MTL - Repairer-Chapter 453 Chaos Dojo!

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  Chapter 453 Chaos Dojo!

  Su Xiaofan originally thought that he could reach the chaotic space soon, but the vortex channel of the chaotic node was beyond his imagination.

   The vortex of the chaotic node seems to be rotating, but in fact it is just a visual illusion.

  The nodes with a radius of thousands of kilometers are not stationary, but the speed of rotation is not as fast as the eyes can see. After Su Xiaofan enters, it is almost like flying forward.

   It's just that the flight time is a bit long for Su Xiaofan. Su Xiaofan has been flying for two full years in this magnificent channel filled with various rays.

  When Su Xiaofan was repelled out of the passage by a strong force, he knew that he had finally entered the chaotic space.

   "This is the chaotic space, does it mean that the chaos has not yet opened?"

  Looking at the environment surrounded by light yellow mist, Su Xiaofan was stunned. After being thrown into the chaotic space, he immediately lost the coordinates of the chaotic node.

  Because at this moment Su Xiaofan doesn't have any sense of direction at all, all around him, up, down, up and down, is the light yellow chaotic atmosphere, making it impossible to distinguish the direction at all.

   What's more, these chaotic qi suppressed Su Xiaofan's divine sense very strongly.

  In the universe, a single thought can extend tens of millions of kilometers, but in this chaotic space, Su Xiaofan found that his divine thoughts can only penetrate hundreds of meters of chaotic air.

   These chaotic qi give Su Xiaofan a very strange feeling. They can not only isolate spiritual thoughts, but also appear very thick. Even in this space with Su Xiaofan's physical body, there is a feeling of being backlogged.

  And unlike the chaotic node in the original galaxy, the chaotic energy here is more pure.

  Su Xiaofan tried to refine it, although he could still convert it into his own energy, but the efficiency was extremely low, not as fast as refining primordial stone or space energy.

However, Su Xiaofan felt the benefits after only refining a trace of Chaos Qi. The energy transformed by that trace of Chaos Qi gave Su Xiaofan a very powerful physical body, and the squeezing force on the physical body seemed to have weakened a bit .

   "This is really not a place where Venerable Jinxian can come."

  Su Xiaofan did not act in a hurry, but quietly experienced it on the spot for a long time, and had a preliminary judgment on the danger of this chaotic space.

   Leaving aside whether the creatures in the chaotic space are powerful or not, it is the aura of chaos that is no less than bone-scraping poison to Venerable Jinxian.

   The quality of Chaos Qi is extremely high, not to mention the Venerable Golden Immortal, even a powerful cultivator cannot refine it, and can only use cultivation to resist the invasion of the body by Chaos Qi.

There is also the ubiquitous sense of oppression, which is a fatal danger to the Venerable Golden Immortal. Su Xiaofan calculated that an ordinary Venerable Golden Immortal might not be able to survive in such an environment for a hundred years. Live and die.

  There is no avenue of the universe and the rules of the world, and it is completely unknown, even more incomprehensible than the existence of the Great Secret Realm.

  Although there are many dangers in the great secret realm, most of the dangers can be predicted and prepared for. Even the extreme secret realm often leaves a glimmer of life for the cultivator.

   But the chaotic space is different, no one knows what will happen here.

  Maybe one moment you were safe and sound, but the next moment you are close to the mouth of the star beast. Such a thing is not unheard of.

  The powerful spiritual consciousness of the cultivator is almost useless here, which is why many cultivators are powerless in the chaotic space, they simply cannot know where the danger comes from.

  In the past ten years, Su Xiaofan has read many cultivators' descriptions of the chaotic space. There are powerful notes, as well as legends and anecdotes, some of which are extremely reliable, and some Su Xiaofan simply read as novels.

  But no matter what kind of description it is, it is impossible to analyze the essence of the chaotic space, and it is even impossible to understand the law of the chaotic space.

  No one knows how big the chaotic space is, what kind of creatures live in the chaotic space, and wandering in the chaotic space, everything depends on chance and luck.

   As for returning from the chaotic space to the universe, it is actually very simple, as long as you pass through the chaotic node, mark the coordinates of the node with the secret door.

  Although the secret door cannot be opened across borders, within the chaotic space, the secret door can be used to teleport directly into the vortex. As long as it flies counterclockwise, it can leave the chaotic space.

  Su Xiaofan looked at the secret door space, and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

   This is because Su Xiaofan discovered that in the chaotic space, all the coordinate light spots of his great secret realms have become dim, which also means that Su Xiaofan cannot open the great secret realms here.

   Moreover, the coordinates of the Milky Way and the Myron Galaxy have also turned gray at this moment. Obviously, Su Xiaofan can't directly use the secret door to teleport to the myriad realms of the universe.

  Only the chaotic node channel and some coordinates of the original galaxy can still be opened. Seeing the changes in the secret door, Su Xiaofan immediately understood the news he had learned from the previous investigation.

  When Su Xiaofan was in Qingyang Secret Realm, he once consulted Daluo Jinxian cultivator about how to go to the chaotic space.

  At that time, the big Luo just told Su Xiaofan that to go to the chaotic space, you need to go to the original galaxy first. Now seeing the coordinates of the secret door, Su Xiaofan knew that it is impossible to teleport into the chaotic space from a galaxy other than the original galaxy.

  Of course, there is more than just the original galaxy and the cultivator galaxy in the myriad realms of the universe. Those galaxies with the highest level of demon cultivators may also have passages to the chaotic space, but this is unknown to Su Xiaofan.

  Su Xiaofan's super secret door is somewhat different from the secret door of those cultivators who entered the chaotic space.

  The secret door of other people can only be sent to the vortex channel of the chaotic node, but Su Xiaofan can be directly sent to the boundary of the original galaxy.

  Now in Su Xiaofan's secret door, there are still several coordinates belonging to the chaotic space, which are engraved from Cang Lei Da Luo's secret door, and it also shows that it can be opened at this time.

   Before knowing the specific location and situation of those coordinates, Su Xiaofan didn't plan to go to any coordinates, because no one knows whether it is a treasure or a dangerous place.

   For this promotion, Su Xiaofan has made sufficient preparations. He needs to know more about the chaotic space before he can decide when to start breaking through.

  So Su Xiaofan was not in a hurry, he even set himself the goal of breaking through within a thousand years.

   Su Xiaofan has always been careful and respectful of the unknown.

   After checking my super secret door and making sure that the secret door can be opened directly at any time, more than ten days have passed.

  During the past ten days, Su Xiaofan stayed in the emptiness of the chaotic air, he didn't even move his footsteps, but his body was constantly absorbing and transforming the chaotic air.

  However, the efficiency of this conversion is the worst since Su Xiaofan has the repair system. On average, he can refine a trace of Chaos Qi in three days to supplement the body's energy consumption.

   This made Su Xiaofan re-experience what he felt when he was still a low-level cultivator. His spiritual thoughts could only be separated from the body by several hundred meters, and his physical body was suppressed even more. It was as if he was carrying a shackle.

   Su Xiaofan, who practiced the ancient cultivation method, is still like this. The Venerable Golden Immortal of the universe will only be more miserable when he comes here. Even Da Luo and the powerful practitioners will not perform much better than Su Xiaofan.

   After experiencing the environment of chaotic space quietly for more than ten days, Su Xiaofan finally moved, his body shook slightly, and flew towards the position in front of his face.

  Su Xiaofan's flying speed is extremely slow, he doesn't want to plunge into the chaotic black hole because of his speed.

  The so-called chaotic black hole is the name given by the universe to a celestial phenomenon in the chaotic space.

  This kind of celestial phenomenon is very similar to the black hole phenomenon in the universe, but it does not have the huge gravitational force of the black hole in the universe.

  The chaotic black hole is changeable, and no one knows where it will appear in the next moment. If it appears in front of the cultivator, after entering it headlong, there must be death and no life.

   Of course, whether there is death or not is only guessed by the practitioners of the universe.

  Because of all the cultivators who entered the chaotic black hole, none of them ever returned.

   Once there was a powerful deity who entered. After decades, his avatar left outside suddenly collapsed. Obviously, the deity had already encountered an accident.

  Many cultivators also speculate that outside the chaotic black hole, there is actually another cosmic space, and it is a cosmic space that is higher than the universe.

   This kind of statement is also very popular among cultivators, and even some old-fashioned golden immortals who are about to usher in the golden immortal calamity rushed into the chaotic space at their own risk.

  These Venerable Golden Immortals who are approaching their deadlines are just to get into the black hole of chaos, hoping to encounter opportunities, so that they can break through to the Daluo realm.

  When people are desperate, especially the powerful Venerable Jinxian, they often make desperate choices.

  According to a source from the original galaxy universe network, the number of golden immortals who go to the chaotic space every hundred years to find opportunities is no less than 100,000.

  In fact, the choices of these golden immortals are extremely harmful to the universe and the world.

  Leaves grow and leaves fall, all derived from following the rules of heaven and earth.

  Ye Sheng is the birth of life, and Ye Luo returns to the universe, so the life and death of Venerable Jinxian is like a cycle of reincarnation and a cycle of energy systems to the universe.

  So many powerful Jinxian Venerables chose to run to the chaotic space, which is tantamount to losing the power of the universe.

  The law of the Great Dao of the Universe is actually affecting those Venerable Golden Immortals, telling them to avoid going to the chaotic space as much as possible. Only the Venerable with the strongest willpower will make such a choice.

  In the chaotic space, the chaotic black hole is just a microcosm, danger is everywhere, and no one knows what will happen.

  Because the consciousness is imprisoned by the Qi of Primal Chaos, and there is no Dao Law here, no practitioner can predict the danger here.

  Even a powerful cultivator, all he can do is to fly cautiously in the chaotic space like Su Xiaofan, and use the pitiful spiritual sense of a few hundred meters to detect the situation ahead.

  However, compared with the cultivators in the universe, Su Xiaofan is undoubtedly much happier, because he can refine the energy of chaos.

  Although the speed is not very fast, Su Xiaofan can feel that the pressure on his physical body has been weakened by every trace of Primal Chaos Qi refined.

  So as long as Su Xiaofan stays here for decades and transforms all the energy in his body into the air of chaos, will the pressure in the space disappear completely?

   "Qi Ling, do you have any detailed information about the chaotic space?"

  Su Xiaofan flew forward slowly at the speed of a turtle, and at the same time aroused the system spirit in the sea of ​​consciousness.

  At the beginning, Qi Ling suggested Su Xiaofan to break through the chaotic space, but Su Xiaofan can't just break through directly, at least find a safe enough place.

   "No, there is a lack of detailed information on the chaotic space."

  Qi Ling's dry mechanical sound started, Su Xiaofan frowned, but he was not too disappointed.

  After the strength has been raised to be equal to Da Luo Jinxian, the repair system includes the items in the Wanwu Mall, which is not very helpful to Su Xiaofan.

  Especially in the original galaxy, the system spirit couldn't even access the cosmic network of the original galaxy, which was really despised by Su Xiaofan.

   "Maybe the information is also fine, isn't there a star map of the chaotic space?"

  Su Xiaofan still asked one more question, this system is definitely not a product of the universe, maybe there are items like the chaotic space star map.

   "There is no star map, but I can sell you the coordinates of a chaotic space."

  Qi Ling's words made Su Xiaofan's eyes light up, who had no expectations.

   "What coordinates? Is there a detailed introduction?"

  What Su Xiaofan needs most now is a safe place to advance. If the coordinates provided by Qi Ling meet the requirements, Su Xiaofan doesn't have to take the risk of wandering in the chaotic space.

   "That coordinate is the coordinate of a chaotic dojo."

  Su Xiaofan can understand what Qi Ling said, but the combination is a bit inexplicable, he has never heard of the term Chaos Dojo.

   "What is Chaos Dojo?" Just ask if you don't know, Su Xiaofan is just a rookie who has practiced for hundreds of years, and his face is worthless.

   "Chaos dojo is a place where void walkers practice, and it can also be regarded as a place where quasi-void walkers gather." Qi Ling answered each sentence.

   "Fuck, can you tell me something I don't know."

  Su Xiaofan was really annoyed. What Chaos Dojo and Voidwalker are words he has never heard before. These should be existences separated from the universe.

  Su Xiaofan feels that the system is really a thief. When he inquired about the chaotic space data before, Qi Ling didn't even fart, and he didn't say it until he asked.

   "Host, the relevant materials need to be purchased!"

  As soon as Qi Ling's words fell, in Su Xiaofan's sea of ​​consciousness, the picture of the Wanwu Mall was displayed, and under a package named Chaos Dojo, the amount of 30 million points of repair value was marked.

   "Really Nimahei!" Su Xiaofan cursed angrily, it was nothing more than a few words, and he actually charged himself 30 million repair points.

   "There is very little information on Chaos Space, and the selling price of that coordinate is 100 million points of repair value..." Qi Ling's dry voice sounded, it was afraid of Su Xiaofan's refusal, and wanted to say the price up front.

   "Buy the materials of Chaos Dojo first..."

  Su Xiaofan's divine sense touched the words of Chaos Dojo, and the repair value in his mind instantly decreased by 30 million points.

  The cultivation resources of the original galaxy are far from comparable to those in the universe. The heart of the secret realm, which is extremely precious to practitioners in the universe, is sold publicly in many places in the original galaxy.

  In these years, Su Xiaofan wandered in various realms of the original galaxy, but bought a lot of hearts of secret realms with top-grade primordial stones, all of which were converted into repair value by Su Xiaofan.

  Now the repair value in the system has reached 860 million points, after deducting 30 million points, there are still 830 million points, at least enough for Su Xiaofan to advance to breakthrough.

   "It turns out that above the powerful cultivator, there is the existence of the practitioner!"

  When Su Xiaofan read the data worth 30 million repair points, he suddenly had a different understanding of the world outside the universe.

  One side of the universe is vast and boundless, and many extremely powerful practitioners and lives will be born.

  These cultivators and beings are attached to the universe, and can become immortals and saints, just like those powerful cultivators known by Su Xiaofan, who have powerful power and endless lives in the universe where they were bred.

  But for any life and cultivator, there is not only one infinite universe.

  Beyond the universe, in the chaotic space, there are countless universes and worlds like Su Xiaofan living and growing up, and in each universe, there are endless strong people.

  For cultivators, the universe and the myriad worlds are not only the cradle that breeds their lives, but also the cage that restricts their development.

  Any cultivator who leaves the universe will take away a portion of the original energy of the universe. If the original energy is lost too much, the universe will weaken, and may even die.

   This is not something that has never happened before. The so-called eternity is also relative. It is not uncommon for the universe to die and everything to perish in chaos.

  Many voidwalkers wandering in the chaotic space were forced to leave and enter the chaotic space because of the death of their own universe.

   Chaos Space divides walkers into nine levels according to their strength.

  The first-order void walkers are the weakest, they have just escaped from the shackles of the universe, barely able to survive in the chaotic space, and are in a stage of transformation.

  Second-level void walkers are a little better, but they can only transform the energy of chaos to practice at the beginning. If they are not careful, they will still die, and they have to be careful in their lives.

  When the cultivation base reaches the third-level void walker, he can avoid some dangerous places in the chaotic space, and he can be regarded as an old fritter in the chaotic space, and usually survives without danger.

  As for the Chaos Dojo, only the Voidwalkers of the sixth level and above can be established in strength. Every Chaos Dojo represents a powerful force.

  Because the Chaos Dojo is not only a place where void walkers above the sixth level practice, but also a place where many void walkers meet.

  Even the weakest Void Walker represents the strongest person in one universe. Where these people gather together, rare treasures can really be seen everywhere.

  So any chaotic dojo is the yearning place for practitioners from all realms of the universe.

   And those Venerable Golden Immortals who went to the chaotic space to find opportunities, nine out of ten went to the chaotic dojo.

   Fatty can’t do anything about it. He has a cold for more than ten days and is dizzy. After five days of injections, he is almost healed.



  (end of this chapter)