MTL - Rebirth In The Novel: Indulging The Female Side Character-Chapter 210

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Today, Lu Huai has something to do, and Auntie is alone in the Warlord.

The sun is cold and shines into the house, and the ground is bright.

There was a gentle music sound in the phonograph. This vinyl record was given to her by Shen Jiu.

Thinking of Shen Jiu, Aunt’s mouth is filled with a smile.

When his brother is not in the Governor's Office, Shen Jiu will come to accompany her. I do not know when, she has gradually become familiar with the existence of Shen Jiu.

Auntie's look was a little gentle.

At this time, one came in and had a cup of tea on his hand.搁 Put the tea on the table and open: "Miss, your tea."

The door closed and he left.

The tea is very hot, and the white mist rises, bringing some heat.

Aunt reached out and took the tea.

Her hands didn't hold steady, the tea slid down and fell on the table, making a crisp sound.

The tea was just boiled, the temperature was very hot, and the tea splashed on the aunt's hand, causing a painful touch.

A heart trembled, she remembered slyly, that year, she was trapped in the fire.

At that time, the room was claustrophobic, the fire was spreading, and there was intense smoke and hot air.

The sparks came over her, and the face was filled with a burning pain.

Her face was burned at that time.

The painful memories once again hit the aunt's heart.

Aunt did not dare to think again, immediately rinse his hands with cold water.

Aunt covered her hands over and over again, and she repeated this movement, letting the water drown her own palm.

The water is so cold that it seems like this, the fire in her heart can be ruined.

The water is still there, and the aunt's thoughts are drifting away.

In order to put out the fire, they used water to turn off the fire.

Auntie was in a coma at the time. Someone ran in and wrapped her in a quilt soaked with cold water.

Aunt was groggy and only felt the cold touch, covering her body.

That feeling is like she is sinking to the bottom of the water, but there is no way to escape.

Aunt took away from her memories and she was in a stagnation.

Then she immediately shut the water.

The sound of the water disappeared, and the panic gradually subsided.

A hot fire, and cold water, will make the aunt afraid.

Those memories are hidden in the heart of the aunt, but now they are sweeping.

Aunt wiped the water from his hand and returned to the table.

At this time, Chen Ma came in, she came in to clean up the teacup.

Aunt lowered his eyes and covered the emotions in his eyes. Her hand was hidden under the sleeves and shivered slightly.

Aunt can't talk, plus she deliberately concealed, Chen Ma did not find the aunt's anomaly.

At night, the aunt lay in bed.

There is only a dark night outside the window, and a lonely cold wind.

Auntie had some thoughts and restlessness, and what happened in the day was still haunting her.

The night became deeper and the tiredness struck, and Auntie made a dream.


Aunt opened his eyes and found himself in a room. There are no other people in the room, very quiet. The light is a bit dim.

At this moment, a slight sound was heard in the air.

Auntie is listening to God.

The sound was extremely light, but in this silent night, it was very clear.

It is like the sound of water flowing across the ground.

Aunt looked down to the door.

Water was poured into the tiny door joints, the door became wet, and the room became colder and colder.

Aunt’s heart panic.

She didn't know what was going on.

The walls and floors also began to get wet, and more and more water poured into the room, and the air became more intense.

The water is coming, it seems that there is power to devour everything.

The four are still silent, but this silence makes people feel suffocated and extremely depressed.

Aunt went out of bed and wanted to call for help.

She just stepped on the ground, and the water immediately ran onto her ankles, which was even colder than the cold winter night.

The water is turbulent and completely blocks the movement of the aunt. Auntie sat back on the bed, and my heart was endless fear.

The tide slowly spread on the aunt's foot, and it was on the aunt's arm and neck...

The icy touch has always been extended.

Aunt's nose tip was also filled with cold tide, and the coldness of the bones came.

The tide covered the body of the aunt a little bit.

The whole room was filled with cold water, and everything in the room was drowned and floated in the water.

At this time, all the things in the room suddenly fell down, and the tables, chairs, beds and even the ground were falling slowly.

There seems to be a huge tension that pulls everything down.

Auntie’s brain was empty, and her body leaned back and fell to the boundless waters.

Wetness, coldness, fear... intertwined, and constantly flow to the heart of the aunt.

The sky is bright, but the light is very dark, reflecting the dark blue water, and it becomes dark.

Aunt's body was quietly sunk in the water.

The more you sink, the more dark the light is. The sense of oppression around it is getting stronger.

The heavy lake was pressed against the aunt, and her body was completely out of control. She could only fall into the deep water with the surge of tide.

Despair clings to the aunt's heart, and her heart slowly sinks.

At this time, Aunt looked up.

There seems to be some light on the top, which is reflected on the water.

The sun sets on the water, reflecting the light and shadow.

Seen from the water, the light and shadow is small and weak. It seems that there was a gust of wind blowing over, the water surface shaking gently, and the light became flickering.

When it is clearly extinguished, the light looks extraordinarily cold.

In the eyes of Auntie, that is the only remaining hope in the dark.

Aunt reached out and wanted to touch this bright area.

But to no avail, she couldn't catch anything, and her hands were still cold and damp.

Aunt’s body continued to sink.

The outside is bright and light, and it is getting farther away.

Inside is a deep lake, caged around the aunt, slowly drowning her.

Underneath is the dark bottom of the water, and the aunt sinks.


Auntie woke up and opened his eyes.

It is a dream.

The outside is dark night, the sky is heavy.

Aunt’s body trembled a little, and the scene in her dreams was so real, she seemed to be drowned by the raging tide.

The sky became darker and the aunt did not fall asleep again.

Aunt hung his body around his hand and buried his head. As if to do so, she can feel at ease.

She can't tell her brother about this.


The next day.

Shen Jiu came to the Warlord, and he was going to take the aunt to a place.

He prepared a surprise for her.

Lu Huai has already agreed that Shen Jiu can take Auntie out alone in the future.

Auntie sees Shen Jiu, although she still has some uneasy feelings, but she does not want to worry about Shen Jiu, and well concealed her emotions.

Auntie looked at Shen Jiu and Shen Jiu did not notice that it was wrong.

Shen Jiu said with a smile: "Auntie, I will take you to a place."

Auntie will like it.

Aunt nodded: "Well."

The two went out and got into the car, and the car left the Warlord.

The car stopped and the two got out of the car.

Shen Ji walked with the aunt and stopped in front of a room.

Shen Jiu opened the door and took the aunt into it.

The clear air came up.

Aunt looked up.

This room is where they had previously had tea.

Immediately after the aunt, the scene in the room has been completely renewed.

On the wall on the left side of the room, there is a Western fireplace.

All the decoration is French style, which was specially designed by Shen Jiu.

In the dull winter, the fire in the fireplace has already ignited.

The layout in the room was completely different from the previous one, but it was a little warmer. Even in this cold winter, it doesn't make people feel cold.

Aunt looked to the right, and the wall on the right side of the room was a full-length bookcase.

Auntie likes to read books, and Shen Jiu ran all over the bookstores on the beach.

All the books are personally selected by Shen Jiu.

In order to enter the world of aunts, Shen Jiu even went to see Shakespeare's drama.

Auntie does not like to be in contact with people. Shen Jiu must take the initiative to approach the aunt and let her put down her heart.

But Shen Jiu will not tell Auntie that she does not have to know what she is doing for her.

Aunt’s eyes floated with a smile, and she looked at Shen Jiu and made a string of gestures.

I really like it here.

Shen Jiu smiled: "You like it."

Aunt Jiu, aunt and aunt, walked forward, where there was a small desk with books and tea.

There are two small sofas at the table, and the aunt can read books here.

Aunt picked a few books and sat down.

Shen Jiu also took a book and sat next to the aunt.

The time passed quietly, the room was silent, but the atmosphere was excellent.

The tea on the table was put for a while, and it was already a bit cold. Auntie was looking down at the book and didn't check it for a while, knocking over the tea pot.

The water fell on the aunt's hand, and the cold and wet touch was strong.

The tea ran down her palms and covered her hands.

Aunt remembered the dream of last night, she saw the tide hit her, and it was very strong.

Her eyes are empty and her face is silent.

At this time, Shen Jiu has already noticed it.

Aunt seems to think of some painful memories, and her expression is somewhat wrong.

Shen Ji’s heart is a glimpse.

Aunt's hand was wet, and Shen Jiu immediately picked up a handkerchief and gently wiped the aunt's hand.

Auntie is still immersed in her own world. She perceives that someone is close, some resist, and the subconscious hand shrinks.

The sound of Shen Jiu is very gentle, "Auntie, don't be afraid, it is me."

Recognizing the voice of Shen Jiu, the aunt did not avoid his movements.

Seeing that Aunt no longer resisted, Shen Jiu continued to wipe the aunt's hand with a handkerchief.

The drops of water are wiped out a little, and the cold touches are slowly dissipating.

Shen Jiu looked at the aunt and said: "Auntie, everything you see is not true, it is an illusion."

Shen Jiuxiao had a big fire in the aunt, she would have remembered those scenes.

He wants the aunt to know that these have passed, not to be bothered by the illusion of the moment.

Shen Jiu’s voice was extremely soft, for fear of scaring the aunt.

Aunt slowly came back to her, her eyes fell on Shen Jiu, but there were still some flaws in her eyes.

Auntie has not completely separated from her memories.

Shen Jiu pondered for a while, and he reached out and slowly grasped the hand of Auntie.

Auntie did not resist, let Shen Ji’s hand cover it.

Just as soon as he touched the hand of Auntie, Shen Jiu felt that the cold breath was coming up.

Shen Jiu was very upset. In the next second, his hand was slightly clenched, with a sense of appeasement.

Shen Jiu’s hand completely wrapped the aunt’s, and the warm breath was aunt.

He wants to let the aunt return to reality through the real touch on his hand.

Those who used to be too cold, he did not want to let the aunt be entangled in memories.

Aunt's hand gradually warmed up, and those uneasy thoughts gradually sank, and her painful memories became distant.

Aunt’s eyes gradually became clear.

Shen Jiu noticed that the aunt had calmed down, and he let go of his hand and separated the aunt from the distance.

When she was sent back to the Warlord, Shen Jiu covered her up for her.

Aunt’s recent uneasy mood is the secret of both of them.


Lu Huai handled some things about the Peace Hotel.

Time is already dusk.

He has already called Ye Gongguan and Ye Chu will arrive at the Peace Hotel at 6 pm.

Lu Huai’s excuses are full, there are important things to do, and she is invited to dinner.

They have already showdown, but Ye Chu did not have time to tell him that the previous two were contract couples.

Lu Huai bowed his head and closed the door.

Ye Chu had the key to his room, and she quickly opened the door.

He looked up and said: "Come on?"

Ye Chu asked: "Is there anything important?"

Lu Huai seriously answered: "I have a discovery, maybe I can recover all the memories."

Ye Chu stunned.

She did not know how he remembered his previous life.

He slowly said: "What is doubtful about Dai Shinan in his previous life?"

"What is the purpose of the Golden Knife to enter Shanghai?"

Lu Huai’s tone is serious, but in fact it is tempting her.

"Do you want to know these things?"

Ye Chusi later said: "How is your memory restored?"

Lu Huai smiled and got up and walked towards her: "You still need your help."

Ye Chu did not notice that it was wrong: "How to help?"

"My discovery is..." Lu Huai leaned over to see her. "Sometimes, as long as I have a close relationship with you, I will dream."

Ye Chu looked up and looked into his eyes.

His eyes are deep and not like a fake.

Lu Huai suddenly smiled: "What do you think should help me?"

Ye Chu continued to observe his expression and did not answer.

Lu Huai explored his hand, his fingers swept over her lips, and the movement was gentle.

His fingers are cold and her lips are hot.

Although it is a gentle touch, it is like a dangerous ice with a hot flame.

A sense of numbness spreads along the back, and Ye Chu’s body is sensitive and he is swayed.

She couldn't help but jump.

At this time, the black phone on the table rang, especially in the quiet room.

"Lu Huai, are you not picking up?"

Ye Chu did not find out that her voice was softer than before.

It seems that because of Lu Huai's move, she could not help but approached his dangerous trap.

Her voice made Lu Huai's heart mess.

He pulled his lips: "We have more important things to do now."

Lu Huai buckled Ye Chu’s hand and wrapped her body in a restrained posture.

The two are physically close, and in this movement, he still dominates.

He continued to speak and his voice fell.

"Some things, I can't remember, you have been born again for so long, and the estimated memories are blurred."

Lu Huai attacked her delicate and small earlobe, and Ye Chu was nervous.

"I can help you recall it together."

"About our past..."

In the lingering atmosphere, the phone ringing again.

Lu Huai slightly frowned, and he quickly raised his hand to hold Ye Chu's chin, seems to be preventing her from breaking free.

He kissed her earlobe and left, reaching her delicate cheeks.

Lu Huai's breath was hot, and she kissed her face in an inch.

His lips were attached and her lips were traced, and her lips became hotter.

The phone ringing is still ringing, and Ye Chu’s heartbeat is speeding up.

With a harsh voice, it seems to be a secret sneak peek.

Lu Huai's breath is close to Ye Chu, and the light kiss falls, which is more exciting.

Half an minute later, the disturbing sound stopped and the room was restored to silence.

At this time, Lu Huai’s movements stopped. He tilted his head and left her lips.

Ye Chu found that the touch on his lips disappeared, and his warm breath was already far away.

She opened her eyes sharply, but it happened to be on the eyes of Lu Huai.

The confusion in Ye Chu’s eyes has not yet dissipated, only to realize that she seems to have fallen into his trap.

Lu Huai leaned over and looked at her eyes and was very satisfied with her reaction.

"Well, it seems that you are also looking forward to..."

Ye Chu’s body was stiff and was tightened by Lu Huai.

His voice lingered around her ear and was very gentle.

"My Achu."

When she was not awake, Lu Huai’s lips were covered again.

This time, Lu Huai did not have the soft temptations before, he opened her lips directly.

He then drove straight in, into the teeth, wrapped around her tongue.

His kiss was so hot that he plundered the air between her lips and teeth.

When Ye Chu was unable to breathe, Lu Huai relaxed a little, and soon tightened her lips, not giving her a chance to escape.

His breath completely surrounded her, and Ye Chu's body gradually softened.

Her whole body was soft in his arms, and she reached out and hooked, but did not hook his neck.

It seems that Ye Chu has already fallen, Lu Huai loosened her hand and wrapped her waist, letting her stand firm by his strength.

He clasped her waist and pulled her back into her arms.

Lu Huai still did not stop and continued to kiss her.

It was dark night outside the window, and the cold wind blew through the cold winter night.

The two people in the house embraced each other and the hot bodies clung together.

In this kiss, he is still dominated by him.

Lu Huai's kiss gradually softened, taking her fragrance and the warmth between her lips and teeth.

Ye Chu’s body was already soft, and her back was close to the wall, barely supporting her standing.

Lu Huai deepened his movements and teased her tongue, as if to let her take the initiative.

He rolled over her lips and the two blended.

The night was deep, she leaned her head and indulged in this kiss.

Let him take the request...