MTL - Rebirth and the Deadly Enemy HE-Chapter 136 flustered

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Rong Si and Wang Zhang have been cooperating more or less in recent years, whether it is in film and television shooting or investment. When filming "Jiangshan Beauty", Wang Zhang introduced a lot of resources to her. "Let Me Be Alone, Let Me Love You" sung by Rong Si back then is still in the top ten of the Golden Melody Chart.

"Miss Rong, have you read the script?" Long before, Wang Zhang had given Rong Si the script. When Wang Zhang had thoughts in his mind, he went to look for Rong Si. Rong Si also gave her advice and inspiration in this regard. The script of "Watch" was written by Wang Zhang, and it took almost two years. For a great movie, first it must be a great story. The writer controls the story with words, and the director controls the story with the lens. Although there are thousands of differences in the types of work between the two, the core of all the thoughts and spirits expressed is the same.

"Miss Rong, I would like to invite you to play Xiao Wang." Wang Zhang also expressed his intention to cast a role in this regard.

"Director Wang, I haven't acted for a long time." When Wang Zhang asked her to talk about the script of "Watch", Rong Si probably guessed what Wang Zhang meant. Wang Zhang wanted to include her in the production team, so he talked about the role smoothly.

Wang Zhang "greeted" Rong Si for a while, talking about the salary and the recent financial cooperation. On this day, Wang Zhang did not know where he learned that she was having a meeting in Donglai Building. "Miss Rong, I'm in the conference room below you. Come here if you have time."

After Rong Si finished the meeting, the assistant was still talking to her about the schedule for the afternoon. When going downstairs, Rong Si remembered Wang Zhang's invitation. After years of cooperation, she did not refuse Wang Zhang's invitation. She knew how much Wang Zhang cared about this drama. As soon as Rong Si entered the conference room, she saw Laura. And Cheng Jinzhi.

Seeing Cheng Jinzhi, Rong Si froze for a second. It was Laura's embrace that brought her back to her senses. When Laura greeted her, Rong Si seemed a little absent-minded. She glanced at Cheng Jinzhi from the corner of her eye, her heart pounding. Almost jumping to the throat. Rong Si hadn't been this nervous for a long time. Cheng Jinzhi's complexion was very good, her eyes were very calm, and she just glanced at her before talking to Director Wang Zhang.

Cheng Jinzhi looked at her as if looking at a stranger. He was obviously still smiling just now, but when he saw her, his smile slowly disappeared. Cheng Jinzhi's attitude towards her was not as eager as Laura towards Director Wang Zhang.

Director Wang Zhang talked about the role and the arrangement of the shooting cycle of the shooting location. "Miss Cheng, Miss Rong, is there a question?"

Rong Si glanced at Cheng Jinzhi beside him. Cheng Jinzhi probably didn't want to play with her. The person who thinks about it day and night is by her side, Rong Si squeezed her palm.

"Director Wang, I'm a little busy recently, I'm afraid it will delay your filming progress." Rong Si said. Rong Si probably wanted to follow Cheng Jinzhi's wishes and use the schedule as an excuse to push down the show.

"Then what's wrong with Miss Cheng?" Director Wang Zhang looked at Cheng Jinzhi next to him. Cheng Jinzhi looked very calm. He lowered his head before, but raised his head after hearing Wang Zhang's question. Compared with Rong Si, her expression was colder. Cheng Jinzhi's slender fingers wrapped around his hair. "I have no problem."

This was the first time in a long time that Rong Si heard Cheng Jinzhi's voice so clearly. Just hearing the other party's voice, Rong Si's mood surged. "Rong Si, I have to let myself go."

Rong Si still couldn't help it, and took another look at Cheng Jin. Cheng Jinzhi's expression didn't fluctuate, as if he was saying something very ordinary. There is no love and no hate. She has become a passerby in Cheng Jinzhi's life. It was expected, but on this day, Rong Si found that she was so stuck in her throat.

The love and love of the past have long since disappeared. Rong Si felt a little funny. Obviously it was his own decision, but in the end it was himself who held on to the flaws. After the meeting, director Wang Zhang chatted with her a few more times and tried his best to facilitate her itinerary. "Miss Rong, you don't have to worry about Miss Cheng. Miss Cheng is now the Queen of Warner Films, an actress with a very professional attitude."

"Miss Rong?" Wang Zhang seemed to have noticed Rong Si's distraction again. Following Rong Si's gaze, Wang Zhang saw Cheng Jinzhi downstairs. There were many fans of Cheng Jinzhi downstairs, and Cheng Jinzhi, who was wearing sunglasses, was surrounded by bodyguards and boarded the car. After Cheng Jinzhi's car sped away, Rong Si withdrew her gaze.

"Miss Cheng is not only the most expensive star, but also the best young actor in China." Wang Zhang said, "It's really amazing."

"Yes." Rong Si knew. In recent years, Rong Si has followed Cheng Jinzhi's activities. A while ago, she drank with Gou Yu Xiayou all night, and was photographed drunk by the media. His cheeks were flushed, and he seemed to have drunk a lot. Looks really happy.

very good.

"It's been another eight or nine years now. Eight or nine years ago, Jinzhi hadn't graduated yet, and you just started college." Wang Zhang smiled, as if recalling. "Do you still remember a scene where you flicked the whip, and she closed her eyes in fright. It was really fun. Over the years, I don't know if her drinking capacity has improved. In that scene, she got into your arms after drinking two glasses gone."

"No, she has always been a bad drinker." The news a few days ago made her face flushed from drinking.

Wang Zhang gave Rong Si a meaningful look. "You only talk a little more when you talk about her."

Rong Si lowered her head and stopped talking.

"I know, you will promise me." Wang Zhang said: "I will wait for your reply. You have also participated in the production of "Watch", so don't make her wait too long."

"Director Wang, which one are you talking about?"

"The Overwatch." Wang Zhang blinked. "Or else."

Otherwise, no or else.

The filming of "Watch" started in August, and part of the scenes were shot at the film and television base. Most of the shooting was still in a deserted hill. I don't know where Director Wang Zhang found it. Rong Si came later, and Cheng Jinzhi had entered Xiaoshanbao with the crew earlier. There is a village in the hill, Director Wang Zhang has already discussed with the patriarch there. All expenses in the village will be borne by the crew themselves. The rooms of Rong Si and Cheng Jinzhi are very close, only a few steps away.

The emotional drama in "Watch" is relatively closed, not as ups and downs as "Jiangshan Beauty". Director Wang Zhang has been advocating oriental cultural ideas in recent years. The more typical character of the East is reserved and introverted. In terms of role arrangement, the female teacher A Shou belongs to this kind of personality. The character played by Rong Si, Xiao Wang, is more youthful and immature. Although it is also influenced by culture, but due to the relationship of age, the behavior is more eager. There are not many emotional inks, and this drama mainly reflects the situation behind the city. If this movie hadn't been for the impromptu kiss scene added by director Wang Zhang, most people would have looked a little friendly.

From the very beginning, "Watch" explained the female teacher's sexual orientation in an obscure way. When the female teacher came home, she saw her girlfriend with a naked back. The camera only lasted five seconds. When the female teacher saw her girlfriend, she dropped the application form in her hand. The shots range from the smooth and slender legs of the girlfriend and the cheating object to the words on the application form. The female teacher applied for a domestic teaching support. Laura plays the cheating girlfriend of the female teacher A Shou in "Watch". There is no frontal shot, and everyone knows that the naked back is Laura only after looking at the credits. Laura has never been to Xiaoshanbao, and her shots were done at the film and television base.

This kiss scene is the highlight of "Watch". The female teacher held an umbrella and looked at Xiao Wang who was swimming by the river. Xiao Wang went ashore, his whole body was wet. Rong Si walked up to Cheng Jinzhi. Cheng Jinzhi's face is very calm, and the shooting these few days has been very peaceful. Shoot when it’s time to shoot, and read scripts when you’re not shooting. Sometimes I would discuss the script with the director, joke with the scene manager, and even talk to her. Cheng Jinzhi treats her like he treats anyone. If anything, she was just being polite to strangers. As Rong Si approached, she met Cheng Jinzhi's calm eyes. Cheng Jinzhi was too calm, but Rong Si seemed flustered. Rong Si clenched her palms, and slowly pressed Cheng Jinzhi's lips. Cheng Jinzhi's breathing was steady, and the hot air was on Rong Si's lips. Before Rong Si could touch her, her lower lip trembled slightly. Wang Zhang yelled "click". "Miss Cheng, thank you for your hard work. Miss Rong, come down and adjust."

Wang Zhang also seemed to feel that Rong Si's state was too tense. It doesn't make sense, after all, she is also a queen. Cheng Jinzhi didn't say anything, but nodded politely to Wang Zhang. Rong Si took a breath and held her hand tightly. She stayed where she was, looking at Cheng Jinzhi who turned around. Cheng Jinzhi had already left.

"Miss Rong, don't be nervous." Wang Zhang said jokingly, she didn't believe that Rong Si would be nervous. Wang Zhang unscrewed the bottle cap and handed it to Rong Si beside him. Rong Si took the water and nodded. Turning around, Rong Si drank the whole bottle of mineral water.

Rong Si could see all of herself in Cheng Jinzhi's eyes, even her tense self. Rong Si exerted a little force on her hand, and the mineral water bottle made a crisp squeezing sound.

It was already the third day, and there were discussions in the crew. In the past few years, Rong Si's focus has been on business, so it's inevitable that her acting skills are "rusty". Wang Zhang yelled "click" again. "Miss Cheng, Miss Rong, put this scene on hold for now. Let's move on to the next one."

Cheng Jinzhi glanced at Rong Si, and Rong Si became even more embarrassed. This is the only kissing scene in the whole film, and the other party probably thought she was doing it on purpose.

Rong Si was sitting on the wooden bench, holding an empty mineral water bottle, and there were several empty bottles beside her. After Cheng Jinzhi finished the next scene, he walked towards Rong Si. Cheng Jinzhi's expression was indifferent, and he lowered his eyelids to look at Rong Si. "Do you need a play?"

Rong Si held the empty bottle with her fingertips. "Hmm...thanks. I'll try again myself."

"Okay." Cheng Jinzhi didn't stop, and left with arms folded and legs lifted.