MTL - Rebirth Of The General’s Granddaughter-~ Fan Wai 12 Severely punish the devil 1

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Liu Ruixue heard that this incident was also known by the Shangguan Lingran, and the pretty blushing can drop blood.

Anguo’s wife, who was on the side, listened and immediately frowned.

After thinking about it, after all, I couldn’t hold back, and persuaded my face: "Snow, the son-in-law loves you deeply. After waiting for these years, you should think more about him. Now you can’t wait for him, you have to find a way to get together. His heart, picking one or two shackles for him, to serve him, save him... He couldn't help but was hooked by the fox outside."

Did not finish the words, Liu Ruixue's blood on his face, suddenly retired. Sternly refused: I don't! I will never let him be jealous. ”

Mrs. Anguo did not expect her to react so much, she suddenly stopped, and when she reacted, she immediately reprimanded: "How can you have such an idea? Do you think that you are your sister? Your sister's condition is that you can compare Your sister was a hero at the time, and the prince was just a... World... But now you not only have a rebellious ex-husband, but also a child, are you qualified to ask the son-in-law to keep you as jade?"

Mrs. Anguo’s wife didn’t mean to say more seriously, but the subtext is that Ziyou is different from you. At that time, Shangguan was only a slap in the face. Of course, he was willing to be amazing, but also the purple singer of the hero’s life. What are you, you are the widow of the sinner, and dragged two oil bottles. Do you ask people to do so for you?

When the other people did not say this, they said it from their mother's mouth, and Liu Ruixue immediately cried.

This crying, angry, almost moved the tires, and immediately saw the red stomach.

Purple quilt was also mad at the air, and looked coldly at Mrs. Anguo’s wife and said: "If Shanhui can't do it, he will give this palace a go!"

Shan Hui left two guards at the side of Liu Ruixue, and saw his wife move his tires. He quickly went to the military camp and called Shanhui back.

Shanhui heard about the cause of the matter, and righteously said to Mrs. An Guogong: "If you want to accept the embarrassment, can you accept the eaves, can you wait until now? Xue is pregnant with my child. It’s the time when I was sinned, I still want to hurt her. Then, am I still a person? The proposal of my mother-in-law will be repeated later!"

Afterwards, Ziyou said to Mrs. Anguogong: "Dan Niang, don't blame Snow Sister is not willing, you are also a woman, don't you know what is the most sad thing for women? Where is a woman willing to share her man with other women? Unless there is no love!"

Mrs. An Guogong listened, and he was relieved. She is also afraid of such a good son-in-law, because she can't stand the physiological needs, and she is in conflict with her daughter. I want to know that the first small cockroach that was carried out by An Guogong was when she was pregnant with her first child, Liu Ruixue. Is she not uncomfortable? She cried all night; but did women not have to do this? How many of them can have a good life like purple?

Who knows that her kindness will cause her daughter to move her tires? She is really kind and not good at reporting, not inside and outside! However, I feel gratified when I think about it. As a mother, I hope that my daughter can be treated like a son-in-law.

In the spring of March, Lao An Wang returned to the emperor with his wife, children, daughter-in-law, grandson and granddaughter, and Mrs. An Guogong came back with him.

When passing by the city, Xiao Mo forgot to be "smuggled" by the traffickers.

This is the case. This time, the purple secluded back to the emperor, leaving the spirit of the spirit to take care of the pregnancy, and the four rhymes of all pregnancy; not only that, but also taught the fire spirit, and the delivery technology of three doctors, such as Rong Wei, in preparation for Needs from time to time.

Everything is ready, this is the only ones that are with water and Gao Ge, Yi Yi and Mu Ling, who are pity and single nobles - Tu Ling, and Ruo Xue, Ruo Ruo, Ruo Yun, etc. About 234 Shantou, the guards, and the dark guards set foot on the journey back to the emperor.

Shui Ling is a very fond of playing. When it comes to the more prosperous Yuecheng, it is necessary to go to the market to play, so the same lively and active Xiao Mo forgets to take a hit. The two greet each other with purple singer, and they are happy to go out and play in the inn. .

Lao An Wang originally wanted to inform the governor of Yuecheng that He Daren received them; but he was stopped by Zi You and Shangguan Ling. The reason was that Governor He Yaozu was the old man of Mei Ruo He Ruomei, whose identity was so sensitive and purple. I don't want to be related to him.

Lao An Wang proposed to live in his other hospital in Yuecheng, but the Shangguan suddenly shook his head. "When you live in, Governor He will definitely know, know that we can still live? I still live in us." Xuan Yuanpai's 'Yi Jiangnan Inn' is good, there is a large yard behind the inn, enough for our family to live, it is safe."

"This idea is good." Purple quiet immediately agreed.

An Wang quickly looked at his wife and saw his wife nodded again and again. This said: "Well, then stay at the inn."

After that, I have thrown the daughter of Shangguan Lingyue, who has been for more than eleven months, into the air, and Xiaoling, who is amused by the language, laughs like a silver bell: "Hey, want, fly.... ."

The little girl was used to being lying on the bed except for the time when she was asleep. It was almost big. Lao An Wang middle-aged woman, baby like the eyeballs, it is really in the mouth afraid of the loss, holding in the palm of your hand is afraid of falling.

It's no wonder that he likes it. The little girl is beautiful and clever. It is a love for everyone. Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou regard her as a daughter's painful pet, making me forget how to be jealous.

This little forget

And the water spirit on the street, Gao Ge and Xiao Mo lost, of course, do not worry, said something to the mother, quietly followed behind the two.

Think about it, Shui Ling is such a charming and fascinating peerless beauty, with a little girl who forgets to be such a pink and jade, walking on the street, it is difficult to attract attention.

However, seeing that both of them are wearing gorgeous Yunjin, the manner of behavior is not a general lady, so it is a man who has a heart to talk about, because the background is not very powerful, and it is not too arrogant.

Slowly, the two were stared at by three strong men. The three men heard that Shui Ling had been forgetting about medicine with Xiao Mo, and immediately made a bitter plan, letting a 13-year-old girl dressed up as a savior, and rushing up to hold the water, she would not let go. Miss, you save the mother of the slave, she is not going to die, you help the slaves to save her, and the slaves will give you a horse for a lifetime!"

Shui Ling did not think too much, gave her fifty-two silver to go, but the girl cried and said: "Big sister, you are a good person, can you help? The slaves have found many doctors, and everyone says that the slaves’ mothers live. No, you can't help a slave to find a doctor?"

When I said this, don't say that Shui Ling feels that something is wrong, that is, Xiao Mo forgets to be alert. This little girl is not doing anything right! First of all, there are so many people in the street who are not looking for them. They are suspicious when they look for her. Secondly, since the young girl is poor and wants to sell her life, the hands are white and tender, and they are not like suffering.

Now, when she is not practicing adulthood, Shui Ling does not understand the sinister and intrigue of some people with ulterior motives. Under the adjustment of Ziyou, she passed the cruel struggle practice in the palace, but she was not so unspeakable.

And Xiao Mo forgets that it is even more a ghost, and there is no need to teach. Usually, the mother and her grandmother and her father talked about the battle between people. She understood it.

The two immediately exchanged their eyes and talked with each other. Xiao Mo forgot to say to the water spirit: "Small sister, this big sister is too pitiful! Let us help her? You are not a doctor? Are you going to help her mother?" ”

Shui Ling deliberately glared at her and then asked the little girl helplessly. "Where is your family? Let me go, I know medicine, I will help your mother."

"Thank you, Miss! Thank you, Miss...." The little girl was grateful and walked with her two people towards the suburbs.

But walking and walking, Shui Ling and Xiao Mo forget to find that three or four men followed, and the place to go is more and more secluded.

The two exchanged their eyes and they were excited! The fun thing is coming. I haven’t played a thrilling game for a long time. I must play a fun today!

Two people who love to play, encounter such a thing, not only are not afraid, but also excited eyes to shine!

Four strong men, soon surrounded the water spirit and Xiao Mo forget. One of them seems to be the head, and has a pair of triangular eyes. His eyes are viciously like snakes. His voice is sharp and harsh. "The two are not the people in the city. Well, let's go to the house with you."

Xiao Mo forgot to flash immediately behind the water, and said with fear: "Little, I am afraid!"

Shui Ling also pretended to be a panic-stricken dying, but pretended to be calm, and categorically refused: "Thank you, the big brother, if we still have things, we will not go to the house to disturb."

After that, I took a little Mo and forgot to turn around, but I was surrounded by four strong men.

Shui Ling deliberately trembled with a voice and asked: "You are what. . . . . Who? In the broad daylight, will you rob the women?"

The triangle eyes smiled coldly: "You are right, the men are dedicated to the work of robbing the women and women under the broad daylight. Brothers, give me, these two little girls are stunned and can sell for a good price. ""

The four people soon came up, and Shui Ling and Xiao Mo forgot to pretend to be dizzy, and they were quickly taken to a basement by these four people.

Gao Ge and Xiao Mo lost, they had to kill the four people, but they had already noticed that they were behind the water and Xiao Mo forget, and Xiao Mo lost the spirit, told him: "Do not start, look at them. Who is it? I dare to do evil during the day!"

Xiaomo lost his star, and immediately said to Gao Ge: "Don't start, keep up with these people, find out who they are and what they want to do."

The little things are small and big, and when I look at these four strong men, unlike the average mantle, and the courage is so big, I have already felt abnormal. I think of the governor of Yuecheng, the father of his father, Mei Lan. I just got a little more heart.

No matter who he wants to harm his father's Jiangshan community, he will not promise.

In this way, Gao Ge has been hiding in the dark, no shots, until he looked at the water and Xiao Mo forget, was brought into a courtyard, and closed into the dungeon.

After Shui Ling and Xiao Mo forgot to be locked in, they listened to a few men’s fascinated smirk: "Hey! Head, where did you get this big one and two beautiful people? Is it a fairy, afraid of it? It’s so beautiful.”

"ND! If you can sleep with such a woman, it’s worth dying."

"Don't hit her mind, let the adults know, be careful to turn you into eunuchs. Such high-end goods, only adults are blessed to enjoy."

Just then, when two people came in outside, they heard one of the men who looked hoarse and asked: "I heard that the goods I got today,

Is the plate special? Let me see. ”

"Pantou." The charming eyes of the triangular eyes sounded again. "It is really beautiful. It is courageous and scared. I haven't woken up yet, and the lower official has helped you wake up."

"No need." Pantou is also smirking at this time. "Haiyan spring sleep, isn't it more beautiful?"

As he said, Shui Ling felt that a stinky man was approaching her, and then he snorted in surprise: "Hey! How do I look at this beauty and Ziyang princess a bit like?"

At this point, I listened to the eyes of the triangle and asked: "Pantou has also seen Princess Ziyang?"

The voice of Pan’s head was heard. “I have seen it once, and it’s too far apart. It’s not clear, but it’s definitely a peerless immortal. I saw a lot of men’s **** coming out. Hey, you guys. When I caught these two people, I didn’t find any guards to follow?”

The triangle eye immediately replied: "No. Pantou rest assured, it will never be the princess, if it is a princess, no bodyguards, can also beat the four of the small people, which will scare the past?"

Pantou heard the words and nodded with relief. "Yes, the princess is in southern Xinjiang. How come here? Besides, Prince Ang is not likely to follow, I heard that my wife is like a life! It is really a bit of tofu. One thing drops a thing, a playboy, even so can be so special, it can be seen how fascinating that the purple purple is fascinating. OK, no admiration, this woman can also solve the problem for the Governor, you give me care Waiting, I am going to report to the Governor."

After that, someone left, and then I heard the triangle eyes flattering and said: "Pantou, you can rest assured, please be in front of the Governor, and say a few words for the little ones. You are good!"

Until the sound of closing the door came, and then heard the strict eye of the triangle eye: "You look carefully, I will go for a while."

"Head, you can rest assured." Another man said flatteringly.

Xiao Mo forgets his eyes and reveals a small slit. He sees this man with a cross-faced flesh and looks at the water and his mouth. "Unfortunately, I can’t eat it!"

After that, I took another man who looked at the water and went to the outside.

At this time, the two opened their eyes and saw that there were more than 30 women in the house. They were still very beautiful. I don’t know if they didn’t eat enough, or for any other reason, one by one, sitting down and squatting. On the ground, the complexion is sallow, the spirit is weak, and there is a look of weakness.

Shui Ling immediately whispered: "You are all caught? Why do they catch us?"

A woman wearing a long apricot yellow scorpion, who looks like a small family jasper, whispered in a weak and frightened voice: "You didn't hear it? It was the black heart that the governor took us and was caught with me. Many of them have been sold by them. They specialize in young women like us and sell them to fireworks everywhere."

A large-scale squadron, not for the benefit of the common people, even doing business to buy and sell women, forced to do the wicked thing, the loss of his daughter is the emperor's embarrassment, the old man also made the emperor's master, teach such a son He is also very embarrassed to do Tai Fu!

"Bastard!" Less than four years old Xiaomo lost, launched an angry, his body has faintly the imperial power.

Gao Ge, who was the commander of Xuanwu Emperor, was involuntarily asking for his opinion. "What is the matter?"

Xiaomo screamed and said: "Don't scream the snake first, there are more than 30 weak girls waiting for us to rescue. You go back and tell the father and mother, and the young master monitors them."

Xiaomo lost immediately with Shui Ling and his sister. "Sister, you and Shui Ling first restore the physical strength of those girls. After dark, try to save them."

"Good." Shui Ling and Xiao Mo Forgot also have this intention. The horse sent a sound to the secret to tell more than 30 girls. "We are the Princess Ziyang and the Prince of Peace sent to save you. The Prince and the Princess received the secret report of the people. It is said that many young women have disappeared, and this has sent us out to lure these gangsters. How are you doing now? Will you save you, will you have the strength to escape?"

The girls listened and looked very excited, but it was difficult to think about activities.

The woman who started talking back, hurriedly whispered back: "My name is Chuntao. They are afraid that we will run away. We only give us a meal every day. We also feed us with drugs that are weak. We even stand up. It’s hard.”

Shui Ling immediately told everyone: "I will give you your strength now, and you will lie down together."

With the help of Shui Ling and Xiao Mo Forgot, the girls lay down hard, the water spirit released the spiritual power, and a bunch of black light waves quickly covered their bodies.

Xiao Mo forgot to guard the door at the door, listening to the outside movement. Fortunately, the three people outside have been talking swearing, and they have not paid attention to the movement inside the house.

Soon, the girls felt that they had physical strength and the crowd began to move.

Shui Lingma uploads a sound to warn them: "Don't move, just like before, you can save you at night."

Besides, Gao Ge left Xiao Mo in the enemy tiger cave, how can he be assured? Performing a light work, quickly returning to the "Yi Jiangnan Inn", immediately slammed the matter to Shangguan Lingran and Ziyou.

Shangguan Lingran suddenly hung a layer of cold

Severe murderous, Shen Sheng said: "He Yaozu, courage is not small, actually dare to catch the daughter of the king. Fengjiang amnesty turned out to be a trafficker, saying that the face of the emperor was thrown away. Rescuing people, leaving witnesses, one Burn the fire to the place, go back and tell the emperor, let him personally deal with his big scorpion."

Purple is not moving, only lazy and ridiculous smile, "big sister? He also has a!

"Also." Shangguan Lingran, and laughed loudly. "I am afraid that Ruiwen Emperor knows his evil deeds. The first one can't spare him. In this case, Gao Ge, telling the water spirit and forgetting to forget, He Yaozu The lifeblood is abolished, see how he shines!"

Gao Ge heard the words, and he did not even fall down. In my heart, Wang Ye, can you be more evil?

Gao Ge rushed back to the other hospital, and after conveying the instructions of the Shangguan Lingran to Mo, he listened to Xiaomo’s cool and said: “It’s very good, and I’m giving you the same instructions as Xiaoling’s.”

Gao Ge couldn't help but shuddered and stunned. Afterwards, he would not provoke the father and son. The evil went to the same place.

After the chill, think about it is the water spirit to carry out the disgusting thing of the human life roots, hurriedly whispered to Xiaomo lost: "Shi Ziye, you let the minions and the water together to complete the errand, He Yaozu is too dirty The slave is afraid that he will tarnish the water."

Xiaomo lost his mind and suddenly stunned his mind and said with a scornful look: "Oh, your point of interest! Who wants to abolish the life of the water, isn’t it a matter of thought? I won’t see that. Don't touch the stuff, don't worry."

In fact, I really didn't use water to shoot, because Shangguan was in the inn, thinking that He Yaozu wanted to buy his baby daughter, to the dirty place, the more he wanted to be more flamboyant, he finally couldn't help but say with Ziyou: "I am so I haven’t been active for a few days, I’m not feeling well, I want to kill!”

The husband sings with the woman, the husband wants to go out in person, and the purple sorrow does not follow the truth? With the husband, he went to the Governor's Office.

Coincidentally, I am catching up with He Yaozu’s strong/violent girl. The poor child is at most twelve or three years old. There is absolutely no adult. The chest has just developed, and He Yaozu is under his body, giving him a beast. It’s wow and crying.

He Yaozu used all his strength to go in and out. Every time, both of them could clearly see that the blood of the priest not only dyed the sheets, but also dyed the roots of He Yaozu.

Purple and Shangguan Lingqi's shot together, one aimed at his spine, one aimed at his life root, and instantly, he saw the scream of He Yaozu's "ah", immediately softened.

He Yao's ancestors went to the border of Xinjiang, of course, there were guards outside to protect him, and, just as he was snarling the door of the room, there were two guards at the door.

Didn't hear his screams? Of course I heard it, but people thought that it was the sound that he made when he finally became happy. He looked at each other and looked at each other. Not only did he go in and look at it, but he was also black in the belly. We are really not a thing, playing women. Just play, and also pick up girls who are not adults, you are lacking in morality! Not afraid of being retribution?

They don't know that their adults have been retribution, their roots have broken, and their spine has broken.

Originally, Ziyou and Shangguan Lingran wanted to kill this dead animal, but they also knew that the trade rushed to kill a squad, which would cause a place to snarl. The key is that the two want him to be subjected to the law. The sanction of the law, the verdict of his crimes, rather than let him die quietly.

. . .
