MTL - Rebirth Junior High School: The Excelling Top Student Goddess (Female Star Student Is Awesome)-Chapter 2347 He is back

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Chapter 2347, he is back.


Dudu, take a ride!

Cloud painting is like crazy.

At this moment, she regretted the extreme.

If two children are really doing something, she will never forgive herself.

Even if...

Even if the world is not real, the child is real!

At the moment, the cloud paintings have completely ignored all the surroundings. She rushed toward the two children, leveling everything, even hurting herself.

Can be too far away.

She is a person, not a god.

Even if she explodes blood vessels, it will not help.

"Do not!"

"Do not!"

Watching the big tree blown up by the scam, and smashing towards the tied children, the cloud painting only wants to fly.


She is stunned.

She completely refused to earn her own rush to the scam. All her goals, all her mental strength, were all on two children.

The giant tree crashed down and went straight to the two children. The two children had nowhere to hide.

Seeing that the two children are going to be picked up, the cloud painting even feels that the gods are out of the ordinary, and the soul seems to be separated from the flesh and body and rushed to the two children.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed from the front.


When the giant tree collapsed and slammed on the ground, it was as dramatic as shaking the mountain.

Fraud, giant tree.

Everything is confusing.

Perhaps it is a stone that flies and flies, or a branch that has been broken by a fallen giant tree...

In short, there is something heavily drawn on the back of the cloud painting.

At the last glance, she only had time to see the doodles and the toes being towed away, and the one who dragged the doodles...

Cloud painting has widened eyes!

Her brain had no time to think too much, because of the heavy blows to the back of the head, the coma passed, and the whole person fell to the ground.


Dudu and screaming together.

The two children who were **** were terrified.

The man who towed them off, untied the ropes on the wrists of the two children, watching the two children's eyes look a bit complicated, looking at the coma woman, more complicated.

"Mommy mommy!"

The two children cried in tears.

After the ropes tied to the hands and feet were untied, the two children were desperate, and madly ran to the comatose woman. These two small, even no time to look at him.

After the man stood in the moment, he finally walked over to the unconscious woman.

Bo Siqing did not know what happened to him.

After living for 19 years, he suddenly gave him such a big surprise. He passed.

Wear the seventies of a parallel world.

Strictly speaking, when he passed through, he was 76 years old. The original caller, Tang Jianqing, died in a car accident under the cliff.

The cliffs are steep and the transportation team cannot take such a big risk in order to find him.

So when Xiao Siqing woke up, it was under the cliff.

With Tang Jianqing's memory, Bo Siqing can also understand his own situation.

The injury and the extreme environment under the cliff are of course the level of **** for Tang Jianqing. Even if Tang Jianqing falls and does not die, he can't stand it.

But for Bosher, this environment is really nothing, it is much easier than when he used to go to the field to perform tasks.

He was under the cliff, healed and survived, and after he had a good leg, he walked out of the cliff...

He occupies the body of Tang Jianqing and cannot escape the responsibility of Tang Jianqing.

In this era, the pillars of the family have been lost, and the orphans and mothers are much more difficult.

Not to mention, Tang Jianqing's wife Lin Yunhua seems to have always wanted to go back to the city. Maybe he went back this time. Tang Jianqing's wife has already returned to the city. There are only two children of Tang Jianqing left in the village.

So much the better.

After all, he can take responsibility for taking care of two children, but he can't take responsibility for taking care of the original wife.

The reason why I will appear in the mountains is to find something from the forest and bring them back. Let at least two children have some meat. As for the rest, he will bring two children to the city to give them the best education in the future, which is why he owes Tang Jianqing.

It’s just that Bo Siqing didn’t even think about it, and he would run into this kind of thing.

When he heard the movement here, he rushed over.

It can be a step later.

Especially when I saw the faces of the two children in distress, he almost immediately put the two children in the memory of Tang Jianqing's two children.

The two children who were either wounded by fraud or killed by the tree were Tang Jianqing’s. No, it should be said that it is his child.

Bo Siqing did not dare to delay, immediately shot.

When he saved the two children, he was distracted and saw a woman desperately trying to save the two children.

Then this is the case now.

The woman fainted.

And these two children, called the woman mother.

Bosi Qing couldn't help but screamed at the eyebrows. It seems that Tang Jianqing's estimate of his wife is not accurate. His wife's concern for these two children is not so deep, they will completely ignore themselves and risk their lives. To save the child, not as Tang Jianqing said, his wife will leave two children back to the city.

This situation is really, some messy.

But now, it is important to save people.

As for what to say in the future, let's talk about it later.

Bo Siqing walked over to the comatose woman, and the two children had already ran over, and they were at a loss, a cry, a frown, trying to lift the comatose woman.

"do not move."

Bosi Qing whispered.

The two children looked up and looked up.

One crying is full of tears, and there is no crying, but it is also tearful.

The one who cried tears and broke the bank, cried and grabbed the other hand. "Dudu, am I dreaming, I seem to see... I saw my father..."

As he said, the child also quickly grabbed his clothes and wiped his tears, trying to make himself see more clearly.

Another child who tried to restrain his emotions, but directly stretched his face, reached out and grabbed the legs of Bo Siqing, smashed his trousers tied to his boots and reached for his calves.

Bo Siqing saw the twitching of his mouth.

"Dudu, isn't Dad coming back to help us? I know that Dad will not forget us when he is a ghost." He began to cry again.

Do ghosts?

Bosi Qing pumped his mouth and finally understood what another little guy was doing. The feeling was to see if he was a ghost or a ghost.

"Is there an answer?" Bo Siqing looked down at the little boy who was trying to calm down.

Beep your lips, "You are human."

Bosi Qing chuckled and nodded. "Congratulations, you got it right."

Dudu blinked his lips and looked at him coldly. "You are not dead!"

"Yeah." Bo Siqing nodded again.

"Then why are you coming back now!" Dudu clenched his fist like an angry calf.

Bosi slammed a bit, and some did not know how to answer.

"You obviously don't die, why don't you come back! Do you know that people in the village are bullying their mothers!" Dudu gasped with Bo Siqing.

Bosiqing paused for a second before he understood the meaning of the little guy.

Even though he has a thousand 10,000 reasons, he is indeed an incompetent father and husband for the little guy and the unconscious woman on the ground.


Bo Siqing apologized.

The tears of Dudu suddenly burst out. "If my mother has something wrong, I will never forgive you!"

On the other side, looking at the man with a sigh of relief, "What a daddy? Dad, save your mother! Come on, save your mother!"

Dudu was still crying, but let it go.

Bosi smashed down and checked the woman who was injured in the back of the head and stunned on the ground.

The back of the head is injured, can be big or small.

The situation he just saw should not be fatal, and the coma is normal, but it is not good to say that this woman’s luck is particularly bad, it’s really a problem...

The thin sergeant gathered his heart and carefully examined it.

"There should be no big problems, it is a coma, and it will take a while to wake up." Bo Siqing said.

I didn’t dare to relax, and I quickly asked, “Really? Dad, is your mother really okay?”

Bo Siqing nodded and looked at Dudu.

Dudu is also staring at Bo Siqing. "You, what is our father?"

Bosi’s heart twitched slightly. “Otherwise? It’s half a year, I don’t remember?”

"No." Dubbed his lips. "You are very strange."

"Where is it strange?"

"Where is it strange." Dudu said with a cold face. "Mom is injured and comatose, you don't feel bad at all, don't worry at all. You are also strange to talk."


Bo Siqing looked at Dudu with amazement. He didn’t really have a problem. The child was in his eyes and he didn’t pretend to pretend anything. Otherwise, with his ability, there is Tang Jianqing’s memory, he can pretend to follow. Tang Jianqing is exactly the same, and definitely will not let anyone see the flaws.

But he didn't think it was necessary. Of course, he might have suddenly met his sons. He didn't think about pretending to be disguised... it was discovered by the little guy.

Very keen.

Bosi Qing smiled and reached out to touch the head of Dudu. "I don't feel bad because I know that your mother is fine."

Dudu escaped his hand.

Bosi Qing sighed: "Well, not much to say, can you both go? The sky is already dark, I want to bring your mother and your two little guys out of the mountains."

This time it is already dark.

The mountain forest at night is terrible.

There were a lot of questions in the heart of Dudu, and they didn’t say anything, and they agreed to obey.

Bosiqing picked up the woman on the ground and carried it behind her back.

It is not clear to her face in the dark, but from the memory, it is a good-looking woman.

After carrying the cloud painting on his back, Bo Siqing told the two small ones, one person grabbed the corner of his side and slowly walked out.

It’s too hard to go.

One for three, it is a huge challenge.

The family of four walked for an hour and did not go too far.

Bosi Qing stopped and handed the kettle hanging around his waist to two small ones, so that they all drank.

After walking so far, the two children did not complain so much, and did not say that they were hungry and thirsty. They have to say that this is too sensible!

Just then, there were shouts in the distance, and some less obvious beams were shining.

"Lin Zhiqing -"

"Lin Zhiqing -"

"Lin Yun Painting -"

"Dudu, go around..."

Bo Siqing looked at two children, "Village people?"

Dudu and nodded, and said, "I heard the voice of Erbo."

"I heard the voice of the captain."

"The two of you, can you make a sound?" Bosi Qing asked again.

I quickly nodded, "I can father!"

"That's good, the work for the joints will be handed over to you." Boss smiled. "Send a voice and tell them that we are here, and we are also moving towards their position."


Excited, the two hands were trumpet-shaped at the mouth, shouting: "Second, we are here - Erbo-"

It seems that the sound is close, but the real two sides are close, and it takes another half an hour.

Finally, the messy footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the beams of only a few flashlights are shining everywhere.

"Second! Erbo, I am going around, we are here!"

It’s very exciting.

Tang Jianbing rushed over.

He saw the toot and the two children, but there was a tall man.

Tang Jianbing didn't think much about it, probably it was a good-hearted person, otherwise the two children could be really dangerous. But what about the three younger brothers Lin Yun?


I rushed forward and hugged Tang Jianbing.

Tang Jianbing rushed to hug and hugged it. Then he took a flashlight and rushed to Dudu and Bosiqing: "Toon, what is this? Is he saving you? What about your mother?"

In the darkness, Tang Jianbing did not see Bo Siqing carrying Lin Yun's paintings, and he was still anxious to find other places.

But the flashlight did not see anyone in the circle, and Tang Jianbing pointed the flashlight at the tall man.

When the beam of the flashlight shines on the man's face, the man's eyes are not blinking, and the glare of the flashlight is not flashed at all. Without special training, this can not be done.

And Tang Jianbing, when looking at the other's facial features, the whole person was completely petrified.

"Old... the third child? Jianqing?"

Tang Jianbing was shocked and completely unbelievable.

But soon, his face changed again. "Is you... is it that you saved the two brothers? Jianqing, is the second brother, sorry for you, didn't take care of the three younger brothers and the two brothers, let you go underground. Peace of mind."

Bo Siqing: "..."

Tang Jianbing’s voice is full of sorrow: "Jianqing, Minger, I will go to your grave to burn paper, can't find your corpse, let's make a dress for you, you remember to save money. It's too late, I put The two brothers took home, otherwise the villagers will see you afraid of it. Right, if you refuse to go, you will find a way to find three younger brothers..."

Tang Jianbing said, he constantly urged Tang Jianqing to hurry. After all, the people in the village must come over. He is a brother who believes that even if he is a ghost, he will not be a bad ghost. He is not afraid to build a Qing, but does not represent other. People are not afraid.

Bo Siqing has a black face like a pot.

It was a toot, and I quickly understood the situation.

He immediately said: "Second, this is my father, not a ghost, he is not dead, come back alive, just saved us. My mother was hurt, on my father's back."

Tang Jianbing feels that his brain is not enough...

(End of this chapter)