MTL - Royal Road Qingtian-Chapter 1391 Hard acting

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  Chapter 1391 Hard acting


  East Emperor Taiyi and the eight ancestor witches were all taken aback.

  Damn it, this kid is thinking too fast. He clearly sees us sitting around drinking with Donghuang Taiyi, and he can still make such divisive remarks, and the temptation is really strong!

  Combining the power of eight ancestral witches to encircle and suppress Donghuang alone, even if Donghuang has the Donghuang Bell in his hand, he still must die!

   Once the Eastern Emperor dies, not only will the demon emperor's arm be cut off, but more than 30% of the demon clan's aura will be lost immediately!

   So, why not?

  Yeah, if the relationship between the Witch Race and the Monster Race is still in opposition, then it’s not why they don’t do it, but what they must do!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho..."

   "Howling howling..."

   "Quack quack quack..."

   "Wow Ka Ka Hou..."

   "Heh heh heh hiccup..."

  Eastern Emperor and the eight ancestor witches laughed happily, one by one holding their stomachs, patting their thighs, turning their backs on their backs, and spraying saliva... Really no image at all...

  Especially the leopard-headed ring-eyed guy in the middle, who looks like a hedgehog, almost **** his own teeth.

  Zuo Xiaoduo stretched out his head, looked at the strange phenomenon in front of him, scratched his head, continued to be dazed, and became more and more at a loss.

what happened?

   Are you kidding me?

   Are you still playing with me?

   Or are you playing me?

  I saw Donghuang standing up, laughing, and said: "Congratulations, everyone, I should get out of trouble today. From then on, the dragon swims in the sea, the phoenix soars in the sky; the sky is high and the birds are flying, and the sea is wide... by fish jumping."

An ancestor Wu Su Rong said: "Although the feud between the Lich and the Demon is just yesterday, but the Qing Dynasty opened, and the two clans fell into confrontation again; after leaving this time, there will inevitably be a moment of life and death in the future, Brother Donghuang, Duo Duo Take care. This head of the six yangs, the head of Da Ri Zhen Huo, don't be tricked by others."

   Donghuang laughed: "Di Jiang, although I don't have the brains to play tricks and tricks, but compared to you, I can do it myself. Your words are exactly what I want to say to you."

Another ancestral witch said a little impatiently: "Don't open your mouth and keep your mouth shut, my god, listen to this awkward. Is it so difficult to call yourself an 'I'? I just don't like your pretending **** ...You say you are a crow, you pretend to be a hanger..."

  East Emperor's still smiling face suddenly became ugly: "Xuan Ming, are you trying to provoke me?"

  Xuanming shrugged his shoulders, clapped his hands, and suddenly a bone-piercing icy cold overflowed, covering the sky and the earth, the entire space was covered in frost, and the ground under his feet instantly turned into a glacier, and the glacier quickly transformed into black ice.

  In an instant, the eyes are full of the color of ice crystals!

I saw him looking up triumphantly, and said: "You are in a hurry, you are still like this for so many years, you will be in a hurry if you stab you...Take a step back and say, which sentence did we say wrong? Could it be that you are not a crow? Are you still a phoenix? Besides, you are in front of us, my god, do you think you are our emperor? Do we recognize you as the emperor? Oh, look at your pale face, how can you be so angry when you say a word , As expected, you are indeed an innumerable boy in the past, and today, you are still a boy, um, I heard that you are still single? Then you should say that you are an old boy... tsk tsk tsk..."

   During the words, even the air froze.

  Seeing this scene, Zuo Xiaonian couldn't help feeling overwhelmed, it turns out that the power of ice-cold still has such a limit, and my way is not alone.

   Zuo Xiaoduo was dumbfounded.

  Seeing this ancestor witch Xuanming with his own eyes, Zuo Xiaoduo couldn't help but think of Great Witch Bingming.

  The same cold attribute, the same power of the technique, and the same temper...

  The style of acting is exactly the same.

  Especially the familiar cheap smell, it is simply blowing up against the wind.

  If you didn't see the other party speak, you would almost think that the ice witch came in person...

   "It seems that the Ice Nether Witch not only inherited the skills of the Xuanming Ancestor Witch, but also inherited the character of the Xuanming Ancestor Witch... It's just that the personality is a bit inherited, and the skills are not enough..."

   "Could it be that this is the characteristic of the Xuanming lineage art?"

   "It's just... takes my breath away."

   Donghuang was over there, already trembling with anger.

   "Xuanming! Sooner or later, you will die with your mouth! There will be no accidents, I will stop talking today!" Donghuang was furious.

   "Hehehe, I'm so scared to be told by you..." Xuan Ming shrugged, not caring from inside to outside.

  The other seven ancestor witches were speechless.

  Dijiang and Gonggong sighed, it is really not easy for Xuanming to live to this day.

   What a good witch, why does he have a mouth?

   I really don’t know how many unnecessary wars have been caused because of this cheap mouth.

  After those years, the witch clan has become enemies all over the world. Too many of them are really because of this mouth, and the rest are because of brotherly loyalty, and they can't just stand by.

  Ancestral witches sometimes express their gratitude: Fortunately, after so many years of witch clan, such a **** has come out!

  If there is one more...

  I'm afraid, it's really hard to handle...

   "The guy smashed it!"

Xuan Ming said: "Who is your master? How can you know Zhu Rong's real fire? But you also practice Gong Gong's big wave magic? Is this girl next to you my lineage inheritance? How can you practice in the same direction as Lao Tzu? similar?"

  No more danger...

   Zuo Xiaoduo was naturally not afraid at all.

  This guy is actually relying on the old to sell the old, and the old man is relying on the old to sell the old, you are still young...

"My surname is Zuo, and I belong to the Star Soul Clan. This senior Xuanming, can we talk less, I was not joking with you just now, this time in order to save you, I really sent out the two clans of the Witch Clan and the Star Soul Clan The elites here, it is estimated that they are constantly fighting dead people, I wonder if you still want to stick to your interest? Do you have to make it clear here? If you really don’t care, then I will accompany you to talk about it for a few days. "

   Zuo Xiaoduo's mouth is well-trained, well-known, and tried and tested!

   Among other things, how about the Ice Hell Witch?

  Under the mouth of Zuo Xiaoduo, he never got the slightest bit of cheap money.

  Zuo Xiaoduo's words made Xuan Ming so full of **** that he couldn't speak with his mouth open.

  He can say: Then let's talk?

   If he dares to speak out, Zuo Xiaoduo will definitely accompany him, but the other ancestral witches will immediately greet him with fists and tell him to shut up!

  It’s getting dark outside to save them, you want to talk here?

  If you can’t talk anymore, go out quickly.

  So what the **** did you just ask that sentence, isn’t it tantamount to farting?

  When it's so important, you're talking nonsense, are you making wool? Fortunately, you are still a ancestral witch!

  Zuo Xiaoduo is really daring, especially when there is Donghuang next to him. With this outsider present, don’t believe that the ancestors and witches don’t want to be ashamed!

   It is true that the Yaozu and the Wuzu have reached an agreement to let them go, but for the sake of acting, the battle outside is real!

  The fact that people die at every turn is real and true!

   "Hang Chi Hang Chi..."

  The ancestor witch Xuanming gave Zuo Xiaoduo a hard look, and was about to say, 'Then let's get out quickly'.

  Zuo Xiaoduo had already pre-empted the attack, and said angrily, "What's your attitude? Is this how you treat your savior? Are you harboring ill intentions and evil intentions against me? Are you trying to target me? That look... so vicious!"

  Xuanming: "..."

   "Hahahaha..." Donghuang Taiyi finally couldn't help bursting out laughing.

  The other ancestral witches were also amazed.

  They really never imagined that there are still people in this world who can suppress such a cheap mouth like Xuanming with their mouths!

  It's been a long time since I saw you...

   Have to admire!

  It’s true because they didn’t know that the reason why Zuo Xiaoduo was able to restrain Xuanming was because…

   Zuo Shao is really at a higher level than Xuanming Bingming.

  If Xuanming Bingming is a cheap god...

   Zuo Xiaoduo has been canonized!

   Holy shit!

  East Emperor suddenly remembered that Zuo Xiaoduo had already sat on a saint futon in Zixiao Palace. Although he said he would not sit on it, it was true that he once sat on it.

  Could it be...

  This Zuo Xiaoduo's really...cough,, swordsmanship?

  Eastern Emperor laughed, picked up the wine glass, and drank it down in one gulp.

   "Everyone, see you in Jianghu after today."

   "After today, see you in Jianghu!"

  The eight ancestral witches toasted together and drank it all in one gulp, showing a heroic attitude.

  Witch Clan and Monster Clan are enemies of life and death, but the high-ranking officials back then really cherished each other. No one can understand anyone, but everyone is also very pleasing to the eye.

  Even if it is sealed here, there has been no abuse or restriction over the years. Even sometimes, Donghuang and Yaohuang often came to accompany them to chat and drink.

  Everyone talked freely and drank very happily; sometimes even the queen came.

  The atmosphere is very harmonious, it is completely like meeting old friends.

   Now is the time like now, and it is finally time to part ways.

   "Everyone has a good journey, I won't send it off, let's fight again next time in the rivers and lakes."

  East Emperor let out a long laugh, his body rose slowly, and gradually disappeared in midair.

  I have said everything that needs to be said, and we will still be enemies in the future.

   Fight when you need to fight, kill when you need to kill, and continue to cooperate when it is time to cooperate.

   "Boy, follow us!"

  Seeing the disappearance of the Eastern Emperor's figure, the eight ancestral witches gathered their momentum and combined their moves.

  With a loud bang, the entire Demon Palace land was turned upside down.

  The restriction outside has been broken by Zuo Xiaoduo. Although it has been closed again, the gap still exists after all.

  At this moment, the eight ancestral witches act together, of course, there is only one way to destroy the dead and the dead.

  Following this loud noise, the three people who were fighting outside stopped fighting immediately, and then saw the eight ancestor witches break through the seal and reappear in the mortal world.

   Eight demon-like figures stood in the dusty sky, looking up to the sky and laughing.

"I `m coming out!"

  The Demon Emperor Jun, who had expected it for a long time, also laughed loudly: "Come out!"

Zuo Changlu and Shui Shui Dawu are also people who have experienced the world. They have seen the details and connected many details of the whole rescue operation in an instant. Can't help but admire the grandeur of the Demon Emperor.

   The enemy who has been imprisoned and sealed by him for so many years, once he escapes from the trap, even if he did it on purpose, but the laughter of His Majesty the Demon Emperor is full of heartiness and faint anticipation, which shows the purity of his heart.

  Gonggong Zuwu laughed, and spoke first: "Di Jun! Thank you for your hospitality over the years. This kind of friendship will definitely be reciprocated by our Wu Clan in the future."

Di Jun narrowed his eyes: "Since you have broken the seal and walked into the mortal world again, you are just the ancestor witches of the witch clan, and there is no need to talk about the rest. Go ahead, between you and the liches, the calamity will inevitably come to an end." There is still a battle, let's see who is stronger and who is weaker between the witches and witches."

   "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

  Dijiang Zuwu let out a long cry: "This battle ends here, and everyone who belongs to the Wu clan stops fighting!"

  Following the shout, the sounds of battles outside the Yaozu Imperial City gradually faded away and gradually stopped.

  The whistling wind came, and both warring parties rushed here.

  The Demon Emperor shouted: "The poison transporter of the witch clan left behind the antidote, and today's matter is over."

  The non-poisonous witch snorted, and dropped a dozen small porcelain bottles.

   "See you ancestors!"

  The Great Witch Hong led several great witches to pay respects.

"May I have your name?"


   "Hong Shui, you have now been promoted to the realm of ancestral witches, so you don't need to belittle yourself, you can be on the same level as me."

   "For the cultivators of the wilderness, those who have achieved it come first, especially the blood heirs of the witch clan. To be promoted to the ancestral witch realm is to reach the pinnacle of the witch clan, and you can't be a dwarf. This lesson must be kept in mind."


  Gonggong ancestor witch looked at the flood, and said lightly: "You have walked out of your own way, and you are no longer just my successor. This point must also be kept in mind."

   "Yes. This time, the Zuo family of the Xingsoul people contributed a lot in rescuing the adults. If they hadn't given their full support, and we, the Wu Clan, could not have done it alone, this matter might not have gone so smoothly."

   Dawu Hongshui, well, Zuowu Hongshui began to introduce Zuo Changlu's family, emphasizing the virtue of helping each other this time.

   "I have met all the ancestors and witches." Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting saluted side by side, neither humble nor overbearing, with a style of their own.

   "Thank you very much." Emperor Jiang Zu said witchcraft: "I will keep in mind today's feelings, and empty words are meaningless, let's see later."

  Facing the demon emperor Jun just now, what Di Jiang said was that there must be rewards!

  But facing Zuo Changlu's family who were truly kind and righteous, Di Jiang didn't say anything more.

   Kindness is not in words, but in action.

"Senior, don't worry about it. Flood and I belong to close friends. During the Qingtian Tribulation, the Star Soul Human Race also made a covenant with the Witch League to watch and help each other. This time we came to participate in the rescue, which is half personal and half expedient. "

   "Haha... Not bad, not bad, you are a person who speaks honestly, and you don't hold any falsehoods. You are a good friend."

  Di Jiang looked at Zuo Changlu, and couldn't help asking: "Is this kid your son?"

   His eyes immediately focused on Zuo Xiaoduo.

  Zuo Xiaoduo immediately puffed up his chest: "Your Majesty Zuwu, you don't have to be polite. Everyone is watching and helping each other. I just did what I should do. When it comes to thanking you, it's heresy."

  Di Jiang's lips twitched, did I say thank you?

  I said thank you to your father, and I have already given enough face, who wants to say it again to you, a junior?

   "It's the dog. The younger generation, this dog is young and ignorant, and his cultivation is superficial, which made Master Zuwu laugh at him." Zuo Changlu said politely.

"I just said that your words are honest, and you don't keep falsehoods. This makes you humble? As I said before, those who cultivate the wilderness, those who have achieved the first, the so-called little things, and shallow cultivation, why can't you put it on your son's head; The young master is extremely talented, the choice of Juncai, Zuo Yuzuo is really lucky."

  Di Jiang really praised Zuo Xiao one more meal.

   Just leave the last sentence and feel embarrassed to say it.

   This sentence is naturally: Especially in another aspect, he is outstanding and can be called the best in the world.

  As for which aspect, everyone knows everything, so I won’t say it out loud.

"Let's go, this account with the Yaozu will be settled in the future! Dijun, I'm leaving soon, do you have anything to say? If not, he will go to Jianghu goodbye!"

The Demon Emperor said indifferently: "As I said just now, when you break out of the seal, and then walk into the mortal world, you will be just the ancestor witches of the witch clan, and you can only oppose each other. However, the enmity of a lifetime is not in a hurry today. Let you gather together first." I am happy to be reunited with your clansmen... By the way, I will also leave you a chance to inherit. Last time, I was a little too anxious and did not leave a legacy, which caused a fault in the inheritance of the Wu clan. Today, I will meet with the younger generation of witches. disappointment."

   "The Demon Emperor really deserves to be the Demon Emperor."

  Di Jiang said lightly: "In that case, my brother will leave!"

   "Please go ahead."

   "Left throne, let's go."

  Zuo Changlu smiled and said: "Master Zuwu go first, come down here, there is still an expedient that has not been completed, and I need to discuss it with His Majesty the Demon Emperor."

  Xuan Ming Zu shamanized: "Do you need help?"

  Zuo Changlu smiled: "This matter is not about fighting, I believe His Majesty the Demon Emperor will not make things difficult for me."

  Gonggong pulled Xuanming's sleeve, and said: "In that case, let's take our leave."

   Immediately there was a whistling sound, and a group of masters of the Wu Clan soared into the sky and left in the dust.

   A moment later, only four members of the Zuo family were left on the scene.

  When the Great Witch Flood looked back in the air, he saw the Demon King and the Demon Queen approaching Zuo Changlu and Wu Yuting with smiles on their faces, and couldn't help feeling dazed for a while.

  This shit...

  What's going on?

  How does God unfold? !

  I asked you to come to fight, to fight desperately, to rescue the ancestral witches...Why do you come here as if you are visiting relatives?

   "Welcome Xinghun Zuoyuzuo's family, come to visit my Demon Palace." Demon Empress Xi He said very politely.

  Yao Emperor Jun couldn't help being taken aback when he saw this, he really forgot how long it had been since his queen put her posture down so low

  In a flash of thought, he had already reacted, with a smile all over his face: "Well, yes, the first person in the Star Soul, Zuo Throne Jade Toe, came to the Demon Palace. It is really radiant, welcome."



The demon crown princes next to him stared at the demon palace that had been battered and devastated by this family, and then looked at the many scarred guards around them, as well as those who had worked together to protect the imperial city before, but were unable to do so. Load, a group of demon gods who are burdened with internal wounds and vomiting blood...

  Everyone couldn't help but fell into deep thought...

  Father and queen, this is probably the first time in so many years that we have been so puzzled by what you two have done.

   Obviously, I was still working desperately with this family just a moment ago, and I can't wait to get rid of it and hurry up!

  Why do you still treat him like a guest now?

  That tone, that tone, is not only approachable, it is simply the taste of calling friends and relatives!

We don’t understand what we say, this family’s assistance to the witch clan Gaoxiu not only destroyed our demon palace, but also rescued the eight ancestor witches, and almost burned the Fusang sacred tree to ashes. It's miserable...

  Why did you become our guest in the blink of an eye? This face-turning is faster than turning the pages of a book!

   Damn, turning faces is faster than turning books, can it still be used like this? !

  The sorcerer Kunpeng turned into a big man in a golden robe, standing on the outside, couldn't help but take a step forward, and said, "Your Majesty, this is..."

   "I don't need to say much, I love you, I have my own opinion."

  The Demon Emperor Jun smiled slightly, but the smile had a special lingering charm. The demon master Kunpeng had spent countless years with his rulers and ministers, so he didn't know that there must be another reason for this, so he won't say more now.

  Eastern Emperor Taiyi also descended from the sky, saying: "Oh, I'm late! What happened just now? How messy is it here? Who dares to come to my demon clan to make a serious disturbance, this emperor will never forgive me lightly!"

  Everyone: "..."

   Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian: "..."

A thought came to the minds of both of them: an old drama is an old drama, the accent is flawless, the singing and singing are perfect, and even the two of us who know the details of it can see it well. No mistakes!

  The question just now, if you only listened to the surprise in your tone and the doubt on your face, we both almost thought that it wasn't you who was drinking with the Eight Great Ancestral Witches!

  Yao Emperor Jun sighed: "Second brother is here. Just now, the witch clan attacked in a big way, sneaked into the demon palace, and took the opportunity to rescue the eight ancestor witches. After that, there will be troubles in this world."


Donghuang Taiyi stomped his feet immediately: "There is such a thing! It is expected that the eight great ancestor witches have been sealed for a long time. Even if they escape from the trap, their cultivation base will be hard to recover for a while. The rest of the witches are just mediocre. Wait for me to catch them up and catch them back." !"

   "No need! The great world comes, and the ancestor witch is born, and there will be another storm."

   "What the elder brother said is yes, then let them go for the time being, and there will be a time when we will see each other again."

   "Second brother, let me introduce you. These four are the backbone of the human clan in the ancestral land, the Xuntian royal wife and their son and daughter-in-law. This time I came with the Wu clan for righteousness, but at this time they are the distinguished guests of our clan."

   "Honored guest? Brother, are you confused? This is the enemy."

   "I care about myself!"

   "I still don't understand."

   "You will understand when you come in."

The Eastern Emperor stopped talking nonsense, and said to the demons around him: "I will go in with the emperor, and you don't need to worry about anything more. Since the emperor said that these are distinguished guests, then these are the honored guests. Let's go with them." The related matter must be a good thing, you go to heal your wounds, you are beaten like this in front of your own house, you are ashamed of yourself."

   As he spoke, he threw out a few bottles of pills.

   Demon Master Kunpeng saluted together with several princes and countless demon gods: "Thank you, His Majesty Donghuang."

   He hesitated even more, and went to heal his wounds.

  With His Majesty the Eastern Emperor coming down, he can naturally stop any foolish decisions of His Majesty the Demon Emperor. As expected, we just need to wait for the result.

  The more Zuo Xiaoduo and Zuo Xiaonian watched, the more they felt that they were out of wits.

  This shit...


  【Adjust your state, otherwise it will be painful to squeeze toothpaste all the time...】

  (end of this chapter)