MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 221

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Ye Chu recognizes the owner of this voice.

She couldn't help but clench her fists and nails into the flesh.

Hate like cold, damp water, spread over her back and climbed over her neck.

He slowly walked out of the darkness and walked to the window, and the faint light reflected his face.

Mo Qinghan's facial features are as indifferent as carvings, and his eyes are deep, like a sharp knife.

The knife pointed to Ye Chu.

The air is stagnate and has a suffocating sense of weight.

There is no emotion in Ye Chu’s eyes.

Mo Qinghan’s smile is extremely cold: “Don't recognize me?”

Ye Chu looked at him indifferently, neither answering nor speaking.

Mo Qinghan did not do any disguise at this moment. He used the truth to appear in Shanghai, but he was not afraid to be discovered by her.

Ye Chu thought in his heart.

He must have found another way to stay in Shanghai with his true identity.

She wants to go back and tell Lu Huai about this, they must be prepared, she will calm down.

Ye Chu said calmly: "We have seen it on the train."

She is not prepared to cover up. In the past few contests, Mo Qinghan has already known her true attitude.

Mo Qinghan continued to sneer: "I must have known who I am before that."

He did not forget that on the train to Peiping, Ye Chu deliberately concealed his identity and deceived him together with He Wei.

Ye Chu’s voice is like frost and snow: “Your name is Mo?”

She told Mo Qinghan straight away that she and Lu Huai knew his details.

A door is the audience watching the show tonight.

According to Mo Qinghan's temper, he will never personally cause turmoil here. Ye Chu understands very well that the last thing he will do is expose himself.

Mo Qinghan did not answer, his light was very deep and indifferent.

Ye Chu opened his mouth: "Still... I should call you a doctor."

Since Mo Qinghan has already arrived in Shanghai with his true identity, it means that they are no longer infighting.

Ye Chu’s attitude represents Lu Huai’s attitude.

She must show her thoughts, their struggle, she and Lu Huai will be in a more favorable position.

Mo Qinghan suddenly smiled: "Ye Chu, your deception is superb."

I even fooled my eyes.

"A rich lady, proficient in disguise, is good at deception." Mo Qinghan said, "Your family will not teach you these..."

He paused: "Is it difficult to be Lu Huai?"

In the words of Mo Qinghan, there was a sense of depreciation everywhere. Ye Chu looked heavy and looked at him coldly.

Ye Chu slowly said: "You might as well think about your situation. Every move has failed to achieve the desired ending. Presumably this taste must be uncomfortable..."

Her lips are smiling: "Right?"

Ye Chu means that all your previous plans have been broken by us. Now I am back in Shanghai, and I will not be able to do so in the future.

The two of them competed against each other, and they clearly said that they were full of hateful words, but the tone sounded mild.

Even if others hear it, they will never know the meaning of the words.

It is not early, Ye Chu has to go back to the theater lobby, she did not stay more.

Ye Chu started and walked toward Mo Qinghan.

In the dark night, her steps were firm, and even if Sen was greeted by her cold breath, she was not afraid.

Ye Chu went straight to the door and passed by Mo Qinghan.


After the end of the drama, Ye Chu left with Su Lan. She inadvertently glanced at the scene inside and outside the theater.

After returning to Ye Gongguan, Ye Chu immediately called Lu Huai.

She told Lu Huai that she met Mo Qinghan at the theater tonight.

After Lu Huai learned about the incident, he immediately put down all the affairs of his hand and came to the Ye Gongguan.

When Lu Huai stepped into the door, Ye Chu was stepping in the room.

After hearing the sound, Ye Chu turned and looked at Lu Huai.

He walked quickly and embraced her.

Lu Huai wore a coat, and his clothes were cold with the spring night.

It seems that she is afraid of Ye Chu cold, Lu Huai will carry her into the coat and hold her with a warm body.

Ye Chu opened his mouth: "Mo Qinghan did not do anything tolerant, he used his true face to Shanghai."

Her tone is extremely calm.

Lu Huai understands: "It seems that he has already thought about the backhand."

Ye Chuyu said: "I deliberately provoked him and let him know our attitude."

Lu Huai bowed his head and kissed her forehead: "You are doing right."

They all know the purpose of Mo Qinghan coming to Shanghai. He came to revenge and he wanted to win power.

However, since Mo Qinghan wants to stay in Shanghai, he has to lower his posture.

He must respect the land, or else he can't stay safe again.

I just don't know, this time, Mo Qinghan showed up with his true face, and who was behind him?

Ye Chu thought about it: "Here is Shanghai, and Mo Qinghan’s confidant has been removed..."

Lu Huai continued: "He can only re-layout."

Ye Chu nodded: "People on the blacklist may continue to appear."

Lu Huai said: "I will send people to check, what is the identity of Mo Qinghan."

Their ideas are very clear, no matter what Mo Qinghan will do next, see the move.

The final winner will only be them.

It’s already past twelve o'clock, and the night is getting darker.

Lu Huai picked up Ye Chu, and he sat down and placed her on his lap.

Ye Chu turned and looked at Lu Huai's face. His hand touched her cheek.

Lu Huai was close to Ye Chu and gently kissed her lips.

Her hands clasped his neck and pressed against his lips, as if to forget the painful past.

Deep spring night.

The two warm bodies embraced very tightly, and their lips were affixed, gently twirling, and gently entangled.

Those regrets of previous life will be rewritten.

Their future is bright.


Ye Chu told Lu Huai that after Mo Qinghan appeared in Shanghai, Lu Huai immediately went to investigate the suspicious people on Shanghai Beach.

Lu Huai set the goal first in the public concession and the French Concession.

Both of them know that in the past life, when Mo Qinghan came to Shanghai, he would appear as a subordinate of Dai Shinan.

That is already a matter of a few years.

During this time in this life, Daishen’s activities were mainly in Nanjing. Therefore, Mo Qinghan could not come to Shanghai in this capacity.

But this time, Mo Qinghan appeared in Shanghai. He did not do anything to make it easy, and did not hide his true identity.

This shows that Mo Qinghan has no fear, perhaps because of his new identity, which is convenient for him to act in Shanghai.

Sure enough, Lu Huai learned a new news.

As everyone knows, the French Concession is not under the control of the Shanghai government. The French established a board of directors to regulate matters related to the French Concession.

In the administrative committee, there is a Chinese member who is about to take office.

This person is drawn by a Chinese director on the board of directors.

This Chinese member is extremely mysterious and has not yet appeared in Shanghai.

The news came very suddenly and just came out a few days ago.

Originally Lu Huai did not manage such a thing. His Peace Hotel and the French forces are cooperative, they are independent and mutually restrained.

But the timing of this person’s appearance is too coincidental and has to be thought-provoking.

Ye Chugang told himself that Mo Qinghan came to Shanghai. After a few days, the board of directors came to a new Chinese committee.

Lu Huai believes that this mysterious Chinese committee member is very likely to be Mo Qinghan.

Lu Huai’s eyes were a bit deeper.

However, this is only his guess. I want to know if this person is Mo Qinghan, and I have to see him to know.

The Chinese member will take office in a week, and they can only wait until that day to see his true content.


The phone rang and broke the silence of the sinking.

Lu Huai walked over and picked it up.

A voice came from the phone: "Lu Huai?"

Lu Huai recognized this as the voice of Dai Shinan: "Uncle."

Dai Shinan is the land of Lu Zongtang and has a very good relationship with Lu. Lu Huai called him an uncle in private.

Dai Shinan’s voice was a bit of a smile: “I have something to do with Shanghai, not as good as we can.”

Lu Huai's eyelids fretting.

Is it related to the new Chinese member of the committee when Daisnan comes to Shanghai?

If the person is really cold, then he came to Shanghai, and it is very likely that he was arranged by Dai Shinan.

It is not uncommon for Dai Shinan to come to Shanghai to arrange this matter.

Lu Huai is going to observe whether Dai Shinan has participated in the incident and confirmed his suspicion. Therefore, he will definitely go to the appointment.

Lu Huai’s voice is low: “Okay, uncle.”

And Dan Shinan had an appointment to meet, Lu Huai put a call.

Today is the day to meet with Dai Shinan.

Lu Huai walked out of the Governor's Office and took the car. The car left the Warlord and headed for the wide streets.

The scenery flew past the window, and after a while, the car stopped.

In front of it is the Shanghai government building, Lu Huai got off the bus.

Lu Huai traveled to the government building and looked around and found that a car had been parked at the door.

Lu Huai remembers this license plate number, which is the car of Dai Jia. It seems that Dai Shinan has arrived.

Lu Huai’s eyes are heavy, and Dai Shinan is looking for him, which is related to the recent legal affairs of the French Concession.

This time, Lu Huai's purpose is to test Dai Shinan, he will not act rashly.

Lu Huai lifted his foot and walked straight into the building.

The walkway is so quiet that the sound is extremely light. Even when the sound passes, it becomes far away.

Lu Huai walked slowly and quietly, and on the quiet walkway, Lu Huai’s gentle footsteps sounded.

Lu Huai stopped in front of an office. Then he pushed the door open.

When Lu Huai came in, he had already gathered all the ideas.

Lu Huai looked up and Dai Shinan was already sitting inside.

Lu Huai was seated and opened: "Uncle."

Dai Shinan nodded: "I have been working for your father in Nanjing. I have not been to Shanghai for some time."

This time he also came to Shanghai for a trip because he had something to do.

Lu Huai remembered that Dai Shinan had previously mentioned with him that the Beiping reactionary elements, Lu Zongxi suspected that it was related to Dong Hongchang, Lu Zongxi was very concerned about this matter.

Lu Huai asked: "What happened to Dong Hongchang?"

Dai Shinan: "The man was very thoughtful and didn't show anything."

Dong Hongchang is cautious and he has not found any news at the moment.

Lu Huai contemplatively, Dai Shinan's face is for Lu Zongxi, but his true mind, Lu Huai does not know.

Whether Dai Shinan and Dong Hongchang have joined forces, or whether there is a secret cooperative relationship between the two, these things will be carefully observed in the future.

The mood of Lu Huai’s eyes was not obvious. He looked at Dai Shinan and smiled.

"Uncle, you come to Shanghai to do things, I should have asked you to eat at Huaying Hotel."

Dai Shinan also smiled: "I have known you and your father for so many years and have been familiar with you for a long time."

"I am in a hurry to come to Shanghai this time. I will have the opportunity to invite you to dinner again."

Lu Huai nodded.

Dai Shinan suddenly said: "I have heard about your little girlfriend."

The relationship between Lu Huai and Ye Chu was extremely high-profile, and he also heard about it. Shaoshuai pursues a female student, and Ye Chu is not the young girlfriend of Lu Huai.

At the last party gathering, Ye Chu came as a female companion of Lu Huai. He met Ye Chu.

Dai Shinan felt that Ye Chu was generous and decent behavior.

He looked at Lu Huai with a smile on his lips: "She looks very match with you."

Hearing that Dai Shinan mentioned Ye Chu, Lu Huai’s eyes were softer: “Thank you for your uncle’s concern.”

After the two of them chilled, they finally got to the point.

Dai Shinan said: "I have trained a special agent organization to collect information from all over the place according to your father's instructions."

This organization is responsible for him, and many news are known from here. If Lu Zongxi wants to check something, he will issue an order for the agent to investigate.

Lu Huai nodded, he also has such a channel of information.

Dai Shinan has been working with Lu Zongxi for a long time. He has a group of agents with many years of experience under his hand.

Lu Huai believes that Dai Shinan will not mention this matter for no reason.

Lu Huai looked up: "Uncle, is there something going on there?"

Dai Shinan nodded: "I have a special agent who wants to transfer back to Shanghai. He has been a special agent for many years and has made a lot of contributions to intelligence gathering."

This time he came to Shanghai, it is related to this matter.

Lu Huai lowered his eyes and his eyes were dark.

Lu Huai’s fingers rubbed the teacups on the table, and the tea was put out for a while, and the heat had already dispersed a lot.

The fingers slid gently over the porcelain white cup, leaving only a cool touch.

Lu Huai pondered, is the agent who came to Shanghai, is it Mo Qinghan?

Lu Huai asked: "I was transferred back to Shanghai because of identity disclosure or mission failure?"

Dai Shinan’s activities are in Nanjing. Since the agents are under his control, these agents will also perform tasks in Nanjing.

Now, the agent left Nanjing for no reason, and there must be a reason.

Mo Qinghan originally appeared in Shanghai as Rong Mu, with the intention of disturbing Shanghai.

If this thing was instructed by Dai Shinan, then Rong Mu is now dead, Mo Qinghan’s identity is exposed, and he is transferred back to Shanghai, which is also reasonable.

Mo Qinghan needs a new identity, and the Chinese Council is a good opportunity.

Dai Shinan did not answer positively: "He needs an identity to cover up. He used to be our agent."

Dai Shinan means that the agent has worked for Lu Zongxi for many years, is extremely loyal, and is a trustworthy person.

Dai Shinan’s words are not all-in-one and should be hidden. However, Lu Huai will not continue to ask.

At the time of the speech, Lu Huai was watching the expression of Dai Shinan.

Dai Shinan’s look did not see anything wrong. Lu Huai’s eyes were heavy and he continued to look at it quietly.

At this time, Dai Shinan looked down at the watch on his hand: "Now people should have arrived, I will introduce you both."

Dai Shinan got up and went to the door and opened the door.

Lu Huai has already been inspected, who is the person that Dai Shinan wants to introduce to himself.

He hides all the emotions in his eyes and looks up at the past.

There is a person standing outside the door.

The outside light is very bright, reflecting the person's face.

This person is very tall, his eyebrows are dark, his facial features are extremely fierce, and he is surrounded by the atmosphere of Sen Han.

It is now clearly day, but the person seems to be in the dark night.

This person is Mo Qinghan.

However, the Luhuai surface is not obvious, and the look is extremely cold.

His face is like a deep pool of silence, and it will not be a wave.

Lu Huai looked coldly and coldly.

Lu Huai’s eyes were cold and the sun fell, as if it were cold and gloomy, with no temperature.

Mo Qinghan heard the opening of the door and looked up.

Just right on the sight of Lu Huai.

Mo Qinghan's eyes are dark and unclear.

But Mo Qinghan has gathered all the emotions, and others will not notice the same.

At this moment, the air seems to be tightened, implying a sharp edge.

The temperature seems to be a bit lower, the cold air is pressed down, with a hint of oppression.

Lu Huai's temperament is extremely cold, and it is getting colder and colder at the moment.

Mo Qinghan's breath is extremely gloomy.

The two stood opposite, like the air that was cold and cold.

Mo Qinghan walked slowly into the room.

Lu Huai’s line of sight was faint, and Mo Qinghan was locked.

Under the gaze of Lu Huai, the light of the sinking seemed to follow, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly subsided.

When the door was closed, Mo Qinghan went to Luhuai and he stopped.

Mo Qinghan opened his mouth: "Three less."

He reached out and his voice was very cold.

"Hello, I am Mo Qinghan."