MTL - Rebirth – City Cultivation-v2 Chapter 1136 Yan Yinhai (fourth more)

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This voice appeared very abrupt, suddenly sounded behind Yin Haishen, a group of outside the Yuan Ying, all eyes wide open and left to see, I do not know where the sound came from.


Yin Haishen will be more discolored, and the silver armor of the glory of Yunxia will burst into the hunter light, concise as a real, horrible atmosphere, and it will instantly fill his body. Yin Haishen was shocked to the extreme. When he stepped into the Beiqiong School, he was calm, but he was actually cautious. After all, Chen Fan has the name of the ‘first person in the world’. Yin Hai’s body has gone through hundreds of battles, and naturally he will not take it lightly. He has long read the gods in a hundred miles.

Within a hundred miles, even a mosquito, a grass, and a change of vitality could not escape the blockade of his god.

Yin Hai’s mastery of Axiu’s neck, not killing Jiang Churan, Yan Xiuer, Lu Yanxue and others, is actually deliberately saying those words, ready to provoke Chen to come out. After all, the earth has live broadcast and monitoring, and the picture has spread throughout the world. As long as Chen Fan is on the earth, Yin Hai does not believe that he does not appear.

But this voice is really shocking.

Just behind Yin Hai’s position of less than a hundred feet, this is almost equivalent to blowing in the neck of Yuan Ying’s hands. Who can not be shocked? Yin Hai turned his head and saw a black-haired teenager. He was carrying his hands and his face was indifferent. He stood in the void of less than a hundred feet away from him.


Yan Xiuer and A Xiu are all shocked.

"Chen Fan."

Ginger Churan and Lu Yanwu, who struggled, also had the same surprise.

"Chen Shenjun! The doorkeeper, you are finally back!"

Many Beigong disciples and Lao Qinglong and others are even more happy and cheering. Including the whole earth, all who saw this scene through the live broadcast, and at the same time looked shocked.

Chen Fan came back, and Beiqiong was saved. Even Ampang Tianjun, Zhang’s ancestors and so on, all smashed. The shadow of the famous tree of people, Chen Fan with Jin Dan across the sky, stepping on the Emperor Mountain, known as the first strongest abandoned star. These are almost the same as the existence of the ‘Shenjun’, even if they are, they are extremely fearful.

"You are Chen Beixuan?" Yin Hai’s eyes were half-squinted, and he looked around at Chen Fan’s eyes. He suddenly said: “I thought you were bold and dare to show up in front of the gods. It’s just a **** soul. Really afraid of death, hiding in the mouse hole, afraid that a **** will pick you up?"

God soul separation?

Everyone heard this word at the same time. Axiu and others looked at Chen Fan carefully. It was very strange to see him. The whole body was covered in a layer of faint golden awns. His feet floated off the ground. His body shape was slightly sloppy. Like a illusion, the forehead and the navel, it looks like a long eye, shooting a faint golden light, really not like a real person.

"It’s really a soul, and Chen Beixuan is too timid."

The Son of God standing on the battleship outside the sky is easy to work. Seeing this scene, I can't help but laugh and shake my head.

The elders around me laughed and ridiculed: "Sure enough, it is a barbaric indigenous people, even the most basic sects do not speak. If I have been so ridiculously hit the mountain gate. My ancestors from the beginning to the bottom of the disciples, will fight to the last drop of blood. I can't beat it, but it can't be erased. But how can I stand in the Xinghai, saying that God is an ancestor?"

“Just a avatar?”

And everyone on the earth sinks at the same time.

Even those who are ignorant, know that there is a gap of one hundred and eighty miles between the avatar and the real body.

Even if there is a strong avatar, there is often no real power of 80%, and even 50% may not be. Generally, the gods and seas can be condensed and detached, but they can't be maintained for a long time. When they arrive at the innate Jindan, they can stay in the 'God's avatar', but it is not very useful. In the real battle, it is still too weak to rely on its own strength. There was no way to stop a few hits of the same-order monks, so no one wasted time to practice the split spells.

"This is worse. Chen Shenjun's strength is not necessarily stronger than this Yin Haishen. It is also a singularity. Isn't it a must?" Someone whispered.

And the Yuan Ying infants who followed Yin Hai, such as Zhang's ancestors, Qing Tian Tianjun, Amber's ancestors, etc., heard a face of relaxation.

In contrast.

Everyone in Beiqiong, once again, his face was once again dignified, and Jiang Churan and others also mentioned the eyes of the door.

"There was a long period of retreat. Suddenly I felt that the 'sword meaning' left in the ancient sword was broken up. I sent a avatar to look at it. I didn't expect that you came so fast. It's a big courage, I dare to hit it. I am Beiqiong, killing my slaves and hurting my disciples."

Chen Fan, or Chen Fan’s nine-year-old baby-infant faintly said.

He stretched out the slender white palm and gently grabbed it in the void.


Two faint black figures of hibiscus and baby beasts, like a rolling smoke, were gathered by Chen Fan from the sky and landed. Although these two big demons were killed by Yin Hai, their souls and souls have long been connected with the 'six holy seal devil world', and they are blessed by the power of the six holy ancestors. There is a hint of Chen Fan’s avatar, even if it is killed. As long as they don't die too long, Chen Fan can also collect their souls and reshape their bodies. But it’s obvious that you don’t want to recover again in a short time.

"Oh." Yin Haishen will look at Chen Fan's move in a faint manner, and did not stop it.


Chen Fan's finger volley character, he is now a solid body of thoughts, Jiuyi Shen Ying is another kind of concise method of Yuan Ying. In general, Yuan Ying relies on the ‘精气神’ to gather together, but the Jiu Yu Shen Ying is purely dependent on God. Therefore, Chen Fan’s god-in-law has no trace of mana and cannot use magical powers. However, its spiritual strength is like a sea, detaching from all people's imagination, and exerting soul-like spells, it is super effective.

"Oh la la la."

In the void, a wave of waves rang.

Clouds and mountains, many warrior Beiqiong disciples, including those surrendering Yuan Ying, at this moment have turned into a faint soul, self-destructive air condensed, toward Chen Fanfei, was gently put into a crystal clear shining **** The jade card of light.

These people are not the avatars of Chen Fan. They have never been stamped by Chen Fan, and naturally they cannot reshape their bodies. That is the magical power of the gods. But Chen Fan sent them into reincarnation, but it was not difficult to reincarnate. Even with Chen Fan’s supernatural powers, a six-cycle reincarnation can be recreated in a short-lived area, so that those who reincarnate can be confined to China or the Earth instead of running around the universe.

"A good hand to seduce the spell." Yin Hai sighed, but his face has not changed, his hand is still holding the neck of 'A Xiu': "Chen Beixuan, you then condense their flesh, what is the use of the soul collection? If God wants, they can kill them ten times, hundreds of times, until the core of the soul is completely broken."

"Besides, your most beloved disciple is still in my palm. I can smash her in the inch and even the soul of the body, but you can't help it!"

He said with a smile.

But all the people who heard it were shocked by the vicious indifference that Yin Haishen had.

"is it?"

Chen Fan smiled lightly, his eyes were deepest, and a golden light flashed.

The next moment, Yin Haishen will suddenly change his face, and his body will move three feet to the side, but it is already late.


One can't imagine, detach from everyone's eyes, even detached from thinking, the golden light that detached from time, violently flashed in the void. Like the illusion of streamer, it flutters over the left hand of God's Yin Hai, and cuts it directly with the ‘A Xiu’ in the palm of his hand.


Yin Haishen will be like a silver-cast arm. Before the slashing of the nine-handed sword, the 10,000-handed flying sword hit, and even the magical bombardment of many Jindan Yuan infant strong can not shake the body. At this moment, the left arm is directly separated from the body. Open. The broken arm is extremely smooth, as if cut by an unimaginable space blade.

All the people who saw this scene, at the same time.

It is the **** of the sky that is easy to dry, but also snorted, and the elders next to it are called out:

"Yin Shen will be the master of the "Star Gold Spirit" of my ancestors. It is one of the three most perfect methods of refining the body. It puts the flesh into the cosmic galaxy and accepts the shower of countless stars. It takes nine thousand years. After the refining, it is said that there is no fear of Tianbao, and it is possible to break all the methods by the flesh. What kind of gods used by Chen Beixuan can easily smash the 'star body' of Yin Shen?"

No wonder they are surprised.

Yin Shen will rely on this sculpt magical power, cross the universe, and fight against the strong stars of many stars, almost unbeaten, when there is no face, the arm has been cut?

"It seems that it is not a soldier, but a magical power?" The Son of God said with a frown.

"Cowardly, dare to destroy my body?"

Inside the court, Yin Haishen looked at Chen Fan and pulled Axiu into his arms. The silver awnings in his eyes shot and shot the space out of the dense hole, and the sinister said.

He was anxious to the top.

After the star gold essence is trained, the power is huge, but it is extremely difficult to repair once the body is damaged. Chen Fan’s sword, at least he has been repaired for three hundred years, is far more than that. "Chen Beixuan, you are completely angered by this seat. This seat will crush all your disciples, as well as the entire Beiqiong faction, and crush your souls, put them in the oil lamp, burn with a magic fire. In 10,000 years, I can vent my anger..."

Yin Hai said one word at a time. The silver awns on his body, as he said a word, the light will be a point, and in the end, it will be turned into a silver ring that is full of heaven and earth. Within a thousand feet, it seems to have turned into a gleaming ocean, and countless cold starlight laws fill the field.

This is the ‘the **** domain’.

The Yuan Ying monk cultivated to the peak, integrated the law into the field, and incorporated a void into his own control. In this domain of God, his gestures are like gods. The world is opened out of thin air, and it is only a short distance. The horror of blood and blood pressure from his body, within a hundred miles of pressure, everyone is timid, even Yuan Ying is stunned.

"God is careful!"

Lingyun Daochang looked very changed and hurriedly shouted. In the late Yuan Ying period, it may not be like Yin Hai.

Chen Fan just smiled and his eyes flashed.

next moment.

A dragonfly is wrapped around the dragon, and the whole body is made of gold. With a faint golden scorpion, it is instantly shot from the third eye of Chen Fan’s forehead, ignoring thousands of feet of emptiness, one step to Yin Hai’s front, and a direct volley Yin Hai’s body is split in half from the middle.

one strike.

God will Yin Hai fall!

PS: The fourth is more, the new January begins, and the monthly ticket is recommended. ^_^