MTL - Rebirth Of A Virtuous Wife-Chapter 13

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King Su's expression was as serious as ever, making it impossible for Lu Yanxiang to guess whether the son-in-law was angry.

However, thinking of being inserted by a queen queen, she could only marry Su's younger daughter. Lu Minxiang hardened his heart and told himself that his daughter had been snatched out, would he not allow him to be a father-in-law?

In the main hall, people have set up the banquet.

Chu Ba Ning glanced, looking at the inner table separated by a screen, because men and women had different seats, even mother-in-law and son-in-law could not sit together. So Ananda and Mrs. Prime Minister sat in the room, separated from each other by a screen.

Although Lu Yanxiang was a high-ranking minister in the Joseon Dynasty, the population in the prime minister's house was very simple, with only Lu Yanxiang's husband and wife and three sons.

Prior to his official career, Lu Yixiang was born in a remote small city in the south of the Yangtze River called Ning Cheng. He studied hard for ten years, waiting for his high school champion to be the first emperor, and gave him a nomination for "Zhouyuan Mansion". Settled in Beijing. Prime Minister Lu Min can only stay in Beijing after picking up his wife from his hometown. Lu Xiangxiang originally wanted to bring his old mother and brother to Beijing together, but the old man stayed in his hometown after many considerations and many relatives and relatives were in Ningcheng, and the two brothers on the landing prime minister were not allowed to come. Beijing.

The old lady was insightful. At that time, she thought that the younger son had just become an official, the emperor was getting old, and there were many princes. For that throne, the struggle for power between the princes was a disaster that did not see the blood. Mouth loses its life. It would be better to leave the family in her hometown. She is bound by her, no one is in trouble, and she will not give her son's political opponents a chance to join him. The old lady stayed in this way until the new emperor took over. The situation in the court was slowly in the hands of the new emperor, and the country gradually stabilized. But at that time, the old lady was trapped by a few grandchildren who were just born, and has remained in Ningcheng until now.

Therefore, for so many years, there are only so many people in the Prime Minister's Mansion. Compared with other generations in the same family, they are indeed much quieter.

This is why Ananda, the niece, grew up delicious and delicious all the way. The simple family and the poor quality of Ananda, who has the patience to stump her, isn't she just looking for boredom?

"Come here, lord, try the dishes made by our family's chef. Although they are not as good as those in the palace, they also have a different taste ..." Lu Yan coherently smiled, as if he had not seen Chu Baning slightly stunned. Eyebrows, quickly winked at the three sons, so that their young people would be happy together.

Lu Shaoqi, the eldest son of the Prime Minister ’s Government, received the hint of his father and hurried over to greet him with a smile: "Master, today is the day when the young girl comes home. It is worthy of joy, Shao Qi respects you!" The wine handed over was drunk with a hearty sip.

The second son, Lu Shaohua, smiled, like Mu Chunfeng, raised the glass and said, "Shaohua has always admired Wang as a person. I did not expect that we could become a relative, and Shaohua respected Wang."

Then the third son Lu Shaoting came together with a smile, and said, "Master Wang, my sister Ananda asked Wang to take care of him in the future, and the court toast you a drink."

Watching the three brothers smile brighter than one, Lu Yanxiang twisted his hair and smiled, looking like a young man who didn't interfere, Chu Baning just fainted, took a glass of wine in front of him, and drank with the three brothers. .

On the other side, Ananda glanced across the screen and couldn't see the situation outside, and was a little worried. If Chu Baning is drunk, who will carry him back? Who can move him according to his irritable clean personality that day? Do n’t you want to stay in the Prime Minister ’s House? And now she is injured, and it is even more impossible to go out in person. I just hope that the three elder brothers will not be too terrible.

After the meal was full, Lu Yanxiang let the eldest son and three sons who were drunk and talk nonsense back to their courtyard. Only the second son of his family was still struggling to support it, but the face of Junya was stained. Red, it looks like it won't last long. Take a look at Su Wang's son-in-law, still a serious and calm look, not even blushing, sitting upright.

Lu Yanxiang remembered rumors in the palace that King Su was not drunk with a thousand cups, and no one had ever been drunk.

Lu Yanxiang secretly regretted it. It was too bad. He lost three sons instead of losing his son-in-law.

"... Wang Ye is huge, and admired by Shaohua!" Although Lu Shaohua was drunk, he was still very personable and well-mannered.

Chu Ba Ning had some appreciation in her heart, and finally revealed a simple smile, "Shaohua is polite."

"Master Wang, Shu Shaohua is drunk and can't accompany him, so let's go down first." Lu Shaohua knew where his limits were. In order not to trouble the younger sister by making a bad behavior, he decided to retreat and give the scene to his father.

Chu Baning was also quite considerate, and Wen Yan said a few words to make him leave.

Lu Yanxiang looked aside, both angry and happy. Annoyed that his three sons did not drunk the grandfather and daughter-in-law together, and could not get angry; pleased that King Su had a good impression of his son. If there was no accident, King Su helped him in the court, and the sons did n’t have so many futures. frustration.

In the evening, the sky was burning with clouds, and King Su and Ananda left the Prime Minister's House together.

Before leaving, Mrs. Prime Minister took Ananda to the side and said, "Ananda, your grandmother will come from Ningcheng next month. I think some cousins ​​will come with me. I can come to see her elderly when I have time. By the way Meet the sisters. "

When Ananda heard it, her uncle ’s father and mother, naturally, said, “This is natural. At that time, please ask your mother to condemn people to come and inform you. Ananda will come to see her grandmother.”

"You are a filial piety." Mrs. Prime Minister was very satisfied and wanted to say something. Su Wang, who was not far away, had already seen it, but she could only look upright, indicating that she had finished speaking.

King Su's powerful aura, Mrs. Prime Minister couldn't hold it!

Chu Baning came over with satisfaction and directly hugged Aneng and his wife to say goodbye.

The couple Lu Lu looked at Ananda with a black face and were taken to the carriage of King Su's Mansion. It was not empty outside the Prime Minister's Mansion, but there were pedestrians passing by. King Su. Chu Baning looks so careless. It is estimated that there will be new rumors tomorrow. I don't know what the gambling situation in the folk gambling house will become.

Awkwardly on the carriage, there was still a man sitting upright, and there was a strange feeling in his heart-is this drunk or drunk or drunk ...

Seeing his blushing face slowly, the dark eyes that should have been so deep turned out to be foggy and fascinating. At this time, the scholar's handsome face became clearer, and there was a sense of stunning beauty. The king of Su is usually too serious, coupled with his magnificent style and powerful aura, people often overlook his appearance.

Ah was so dizzy and shamefully seduced by ...

However, Ananda is a husband who has a thief heart and no courage, and dares not to stretch out his devil's claws. He can only scratch his nails secretly, and secretly looks at his beautiful and delicious husband. It's just that ... Ananda desperately scratched his paw in his heart: Brother, aren't you drunk already, and you still need a serious look for Mao? Make her stressful!

Seems to be feeling Anan's gaze too hot, Chu Ba Ning turned to look at her, the deep voice was a little lazy and sexy, "is there anything wrong?"

At this time, even if nothing is going to happen, an annoyance will come out. Ananda's expression will make him look pure. "Master, I just remembered what my mother said just now, and my grandmother came to Ningcheng from Ningcheng a month later. I haven't seen her old man, and I miss it a bit. "

"After a month ... nothing, then go back and stay for a few days." Chu Baning's tone was very relaxed.

Ananda had an unexpected expression on his face. This man ... might be too good to speak. In this world, the restraint on women is very strict. If the married daughter is not accidental, she will not return to her mother's home. At such times, the consent of the husband is often required. Husbands are generally unwilling to return to live with their wives, which shows that the husband is very incompetent. It's just that the old people in their mother's family have lived a long life or something, and they just stay for a few days. Ananda, this is just the grandmother's arrival in Beijing, but not for longevity, there is no reason to return to her mother's house.

However, Ananda thanked Su King happily.

Ananda was certain that the drunk Su Wang was the best to speak, and she would definitely pick him up if she had any trouble in the future.

From Zhuxiang Mansion to Su Wangfu Mansion, it took only one column of incense to stop the carriage quickly, and the Qin steward was already at the door.

Chu Baning took the lead in getting out of the car and still hugged Ananda directly into the palace as in the morning. Although the housekeeper Qin felt that this was out of order, the prince of his family was just the rules, so he didn't say much. It was only after seeing Wang Ye's complexion red that he had waited for so long, knowing that although he acted the same, he was drunk, so he stopped talking, and quickly ordered his subordinates to prepare bath water.

After a mess, Ananda was sitting refreshingly at the dresser to comb her slightly wet long hair. Ru Cui was finishing her clothes, like Lan ignited the fragrance of Jin Ling.

Chu Baning came in and lifted the curtains, glanced at the two girls in the room, and frowned slightly—this was the expression of Wang Ye's unhappiness. Ru Lan gave a courteous gift, and then dragged Ru Cui away.

After a while, An An came in and put a bowl of sake soup on the tray in his hand.

"Master, the hangover soup is here."

An Zhuan passed the hangover soup to Chu Ba Ning. After Chu Ba Ning drank, he bowed out and went out. He didn't drag the mud in the slightest. He wanted to know the life habits of the master.

Ananda looked at Chu Baning with some concern. When someone was drunk, he would always do something abnormal, commonly known as madness. And this man is obviously drunk, but behaves normally, only from the pair of eyes that are no longer sharp and quiet can see his drunk state.

King Su sat under the lamp and didn't know what he was thinking.

In this regular voice, Ananda felt peace in her heart. She picked up the needle money and embroidered it carefully. She wanted to make Chu Baoning a purse. After a man becomes married, his wife takes care of everything. Now that Ananda is married to him, he will naturally prepare for King Su.

The night gradually deepened, and when Ananda embroidered the bamboo leaves on the purse to close the needles, she found that Chu Baning had stopped thinking and stared straight at her.

Ananda jumped heartily, feeling that she was a little white rabbit being watched by the wolf, giving her the urge to escape.

"Prince, it's late at night. Do these things tomorrow." Chu Baning said, got up and picked up Ananda and headed directly to the big bed.

When the bed tent was lowered, in the dark, Ananda smelled the faint taste of the wine on the man who pressed on him. It was a bit like the finest bamboo leaf sake. It was sweet and sweet, which made people drunk.

"Ananda, your father-in-law really hurts you ..." Chu Baning kissed Ananda and whispered.

"Ah, yes, is it?" Ananda was a little nervous, stretched out his hands and clung to the man's smooth shoulders, stuttering to explain to his father: "Master, please don't take your mind today. Dad treats each The son-in-law will do the same. When the second and third sisters got married last year, the two brothers-in-law were also drunk a lot by their father and three brothers. The father said that this is the tradition of marrying a daughter in our family ... "Ananda felt unable to survive.

However, Chu Baning listened with great interest, and his voice smiled slightly: "Master Father-in-law is an interesting person. But they want to be drunk, but they are still tender."

Ananda laughed twice and didn't speak.

After the conversation time was over, the sheets began to roll.

Tonight's Chu Ba Ning is so enthusiastic, Ananda is half-dead but can't rest, and wailed for a long time in his heart: Although this person is easy to talk after being drunk, he will toss her! 2k novel reading network