MTL - Reborn: Super God of War-Chapter 19 Troll's Death Scroll

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Do you dare to give more strength to children's shoes? Seeking various clicks, favorites, and recommendations! Fight for the chrysanthemums in front of you! The master only wants to explode, not want to be exploded! Can this little wish be mastered?


The troll's epidermis ruptured, revealing the smelly black blood.

The troll prophet did not survive until the magic was dried.

Zhe Linjie jumped down from the branch and looked at the items dropped by the troll prophet: a "Troll Prayer Bamboo Book", a few fragments, and a gem-like item.

竹 Troll Prayer Bamboo Book: Records the Caramo Troll's Totem of Faith. You can choose it to become your own religion, and get the elemental +1 reward.

Belief is a characteristic system in the era. Players can kneel before any **** to become a believer. As a believer, they can get certain benefits, such as skill enhancement, attribute increase, and so on. In the professional advancement, for example, when the thief is advanced to be a big thief and the mage is advanced to be a master, you can choose a guardian faith god.

这个 Now this belongs to a special belief. Not to mention that Lin Jie does not intend to be a believer, who believes in a tribe that is hostile to players?

The name of the puppet gem is the key fragment, a total of five pieces, which seem to be distributed on these troll prophets. Lin Jie couldn't help but smile when picking up the pieces.

残 Shield Fragments of Courage: Collect 20 pieces of Shield Fragments of Courage to build a shield of courage for you.

盾 Shield of Courage, known as the strongest shield before the soldiers level 30! Unlike ordinary heavy shields, except for Berserkers, any warrior and knight can equip this shield, and the attributes are changed. For example, a warrior holds a shield in one hand, and another one-handed sword becomes a one-handed shield attribute. If used by shield wars, the attributes are greatly increased.

It's the best transitional outfit for the warriors.

Lin Jie will collect the fragments into the backpack, and use the feathered gem to climb to the footing point of the pillar to blame. After that, use this wooden card position. Of course, Lin Jie, who is desperate to increase efficiency, will deliberately reduce his blood volume to start death. violent.

I was stuck in this special copy for a week, and his advantage was greatly reduced.

The troll prophets were led away and killed one by one, and Lin Jie's backpack was filled with various fragments. In addition to the shield of courage, the troll prophet also burst out at least 8 pieces of equipment, but unfortunately ... only 1 piece of each kind.

The last troll prophet died, and the long-lost mission reminder sounded.

—— "Mission completed! Reward Bright Alliance 120 reputation, the title [Sergeant Empire]."

[Sergeant Empire]: Your title in the Alliance of Lights is temporarily elevated to "Viscount". Attacks are accompanied by 15% Light Trial and 10% Lifesteal, with Skill Brightness and Pride, Skill Holy Aura, and Light Recruitment.

Lin Jie points out the new skills.

Recruitment: You pay gold coins to recruit priests who serve the temple to fight for you.

Paying 100 gold can hire the low discipline commander Priest Musa.

Paying 3,000 coins can hire Ramsay, an intermediate holy priest.

Paying 50000 gold coins can hire High Bishop Pucm.

Lin Jie was stunned, this thing is really not ordinary people play.

After waiting a long time, there was no prompt for the next task, which made Lin Jie relieved, and it was finally over! He looked around, like a chicken ... what am I going to do? The entrance to this temple has been blocked.

Lin Jie thought, walking towards the center of the troll prophet, there was an unlocked door in front, but correspondingly, it seemed to have no corresponding key. Lin Jie took out the jewel pieces from the troll prophet and pieced them together to get a dark black jewel, which opened the door with a bright and charming light.


In front of me was a small altar, which was stored in a small space like a garbage room. There is also a book and delicate old troll statue on the altar.

Touch the book and a prompt box pops up: "Is it bound to the Wild Troll Ode?"

Song of Takino Troll (Sub-legendary item)

Requirement level 0

Each level you increase will reduce 3 random attribute points, and the element affinity will be +1. Each player killed in another world will get 1 attribute point, and each level will get a maximum of 2 attribute points.

Incident: Troll Blood, Troll Summon.

Zhe Linjie hurriedly let go. This book is a sub-legendary item dedicated to wild trolls. Only those trolls who worship elements and souls as gods can create such things that are detrimental to themselves.

The puppet statue exudes a faint light.

人类 "Human? Glad you came to my temple." An old troll appeared from the statue, and smiled kindly. "Please forgive me for not taking good care of it. You can see that I have insufficient energy."

Lin Linjie glanced at the garbage room and nodded his head. "Your offspring are slaughtering civilians frantically."

The old troll sighed helplessly, "Yes, I can feel it. Since that battle, I, the troll's spiritual leader, has lost the ability to guide. An evil demon has tampered with my will and made the poor children Fallen ... "

Through the talk of the old troll, Lin Jie gradually understood the event: the troll belongs to the dark tribe, and the powerful elemental affinity and hunting talent played a huge role in the battle of natural disasters. But just as the trolls repelled the enemy, the demon invaded the troll's faith, the soul of the troll. The soul of a troll is like a host. The old troll is a system program. The outsider tampered with the will and locked the old troll. The trolls who had been misguided turned to the enemy and pointed their fingers at others. .

The old troll's eyes flashed and he said painfully, "Human, if you have the ability to kill them, will you let them go?"

—— "Please make your choice: First, I will use human goodness and humanity as a yardstick to open up their crime net. Second, impossible, must die for the evil! Third, I need to think carefully."

Lin Jie took a deep breath, and this choice was crucial.

If the choice is wrong, it is likely that the NPC who is not aware of the level will be in seconds. To help them, or to kill them? Or do nothing?

"I will, kill them." Lin Jie thought for a while, and said a word that best fits his identity: he is a warrior, a warrior of the alliance, and a warrior of the alliance that was killed by these trolls. With the exception of those paladins whose brains must be obstinate and must obey the creed, no one will be kind to the enemy.

"I ... I see." The old troll waved and sent a scroll to Lin Jie, "You leave."

—— “You have completed a special copy of Troll Soul, complete 20%, get additional rewards [Troll's Death Scroll]”

Lin Jie's eyes were dim, and he seemed to have made the wrong choice.

As everyone knows, in addition to the tribal troll players to do this task, the highest level of completion for the rest is only 20%! This is not a question of ethics, it is a question of race.

卷 The effect of Troll's Death Scroll is overbearing: Kill all Caramo Trolls within 2000 yards.

Lin Jie's mind was stunned for a while, and then she turned back and stood on the edge of the cliff! He hurriedly grabbed the protruding stone wall and looked at the location. At this time it should be around the middle of the cliff, but there is no foothold here, and you can't even read the scrolls back to the city.

In desperation, he could only climb up step by step. The wind around the cliff was very strong. Featherfall could not be used, otherwise the wind would blow it away.

"Hey hey hey." Lin Jie shouted the slogan with the joy of getting out of trouble, crawling up step by step.


"Captain, our level is too high, we have no experience playing monsters."

"Don't worry, continue to brush! I don't believe the kid has been nesting in it. UU reading"

Silver Shield waved his brother to retreat, staring angrily at the cliff. When he was young, he had a nickname, called dogskin plaster. If he sticks it, he will not let it go, and he will drop a layer of skin if he is forced away! After he was killed by Lin Jie once, he was resentful, and stood by the cliff for a week, even his wife was upset, waiting for Lin Jie's arrival in the evening.

With this perseverance, Lin Jie would be grateful if she knew.

But he couldn't wait, others couldn't wait. This week, the younger brother changed batch after batch, and the shield of the sky simply gave him the glorious task with a trumpet.

Over time, Silver Shield's status plummeted. The captain of his team has been replaced, and the newly-appointed captain is occupying the wings.

On the edge of the cliff, he reached up with a hand and groped to grab the edge of the cliff. Then, the face that had waited for hundreds of hours appeared in the field of vision.

Ding Ding ~

—— “You reach the achievement [Climbing Master], and you will get 3 extra points of endurance, 50 hit points, and 5 hit points.”

Lin Linjie climbed to the top panting, his body rolled, lying on the ground with four forks and eight ears, and the prompts in her ears could hardly resist the current fatigue.

I just climbed up from the cliff, and I was as tired as a dead dog.

"Floating! You finally appeared!" Silver Shield finally waited until this day, he sneered with his arms, this posture has been counted in his mind countless times, and now it can finally be achieved! Gently stretched out her right finger, "Come, fight with me again."

Lin Jie shook his hands weakly, "Wait a while, I will sleep with you again."