MTL - Rebirth Married The Control Group Fulang-Chapter 16

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Years later, Zhang Fangyuan invited a veterinarian to buy an earthen prescription. The black horse's legs and feet recovered very quickly after eating well and sleeping well, and it was full of energy with its tail flicking in just over a month.

After Zhang Fangyuan saw that the horse's legs and feet were fine, he set up a cart and celebrated the New Year happily in every household. When he was visiting relatives and friends wearing new clothes and bringing gifts, he went to the neighboring village to buy them all. a pig.

Get ready to do business earlier than anyone else!

As a kind of meat with a reasonable price in today's meat market, pork is also very particular about its trading.

When buying and selling pigs, they are generally divided into three types: live pigs, hairy pigs and head pigs. A live pig refers to a whole pig, which is still alive; a hairy pig refers to a pig that has been slaughtered and weighed including its viscera; a pig refers to a pig that has been briefly processed, except for the viscera and head, leaving only the flesh and blood, ready to be taken to the market pork on.

The prices of live pigs, hair pigs and head pigs are quite different, and the prices increase in order, with the cheapest price of live pigs and the most expensive price of head pigs. Generally, village households and butchers choose to buy and sell woolen pigs tacitly. Because the pigs are wild and difficult to weigh, they have to be slaughtered. Moreover, the butcher slaughters the pigs at the master's house, and the master's house can keep a large pot of pig blood.

As for a pig, the butcher will not buy it. If the price is too high, the butcher will have no profit to make, unless the village households want to sell their own meat.

Zhang Fangyuan plans to start a butcher's business in the future. He not only collects some money for butchering pigs for others, but after all, he doesn't earn much. He still has to buy and sell himself to make a lot of money.

Nowadays, pork in the meat market ranges from 12 to 30 yuan a catty, and the price of woolen pigs has dropped by 5 to 10 yuan in this range. The specific price depends on the size of the pig and the butcher. It takes a lot of haggling to settle the price.

Zhang Fangyuan had planned to sell pork when he went to the village before. Going to the village can be regarded as finding out the market and scouting spots. When he came to the neighboring village to slaughter pigs, he came to this family to slaughter pigs. This price has not been pulled for long.

The main family’s pigs are two hundred catties, which is considered fat and popular among the common people. The minimum price of basic wool pigs will be set at ten yuan. As for the final price, it depends on the debate between the two parties.

This family is also considered honest and honest, and the final price they set was twelve coins, which was already the price of selling pork in the market, but the price of pig fat would be much higher when Zhang Fangyuan went to the market to sell meat.

The pig weighed 220 catties, and Zhang Fangyuan paid the owner 2,640 yuan. He paid in one lump sum. The owner was very happy, because some butchers would only give half of the money, and the other half would be paid. Go sell the pork and give it back.

For this reason, Zhang Fangyuan proposed to borrow a place here to process the pigs before transporting them away. The owner readily agreed, and even boiled a pot of hot water for him.

Zhang Fangyuan processed the woolen pig into a pig very quickly, put it on the cart, covered it with a layer of cloth, and went back to the village after pulling it. Before dawn the next day, he drove the carriage up to the city. When he arrived in the city, it was just dawn and it was gray.

At this point, the butchers in the meat market were still cleaning up their stalls, and there were not many voices, and all the noises were made by lifting things vigorously.

Zhang Fangyuan tied the horse in the stable outside the meat market, threw two pennies to the old man who was in charge of the shed, went in and wiped his own stall, and when he came back, he carried half of the pork on one shoulder and threw it on the stall.

Most of the stall guards in the meat market are butchers, and their physical strength is not inferior to ordinary people, but they can't help but look sideways when they see Zhang Fangyuan, who is tall and full of physical strength, especially the old lady who came to guard the stall for her husband. Fascinated.


"Such a stranger, isn't he a newcomer? I heard that he is related to Gou Qi, who manages the stall in the meat market. Yesterday, Gou Qi specially came to clean that young guy's stall."

"Tsk tsk."

The two women with big arms and round waists sighed a few times, looking at Zhang Fangyuan's eyes with a little more spirit.

Zhang Fangyuan divided half of the pig's pork at the stall, took a few pieces of fat meat, and poked a hole in the front with a knife, twisted fresh palm leaves into a rope to skewer the meat, and hung it on the front of the stall. Attractive placement on the rails, and the rest on the board.

In addition, the fat intestines, large intestines, small intestines, and heart and lung pigs were taken out of the luodou, and they were hung or placed in the water. After the stalls looked small, they brought out cutting boards, so that they could divide and cut the meat for customers at any time.

After he finished his work, it was only the beginning of time. I bought four meat buns at the gate of the meat market. There were not many people in the market, but some women and brothers could already be seen coming out to buy vegetables with baskets on their arms.

The vegetables in the early hours are the freshest and have the most variety. Everyone likes to buy vegetables early, even meat.

Seeing people coming in this way one after another, the meat market suddenly became lively, and the vendors yelled to see the meat and buy meat in front of their own stalls when they saw people. If they are regular customers, before anyone comes to the stall, the butcher will directly take out the knife and draw on the meat to ask how much he wants to cut, and what's more, he will just pick up a piece and stuff it into the basket.

Zhang Fangyuan was a little surprised when he saw the battle. He stuffed the buns into his mouth in twos and fives, and hurried back to his stall.

Thinking of the way Xu He yelled before, he also tried to sell: "The freshly slaughtered pigs are fat and fat! Don't miss it when you pass by!"

Although it is a swearing word on the bad street, it is better than sticking a stick in front of the stall and not soliciting customers. It really works. The young girls and brothers dare not come to look at the meat when they see his face and burly. The elderly women But very happy to come.

"Ma'am, look at this meat. The live pig weighs more than two hundred catties. The fat meat is as thick as two fingers. You can satisfy your hunger no matter what you do when you go back."

The woman pinched the meat hanging on the bar with two fingers, but her eyes traced back and forth on Zhang Fangyuan's high nose bridge and hard jaw line: "How did you sell it?"

"Twenty Wen."

The woman was shocked when she heard the words: "Why is it so much more expensive than the one at the door!"

"Then you have to look at the appearance of this meat."

Only then did the woman take a closer look at the meat. The thick white layer of fat is indeed very pleasant. Common people like to buy meaty pork. Those who like lean pork are rich and noble, and often such people don’t like pork. How to use pork for entertainment, choose among the mutton and venison.

"What about pork ribs?"

"You can get fifteen cents for the bones."

The woman buried her head and looked at the ribs on the chopping board, and said: "Women are weak, can you chop them for me?"

"It's a small thing, I'll keep it for you and chop it properly."

The woman said again: "Then can you give me another big pig bone? If you break it up and take it back, I can also make pork bone porridge for my grandchildren. Children will grow strong after eating it, just like you, young man~"

Zhang Fangyuan had no choice but to say, "Come on, I see you are the first customer, so get one for Madam."

After saying that, without giving the woman any time to repent, he swiftly took the meat and put it on the scale, rolled up his sleeves and sharpened the big knife, bang bang bang a few times, a piece of rib was neatly turned into an easy-to-cook meat Cubes.

The woman looked at the well-proportioned, slender and strong forearm under the thick winter coat, and the blue veins bulging when holding the knife, and her eyes stared straight away: "Young man, your body... you have really good knife skills! Summer time is still there Do you want to continue setting up stalls here?"

Zhang Fangyuan didn't know the connection between the saber technique and the seasons. Although the woman looked a little off, he felt that it was possible to develop into a regular customer, and said enthusiastically, "It's natural."

"That's great, I'll definitely come here when it's hot in summer..."

With a muffled bang, Zhang Fangyuan lifted the knife and smashed the thighbone in half. The woman shuddered, and changed the topic: "Buy meat."


Zhang Fangyuan packed all the meat the woman asked for and handed it to the woman. The woman thought that Zhang Fangyuan was carrying a large bag of pork ribs in one hand and thought it was very light. It's the eyesight and the hands are about to hug.

She greeted Zhang Fangyuan with a smile, and Shi Shi ran out twisting her waist.

"Hey, Widow Zeng bought so much meat today, she really is willing to give it up during the Chinese New Year."

As the woman walked forward, someone joked on her back. Zhang Fangyuan ignored it, and just threw the ten Wen money he received into the money box.

During the period between the end of the year and the beginning of the year, ordinary people are willing to spend money. Zhang Fangyuan did not catch up with the end of the year, but fortunately he caught up with the beginning of the year. For example, at the end of the year, villagers generally raise pigs and have meat to eat at home, but people in the city are restricted by region, and all they want to eat meat rely on the market to buy, and at the beginning of the year, they visit relatives and friends, and buy one It is also very easy to give good meat to relatives.

Although it was a new stall, his business was doing well thanks to the large flow of people. The fat pig slaughtered in three or five days was almost sold out.

"You don't have any meat left at this stall."

"Close the stall soon." Zhang Fangyuan threw a pig's trotter from the chopping board: "There is still this left, if the lady wants it, I can take it."

After setting up a stall for a few days, Zhang Fangyuan will also start a small business.

The woman saw that the pig's trotters were attached to the shoulders of the pig's trotters, and there were meats available. This time, she was going to visit relatives in the countryside. It should have been more appropriate to buy a piece of fat meat, but since the pig's trotters were sold cheaply, the child was I love to gnaw on bones, so after picking them for a while, I let the butcher wrap them up.

"Can you chop it up?"

The woman thought about it after hearing the sound, and it was good to chop it up, because she was going to eat in the country and come back. It would be considerate to chop it up and take it around, and the relatives happened to take it to the pot for entertainment. money?"

"Chop for free."

The woman nodded in satisfaction when she heard the sound. He looked at the space where Zhang Fangyuan was chopping the bones, and felt that this person looked familiar, but she didn't open her mouth to say polite words, and saw him handling the pig's trotters swiftly. Oil paper, done in one go, obviously not the first day of doing this business.

She took the well-packed pig's trotters and shook them: "I happened to be visiting relatives in the village."

When Zhang Fangyuan collected the money, he took a careful look at the woman, his face was flushed, and he felt very familiar: "But Liu Xiangmei, Aunt Liu?"

The woman's eyebrows moved: "Do you recognize me?"

In fact, Zhang Fangyuan doesn't like to recognize acquaintances and distant relatives whom he hasn't seen for a long time, but this is a woman who is somewhat similar to Xu He's eccentric old lady. Zhang Fangyuan is the fifth oldest family in the Zhang family."

The woman spoke bluntly: "It's death..."

Without saying a word, Liu Xiangmei sensed something was wrong, and quickly smiled and said: "Remember, remember, it turned out to be far away! I looked at it and said it was familiar, but I couldn't remember the name for a while. Look, it has grown into such a strip." Shun'er's big boy."

The two talked for a while, Liu Xiangmei was going to visit her sister Liu Xianglan in the village, and Zhang Fangyuan was going to pack up the stall and go back to the village. He had a horse-drawn cart, so he took Liu Xiangmei to the village.

Liu Xiangmei didn't refuse, not to mention that horse-drawn carts are faster than bullock carts, and they don't need to pay money if they are cheating on acquaintances.