MTL - Reborn Mistress’ Scumbag Manual-Chapter 268 Friendship (2 more)

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  Chapter 268 Friendship (second update)

   Lu Lan was worried about keeping others, so he could only keep Du Jiu.

  As for Song Qingcheng, as a general, he naturally had to accompany the commander in chief.

  He looked at Du Jiu proudly, this time he finally got the other party's eyes. He glanced at Song Qingcheng and said, "Follow me."

   "What? Master Du wants to knock me out and stay here?"

  Du Jiu didn't care about these bragging rights with him at all, but Song Qingcheng always enjoyed it. He frowned and said: "There is something about the master, I need to tell you clearly."

  Involving Lu Lan, Song Qingcheng didn't care whether Du Jiu was going to knock him out or not. He followed Du Jiu to the side of the army and asked, "What?"

  Du Jiuji said seriously: "I can't stay with my master, and I can't rest assured. I know your reputation as a genius in the imperial city, so I can barely trust you."

  Song Qingcheng knew that Du Jiu was about to say something that could not be told to outsiders, so he said with a serious face, "You can rest assured that even if I die myself, His Highness will not let anything happen."

   "Remember what you said today. If I catch up later and find anything wrong with the master, I will make you pay the price."

  Song Qingcheng didn't think there was anything wrong with these threats, but instead said, "Okay."

Du Jiu lowered his voice and instructed: "The master will definitely go to the battlefield after he reaches the battle line. You don't have to stop him, and you don't have to worry about the master being injured." When he said this, Song Qingcheng frowned and couldn't help saying: "How can the commander in person personally?" Go to the battlefield! Besides, what do you mean you don't have to worry about your Highness getting hurt!?"

  Du Jiudao: "It means literally, you will know in the future. Didn't you experience it yourself yesterday? Don't forget that the master is a spiritual girl."

  Song Qingcheng was startled, remembering what he had forgotten yesterday. The original two festering wounds, half a day later, when he woke up, he was back to normal, not even a single scar was left, which was completely beyond his cognition. He was originally going to ask Lu Lan, but after meeting Lu Lan, he forgot about it. Now that Du Jiu mentioned it again, he realized again.

  Du Jiu continued: "Don't refute what I say, just listen to it. I am more cautious than you when it comes to master."

"Feel sorry."

"There is no need to talk about being sorry, you just need to keep the master safe. Even if the master is injured, you don't have to worry about it. The only thing you have to pay attention to is the morale of the army and the people. They must trust the master, and they must not be shaken in any way! The master will bring They defeated Southern Border and flattened their territory. They shouldn't have any doubts." Du Jiu stared at him closely, and said: "This is very important to the master. Since you are a genius, it shouldn't be difficult to control people's hearts."

  Song Qingcheng subconsciously wanted to ask why, but before the question came out, he changed to another sentence: "I know, I will."

  I'm not in school now, so I have to ask if I don't understand. He knew what he needed to know about Lu Lan, and he would rather not ask about the rest, which would threaten her.

  Du Jiu looked at him, and after a while, said: "Thank you."

   "You don't need to thank me, it is also my duty to protect His Highness."


   "What's the difference?"

  Du Jiu uttered only one sentence, leaving Song Qingcheng speechless.

   "I have known my master for more than seven years. Your original intention of protecting her is different from mine."


  When the team was about to set off, Song Qingcheng asked Du Jiu, "Did you and Your Highness meet in Fengtang?"

  Du Jiu replied: "Yes."

  Song Qingcheng shut up, turned and left.

  He really wanted to argue with Du Jiu, saying that his original intention for His Highness was the same as his, but after Du Jiu said that, he became extremely unconvincing.

  Du Jiu is different from him.

  What Du Jiu has with His Royal Highness is the friendship of seven years of companionship, the friendship of growing up together, and the friendship of going through life and death in Fengtang. Compared with these deep friendships, his is too thin, and his thinness makes him powerless.


   Song Qingcheng had leggings. Although he still felt uncomfortable, his flesh was not injured.

   He gritted his teeth, and during half a month of rushing on the road, his endurance became higher and higher day by day. Half a month later, it seemed as if he was going to be able to eat, sleep and suffer together with ordinary soldiers, and his appearance as a rich man almost disappeared, except for his bearing and appearance.

  His pen-holding hand used to have only a thin layer of calluses left over from years of writing on the tiger's mouth and fingertips, but now the entire palm is covered with a rough layer of interlayer. His previously white jade-like complexion had also tanned a bit, and his literati air was much weaker.

   But Lu Lan drove for half a month. She is obviously a woman, but she has never seen tiredness. She often goes to bed late and wakes up earlier than anyone else.

  One day, Song Qingcheng woke up suddenly at night, got up and got out of the tent, and found that Lu Lan's tent was still lit.

  His tent is very close to Lu Lan's tent, within a few steps, you can even see the figure in the candlelight, sitting at the table and flipping through things.

  He walked to the tent and called out, "Your Highness."

  Lu Lan said: "Come in."

  Song Qingcheng opened the curtain and walked in, and sure enough, he saw Lu Lan still flipping through the battle report at the table.

  He frowned and asked, "Why doesn't Your Highness rest now?"

  Lu Lan said without raising his head: "You are a general, why do you care so much?"

  Song Qingcheng said: "Du Jiu asked me to watch over you before leaving." He knew that his words might not work for Lu Lan, so he simply named this person who had been with her for seven years.

  Lu Lan put down the book in his hand, looked up at him, with a half-smile: "Du Jiu asked you to urge me to go to bed early?"

  Song Qingcheng said: "Yes."

  Lu Lan mercilessly exposed: "Du Xiaojiu knows that I never sleep at this time."

Song Qingcheng didn't feel embarrassed when he was dismantled, but instead advised Lu Lan: "Your Highness should combine work and rest. Even if you are worried about the war, you should nourish your spirits instead of staying up all night like this. If Your Highness hurts his body in the long run, the loss of the entire Fengtian Dynasty It’s not a battle that can be won back.”

   Lu Lan laughed, in the dim candlelight, the brightness was eye-catching.

  She said: "If you know this truth, go back and rest now. I am different from you. Since Du Xiaojiu found you, didn't he tell you that I am different from ordinary people?"

  Song Qingcheng's jaws tensed: "General Du said, it doesn't matter if His Highness is injured."

   "That's right. He's already told you this. You're a genius. It's easy to think of others by guessing later. So don't worry about it."

Song Qingcheng said: "Hizhi doesn't want to guess, and I don't want to know. It's better for His Highness to know the secrets of His Highness. I only want to be friends with His Highness, and I don't want to know about other things. Rather than guessing these things, I would rather Guess what His Highness likes."

   "Okay. It's up to you. Since you said it, you can guess what I like. If you guess it, you are my friend." Lu Lan said jokingly.

  Song Qingcheng nodded seriously: "Your Highness, I will remember what you said."

  (end of this chapter)