MTL - Righteous Angry Hunting Demon-Chapter 42 Nero, miserable

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Dodging Lin Yun's Bai Tiebo with a strange posture, the large water element can be moved, at least it won't get stuck under it like just now, but the movement is obviously slower.

But even so, that slap was almost half the size of Lin Yun's body, so why him.

Obviously Nero was the one who hurt the most, probably.

"Jianxi flash." No matter what, Lin Yun could only choose to try to avoid it first.

"D20+10=26, the dance check was successful."

Lin Yun made a wrong step, and dodged lightly towards the back, but got out of the way of the ball of water by a hair, but Nero on the other side was staggered by the water ball raised by the other hand .

Although it is said that Nero has already used the legendary tiger to climb the mountain hard.

I said before that the skill that the crocodile is good at is climbing.

Just now Nero actually used one of the swift dials, which is similar to Jianxi Flash, using climbing skills to fight against the opponent's attack.

It's just that Lin Yun succeeded in the dance confrontation, so he moved around to avoid the attack.

The reason why it is said that the tiger climbs the mountain hard is because this is a climbing posture similar to a claw strike, and then holds down the opponent's attack, and pushes the opponent 3 meters away.

It's a pity that this guy seems to have failed in the fight. Nero grabbed onto the body of the water element that seemed to be a non-Newtonian liquid. He slipped his hand, but he couldn't hold it firmly, and was hit by the ball of water on his chest.

The general feeling is like being swung up by someone with a thick quilt, and then hitting the chest.

"Is it so fierce?" At this time, Bao'er had already fallen from the sky, and the first move was to throw a crowbar first.

The crowbar aimed directly at the head of the large water elemental, and then directly punched it in, piercing through it. It looked like a lightning rod was installed on the head of the water elemental.

It's a pity that elemental creatures have no weaknesses, so the large water elemental just shakes a little, and it doesn't look like a big deal.

Hunyuan didn't have such agility as Lin Yun and the others, so the speed of coming down was naturally a little slower.

Saya has already rushed forward to form a pincer attack with Nero, biting the water element again, and dancing wildly with the tentacles on his back.

It's just that the defense ability of non-Newtonian liquids is a little troublesome for Saya. It can't be bitten and can't be bitten, and it can't be pulled. Even the tentacles hit the body of a large water element, and almost got stuck in it and couldn't get out. .

It's really difficult.

"Precise grasp." Nero seemed a little unconvinced, and used a relatively rare enhanced martial skill.

Martial skills are divided into strike, counter, and strengthening, such as Lin Yun's torrent attack, which adds damage and special effects, that is, strike martial arts.

And like Jianxi Shan, when the enemy is acting, make a corresponding response, like Jianxi Shan, it is a counter martial skill.

Strengthened martial arts are martial arts that enhance one's own abilities, and the most important thing is that the enhanced martial arts are launched very quickly.

Almost a second.

No special action is required.

I saw Nero's hand showing a posture like a tiger's claw, and then manipulated the ghost hand to grab the large water element again.

The effect of precise grasping, if Lin Yun remembers correctly, is a combat skill bonus replaced by climbing skills.

The normal combat maneuver bonus is Strength + base attack bonus.

The bonus value of the climbing skill test is normally strength + skill level + own skill.

Wardens belong to the normal base attack bonus class, so the base attack bonus is 3.

The highest skill level is the character level, so if you calculate it higher, it is also 3, but it is more than the +3 of the skill that the job is good at.

Generally speaking, there is no size limit for grapples, but the larger the creature, the more difficult it is to grapple.

For example, large water elementals are +1 based on the combat skill defense that they should have originally, but when it comes to super large, it is +2, then giant +4, and super giant +8.

This time Nero can be said to have firmly grasped the large water element, but it feels like when playing with mud, the feeling of some liquid leaking from the fingers is very strange.

Lin Yun took the opportunity to step forward quickly, drew out his sword at the large water element, and slashed at it. "Rapid attack."

"D20+5+3+1-1=19, hit, trigger vicious weapons."

"D20+5+3+1-1=14, MISS."


The effect of weapon detection is still there, however. . . . It is said that the vicious weapon can actually be triggered.

Oh, the water element of PF is not immune to nausea.

The sky-blue water element, which originally looked extremely pure, began to feel a little muddy like a water source polluted by humans.

"You're poisoning." Nero on the side complained.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with it." Lin Yun said with a smile.

The large water elemental turned itself back into water, trying to escape from Nero's hands, but at this time the energy above the ghost hand was perfectly intercepted by the body of the large water elemental, preventing it from leaving even an inch.


"I'm coming too." Bao'er had rushed to the back of the large water element, inserted a shovel from the side, picked it up suddenly, and directly dug out part of the water from the body of the large water element.

The appearance of the large water element seems to be on the verge of failure.

Saya has started attacking again.

In a very limited space, the large water element kept changing its shape just like Bai Tiebo who had just faced Lin Yun, but barely, very reluctantly avoided Saya's bite.

It even almost made Saya bite Nero's ghost hand with his mouth, allowing the large water elemental to escape and ascend to heaven.

The effect of the tentacles is still not very good, some of them are almost sucked in when hit on them, and some have no trace of indentation.

"The boa constrictor entwined." Nero had already started exerting force, and the fingers of the ghost's hand turned into a snake-like feeling wrapped around the body of the large water elemental, and then suppressed it violently.

It's a pity that water elementals don't have feet, so there is no such thing as falling down.

But now, the space for further shrinkage is enough for the large water elemental to even change its body into a strange shape as if it had just skinned it this time, so as to avoid the attack.

Lin Yun took his hand away from the giant sword, and grabbed another long sword at his waist. This was the damaged long sword that Lin Yun planned to use too much before, but only after he repaired it and strengthened the customized weapon, did he let it go. It works.

"Resonance strike." As Lin Yun pulled out the long sword in his hand, Lin Yun felt as if something was passing in his mind, and then attached to the long sword in his hand.

If the silver color of the silver rush is a reflective, slightly icy silver, then it is now a sparkling, slightly hot silver.

The light accompanied the long sword in Lin Yun's hand, and then a sword light stabbed out, directly piercing through the body of the large water element, and then dissipating.

And the large water element that was still trying to struggle, and almost blasted away Nero's ghost hand, was pierced by this ray-like sword light, and immediately after that, it was like a clod of mud that softened , then turned into a puddle of water and disappeared underground.

"D20+5+3+1-1=10, MISS."

"D20+5+3+1-1=18, hit."


Strictly speaking, the resonance strike is not a physical attack, but a telekinetic strike created by the mind.

So in fact, the damage of the long sword is not important, and there is no damage bonus.

Even large water elementals can't resist such damage, which is completely different from the damage against Nero and Boa's attacks.

In addition to fighting against some creatures with high physical resistance and magic resistance, the most important thing is that this one is an attack that specifically targets spirit bodies.

After all, under normal circumstances, if ordinary weapons cut spirit creatures, they would be passed through directly, and nothing would happen.

Unless the ghost oil is applied, let the weapon use the effect of the ghostly enchanted weapon in one shot.

Magic weapons can damage spirits, but the damage is halved.

Only ghost enchanted weapons can do full damage, just like Lin Yun's current resonance strike.

There is no doubt that the water elemental does not exist and there is nothing to drop.

At this time, Hun Yuan had also come down from above.

Because Saya diverted the water away, he could see the secret door facing down all at once.

The secret door on the side.

There is no lock on this secret door, and it can be easily opened at once.

You can see a lot of spider webs on it, "Be careful of spiders." Lin Yun said very vigilantly.

It turned out that the space in this small room was so large, but there were no big spiders in it. UU Reading

"It seems that no one has been here for a long time." Hun Yuan said in order to avoid embarrassment and change the subject.

"It should be." Lin Yun said solemnly.

Soon Lin Yun and the others came to the end of the small room, and they could see a small wooden box by the wall.

"No matter what, be careful. Although this is a secret room, there may still be traps." Lin Yun still said cautiously.

"Okay, then let's search around first." Nero said casually, and then saw him stepping forward.

Almost instantly, with a "crack", Nero couldn't react in time, and fell straight down, followed by the voice of "Ah, my ass." came from below.

It can be seen that this is a pothole with a side length of more than 2 meters about 1 meter in front of the wooden box.

Once you step up to about the same weight it will trigger, and then. . . . . If you can't respond.

Lin Yun probed over and looked over. The pothole was about 5 meters deep, and a lot of spikes made of wood could be clearly seen underneath. Nero should have just sat down on his buttocks just now. It was too miserable.

It can only be said that fortunately it is not a rusty iron thorn or the like.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he will have to make a fortitude saving throw for tetanus.

"D20+4=7, detect failure."

"Ah." With great difficulty, he pulled his **** off from the wooden thorns, endured the pain, and Nero was about to climb up from below, but he didn't expect that because the place was too humid, the piece of soil that Nero was holding onto would collapse immediately , and then let him. . . . . He sat down on another wooden thorn again.

Seeing Lin Yun and the others stunned.