MTL - Reincarnated Devil King-Chapter 88 Family elders say two

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"Aiming at the nobles and taking the seven kingdoms as the hostile night blades, this is also an ancient and mysterious organization with an absolute stand. They do n’t need much reason to kill, and never care about right or wrong, black and white. As long as it is the noble royal family, it will become a target, and it is harmless in the eyes of ordinary people! "Niah heard a smile here, and thought to himself, this is the legendary underground party!

"According to the elders of the clan, the so-called Night Blade, in terms of operating style, is likely to be a branch of the Shura Hall!" Speaking of Dan Qianer, she thought that Niya must not know what the Shura Hall was. !! She couldn't help but look at the young master whose appearance was inversely proportional to common sense. Sure enough, Niah looked at her with a doubt, hoping that she would continue to explain! Dan Qianer looked helplessly at other people, and so were others. Even Sheila even showed a curious look, listening carefully! It seems that the royal family aristocracy does not know these too! Dan Qianer suddenly felt that it was amazing to tell herself these five grandpas!

"The Shura Hall is the descendant of the ancient royal family. Before the establishment of the Seven Kingdoms, there were also rulers in human society. In the turbulent war, the former ruler died and was replaced by the seven heroes! But their descendants still exist. Unwilling to destroy the kingdom, they assembled into a new underground force and fought the Seven Kingdoms for thousands of years. However, the Seven Kingdoms were connected with the same spirit, and the general situation was already established. The Shura Hall failed every time. In the end, just like the Light Protestantism and the Dark Protestantism, they are hostile to each other, but no one can completely destroy each other, but the Light Protestantism has always been a stronger party. It has been fighting like this! Until now, it is still every dozens of In 2009, Shura Temple will make a comeback again! Every time it will set off a **** rain! "Sheila heard this for the first time, and she felt a cold on her neck and a cold sweat on her forehead! Niya reached out and took hold of Sheila's hand, giving her a reassuring look.

"Next is the condemnation alliance. This group of people may be the women who sell vegetables on the roadside, or they may be the second two serving the food in the tavern. But they are the true condemnation people. It is not too much to say that they are the sons of God, because They are all gifted awakeners! Any one of them has invincible talents! Putting these abilities together is more terrifying than martial arts magic that has been practiced for decades! "

"Sure enough, the talent skills are the most terrible. When I think of the master's weird means of upgrading, when can I awaken an invincible talent!" Garson thought.

"It's awesome! I have a chance to form a team!" Niya thought!

"The last of the six groups is the heart of the melt that seeks for the peak of technology such as manual instruments. This is an organization with the core of dwarves as the core, more like a technician's guild. Most of the instruments on the mainland are They are made by them, including magic crystal cannons, various long and short muskets! Combat machines for war use, etc.! They master the most advanced technology on the mainland!

The seven kingdoms refer to the seven kingdoms of mankind!

Xibei Northwest is a storm kingdom known for its magic. It has the most powerful consort of magicians on the continent. The headquarters of the wizards association is also located in Katang City, the capital of the storm kingdom. The overall strength is among the top three in the seven kingdoms.

Central China is known as the Dorn Kingdom. The Dorn Kingdom is the core area of ​​commerce. It has a high degree of material civilization and a large number of extreme forces. Among them, the Bright Church headquarters and the Fiore Chamber of Commerce headquarters are the most influential.

The southwest is the Kingdom of Yim, which was originally the weakest of the seven kingdoms, but the Kingdom of Yim can be said to be the barrier of the Emerald Forest, and it is the only kingdom that has won the friendship of the elves.

The kingdom with the most wars and the most comprehensive strength is the Northern Kingdom. The Northern Kingdom has been guarding the North Great Wall for many years. It is the front line of the human army and the undead. Therefore, it has also received strong support from other six countries, including: A large amount of financial resources and military power, many prisoners who have committed felony felonies, if they have the strength, are likely to be escorted to the Great Wall to fill the army, presumably the Haier Brothers Mountain Bandits are now on their way to the north. Years of fighting with the undead have kept the northern border's military strength at the strongest level in the mainland.

的 Known for sword skills is the Kingdom of Rhodes. Four of the 13 saints are from the Kingdom of Rhodes, and the headquarters of the swordsmen's guild is also in the heavenly city of Rhodes.

The kingdom of Lothar, the dream forest in the west, the Pamela plain in the north, the sky tower in the northeast, and the twilight forest in the east, it can be said that the whole kingdom is surrounded by Warcraft and is a paradise for adventurers. Therefore, the headquarters of the mercenary guild is in the imperial city of Leta.

The most modest among the seven kingdoms is the kingdom of Lordaean. However, the Seven Kingdoms have always been advancing and retreating together. This is also the common legacy of the seven ancestors! "

Shania nodded. "Well. The human situation seems to be quite complicated!"

Bian Danqianer said, "The next thing is the most complicated ~ ~ The major forces have entanglement and coverage with each other!"

"The Eight Great Clan is an eight hidden family that is no less than the Royal Family of the Seven Kingdoms.

Mock, Fiore, Monch, Bige, Sado, Scobic, Boni, Becky! "

哦 "Oh? Qianer, are you this Miss from Merck?" Luqi asked.

Bian Danqianer nodded slightly in acknowledgement. Sheila has learned about this through other channels long ago, and was not surprised. The **** Garson almost exclaimed, tearing his hair, opening his eyes and mouth, and a chrysanthemum's wounded, unbelievable expression. The knight's flower Dan Qianer turned out to be the master's maid, even if it had already been shocked, but her true identity was still the same family, it sounded like a hero, such a Miss of the family turned out to be the master Maid, will the next be the royal gold, the princess of the kingdom? Garson looked at Sheila, oh dear, what was I thinking. . .

"Eighth family, they all have certain friendships and relationships, even marriage relationships. It's like our Mok family is actually the big boss behind Zhenmotang (this is an auction house in all corners of the mainland). The Fiore family controls The largest chamber of commerce in mankind controls most of the finances of all countries. The two of us are the family of in-laws. This combination can maximize the power of money! As long as the money comes out, how many people can't move? Even It is possible to control the direction of a kingdom. "

Hila heard another breath in here. Although she will also be exposed to high-level secrets and understand the current situation on some continents, she is the first to hear such detailed information. Can control a kingdom. What a huge force this is. But in fact, this is a very brief description.