MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 223

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When the door slowly opened, the air that was condensed was broken.

The situation of a three-person stalemate was also broken.

They all heard the movement outside the door, and then they tightened their minds and almost closed the gun at the same time.

You can't let the outside person see the situation inside.

Mo Qinghan took the lead and put down the gun. The muzzle of the black hole no longer pointed to Ye Chu.

Lu Huai's action saw Mo Qinghan's action, he just put his hand down and the gun left Mo Qinghan.

Ye Chu and Lu Huai removed the gun at the same time, lowered their hands and put the gun back to the waist.

These actions only happen between a few seconds.

All the traces, only the empty box placed on the table.

The three had just put down the gun, the next second, the door had opened, and a man walked in quickly.

The air in the room is still very tense, but there is no such strong pressure as before.

When I saw the three of them, the man stunned. He didn't expect the three to be in this room.

Ye Chu and Lu Huai have long gathered all the looks, and they can't see any emotions on the face.

Mo Qinghan sat there, his face was extremely calm.

Those turbulent dark tides are hidden and sink in the still air.

This person did not find the same.

The name of this person is Ding Shiqun, the only Chinese director of the Board of Directors of the Board of Directors.

Ding Shiqun was commissioned by Dai Shinan to bring Mo Qinghan into the Board of Directors and become one of the executive committee members.

Ding Shiqun asked: "Three less, are you also congratulating Mo committee members?"

He saw the box on the table and he already understood a few points in his heart.

Lu Huai’s voice is heavy and implied: “The Mo committee has received my gift.”

Today, he is a warning to Mo Qinghan, so that Mo Qinghan should not act rashly.

Mo Qinghan’s eyes are dark and unclear: “The gift of San Shao is impressive.”

Such a gift is really unexpected.

He naturally knows the purpose of Lu Huai's coming.

However, since he has embarked on this road, he will not be merciless to anyone who has hindered him.

In Lu Huai’s words, there is a deep meaning: “I hope that Mo’s members can think more about the French Concession.”

Stop hurting the lives of innocent people.

The two came one after another, and the edge appeared.

However, their tone is extremely calm, and Ding Shiqun does not feel the same.

Ding Shiqun: "I would like to thank the three directors for their concern."

Lu Huai: "Everyone's goal is the same, you are welcome."

Ding Shiqun glanced at Mo Qinghan: "I came over and wanted to inform Mo Committee that the Board of Directors will host a welcome dinner at Huaying Hotel tonight."

Mo Qinghan nodded.

Ding Shiqun looked at Lu Huai again: "There have been people calling the Peace Hotel. Since the three are here, they will talk together."

Lu Huai already knew the news a few days ago. He didn't speak, pretending to be known today.

Ding Shiqun said: "If you can take time out to visit Huaying Hotel, then it would be better."

Lu Huai: "I am free tonight."

Ding Shiqun saw Ye Chu on the side and said: "The dinner can bring a female companion."

Lu Huai turned to see Ye Chu: "She will also go."

The two looked at each other and their eyes were meaningful.

This is the welcome dinner of Mo Qinghan. How can they not come to the truth?


As night falls, the temperature in early spring is not so cold, but the beach on the night still carries some coolness.

There was a car parked at the entrance of the Huaying Hotel. There were so many people coming and going, and it was very noisy.

Tonight, Huaying Hotel has a welcome dinner to celebrate the appointment of the Chinese members of the Board of Directors.

A black car stopped at the door of the Huaying Hotel, the door opened and two people came down from the car.

The woman's temperament is cold and slim. The man's face is cold and tall, and the two stand together, which is a perfect match.

They are Lu Huai and Ye Chu.

The two walked straight into the hotel.

The hall was brightly lit, the light was quietly falling, and the entire hall was white. There are a lot of people in the hall, and the voice is a bit noisy.

The banquet invited important figures from the French Concession.

The guests are all outstanding officials, the public board and the central capture room have come over, and also invited the leaders of the important gangs of Shanghai and Hongmen, as well as wealthy businessmen.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu walked into the hall and passed through the crowds.

They went to the bar and slowly settled.

At this time, the waiter stepped forward and said: "Three young, Miss Ye Er."

Lu Huai opening: "A glass of whiskey, a glass of wine."

The waiter left.

Lu Huai’s gaze seemed to look intently at the door, waiting for a person.

After a while, Shao Inspector walked into the hall.

Inspector Shao saw a circle in the hall and his eyes were condensed at the bar.

He saw Lu Huai and the two looked at each other.

Immediately, the two quickly regained their sight.

Regarding the welcome dinner tonight, the two of them already have plans.


Time fell back to last night.

Lu Huai and Shao Inspector once met.

After learning about the welcome dinner at Huaying Hotel, Lu Huai and Ye Chu had an idea.

The two of them decided to go through the hands of Shao Inspector to test Mo Qinghan.

Lu Huai’s search for Shao Inspector is the purpose.

The night was deep, the silence was very quiet, and the light was dim.

Lu Huai went into the central catching house.

Shao Inspector originally sat in the room and saw Lu Huai coming, and Shao Inspector gave a slight glimpse.

Shao Inspector believes that San Shao came to find himself because of a case of Baoshun Yangxing.

Shao Inspector said: "The case of Baoshun Yangxing has been almost checked."

Lu Huai said: "The case of economic fraud is not a trivial matter. Why not give it to the economic department?"

Shao Inspector said: "If you want to keep the French Concession, everything should be under your own eyes."

The environment of the French Concession is extremely complicated, the forces of the parties are mixed, and everyone's mind is not simple. He must be extremely careful in everything he does.

If he gives this matter to others to deal with, if someone else takes the opportunity to do some hands and feet, then he will get into trouble.

"Three less." Shao Inspector looked at Lu Huai and said: "You know this truth more clearly than I do."

On the beach, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and three less to supervise Shanghai, it takes more effort.

Lu Huai smiled: "Shao Inspector has been in the French Concession for a long time, and he really understands people."

Shao Inspector is in the French Concession and sees things very transparent. Therefore, to explore Mo Qinghan, Lu Huai decided to find him to do it.

Inspector Shao asked: "How do you say this?"

If the three are not looking for themselves because of the case of Baoshun Yangxing, then, three times to come tonight, what purpose.

Lu Huai entered the topic: "I must know that the Board of Directors has recently taken up new members."

Shao Inspector nodded: "It is still a Chinese member, and I will see the truth tomorrow."

A new Chinese member is about to take office, and he already knows about it. However, this person is extremely mysterious and everyone is not sure who he is.

"Shao Inspector is not curious?" Lu Huai asked.

A new force is about to enter the French Concession. Since Shao Inspector is in the French Concession, he will certainly pay attention to this news.

Shao Inspector did not answer positively. Instead, he said: "It seems that San Shao is very interested in this person."

Lu Huai does not deny: "I came to the central government to catch a house, I hope that Shao Inspector can explore his details for me."

After inspecting Shao, he said: "I will definitely do what San Shao said."

The French Concession has come to a new character, and Shao Inspector will pay attention to the newly appointed Chinese member.

Since the three young people have also opened their mouths and want to know the details of the person, he will naturally refuse.

Lu Huai looked at Shao Inspector and said: "I have another simpler way."

Lu Huai had expected that Shao Inspector would agree to the matter. However, he will point one direction to Shao Inspector.

"Also ask the three to give pointers." Shao Inspector looked serious.

Lu Huai said with a deep meaning: "His identity is unknown, there should be many people in the French Concession who want to test him."

The arrival of Mo Qinghan made everyone in the French Concession float, and everyone wanted to know the details of Mo Qinghan.

Shao Inspector can achieve this goal without having to come out himself.

Shao Inspector instantly knew the meaning of Lu Huai and nodded: "I understand."

He can borrow the hand of others to test the Chinese committee.

Shao Inspector will find someone to do this thing, try the new member, and pick himself up, killing two.

This method is excellent.

Lu Huai added: "I have already got the news. After the new members take office, the evening party will host a welcome dinner at the Huaying Hotel."

There are many people involved in the welcome dinner, and they are arranged to try Mo Qinghan. It is difficult for him to find out who made it.

Shao Inspector smiled: "Three little, see you tomorrow night."

The inspector of Shao said that he would immediately prepare for the matter.

The two reached an agreement.

Lu Huai left and walked into the deep night.

It was as quiet as the night on the beach, and it looked extremely calm. In fact, the inside was choppy and I didn’t know how many secrets were hidden.


The Chinese member of the Administrative Committee took office this day.

The car stopped at the door of the Huaying Hotel, and Shao Inspector walked out of the car.

At this time, the invited guests also continued, and they also went to the hotel.

Inspector Shao put his eyes on the outside of the Huaying Hotel and twisted his eyebrows.

He has reached a tacit agreement with San Shao, and he will find a way to test the newly appointed Chinese members of the Board of Directors tonight.

Shao Inspector kept walking and walked straight into the Huaying Hotel.

As soon as I walked into the hotel, there was a melodious sound of music that flowed slowly through the air.

Many guests hold a glass of wine on their hands and they toast to others while walking.

Their faces are full of smiles and they are very pleasant.

When Shao Inspector came in, some people recognized him and he greeted him.

Shao Inspector is very eloquent, and it is naturally handy in the face of such an occasion.

He smiled on his face and dealt with it one by one.

After those people left, Shao Inspector put his eyes on the bar in the banquet hall.

At this time, Lu Huai just looked at this side, and the two looked at each other.

Shao Inspector immediately went to the side of the wine table, the wine table was filled with wine, all kinds of, in the wine glass, the light.

Shao Inspector picked up a cup at random, but did not touch his mouth.

His body leaned against the table and looked like an unintentional glance at the entire ballroom. He needed to find someone.

Ding Shiqun.

Ding Shiqun is a Chinese director of the Board of Directors. It is said that he has brought Mo Qinghan into the Board of Directors.

However, at this morning's meeting, Shao Inspector found that the relationship between Mo Qinghan and Ding Shiqun did not seem so familiar. Ding Shiqun should be entrusted by others.

Presumably, Ding Shiqun also had some doubts about Mo Qinghan.

If you give yourself a little bit of a call, does Ding Shiqun not make some temptations?

Shao Inspector quickly discovered Ding Shiqun's figure. While drinking, he focused his attention on Ding Shiqun.

Ding Shiqun has arrived, he is holding a glass of wine and shuttles through the crowd.

He was dressed in a black suit with a neat tie and a smile on his face.

When Ding Shiqun walked to the side of the banquet hall, a waiter held the plate and walked over.

In order to avoid the crowd, the waiter accidentally bumped into Ding Shiqun.

There were a few glasses of wine on the plate and they fell over immediately after receiving the impulse.

The wine glass is poured from the plate, and the wine inside it naturally flows out of the wine glass.

A lot of them were splashed on Ding Shiqun's clothes and they were wet.

Ding Shiqun frowned, and he took out his handkerchief and wiped the wine on his clothes.

The waiter immediately apologized.

Ding Shiqun waved his hand and let the waiter leave.

Although there is not much wine on the clothes, it still needs to be cleaned up.

Ding Shiqun had to leave the ballroom and walk to the bathroom.

Inspector Shao saw this scene and immediately put down the glass on his hand and followed the past.

The waiter was arranged by the inspector.

In order to have a private conversation with Ding Shiqun, he had to do so.


The faucet is open, the water flows out from the inside, and the sound of the flowing water falls into the empty bathroom.

Shao Inspector walked into the bathroom. He first glanced at it and confirmed that no one had gone to Ding Shiqun.

At this point, Ding Shiqun is facing him, there is no other way, he can only put the handkerchief on the water, wipe the traces on his body.

Originally, there was only water sound in the bathroom, and some people suddenly spoke, and the sound rang behind Ding Shiqun.

Inspector Shao: "The new member of the Board of Directors seems to have some heads?"

Ding Shiqun turned off the tap and he turned and looked at the people.

It is the Shao Inspector of the central capture house.

He glanced at the bathroom and found that there were only two of them in the bathroom.

Shao Inspector went to the sink and opened the faucet. The sound of the water rang.

Inspector Shao put his hand under the faucet. He washed his hands at random, and the water flowed through the back of his hand, which was a little cold.

Ding Shiqun continued to do the same thing, he opened his mouth.

"His resume is very beautiful."

Ding Shiqun said this, which is equivalent to answering the question of Shao Inspector.

Shao Inspector turned off the faucet, the sound of the water suddenly stopped, and the restroom resumed silence.

At this time, there were only two of them in the bathroom, and no one else was present.

When the two did not speak, the bathroom was very quiet.

Shao inspected his leisurely manners. He took out his handkerchief and carefully wiped the water on his hand.

Shao Inspector raised an eyebrow: "Oh? Hearing is Ding’s director, do you know?"

Ding Shiqun knows the intent of Shao Inspector. He must be curious about the affairs of Mo.

Ding Shiqun will not hand over his own foundation: "The Executive Committee is now lacking, and Mo Qinghan is very suitable for this position."

His words are hidden and deep, indicating that he is not familiar with Mo Qinghan.

Shao Inspector saw Ding Shiqun take over and continued: "Ding’s director is better to talk about what is special about this member."

Shao Inspector and Ding Shiqun have known each other for many years, and they have also worked together on some things.

Ding Shiqun looked down at the clothes: "We have been in the French Concession for so long, there is no need for it."

Ding Shiqun looked up at Shao Inspector and looked faint.

"No one here, Shao Inspector has something to say."

There is something in Shao’s inspector, naturally I want to know something.

Shao Inspector smiled and said: "If Ding director does not trust Mo Qinghan, I can help you try his depth."

Shao Inspector's tone is peaceful, as if he really wants to help Ding Shiqun.

Ding Shiqun did not accept the "good intentions" of Shao Inspector.

He turned back: "I have a few in my heart."

Seeing Ding Shiqun’s attitude, Shao’s inspector saw it.

Ding Shiqun will react like this, as early as he expected.

The inspector Shao’s work is not to personally test Mo Qinghan, but to provoke Ding Shiqun.

He deliberately asked Ding Shiqun to question Mo Qinghan and took the initiative to take action against Mo Qinghan.

Shao Inspector reopened: "He came suddenly, and the French Concession is concerned."

Shao Inspector saw that Ding Shiqun’s mind was shaken and continued to provoke.

Ding Shiqun sorted out his clothes. He heard the words of Shao Inspector and frowned.

Mr. Mo has indeed received a lot of attention, although he has a perfect resume. However, he suddenly appeared in the French Concession, which naturally attracted more attention.

Ding Shiqun glanced at Shao Inspector: "This is a matter for the board of directors. It is best not to intervene in the patrol room."

Shao Inspector smiled and spread his hand: "I think about the French Concession."

Ding Shiqun also smiled: "My preparation is naturally more than Shao Inspector."

His subtext is that he has already prepared to explore Mo Qinghan.

Ding Shiqun told Shao Inspector about this, and he was not worried about his leak.

Ding Shiqun said again: "I am already good, I will leave first."

Shao Inspector Ding Shiqun nodded and made a gesture of asking.

Shao Inspector disturbed Ding Shiqun’s mind and knew that he would send someone to test Mo Qinghan. The purpose has been reached and it is said to be useless.

Ding Shiqun nodded and turned and walked out of the bathroom.

The words of Mr. Shao’s inspector did have some impact on Ding Shiqun.

As he walked to the banquet hall, he thought about what Shao Inspector said to him.

Because of the trust of people, Mo Qinghan was arranged by him to enter the board of directors.

Nanjing’s Chief Dai Shinan once saved his life. In order to repay, Ding Shiqun should make his request and insert Mo Qinghan into the board of directors.

Although Dai Changguan has grace for Ding Shiqun, Mo Qinghan is only a stranger to him.

He knew nothing about the bottom of Mo Qinghan, and he naturally had some doubts about the origin of Mo Qinghan.

Therefore, when Mo Qinghan entered the public board, Ding Shiqun had already made some preparations.

The behavior of Shao Inspector is normal. In his view, Mo Qinghan is an airborne force and suddenly appeared in Shanghai.

Everyone wants to try his depth.


At the dinner of Huaying Hotel, Lu Huai and Ye Chu sat at the bar and thought about something.

Previously, Mo Qinghan had been discovered by them and dismantled his disguise, which made him have to reveal his identity.

However, Dai Shinan let Mo Qinghan enter Shanghai with his true identity and become a Chinese member of the Board of Directors.

If Dai Shinan is informed, he will not make such a low-level mistake.

After this incident, Dai Shinan’s suspicion was washed away a lot.

However, this does not mean that he is innocent.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu will continue to observe Dai Shinan until he finally confirms his bottom.

The most important thing tonight is that the road to take office for Mo Qinghan cannot go smoothly.

Lu Huai always pays attention to the movement in the hall. At this time, Chinese director Ding Shiqun returned to the lobby.

After Lu Huai and Ye Chu saw it, they looked at each other.

They saw Ding Shiqun's appearance at this time, and his face was a little more than just before.

It didn't take long for Shao Inspector to appear in the same direction.

Shao Inspector looked at Lu Huai's position and quickly regained his sight and re-entered the ballroom.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu know that Shao Inspector has completed what they have negotiated before.

Since Ding Shiqun became suspicious of Mo Qinghan, he will take immediate action.

The origin of Mo Qinghan is unknown. Ding Shiqun must give him a horse on the day he took office.

Lu Huai and Ye Chu smiled and they raised the glass of their hands.

The glass touched and made a crisp sound.

In this welcome banquet tonight, they want Mo Qinghan to feel the unique way of welcoming.