Little brother, would you like to come in and drink some water? I think you are very Tired."

  Zuo Xiaoduo laughed miserably: "Your neighbors and family say I'm a villain, aren't you afraid that I'm really a villain, opening the door to steal?"

"I have been neighbors with their family for several years, so I don't know the character of their family. I don't dare to say clearly about you, little brother, but I know a general idea, saying that you are a villain? Hehe, what a villain Will you help someone?"

  The neighbor sighed: "Rescue people but get blackmailed, this world..."

Zuo Xiaoduo sighed, and said: "Thank you, but I won't go in. People can't be trusted without trust. I will do it if I promise. Today is the day when I get paid. It's okay if they are not at home. I will go to the hospital right now. They send money."

   As he spoke, he turned around and walked out lonely.

  Watching Zuo Xiaoduo leave, the neighbor's face was full of resentment: "It's a shame that I would be neighbors with such a family..."



  The family is currently staying in the ward; doctors and nurses are all there, looking at the family with strange eyes.

  Especially when they were still talking about Zuo Xiaoduo over and over again about how domineering, unreasonable, and beating people, the look in their eyes became more and more disgusting.

   As for the scum of your family, why did they beat you? Said that someone went to your house alone and beat your family? Who would believe it!

  We can't wait for that guy to really fix you, isn't that a matter of course?

  Your family is wolf-hearted, blackmailing your savior, and beating you, shouldn’t you? If hitting someone is not illegal, even I want to hit you, you know?

   He actually still has the face to come to the hospital and wait, talking nonsense, and polluting the air here.

   Footsteps sounded, and under the sympathetic eyes of the doctors and nurses, Zuo Xiaoduo walked in, reeking of alcohol and decadent, and said wearily, "There is no one at your house, so I had to send the money to the hospital. Fortunately, you are still here."

  The old man's son snorted and said, "Put the money down, and you can go."

  Hearing this, everyone's expressions became even weirder.

  Are all blackmailers so confident?

   Zuo Xiaoduo seemed to be very angry with someone's attitude, and blushed suddenly, but then endured it, walked up to the person, took out the money and handed it over, saying: "You pay."

  The old man's son couldn't help taking a step back and said, "Just put it on the table."

  Zuo Xiaoduo took a step closer and said, "You have to count how much money I brought. I need a proof of the amount. I can't trust your family!"

  The doctors and nurses nodded secretly. That's how it should be. With the shamelessness of that family, maybe they can make other moths out. It's entirely possible to confiscate the money or say the amount is wrong.

  The man hesitated, reached out to pick it up, and said, "Okay."

He didn't move it, looked up, but saw Zuo Xiaoduo staring at him, panting heavily, breathing heavily, with red eyes, and asked depressingly: "You guys blackmail me like this, don't you feel guilty?" Is it?"

  The man was startled and said, "What? What did you say?"

   Zuo Xiaoduo was already breathing alcohol, and roared in grief and indignation: "Don't you feel guilty? Don't you feel guilty at all?"

  The old man's son froze for a moment, and said angrily: "You scum of society, scum of the world..."

Before he finished cursing a sentence, Zuo Xiaoduo suddenly erupted, and slammed a stack of money on the man's face, and then Zuo Xiaoduo rushed forward with a broken face, and began to beat his head and face, crying and fighting at the same time: "Aren't you guilty? Are you not guilty?"

   "I saved your father! Saved your father's life!"

   "You blackmailed me! The red mouth and white teeth said that I was the perpetrator, and they have been blackmailing me until now. I want to be a good person, and I am doing good things...Why are you doing this to me!?"

   "Why do you want to blackmail me, you clearly know the truth of the matter!"

   "You still want to call me the scum of society? The scum of the world? Who is it!"

   "Who is the scum! Who is?"

   "Why? Answer me!"

   "Why? Why? Why is it so difficult to be a good person in this world!?"

Zuo Xiaoduo's sad and angry roar sounded right, but his movements were extremely fast. He knocked the opponent to the ground with a few punches, punched and kicked for a while, and then rushed towards other people, while continuing his grief and anger Roaring, punching and kicking, fighting!

  The old lady who served the old man on the hospital bed just rushed over yelling and cursing, but was slapped by Zuo Xiaoduo and flew three meters away and fainted under the bed.

Puff puff…

  Listening to the heartbroken roar of extreme grief and anger, some emotional doctors and nurses had red eye circles.

  To what extent is it necessary to push people, so that a good young man who is enthusiastic about saving people's mentality collapses to the point of insanity now?

  Yeah, why is it so difficult to be a good person in this world? !

  Even though they watched the family being beaten violently, everyone still couldn’t feel any sympathy, only two words resonated in their hearts—

   Deserved it!

   Even, several doctors and nurses deliberately slowed down their movements, and waited until Zuo Xiaoduo was almost done fighting, and then gathered around to persuade them: "Don't hit people! Don't hit people...uh..."

  Looking at the ground, the family has completely turned into a pig-headed family, with bruised noses and bruised faces, bruises all over, and swelling all over the body. The brows of the doctors and nurses are all twitching.

So fast?

  Why is it over?

  Although everyone thinks that this fight is really... very satisfying, but... it is also too hard, too fast...

   Listening to the sound of clicking, it should be that some bones are broken, and there are more than one...

   "I... I hit someone again..."

  Zuo Xiaoduo looked at his hands in a daze, and muttered to himself with a look of disappointment: "I just want to be a good person..."

  He turned around in a daze, and asked in a daze: "Why...a guy who blackmailed his savior can say that his benefactor is a scum of society? A scum in the world? What is going on in this world..."

  The doctors and nurses comforted softly, but they were a little worried.

   Now that I am disabled, I am afraid it will be difficult to handle. This young man is too impulsive.

  The eyes of some sensual nurses are red.

  It's so pitiful, this child is so pitiful.

   With a passion, he actually encountered such a disgusting and dirty thing!

Zuo Xiaoduo broke down and shouted: "What's wrong with this world? Is there no reason? Those media, those newspapers, those TVs, those reporters, those... those legal systems, those leaders, why don't you open your eyes take a look!"

   "I am a good person! I am a good person!"

  A series of roars of collapse, but it is like a series of reminders.

  A nurse's eyes suddenly lit up, she took out her mobile phone, and pressed a series of numbers.

  Yeah, maybe, only the media can help this poor guy now...


  (end of this chapter)