MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 216 no loss

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Empty room, the camera drilled through a keyhole, a woman woke up from a dream and rubbed her eyes. It was a dream in which she turned into a monster. She sat on the bed, her hands slowly falling on the white sheets. This setting is a bit weird, the woman's head is lowered and her hair is loose, and the camera slowly zooms out. This is an action scene with no lines and not much action. Not even a look. The physical requirements of the actors are relatively high, and the body and emotions must be integrated into the set.

"Cut." The director turned from the camera to the scene in front of him. "The makeup artist is ready, next time."

Cheng Jinzhi in front of the camera brushed his hair and raised his face, asking the makeup artist to touch up his makeup again. The filming of these scenes was very fast. Although it was said to be fast, it took one night to shoot. It was almost ten o'clock in the morning before work was over. When work was over, the director Shen Quan had long since disappeared, and he probably went to the post-production editing room. Xu Zeying was also by the side, and stayed with the crew all night.

"Everyone has worked hard, I invite you to dinner. I have to work harder tonight." There were still a few night scenes tonight, Xu Zeying bowed her body apologetically.

"Director Xu, do you still want to shoot? We've been shooting night scenes for a week." At this time, some actors complained. "If I continue to take pictures, my dark circles will not be covered."

"Sorry, sorry, take a rest that night? I'll go and talk to Director Shen."

"Can director Xu be the master?" the actor expressed doubts. Director Shen Quan has always been a maverick, and no one can listen to the scenes he arranges.

"Then let's shoot another night." Cheng Jinzhi next to him took off the hot towel from his face. It seemed to help Xu Zeying step down.

"Teacher Cheng said so, so let's work hard for another night." These actors were quite flattering to Cheng Jinzhi.

Xu Zeying gave Cheng Jin a grateful look, and put his hands together to express his gratitude to the actors. "Okay, thank you teachers."

Xu Zeying is really Shen Quan's good assistant. If he didn't come to be the lubricating oil, it is estimated that the conflict between the actor and the director would not know how to escalate. Shen Quan has always been harsh, except for the comedy filming, none of the other scripts had actors quitting, from supporting roles to secondary roles, even the leading role couldn't bear Shen Quan's gloomy tone. With so many leading actors, apart from a few veterans in the industry, the younger generation, Cheng Jinzhi is the one who cooperates best with him. Only Cheng Jinzhi received his praise. Shen Quan's films never used the same actor repeatedly, and Cheng Jinzhi was the first one. Not only the leading role of "Alien", but also the leading role of "I'm Not a Monster". After leaving the crew, the media came to interview.

"Teacher Cheng stopped working for a year before, is he charging?" This reporter didn't know where the gossip came from.

"It's not a year, it looks like a few months." Cheng Jinzhi said.

I stopped work before to give birth to Rong Jin.

"I heard that Teacher Rong is also in the group."

"Well, she also made a guest appearance in this drama." Shen Quan invited Rong Si before, and Rong Si also had several scenes in "I'm Not a Monster". Just use this as a shield.

The entertainment gossip in these years has been rumored to be false and true. Some say that she and Rong Si are at odds, and some say that their disagreement is deliberately released to confuse the public. In fact, they are already a couple. Anyway, no matter how it was spread, Cheng Jinzhi was the only person that everyone could imagine goingssip about around Rong Si. Although Rong Si didn't act much anymore, she still had a good reputation in the circle.

"Really?" The reporters seemed to have just confirmed the news from Cheng Jinzhi. It seems that Director Shen Quan did not use this as a promotional point.


"I don't know Teacher Rong is here..." At this moment, everyone's eyes were drawn to Rong Si.

Rong Si was wearing a mask and was holding something in her right hand, looking very calm. When she got closer, everyone saw that she was holding two live fish in her hand. With her head down and Bluetooth plugged into her ears, she seemed to be on the phone all the time. Looking up and seeing the media in front of them, the media were also taken aback, they had never seen such a side of the goddess. Rong Si brushed her long hair, turned around and left as if nothing had happened. Before the reporters could react, they quickly boarded a car.

Now they believed that Rong Si had joined the team. There is a news page. When Cheng Jin got in the car, he saw the entertainment photos pushed by his mobile phone. It was Rong Si who was carrying two live fish. This kind of report really seemed familiar. It looks especially like a posing. This man, Ti Huo Yu can still be so calm and relaxed.

"I bought two fresh live fish, do you want fish soup or fried fish?" Rong Si's message came later.

Rong Si should have arrived at the hotel.

During dinner, Rong Si talked about the wedding arrangements again. Marriage is a beautiful thing, but Cheng Jinzhi's star status should be kept low-key. In the past few years, their scandals have become more and more similar. After all, it has been so many years, and the two have not reported other love objects. Rong Si plans to hold her wedding in her friend's private castle.

"Didn't you say it was simple?" Return the castle?

Rong Si thought it was easy, she wanted to ask Fu Zong to borrow the island. "It's very simple, only three days."

"Three more days?" Isn't it enough to swear?

"Then what do you want to do?"

Cheng Jinzhi bit his chopsticks. "That's what I think. When the time comes, call Rong Zhan. Our two families have a meal."

"We had dinner together two days ago." Apparently, Rong Si didn't think it was a marriage.

Rong Si was also good-tempered, and picked out the fish's bones before putting the fish into Cheng Jinzhi's bowl. Cheng Jinzhi pulled the fish. "Okay, I won't be picky anymore. After all, I didn't do anything, and it was you who contacted me."

Probably didn't do anything, so there was no sense of participation. When sleeping at night, Rong Si hugged Cheng Jinzhi again. "Wait until the weekend, shall we try on the wedding dress?"

"So early?"

"Well, I've selected a few sets, you can try them all," Rong Si said.

On the day of the wedding dress trial, Cheng Jinzhi called Xia You and Gou Yu. When Cheng Jinzhi went in to try on the wedding dress, Rong Si also tried it on. Rong Si wanted to come out first, and Cheng Jinzhi did not wait long. When Cheng Jinzhi came out, Rong Si couldn't move his eyes away. These wedding dresses were all designed by Rong Si, and the time span was very long. The first time I started writing was when I bought that ring for Cheng Jinzhi. At that time, she and Cheng Jinzhi were attending an announcement. Cheng Jinzhi was on the stage, and she was off the stage, seeing the pen and paper on the table. I don't know why, but with a few strokes, it looks like a wedding dress. There were many twists and turns after that, and when it was found out, she and Cheng Jinzhi had already broken up. Maybe it was just for consolation, Rong Si added a few more strokes at that time. Until now, Rong Si has designed several wedding dresses. In Rong Si's mind, there were many appearances of Cheng Jinzhi wearing a wedding dress, but none of them looked like today. Authentic and beautiful.

"Stupid?" Cheng Jinzhi, who was wearing a wedding dress, was still waiting for Rong Si's praise. Unexpectedly, Rong Si looked at her blankly.

Rong Si came over and took Cheng Jinzhi with both hands. "you look pretty today."

"Aren't you pretty usually?"

"Always beautiful."

Cheng Jinzhi just laughed. "Complimenting me for being beautiful is not complimenting yourself. This wedding dress was designed by you."

How can Rong Si do this? Even the wedding dress has to be designed by myself. After Xia You and Gou Yu went out, Rong Si gently hugged Cheng Jinzhi. The two stood in front of the mirror, wearing white wedding dresses, and Cheng Jinzhi was still holding a bouquet in his hand.

"Tired?" Cheng Jinzhi saw Rong Si who was gently pillowing on her shoulder.

Rong Si didn't say anything, but pressed against Cheng Jinzhi's back, pulling Cheng Jinzhi even tighter. Cheng Jinzhi straightened his waist and let Rong Si lean on him like this. "I seem to be too thin to support your wedding dress."

The past few months of shooting had made Cheng Jinzhi's waist thinner.



Rong Si put her hand on the back of Cheng Jinzhi's. "You look so pretty today."

"Today is such a compliment to me." Cheng Jinzhi laughed. "Are you afraid that I will run away from marriage?"

"I won't run away. I want to stay by your side, and if you bother me, you want you to take care of my child." Cheng Jinzhi and Rong Si interlocked their fingers.

"Okay." Rong Si raised the corners of her lips, as if this was the most successful business she had ever done.

For so many years, she has been in business. According to business terms, being with Cheng Jinzhi, no matter what, is a profitable business.

"You're a fool." Cheng Jinzhi turned to look at Rong Si.

Rong Si's heart moved, and she raised her hand to lift Cheng Jinzhi's veil. Wearing the same white wedding dress, Rong Si gently kissed Cheng Jinzhi.

Business is not called business, it is called lifelong love.

During the two days of their wedding, Cheng Jinzhi and Director Shen Quan asked for leave. Director Shen didn't know what he knew, he just looked at Rong Si beside Cheng Jinzhi and smiled mysteriously. Director Shen and Cheng Jinzhi shook hands. "Miss Cheng, I want to congratulate you."

"Congratulations?" Cheng Jinzhi was slightly surprised. Could it be that Director Shen really knew about her marriage to Rong Si?

"Freedom of retraction, not to mention actors, is also the realm that any other industry wants to achieve." Director Shen said: "So I said, I want to congratulate you."

"Thank you. Without Shen guiding you, I don't know what I would be like today." "Alien" is her turning point.

"Even if there is no "Alien", there will be other works that make Ms. Cheng successful. And "Alien" is only because of Ms. Cheng." A very polite compliment, but it is already said by director Shen Quan, who has always been a maverick. Very rare.

"Director Shen, you don't want to lengthen the filming cycle of "I'm Not a Monster" again?" Shen Quan praised her so much that she was "flattered".

Shen Quan also didn't answer Cheng Jinzhi's question directly, it seemed that Cheng Jinzhi really hit the mark. After walking a few steps, Shen Quan turned his back again, and he smiled mysteriously. "Congratulations, take it as a gift from me to you two."

It seems that Director Shen knows. But Cheng Jinzhi's reaction at the same time, Shen Quan was so picky? Knowing that you don't want to post the gift money? After all, she is also the lead actor in his two plays, right?