MTL - Reincarnated Devil King-Chapter 28 Tower of Chapterel

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Niah was very depressed when she heard it, and she stroked her face. "Why are there so many things, I want to run alone!" This is the mood of Niah at this time. Those who have not done anything in the first half of his life always feel that those people are so cool, what? You do n’t need to do anything, you can move your mouth and wave your hands and you will get a lot of money. Now that you have become a superior, you will realize that it ’s really impossible to do so. It ’s very disturbing that I do n’t have everything in my hands. I was unknowingly swallowed by Warcraft and I did n’t know it. I was so annoyed by thinking about so many things, I just threw it to Lucie! Nia glanced at Lucy poorly.

Lu Luxi was very angry about this. Niah gave everything to her, but there was a rebellion. She felt that she had failed the trust of her master! Seeing Niya's eyes again, she thought that her master was disappointed! Secretly, she must kill Tongtong Tower's asshole! "Which is the little guy who doesn't have long eyes? What is that **** Jin doing? Let the deity arrest him!"

It was only after Shania discovered that Lucy had such a strong side, and the bat returned timidly: "Yes, it is the area of ​​Tongtian Tower!"

The Tongtian Tower is located in the northern part of the Twilight Forest and near the Great North Great Wall. After Niah arrived, this area was handed over to the gold management. There, because the place near the Extreme North was affected by the dead air of the Extreme North, it gave birth to many undead. Creature Most of these undead creatures are out of control. A small number of intelligent undead creatures will form a small group to form their own group. There are also a few low-level undead warriors who are slaved by Warcraft. Remember that when Duck besieged Nia, there was a small amount of change by adventurers. The undead, human beings are afraid that these undead accumulate too much and cause more abnormal changes. All countries call for capable mercenaries and adventurers to go to clean up actively. They can exchange gold coins or meritorious values ​​at the joint forces of various kingdoms based on the results. Some want to be Officials or gold coin adventurers will choose to go to the Tongtian Tower area for missions. Over time, the Tongtian Tower has become one of the most frequented places of the human adventurer team. In addition, various countries will regularly form coalition forces to clear up. The long-term killings also make the area's vitality endless, breeding more undead spirits.

The Tongtian Tower is actually a very wide area. It first appeared on the continent with the undead. The periphery is a huge forest with a borderless plain in the middle. The Tongtian Tower stands in the center of the plain and rises hundreds of miles. Jintian is therefore called the Tower of Heaven. Each tower has a total of seven floors. Each floor is guarded by a strong undead. Even if it is killed shortly after, it will be reborn. A new adventurer will be equivalent to having one floor each time. +10 strength! No human has yet passed the fifth floor! The highest record was set by the seven ancient heroes together. They are the seven artifacts obtained in the Tower of Heaven. They can finally defeat the undead in the ancient wars. Ordinary weapons can defeat the powerful creatures of the undead, but they cannot completely kill them. Only the advanced weapons obtained by the Tongtian Tower can completely destroy them. Seven heroes were also limited to reaching the fifth floor and could not continue! As for what is on the sixth and seventh floors! Some people say that it is a place where the dragons live in seclusion, and some people say that it is a place of the demon seal. Of course, there are also people who believe that it is the base of the undead spirit. No one has said it clearly, but one thing that can be confirmed is that it is a good place to experience. A tower that can give birth to a hero!

Because of the large number of strong humans gathered here to do the mission, the breeding of the undead spirit reduced the control of the ancient castle, and the high-level Warcraft forest forces of the Tongtian Tower were unable to overcome it. The Tongtian Tower Guardian had long been dissatisfied with the castle. Putting all these factors together, we have today's rebellion! The original guard of the Tongtian Tower will be a party of its own. Each area of ​​the Tongtian Tower has its own small groups. Previously, Dak's orders were ineffective and ineffective, and Tiangao Emperor Yuan Dak could only open one eye and close one eye. Fortunately, it was all World of Warcraft and there was no rebellion. This time I heard that the owner changed to a human ghost. Various small forces have expressed dissatisfaction with the separation from the jurisdiction of the beast.

This is also the main battlefield of the triad of humans and beasts and undead spirits. The human side borders the kingdom of Lothar. The coalition forces were stationed at the junction of Lothar and the Tongtian Tower to facilitate regular clearance.

In the past, the north side guard did not include the area of ​​the Tower of Heaven, where the World of Warcraft formed its own group and apparently was a subordinate of Dak. However, the frequent occurrence of warfare commanders at all levels is also extremely fast, and the dominance is not high. Even if he asked to send elites to attack Niya, he just sent a squad of undead swordsmen. The survival environment of Warcraft over there is cruel, and the growth will naturally be very fast. If the level 20 Warcraft sent out survives for more than 3 years, it may grow into a senior leader or even transform. Most of them are only loyal to their immediate superiors at the beginning and directly under the superior It often undergoes death and replacement. With the rapid growth, ambition and wisdom have increased with each passing day, leading to low loyalty to the castle. This rebellion is just an opportunity just outbreak, even if left alone, it will happen sooner or later. .