MTL - Return of the Dead [Holo]-Chapter 17

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Mo Ran raised her eyebrows, and her originally indifferent smile was a little more cheerful. That's right, she likes to deal with such smart people.

"No matter how many dungeons there are in City A, I will help you get the first kill. There is only one condition. After that, I will take him away." Mo Ran raised her hand, and gently pointed at He Yu on the other side.

"No way!" Without even thinking about it, Luo Chen rejected Mo Ran's conditions, and his eyes that had been vacant and settled were a little more angry: "He is my younger brother, how could I sell him for a few first kills?" Brother begging for glory!"

At this time, He Yu had also recovered from the daze just now, and heard that Mo Ran and Luo Chen seemed to be making a deal on his own terms. He immediately looked at Mo Ran with some vigilance, and even his body turned towards Luo Chen's side to take the exam.

This is the subconscious expression of people who are more trustworthy and safe. Mo Ran is not surprised by this at all. She still looks at Luo Chen quietly. Her red eyes seem to have fire, more like cherry blossoms all over the sky. When the rain is falling, no matter who it is, it can be wrapped in red and compromised.

Luo Chen struggled, and he shook his head firmly: "No, Ah Yu can only follow me, only this one can't."

"You can't protect him." After a few seconds, Mo Ran snorted lightly, she did not hide the sarcasm in her voice, although the attitude and words in her voice were too uncomfortable, but Luo Chen didn't dare to deny it.

"The dead are a race born to fight, and they are different from you humans."

"No. He's my younger brother, he's not a dead man!" Luo Chen's eyes were red, as if they were burning, and he stared at Mo Ran, as if this was the only way to force her to take back all the words she had said. .

Mo Ran has never been bothered to argue about this kind of self-deception. She just said: "How long do you think you can protect him with your ability? Even you don't know when you will die, how can you still protect him?" Want to protect someone? And want to protect a dead person? You really like to joke."

"He's my younger brother! I can protect him!" Luo Chen jumped up as if being poked into a sore spot. How powerful is the dead man? Luo Chen had met Mo Ran before He felt it in his body, but after meeting Mo Ran, he realized that he still underestimated this kind of power.

Facing Mo Ran whose strength was at the ceiling, Luo Chen felt an unprecedented

The way the dead mutate may not be a secret soon, when that time comes?

Will other humans accept He Yu? Luo Chen didn't know.

"You can't." Mo Ranfeng stabbed Luo Chen indifferently.

Luo Chen fell silent, he still stared at Mo Ran stubbornly, the air rubbed hoarsely in his throat, and let out a heavy panting sound.

Mo Ran leaned her head on the back of the sofa, she was not looking at Luo Chen, but quietly looked at a few photos in the corner of the room, in the photos were a family of three, their smiles were bright and dazzling, It left traces that belonged to human beings or lived.

After a while, her voice flowed through the room like gurgling water.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different."

Luo Chen's body shook heavily.

"Just now, when you were negotiating terms with me, did you think about this?" Mo Ran had raised her head again, her head was supported on her right arm, she was as lazy as a beautiful Persian cat, The long hair like Bai Lian was blown down the sofa and landed on the ground, stained with a little dust, making her far away and beautiful.

"Look, this is what you thought in your heart when you saw me, can you guarantee that other people will not think this when they see He Yu?" Mo Ran's voice seemed to have boundless magic power , demagogic.

"Humans have to look like humans, and the dead should be with the dead. This is the race." Mo Ran finally couldn't help laughing out in a low voice: "Otherwise, you think the race written on your panel Are the two big characters just for fun?"

"It's just a game." Luo Chen still looked at Mo Ran firmly, but there was already some hopelessness in his voice.

"Yeah, life is a game, and the game must abide by the rules of the game, unless your strength is above the rules, but..." Mo Ran's voice was soft and slow, rather than negotiating, it would be better to say It was a persuasion between friends.

"Luo Chen, you are too weak." Mo Ran looked at Luo Chen with pity in his eyes, it was the absolute strong's pity for the weak, piercing into Luo Chen's heart like a sharp knife.

In the last life, Mo Ran didn't know that there was a person like Luo Chen among human beings, maybe he had heard of it, but

When Mo Ran met He Yu, he was already alone, which meant that there was a great possibility that Luo Chen was already dead at that time.

In the air, silence fell again, only Luo Chen's hoarse breathing could be heard.

At this moment, He Yu's voice trembled: "Are you deciding where I belong? I think I should have a say in this."

His voice really caught the attention of the two people. Luo Chenhu glared at He Yu with a face, just like how countless Z country heads treat their children. If you don’t want to stay here, just go out and wait!”

"That's right, you have the right to speak, you can choose, and I respect all your choices." Mo Ran also looked at He Yu quietly, but her eyes were much gentler than when she was looking at Luo Chen. The voice also has a powerful soothing power: "I guarantee it in the name of the same family."

Probably it was the words "in the name of the same family" that shocked He Yu so much that even his body couldn't help but tremble a little, and the eyes he looked up at Mo Ran were more complicated and bewildered.

"What choice do you choose! Get out!" Luo Chen became more and more flustered, and he even stood up, wanting to pull He Yu. .

However, He Yu's next words made Luo Chen be fixed there like some kind of immobilization spell by Shi Le: He said, "Brother, I want to follow her."

Luo Chen couldn't find his own voice for a long time, he wanted to say a lot, such as what, it's dangerous outside, such as, this woman doesn't know the bottom line, such as, I will protect you.

But at this moment, he couldn't say anything, his voice was blocked in his throat, and he couldn't struggle to get out a word.

"Brother, I am the dead."

Members of the Mammoth Brothers Guild discovered a strange situation. The president Luo Chen, who was always smiling all the time, turned dark as hell, and refused to listen to anyone. He just ordered two main members of the guild, followed by the one called "Dye" woman began to plunge into the copy of "Peace Road Elementary School", a crazy customs clearance copy.

In just two or three hours, everyone in this team was equipped with the unique equipment in the dungeon. Afterwards, Luo Chen divided these people up again and brought more people into the dungeon.

Although I don't know what my president is angry about, but for ordinary members

When the morning came, this wave of frenzied sweeps of dungeons was over. More than 50 people in the entire guild had dungeon equipment, and even more than ten people were equipped with a set of equipment. Such a thing It made everyone very happy, and they even had infinite respect for "Mo Ran" who took their first kill.

In the last days, the greatest sincerity and respect seems to be only one thing, and that is a hot meal.

The back kitchen of the Mammoth Brothers Guild did their best to cook a warm meal for Mo Ran, such as braised chicken legs, stuffed green peppers, tomato and egg soup, and sweet and sour pork ribs.

Although each serving is not big, it is still fully placed on a table.

Mo Ran was sitting in front of the table, quietly looking at the dishes on the table, without moving his chopsticks for a long time.

Except for a few high-level people who ate together, the members of the Mammoth Brotherhood did not eat together. They either ate their own rations or the subsistence rations distributed by the guild.

However, even if this is the case, the remaining rations are very rare. Although it has just entered the end of the world for a week, a big meal like this seems like a world away for everyone.

Sitting in front of the table, although everyone was very greedy, but no one dared to say the words to share a piece of the pie.

Strength is the right to speak forever.

After looking at such home-cooked dishes for a long time, Mo Ran finally picked up the chopsticks, picked up the chopsticks closest to her and put them in her mouth. Suddenly, a sweet and sour taste, with a bit of burnt aroma, came from the tip of her tongue. spread in the mouth.

Mo Ran couldn't even remember how long she hadn't eaten such food, but she had some impression in a trance that during those days when she was still trapped by Ming Yuechen's side, he seemed to have a great interest in feeding herself, which was very interesting. It is to satisfy her appetite for a period of time.

The strange aroma flooded the room, and the people who ate at the same table did not feel that it was a kind of enjoyment but a huge torture. The poor ones could only eat compressed dry food...

"Brother Chen, I found a person sneaking around on our site. I don't know if it's a spy from Fenghuo Forest." Two patrolling members pushed a person to come in at this time.

The man yelled at being wronged, while pleading: "I'm not a spy, I'm here to find someone!"

"Who are you looking for and need to drill around?" The members on patrol didn't stop making excuses like this.

But I didn't expect that after this person was pushed into the room, he was suddenly stunned. After that, he almost slid and knelt beside Mo Ran who was eating, hugged her thigh and began to cry: "Sister Mo! Are you going?" What! You made it easy for me to find! Have you forgotten me!"

Mo Ran looked down at Yang Wei who was hugging her calf: ...

Sorry, really forgot.