MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 242 (Red envelope for Valentine's Day)

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The sky is dim, and the light is silently scattered everywhere in Nanjing.

In the dusk of the dusk, it seems as if there is a secret hidden.

Yonghe Road Residence District.

A black car drove out of a private house.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu left the Lujia private house to go to the hotel for the birthday party.

He had already seen Lu Zongxi with Ye Chu.

Lu Zongxi will not interfere in the marriage of Lu Huai, and they are unaware of this matter.

Lu Huai’s eyes were extremely heavy and the car stopped slowly.

Ye Chu got out of the car. She wore a light-colored dress and wore the same necklace as her previous life.

Lu Huai wears a tailored suit and wears a dark tie.

They look very matched.

The warlord’s birthday banquet is very important, and the garrison has done the highest security work.

Those who can come to the birthday banquet have a certain status.

Vaguely heard the sound coming from inside, Lu Huai and Ye Chu walked into the banquet hall.

Everyone knows that Miss Ye Er is very likely to be the young lady of the future.

Therefore, the appearance of the two attracted some people's attention.

Soon, they took back their sights, and there were vocals in the banquet hall, which was very noisy.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu glanced down and looked at each other again.

Dai Shinan is still not there.

Somehow, there is a feeling of uneasiness.

They seem to have a hunch that this birthday feast will not be calm.


Dai Gongguan.

Lu Zongxi’s birthday banquet was held in a hotel.

Dai Shinan is his cronies and will naturally go.

When it is ready, Daisnan will depart from the Dai Mansion in advance.

Dai Shinan sat in the car and the car began to drive towards the hotel.

Dai Shinan closed his eyes and did not say a word. He seemed to be closing his eyes.

The car was silent and silently moving forward.

The driver will not be disturbed when he sees the appearance of Dai Shinan.

The car quickly stopped at the hotel entrance.

Dai Shinan got off the bus.

At this time, a lot of cars were parked outside the hotel, and they all came to give Lu Junjun a birthday.

The guests all smiled and walked into the hotel.

Dai Shinan did not stay outside and went straight in.

A dinner party for the Warlord will be held here tonight. At this time, all the guests gathered in the hall.

As soon as Dai Shinan walked into the banquet hall, he glanced around.

In the end, his sight fell on Lu Zongxi, not far away.

Dai Shinan stepped slowly and went to Lu Zongxi.

Many guests held a glass of wine, surrounded by Lu Zongxi, and said the words of blessing in his mouth.

They saw that Dresser was approaching and recognized him as the commander of the army.

They gave up one step and gave Alexandre a place.

Dai Shinan held a glass of wine in his hand, and his tone was respectful: "Supervisor."

Lu Zongxi smiled: "You are here."

They have known each other for many years and have a deep friendship.

After making a blessing, Dai Shinan spoke again.

"Everything will go well and there is still a long way to go in the future."

The words of Dai Shinan are hidden.

Lu Zongxi understood the meaning of Dai Shinan's words. He knew that it meant the plan they had discussed together.

The fog plan.

Lu Zongxi nodded and looked solemn.

After looking at each other, they looked away.

Dai Shinan did not stay with Lu Zongxi. After he said a few words, he left.

The birthday banquet continues to be held.

Everyone's mind is covered in a warm atmosphere.


Dai Shinan stood at the table and had several glasses of wine on the table.

The soft light fell, and the transparent wine glass shone with a small light.

At this moment, he looked down at the watch between the wrists.

The second hand turns and the time goes by.

Dai Shinan’s eyes sank a bit.

Lu Zongxi stood not far away, and Dai Shinan looked up at him.

Dai Shinan’s heart is surging, and one thing will happen tonight, and this matter is extremely important.

His look is a bit dark and unclear.

Dai Shinan looked like a casual look at the door, and a waiter came in.

He flashed a glimmer of light and took back his sight.

Time is coming.

Dai Shinan picked up a glass of wine on the table and walked over to Lu Zongtang.

He came to Lu Zongxi and talked with Lu Zongxi, and the look of Fang Cai had already caught.

A waiter took the plate and walked straight into the hall.

At the banquet, the crowds were moving, the air was filled with wine, and the atmosphere was a bit noisy.

The waiters shuttled through the crowd, but their eyes inadvertently swept them around.

He is the person of Dai Shinan and has a task to complete tonight. There are other people in the hall, and they are also placed in advance by Desnan.

After he started, those people would immediately start.

The waiter's gaze looked for the figure of Dai Shinan. Then he looked at him and lifted his foot and walked over.

Not far from wearing South, he stopped.

Dai Shinan always pays attention to the movement of the waiter and naturally sees his movements.

He glanced at the waiter and quickly regained his sight.

Then he turned his head and continued to talk to Lu Zongxi if nothing happened.

Time is up.

The waiter put down the plate in his hand, and by covering it, he took a gun from his waist and pointed it at the direction of Daisnan!

A shot of "砰".

The bullet screamed in the direction of Dai Shinan, and broke the air that was stagnation in the hall!

The air seemed to crack a gap, and the murder suddenly poured in!

The gunshots sounded and the hall suddenly fell into chaos.

The guests were very confused and the air was extremely dull.

Lu Huai and Ye Chuxin were shocked when the gunshots sounded.

They immediately looked in the direction of the gunshots, where they stood Lu Zongxi and Dai Shinan.

Lu Zongxi looked nothing, and Dai Shinan, who was on the side, grabbed his arm and seemed to be hurt.

The two have a tight eye.

The object of this assassination is actually wearing South?

Or, Dai Shinan helped Lu Zongtang, so he was injured?

The waiter who had just shot and shot was already killed by Lu Zongxi’s men.

The hearts of the guests have not been put down. At this time, other people who pretend to be waiters are also pulling their guns and aiming at Lu Zongxi’s direction.

Time is tight, too late to think.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu took the gun from the waist side, and the captain, shot facelessly at the killer.

Lu Zongxi’s men also fell into a gun battle with the killers.

The murderous atmosphere filled the entire hall, and the murderousness became more and more intense.

The party was only laughing and laughing, and the smoke filled the air, and the tense air was pressed down.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu shoot with guns and there is no temperature in the fundus.

One person aimed at Lu Zongtang and was about to shoot.

Lu Huai’s eyes twitched and the index finger was slightly curved, triggering the trigger.

The cold bullet fell into the man's chest and the man fell to the ground.

Ye Chu was nervous and focused, and the gun aimed at the killers.

The gunshot sounded and the bullet went off the wind. The man was shot dead.

Ye Chu's look has not changed, and the gun is aimed at other killers.

The air in the hall was heavy, only the gunshots fell.

Lu Zongxi’s men’s shots protect the guests.

On the other end, Lu Zongxi and Dai Shinan are also in the gun battle.

Dai Shinan slammed his arm and fired at the killer. Due to the injury, Daishen’s movements were slightly slow.

At this time, a person aimed at Dai Shinan and hit the chest of Dai Shinan.

Lu Zongxi noticed that he immediately shot and killed the man.

Dai Shinan fell heavily to the ground and his face was pale.

Lu Zongqi’s face changed.

At this time, the gunshots gradually stopped, the killer only left the last live, and the rest died.

At the end of the gun battle, Lu Zongxi immediately called the phone of the hospital, and Lu Huai first left the tail.

Lu Huai comforted the guests and asked them to **** them home.

The ambulance arrived soon, and the footsteps came in, and the hospital’s people arrived.

Dai Shinan was taken to the bus and taken to the hospital.

Lu Zongxi was sitting in the car, his face was complicated, and his picture appeared in his mind.

Before the doctor arrived, Dai Shinan said a word.

Dai Shinan’s breath is weak: “The Warlord, their goal is me...”

Then he closed his eyes and fell into a coma.

Lu Zongxi’s thoughts are heavy and his eyes are extremely dark.

The guests in the hall have left, and the silence is dead.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu walked out of the hotel.

The darkness of the night, the dark clouds spread, covering the entire night sky. The thick haze fell, and the four faints were dim.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu got on the bus, and the car started and drove to the hospital.

The air inside the car is dull.

The two meditate, Lu Zongxi has a special status, who is so brazen to dare to do it at the banquet?

Dai Shinan was seriously injured and was taken to the hospital. The situation was critical... Is this his bitterness?

Or is it true that Dai Shinan is really the target of assassination?

Why did the group disturb the banquet, and what was their purpose?

There are many questions, and the front is a mess and an unknown.

The night is getting deeper, the house is silent, and the leaves are shaking slightly.

The shadow of the trees passed over the window and was reflected in the car, leaving a deep shadow.

Lu Huai’s eyes are like this dark night.

The light is silent.

Ye Chu looked at Lu Huai, and she reached out and clenched Lu Huai’s hand.

Although they are suspicious of Dai Shinan, he was an elder who was very trusted by Lu Huai.

Today, he is extremely hurt, and Lu Huai’s heart must be extremely complicated.

Lu Huai turned to look at Ye Chu.

His gaze fell straight into Ye Chu's eyes, and the care of Ye Chu's eyes was clearly visible.

Lu Huai’s hand tightened a few points and seemed to hold the unbelievable future.

Lu Huai’s heart gradually calmed down.

The two have nothing to say.

The car passed through a quiet street filled with darkness.

After a while, the car stopped.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu got out of the car and lifted their feet and went in.

As soon as it entered, the strong smell of disinfectant water came up.

When the night is late, the corridor is more and more silent. The two walked quickly and came to the emergency room.

Lu Zongxi stood outside and looked a little anxious.

Lu Huai stepped forward and asked: "What is the situation of the uncle?"

"The doctor said that he was very wounded and is now being rescued." Lu Zongxi frowned.

Lu Huai did not open again, and several people waited quietly in the emergency room.

The corridor was silent, the lights were quiet, and the ground was bright.

The entrance is all cool white, but it seems to be a shadow, which makes people feel sluggish.

Lu Zongxi’s voice is heavy: “The goal of the assassination tonight is not me, but Dai Shinan.”

Lu Huai and Ye Chu looked at each other and they did not speak.

The air flows slowly and stagnates.

Lu Zongxi: "In the beginning, I thought that the group of people came to me. He blocked a shot for me."

Lu Huai and Ye Chu pondered that Dai Shinan was actually trying to protect Lu Zongtang, so he was injured.

There are two possibilities.

If their previous suspicions were wrong, Daisnan always stood on their side.

However, if Dai Shinan has been removed from Dong Hongchang, he is only acting bitterly, in order to win the Lu Zongxi...

What is the truth?

Lu Zongxi’s voice rang again: “I was also aware of the gun battles, and the guns of those people seemed to be aimed at him.”

"Because I am next to him, I have been affected."

Lu Zongxi’s look is getting more and more heavy: “He also knows that this group’s goal is him.”

Lu Huai heard it sharply and immediately said: "Is this sentence written by Uncle Dai?"

Lu Zongqi nodded.

Lu Huai’s twilight darkened.

Although Dai Shinan’s move slightly eased his suspicion, Lu Huai still had a question.

Tonight is Lu Zongxi’s birthday party. They are extremely careful to watch out for some people who are interested.

Before the banquet began, they had been checked at various levels. Logically speaking, this should not happen.

The banquet is extremely defensive, how do those people get together?

Unless it is done by insiders.

Ye Chu hangs his head and is thinking about things.

A gun battle took place at the banquet, and Dai Shinan was attacked. All this was beyond their expectation.

The heart is most unpredictable, and no one knows. Is this a gamble with life as a bet?

Unpredictable things, secrets, when the fog spreads, is there a more cruel truth hidden below?

Lu Huai and Ye Chu put all these thoughts together and did not reveal half points.

Lu Huai looked at Lu Zongxi and comforted: "Dai Fei will not have anything to do."

Dai Shinan is a good friend of Lu Zongxi, and he is very worried at this time.

At this time, the doctor did not come out, and no one knew whether Dai Shinan could be out of danger.

Lu Zongxi was silent.

Everyone has different minds and does not say a word.

The corridor was getting quieter and the lights seemed to fade.

The door to the emergency room is still closed, and the news inside is unknown.

The door was a nervous rescue, and the door was anxiously waiting.

After a long time, the door of the emergency room opened and the doctor came out and opened his mouth: "The patient is not in serious trouble for the time being."

A few people have a loose heart.

Doctor: "The patient has not yet woken up. If you want to visit him, leave as soon as possible and let the patient rest."

Lu Huai they walked into the ward.

Lu Huai’s eyes fell on the hospital bed, and Dai Shinan lay there with his eyes closed.

Although he was out of danger, his face was extremely pale.

The air flows quietly, and Daishen looks calm.

Lu Huai said softly: "Dear Uncle, you have a good rest, we will come to see you tomorrow."

Is he the former Daisnan?

Still have been dropped?

Several people turned and left the ward and closed the door.

The footsteps gradually drifted away and the silence was restored in the corridor.

The dark night was inside, cold and lonely, and the whole room was caged.

The clouds spread out, the outline of the moon gradually became clear, and the white light fell.

In the silent darkness, Dai Shinan opened his eyes.

His eyes are clear and his thoughts are clear and abnormal.

Everything tonight is designed by him. He arranges to assassinate himself, just to make Lu Zongxi trust him more.

No one will guess that he has designed a game with his own life as a bait.

The gun just hit the right side of his heart.

He was prepared at the chest to block the gun.

Today, there is still a faint pain in his heart.

Dai Shinan’s twilight sank.

His shot is true, and his cover of Lu Zongxi is also true.

And his real thoughts are covered up, no one will guess.

It seems that the plan is very successful today.

The moonlight poured down, the light was silent, and it was extinguished.

The spring is cold, the cool wind blows over, and the chill spreads.

The fog is getting deeper, the secrets are intertwined, and the sorrows are pointing in an unknown direction.

The more you explore, the more entangled the entanglements.

Everyone was tied together and headed for the dark abyss.

No one knows, who is the manipulator behind this war?

But one day, the fog will dissipate, the truth will show people, and hidden secrets will surface.