MTL - Rebirth of Glory and Splendour-Chapter 57 break the city

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Just when the two were desperate, the door behind them opened with a creak, a strong arm stretched out from the door, grabbed Wei Chongrong, and carried him in.

Tuoba Xianhan was fast-eyed, and without waiting for others to greet him, he went in and quickly closed the door.

The two ends were surrounded, Wei Chongrong and Tuoba Xianhan were unable to fly, and it was an unexpected joy to have someone to help, and for the time being, he could not be bothered to investigate his identity. But the man carried Wei Chongrong into the house, and immediately bowed and said, "I have seen the little prince."

Wei Chongrong was overjoyed when he heard the words, and hurriedly asked, "Are you sent by your father to save me?" He knew that Wei Zhao would not agree to any conditions proposed by the Fuyu people, but he would never care about his life or death. Leave him alone.

The man did not speak, and nodded silently. Wei Chongrong smiled happily at Tuoba Xianhan. Tuoba Xianhan raised his lips slightly and said calmly: "There are soldiers on both sides searching for it. We are not a long-term solution to hide here."

Wei Chongrong immediately turned his head and turned his attention to the person who brought him into the room. The man was about forty years old, neither tall nor short, neither fat nor thin, with an ordinary face, a typical look that was forgotten at first glance.

The middle-aged man looked sideways at Tuoba Xianhan, looked up and down, and turned to Wei Chongrong and asked, "Little Prince, this is..." The task he received was to find the little prince and try to bring him out City, this man is unplanned.

Wei Chongrong bit his lip, not knowing for a while how to introduce Tuoba Xianhan's identity.

More importantly, he couldn't trust him completely yet. It was only when he was desperate. Now Wei Zhao's people have found him and continue to take Tuoba Xianhan, which is not only inconvenient, but also dangerous.

Tuoba Xianhan was a person who knew how to wink. Before Wei Chongrong could organize his language, he said first: "Since someone has come to rescue you, I have nothing to do with me. I will say goodbye first, and see you in the future. "After he said that, he turned to leave.

Unexpectedly, before he took the first step, the middle-aged man grabbed his shoulder: "You can't go!"

Wei Chongrong and Tuoba Xianhan looked surprised at the same time, only to hear the middle-aged man say: "You are going out now, and you just bump into someone searching outside, doesn't it reveal the identity of the little prince, you can't leave for the time being."

The middle-aged man thought about it, and asked Tuoba Xianhan to wait outside the room. He pulled Wei Chongrong to the corner, whispered something in his ear, and took out a map. After saying this, he shoved the map into Wei Chongrong's arms.

"Little Prince, have you remembered everything?" The middle-aged man asked again worriedly.

Wei Chongrong nodded again and again: "Remember, remember to be thoroughly cooked." He recited the map, but it was faster than the endorsement.

The middle-aged man smiled in relief and went out to call in Tuoba Xianhan, who was guarding outside.

Tuoba Xianhan came in and said, "We're almost here, there are three more on the left and two on the right."

The middle-aged man waved his hand, indicating that he didn't need to say: "Come with me."

Wei Chongrong and Tuoba Xianhan looked at each other, followed immediately, and turned into the next wing.

Entering the wing room, the middle-aged man hurried to the front of the kang, lifted the mat on it, and pressed a certain mechanism beside the kang, revealing a large black hole, signaling Wei Chongrong and Tuoba Xianhan to jump in quickly .

Wei Chongrong jumped down without hesitation, Tuoba Xianhan was stunned for a moment, then jumped in. Before they could see the surrounding environment clearly, it suddenly became dark in front of them, and it was obvious that the organs above were closed again.

Wei Chongrong groped and stood up, and found the flint and oil lamp where the middle-aged man had said.

With the dim light, Tuoba Xianhan could see that this was a small cellar with empty walls, which seemed a little depressing. He frowned, suddenly thinking of a serious question, if the cellar was discovered, wouldn't they be caught in the urn.

At this moment, Tuoba Xianhan suddenly became enlightened when he heard the sound of "bang dang". The wall, which was originally tight, suddenly showed a hole that could only accommodate the next person.

Wei Chongrong pushed Tuoba Xianhan: "What are you still doing? Why don't you go!"

Tuoba Xianhan came back to his senses and entered the tunnel first, followed by Wei Chongrong. He crawled forward for a short distance, only to hear another "bang" behind him. Tuoba Xianhan did not look back, he knew that Wei Chongrong had sealed the tunnel entrance.

The tunnel was very narrow at first, and they could only curl up and crawl in it with their hands and feet on the ground. After climbing for a while, the tunnel became wider and wider, and they were able to stand up and walk on their waists. Later, with Wei Chongrong's stature, he was able to stand up straight and walk completely.

Tuoba Xianhan was more and more shocked as he walked. This is Qingjia, the royal city of Fuyu. It is really terrifying that Dayan people can come up with such a battle without anyone knowing about it.

Wei Chongrong's face was expressionless, but in fact, the degree of shock in his heart was no less than that of Tuoba Xianhan.

He was only captured by Helian Zhuo for more than ten days. No matter how powerful Wei Zhao's men were, it was impossible for him to dig out such a large tunnel in such a short period of time. What's more, there is more than one such tunnel.

After thinking about it, he could only think of one possibility, that after Wei Zhao was captured, someone once thought of saving him. It's just that he didn't expect that Wei Zhao was later transferred out of the city by Helianzhuo, and these hard-digged tunnels would not come in handy.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the tunnel finally came to an end. Tuoba Xianhan still couldn't see Wei Chongrong's movements, and the exit suddenly appeared in front of him. He dug out from the hole, and was immediately submerged by the mountains of Chinese cabbage.

It turned out that this was a vegetable cellar, and most of the room was filled with Chinese cabbage for winter. It's just that it's spring now. I don't know if there are too few people in their family or there are too many vegetables, so there are still so many left.

Wei Chongrong followed Tuoba Xianhan out of the pile of vegetables and saw that he had a cabbage leaf on his head.

Tuoba Xianhan didn't know why, so he stretched out his hand to pull Wei Chongrong up, and took off the half yellow cabbage leaf hanging from his head.

Wei Chongrong suddenly stopped laughing, and even helped Tuoba Xianhan to pick the leaves. He dared to laugh at 50 steps and 100 steps, which was really boring.

When he came out of the vegetable cellar, Wei Chongrong unexpectedly found that there was no one in this family, but he didn't study it carefully, and dragged Tuoba Xianhan over the wall to leave in a hurry. According to the middle-aged man's hint, this is only his first step out of the city, and he must be careful and make no mistakes.

After successfully climbing over the low wall, Wei Chongrong saw that there was no one around, and whispered to Tuoba Xianhan: "We should break up, as you said, we will meet again if we have a fate." In the next action, he can no longer take Tuoba with him Ba Xianhan.

Tuoba Xianhan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Little lord, in order to help you, I offended both the lord and the lord He Rong. When you go back to Qingjia City, if I haven't been killed by them, remember to come and save me. I."

Wei Chongrong nodded and promised, "I will." At that time, he would try to trust Tuoba Xianhan.

Tuoba Xianhan took out a short knife from his arms and threw it to him: "It's for your self-defense." After speaking, he turned around and left without hesitation.

Watching Tuoba Xianhan leave, Wei Chongrong turned around and ran towards the location of the second tunnel entrance.

In Fuyu Palace, Helianzhuo was furious at He Rongling, and roared angrily, "Didn't you say that the little bunny must be in the city, what about people? Tell me, where are the others?"

The Dayan army was about to besiege the city, and he had already sent someone to send Wei Zhao a letter. Who knew that at the critical moment, Yi Yin had disappeared. If He Rongling hadn't taken people out of the palace, this would not have happened.

He Rongling seemed to be admiring Helianzhuo's angry expression, and after he finished yelling, he said leisurely: "I admit, I underestimated the ability of your little bastard, but he is here, and it will not change our unfavorable situation. Useless."

"Impossible!" Helianzhuo gritted his teeth, "Don't look at Wei Zhao's verbal words, his son will be soft-hearted when he is executed in front of him. I understand his character, he can't stand it..."

He Rongling let out a long breath, showing a bit of pity on his face, and said solemnly: "Helian, I don't doubt how much you know about Wei Zhao, but what I want to tell you is that Ji Xin has gone from the Wusu Prairie to her. Came here."

Helianzhuo was stunned, speechless, as if he was stunned by Wei Zhao's unexpected actions.

He Rongling stood up and said solemnly: "Wei Zhao's attitude is already obvious, he will not back down, and he will not back down under any circumstances. So we don't have to make any other ideas, let's face it honestly, that's the only way what a man should do."

"Where are you going?" Helian Zhuo asked loudly, seeing that He Rong Ling was about to step out of the door.

"I'll go up to the city tower." He Rongling said without looking back, "The city is still alive, but the city is destroyed."

He is not Frieda, and even if he knew the outcome of this war, he would not be able to wait for the doomed defeat with peace of mind like she did. What he should do, he will never escape, as for the outcome, it is beyond his control.

After He Rongling left, Helian Zhuo sat in silence for a long time, not saying a word, and not being served by others.

After a long time, he finally ordered: "Go on, stop the search in the city, all the soldiers, prepare to fight." He Rongling was right, the war that Dayan started against Fuyu was not out of personal grudges from the very beginning.

Compared with Youzhou, which was included in the territory of the Central Plains hundreds of years ago, Qingjia City and the Baihe Plain where it is located are the hometown of Donghu, and were later occupied by Fuyu people. It has nothing to do with any dynasty in the Central Plains. relation.

Huo Qingyang followed Wei Zhao all the way from Hecheng. He could clearly feel that the resistance they encountered in Qingjia City was unprecedentedly strong and stubborn, causing great trouble to their attack.

Wei Zhao gave Ji Xin the command, but it didn't mean he didn't go into battle without armor. However, the thing that worried him the most never happened. I don't know if Wei Chongrong was not found, or for some other reason, the people of Fuyu never threatened him accordingly.

"Listen to my orders! Shoot!"

Even on a spring day, Qingjia's wind was bitter, and it hurt her face.

He Rongling's calm voice came from the wind. Hundreds of quilled arrows were fired in unison. The Dayan soldiers on the siege ladder had nowhere to hide, and immediately fell down in a large area, but those who were not hit still did not hesitate. Continue to climb up.

Qingjia is the king city of Fuyu. Once the king city is broken, it will be the same as the country's subjugation, so no one needs to say more, all the soldiers of Fuyu are red-eyed, just to defend their own capital.

With the passage of time, the archers' shooting speed gradually slowed down, and Huo Qingyang took the lead and climbed the tower first.

Before he could stand firm, He Rongling, who was not far from him, was stabbed with a gun. He moved left and right, barely dodging.

He Rongling couldn't make a single blow, and when he was about to come again, he heard the wind blowing behind him, and the situation seemed wrong. He jumped to the side abruptly, and when he turned around to look again, he saw three arrows neatly lined up on the wall where he had just stood.

Knowing that Wei Zhao was helping him under the city, Huo Qingyang couldn't help grinning. Taking advantage of He Rongling being blocked, he took the knife and went to the distance. He Rongling avoided Wei Zhao's arrow, and he couldn't catch up with Huo Qingyang, so he had to give up.

Although the soldiers in Fuyu were working hard enough, there was a huge gap between the numbers of the two sides. After Huo Qingyang, more and more soldiers from Dayan climbed the tower, and the two sides started to face each other on the high city wall. From time to time, losers fell. go down.

Under the city wall, there are countless corpses piled up, some from Fuyu and some from Dayan.

Before it got dark, the gate of Nancheng was finally knocked open by a giant tree, Wei Zhao led someone into the city, and Fuyu was over.

The city was more chaotic than the outside, although Wei Zhao had already ordered that the city should not be massacred. But in the face of the spontaneous resistance of the people of Fuyu, Dayan's soldiers could not fail to fight back.

Wei Zhao was so anxious that while ordering people to stabilize the situation in the city, he sent people to search for Wei Chongrong.

Huo Qingyang is undoubtedly the biggest hero today. He was the first person to kill the tower and capture Helianzhuo alive.

"Where is Helianzhuo? Take me to see him quickly." Wei Zhao couldn't find Wei Chongrong for a long time. Wei Zhao had to wonder if he had fallen into Helianzhuo's hands, but in this case, when the two armies faced off, Why didn't Helian Zhuo push him out?

In the end, he was the king of a country—even though the country had already perished—the people under Wei Zhao treated Helianzhuo well, at least they were locked in a single room, rather than crowded together like other people.

Signaling his own soldiers to wait outside, Wei Zhao entered the room alone and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me, where is Rong'er?"

When Helian Zhuo saw Wei Zhao, his expression was a little weird, not a smile. He stared at Wei Zhao for a moment, then beckoned to him: "Azhao, come over a little bit. The light is too dim, you are standing too far, I can't see clearly."

Wei Zhao was expressionless, and said coldly, "I asked you where Rong'er is? You can hear it, you don't need to see it."

"Azhao, one day husband and wife a hundred days of kindness, don't you be so ruthless, okay?"

Wei Zhao gritted his teeth, hurried to Helianzhuo, and punched him in the chest, causing Helianzhuo to cough.

Helian Zhuo raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Being beaten is kissing and scolding is love, I know that Ah Zhao is not really ruthless towards me, cough..."

Wei Zhao had no interest in Helianzhuo's "mocking", and said sternly, "Enough! You just need to tell me where Rong'er is."

"What's the benefit of telling you?" Helian Zhuo smiled evilly, causing Wei Zhao to frown unconsciously.

Seeing Wei Zhao frowning and thinking, Helian Zhuo bargained and said, "Azhao, come and kiss me, I'll tell you everything."

"You're dreaming!" Wei Zhao subconsciously bounced back, and murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Helian Zhuo smiled and said, "I have already given you a chance, but you didn't want it yourself."

Wei Zhao was so angry that he turned around and left. He rushed out the door and asked, "Is there still no news from the little prince?" As long as Wei Chongrong was not controlled by Helianzhuo's people, after the city was destroyed, he could come to him by himself. Oh, how could I have been unable to find it, could it be...

The soldiers shook their heads. They had already searched everywhere, but they couldn't find Wei Chongrong's whereabouts.

Wei Zhao bit his lip, turned around slowly, returned to the room, and walked to Helian Zhuo.

"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?" Helian Mao smiled smugly and froze when the wound on his face was involved.

Wei Zhao pursed his lips and stared into Helian Zhuo's eyes. Helian Zhuo did not show weakness, and looked at him directly.

In the end, Wei Zhao closed his eyes and slowly pasted it. The big deal was that he was bitten by a dog.

Just before Wei Zhao's lips touched Helianzhuo, an excited voice sounded outside the door: "Your Highness, the little prince is back..."

Wei Zhao's eyes widened, he glared at Helian Zhuo, and after a while he spat out two words: "Boring!"

Helian Mao sighed regretfully: "I'm going to die anyway, I want to fulfill my last wish, no matter how much." Damn little bastard, thanks to his conscience, he can't come back any later. , what a pity.

Wei Zhao ignored him, got up and left. His eyes are dark and unclear, and no one can understand the complexity.

As soon as Wei Zhao walked out the door, Wei Chongrong rushed over with a whimper: "Daddy, Daddy!"

He opened his hands, hugged his son who was rushing towards him, and said in a trembling voice, "Where have you been? Did you come back so late?"

Wei Chongrong hugged Wei Zhao back, rubbed his head against his chest, raised his head and replied, "I'm trapped in the tunnel..."

He followed the map instructions strictly, and he saw that he had already walked through the penultimate tunnel, and he would be able to leave the city after another one. There was a problem with the authentic switch, and it couldn't be turned on. Wei Chongrong had no choice but to go back the same way, planning to venture from the ground to the last entrance.

A more tragic thing happened. The switch at the entrance to the tunnel was a one-off. He couldn't turn it on inside, or he couldn't get out.

"What?" Wei Zhao looked down, only to find that Wei Chongrong was dirty, and hurriedly asked, "How did you come out?"

Wei Chongrong took out a short knife with a rolled edge, and said happily: "Thanks to it, I was able to dig a hole in the stone gate."

Wei Zhao picked up his son's **** hands full of blood blisters, and asked distressedly, "Rong'er, how long have you chiseled?"

Wei Chongrong shook his head and replied: "I don't know, the tunnel is dark and I can't see anything, I can only keep digging the stone door that can't be opened, I don't dare to stop, let alone sleep. …”

Several times, he wanted to give up, the stone gate was thick and hard, and with his meager internal strength, there were almost no traces on it.

Moreover, after repeated actions for a long time, his arms were sore that he could hardly lift them up. His physical strength was also seriously lost. He was hungry and sleepy. He couldn't hold it any longer, so he desperately pinched his palms and fingertips to prevent himself from falling asleep.

Wei Zhao didn't dare to calculate how long his son had been trapped in the tunnel. He picked Wei Chongrong up as he did when he was a child, and while walking to his residence, he ordered someone to send him to the military doctor quickly.