MTL - Reincarnated Devil King-Chapter 175 Weak

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"Look! Leader, I said this woman is a silver bully. He even secretly defended himself here!" When Dahan saw Carrie, who was ecstatic at this time, he couldn't help feeling his emotions, and said it out loud. .

"Stupid, it would have been easy for her to take her down. It would take a lot of effort, and you wouldn't be dumb if you didn't say a word." The magician said that he couldn't help but say something to the Han. The three of them quietly approached, thinking that if they were not prepared, Carney would be stopped with a single blow. This plan really can't keep up with the changes.

"I didn't expect that Miss Carney said that she was going to clean up the blood of the spider, but she was here to enjoy it alone! Miss Carney can tell the truth to our brother. We are happy to help Miss Carney."

Bertman does not intend to continue to be a good person until now. The greedy eyes and the wicked smile all show that he is going to eat Carney here today.

When Carney heard this one after another, she was shocked in her heart, a little bit of shame, but more angry. She stepped back subconsciously, pulling on the short leather pants. When she tightened, the leather pants rubbed her itchy Taoyuan, and almost made her fall to the ground. Fortunately, in the end, she suppressed it and pulled out the short dagger. Drinking on the chest: "How come you here? What the **** do you want to do?"

"Don't pretend! We all saw that your desire for a man is really ecstasy!" The three of Bateman had a tacit understanding and surrounded Carney in a triangle.

"Isn't that what you think? It's just ..." Carney was speechless for a moment, and didn't know how to explain it. After a pause, I thought, why do I have to explain it, it's all here, the other party's teeth are clearly exposed , Said with bad intentions. So Carney didn't say anything, just stared coldly, staring at the magician coldly. If he wanted to break through the encirclement, then the weak magician was the best assault point.

"Why? Our entire group of brothers died for Miss Carney. Doesn't Miss Carney want to compensate?" Said the wizard.

"I will definitely thank Chief Bertman and the two after the labyrinth." Carney said with this, but she didn't mean to be alert.

"Ha ha ha, Ms. Carney might as well make up for it now! We don't know if we can go out alive." Bateman slowly dialed out his long sword.

"Head, don't be so polite with her, she really wants men too! You see she's wet a lot." The big man stared at Carrie's Taoyuan, where there was a leak of crystals. .

Wu Dahan even returned his pants after speaking, revealing the long stick that had been even more stone. The stick is not very long but very thick, just like his body shape. Dahan couldn't help but reach out and choked up. He didn't know how it felt like a stick.

Bertman and the magician frowned when they saw this.

Carney turned to see Dahan's huge inner stick, somehow it felt a little dry, and her lower body was even more itchy, so the sweet juice of Taoyuan did not flow out like money. Carney wanted to rub her legs together a few times to ease the itch, but at this moment it was not suitable. Had to forcibly suppress that desire.

Although Bateman did not like Dahan's behavior, the stunner in front of him was indeed too seductive, especially now that Carney looked like that kind of repulsive action, that hot body, thinking of her lower body Flowing liquid. Bertman also set fire to it, untied the buckle in one hand, and dropped his armor and clothes. The magician also learns everything and is not willing to fall behind.

When Carney retreated her breastplate to the top of her head, Carney resisted the itch, moved her feet, and moved.

Carney rushed towards the magician. The magician had just returned the mage's robe and saw Carney rushing over. He was not surprised. The corner of the mouth is slightly curved.

"Muck." The words fell, and Carneton felt the ground suddenly soften. There is a feeling of stepping on the air at once. When he leaned, he fell to the ground.

The magician then stretched out his hand and dropped a drop of blood on the ground. The ground suddenly shone, a magic array appeared, and a vine several meters high popped out in the middle of the magic array. The vine swinged its body upward, and a strange mouth The flower grew from the middle.

"Master!" Dazuhua said respectfully to the magician.

Carney got up from the ground, and the flower demon also just finished calling. "Catch her." The magician ordered immediately, but his expression turned paler after he ordered it. If Niah saw it, she would definitely have to talk about it, "Hey-you're all like this, will you still have life to enjoy? Really won't do half of it, suddenly hang up? Or let Ben be less ... ... "

Carney wanted to jump out of the quagmire, but then Han and Bateman approached. Surround her deadly.

Carney can only find another opportunity, but now the itch of her lower body is getting more and more serious. If you can't find a solution in time, it will soon be impossible to suppress. The consequences will be unimaginable.

Three naked men are smiling and approaching her with a **** smile ~ ~ Kani looks around, involuntarily glances down, three sticks of different lengths are attracting her, she has a kind of Wonderful hunch, as long as you use any of these sticks to plug into your own Taoyuan, you will not endure the itch.

I thought of this, and the lower body became more and more frequent, and a lot of liquid of love poured out from it. It was difficult for Carney to stand still.

"So much fluid of love has flowed, and it really has been longing for our love! Don't struggle anymore, isn't it better to be obedient?" After the magician noticed the fluid flowing out of Carney's thigh, Laughing lasciviously.

"What's going on, why is it like that, suddenly I want to hold their big sticks and use them to ease my cravings. I have never been eager to be played by a man like this. Am I really a silver-haired woman? What should I do? "Carney blinked hesitantly, and swallowed inexplicably.

Carnie took a few steps and sat weakly in the quagmire. Fortunately, the quagmire was not deep, but just crossed the feet, and a short sword slammed into the ground. The mental frustration directly caused her suppressed desire to explode. Come out, at this moment she just wants someone to soothe her body, **** her twin peaks, and enter and exit her Taoyuan trail, anyone can do it.

Carney dumped herself on the grass on one side, tearing her short leather pants with one hand, holding out the huge twin peaks with one hand, rubbing herself, gasping in her mouth, and giving out a soothing hum. sound.

Bertman was frightened by the scene, but then they reacted, looked at each other, and each smiled.

"It's really a stunner! You two catch him, I'm the leader, I'll come first!" Bertman supported the younger brother, gave a command to the magician and the big man, and went forward to get ready for the first shot.