MTL - Reborn, I Became a Male God-Chapter 20 020 Novel Network

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The Bai family has been practicing medicine for generations, not Western medicine now, but Chinese medicine. It has been passed down from the late Ming Dynasty to the present day. On the surface of the southern administrative region, the Bai family seems to be an ordinary family of traditional Chinese medicine. However, they live in the Cuiming Mountains where the wealthy and wealthy are gathered together and live next to the chief of the southern administrative region. Even the people in Cuiming Mountain mostly only know that the Bai family is a good life-saving doctor, but they do not know that they are not only good at saving people, but also other beings. During the most chaotic period before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Bai family moved their family into the depths of the Changchuling Mountains and lived next to each other.

But at the moment he was said to be a veterinarian. How could Bai Ningxi be out of breath? Another gentleman, in the end, was young and vigorous. If it wasn't for the fact that Chen Bobo had instructed him to follow him, he would just leave.

At this time, another person came over, and Bai Jing's slender hand reached in front of him. "Sorry, he didn't know what was wrong, please don't blame me. Hello, I'm Jing Yan."

Bai Ningxi glanced at him for a moment before reaching out, "I know you." He recognized Jing Ye at a glance. After all, such a good-looking person is very rare, but it is hard to forget it after seeing it .

"Hello, Bai Ningxi."

"Sorry to interrupt you so late, let you run here all the way." Jing Yan let go of his hand and looked towards the side of the stream, "I don't know if anyone told you the situation before you came, otherwise we found here before A wild South China tiger has suffered a serious injury. Professionals have already seen it, saying it can do nothing, and now hope lies in you. "

Bai Ningxi was slightly surprised when he heard the words, "Isn't the wild South China tiger extinct long ago? And how could such a forested area appear?"

"I'll talk about this later. The situation is more urgent now, so please help me to take a look at it first." Jing Ye said something and turned to the side of the stream.

Bai Ningxi followed him.

The stream is surrounded by people. In addition to the medical personnel in the army, there are also authoritative people in Qincheng animal medical assistance. Watching tiger's life pass by little by little but helpless, everyone frowned.

"Thank you for your help, thank you." Jing Yan walked in front of him, and while speaking, reached out to separate the crowd in front of him, and made a effortlessly. Bai Ningxi followed, narrowing his eyes slightly. This path seems to be easy to open, and the crowds where Jing Ye's hands go are consciously separated. Actually, it is not because these people are complaining when they retreat. In other words, they were forced to give way, and the movement of the teenager's two hands gave people an understatement. In fact, it implied great force and could easily push the adults ahead.

It looks a little thin and white, but it is actually hidden. And he also knew about the Bai family. This person must have a history, but Bai Ningxi couldn't think of it for a while. There are no giants with a surname of Jing, and the children of other families will not surname Jing. Is it a **** child?

But in a short period of time, it soon finished. The crowd on the innermost floor was separated, and the tiger lying on the slate could be seen. Even the breathing became weak, and the undulations of the body could not be seen at all. The situation is really bad.

Bai Ningxi temporarily put aside his thoughts, walked to the tiger and squatted down, reached out to explore the situation, and sighed, "This kind of injury is already fatal. If you just go to the doctor when you are injured, it ’s better to say, It's been so long now, it's too difficult to rescue. "

Then he heard the boy's voice sounding behind him, "Then cure it. Just say anything you need."

Bai Ningxi was slightly surprised when he heard his words, stood up and looked back at Jing Jing, "How do you know that I can cure?"

Jing Yan smiled, "You just say it's too difficult, not incurable."

Bai Ningxi also laughed.

Two teenagers of similar ages, one with a delicate and nearly perfect appearance, and one with a temperament and gentle dust, standing together is undoubtedly a very seductive picture. But people around you can't appreciate it.

"Did I hear you right? You said you could save it? Do you really know what the situation is now?"

"Where's Mao's kid here? He's gesticulating here. Did he graduate? Did he get a license?" "What's wrong with young people now, one by one can't wait to step up to heaven! What a child prodigy you really are!"

For such doubts, Bai Ningxi has seen too many. At the beginning, he would still be angry. Later, he gradually got used to it, and he was too lazy to justify it. But the next moment I heard Jing Jing said, "Do you need to clear the field?"

Bai Ningxi smiled and nodded, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, it should be." Jing Yan finished, turned and shouted outside, "Jiang Siyang, do me a favor and invite these people aside."

Jiang Siyang outside the crowd suddenly darkened, thinking that this little bunny was getting more and more presumptuous, and now even the instructors did not shout! However, after thinking about it, I still called someone to help me in the past, and asked the professionals who were reluctant to walk around to accuse the two of them.

Bai Ningxi arrived at the scene around 11 o'clock in the evening, and a bright moon hangs in the blue sky. The army brought a generator, pulled a line around the river, and turned on a large 100-watt light bulb at regular intervals to make the river channel look like daylight.

By the time he took care of the tiger's injury and pulled it back from the dead gate, it was already about five in the morning and almost six in the morning. Throughout the night, the spirit has remained highly concentrated, and in addition to the need to handle the wounds themselves, it is a labor-intensive task. After the last stitch was sewn, Bai Ningxi finally breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hands and wiped the fine sweat between his foreheads, and stood straight on the side.

There was no sign of darkness before him, and his head was drowsy at the same time. The place where he stood was not too flat, and an unstable man stepped backwards.

Jing Ye also stayed all night, not far from Bai Ningxi. In order to make it convenient for him to take things, he was nice. Seeing this, a few quick steps came forward to help. Although I know that 80% of this situation is caused by being too tired, I still asked the medical staff to come and take a look.

The tiger's life was saved, and the incident came to an end. The professionals who were invited originally ridiculed Bai Ningxi's ridiculous exits. As a result, he was slammed in the face of the night. They were quiet as chickens. They did not argue until they talked about where the tigers are going.

Everyone agreed that the tigers would be sent to an animal sanatorium for recuperation. As to which sanatorium to send to, there was no agreement. This one is closer to the other one, and the other one is more authoritative.

The last question was set by Jing Ye's clap. "Nowhere, just come out of the middle circle of Changchu Ridge and leave a few people to look after it. Don't tell me if it hurts or go The sanatorium only works. The King of Beasts, who has grown up in nature since he was a child, is not so coquettish. When the wound is almost healed, he will release it to the forest. "

In addition to the reasons stated, this decision was made for the snake. The society has developed to the present day. It is impossible for the tiger to live in the outer area of ​​the mountain forest. This tiger should have lived in the depths of the Changchuling Mountains. As a result, he was injured and brought out by the snake from the depth of the forest . The ghost knows how these two species could climb into friendship, but the snake did not hesitate to break into human territory for this tiger. Before he persuaded it, although he swam away, Jing Jing could feel that he was still nearby . If the tiger is taken away, the snake will certainly crawl a long way, and once this figure appears in front of people, it will be scared to death if it is cowardly.

For the sake of hello, hello everyone, I can only leave the tiger.

How could a professional agree with this, you squirted Jing Ye over and over and covered your face. However, it was of no use. Jiang Siyang was on his side, and Bai Ningxi was on his side. In the end, the lieutenant colonel who had played soy sauce all night was on his side. You need to know that this is the army ’s territory, and even if you take away the root grass, you must get the army ’s consent.

Professionals are unwilling and can only face reality.

Soon, the news of the discovery of wild South China tigers in the Changchu Mountains spread throughout the country. Because of the incident that happened a few years ago, people suspected that it was fake the first time they saw the news, but this time is different from the last time, not only with photos but also with videos. For a while, the Qincheng stationed troops were all the rage, and the students of Yi Jiaotong University in military training also became popular, because they had half an hour to watch the tigers after the military training, but they had to be assigned to classes. Batches. When journalists can't enter the army, they can only use the pictures and videos posted by these students to fill up the news coverage.

One month of military training passed quickly. Compared to when they first arrived, they were all tanned, and many of them were peeled. However, there are no exceptions, such as Jing Yan, there is no change at all before and after military training.

On the day that the military training was over, Jing Ye took a self-portrait of his roommate's mobile phone and posted it on Weibo, with four words: Born Beauty.

The author has something to say: the third day supplement.

After the military training, I went back to the entertainment circle.

Finally, begging for nutrition solution!