MTL - Rebirth 2008: I Can Make Money Reading-v2 Chapter 469 Car chip Xinghai was born

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What Mu Yang said at Jiangsu and Zhejiang University was also reported by many media. "Mu Yang Once Again Criticizes Qingbei International Students for Not Returning to China"

"Mu Yang denounces university rankings as unreliable! "" Mu Yang: Don't be superstitious about university rankings"

"Muyang Criticizes Universities in Huaguo to Ingratiate themselves with Foreign Ranking Organizations in order to Compete for International University Rankings! "

Mu Yang's words sparked heated discussions among college students across the country. Students strongly supported Mu Yang's words and called on college students to be sober.

That night, when Mu Yang returned home and was about to rest, Song Xuelu casually said to him, "Jiangnan Province is economically developed, and the whole province supports the development of Jiangsu and Zhejiang University. Its scientific research funding is tens of billions of dollars a year, ranking among the top three in the country. ".

The speaker has no intention, but the listener does.

Song Xuelu's words made Mu Yang think silently.

Many poor college entrance examination candidates, because of family difficulties, have no choice but to apply for universities in remote areas, but do not apply for universities in coastal cities because they feel that the cost of living is too high.

It is difficult for poor families to be admitted to top universities. Those poor students who have been admitted to the 985 college entrance examination, if their family conditions are better, I believe they can also be admitted to Qingbei.

There are also many good universities in economically backward areas. The research funding of such schools is far inferior to that of universities in coastal cities, and these universities need social support even more.

In the past, Mu Yang sponsored Jiangsu-Zhejiang University and Industrial University because he himself was in City H and had also studied in these two schools, and these two schools were his alma mater.

Today, Xinghai Group is not a small local enterprise, but an international giant, one of the world's top 500 companies, and has the ability to support more poor students to benefit.

Last year, the net profit of Xinghai Group was about 100 billion;

This year, even if they have to pay corporate income tax, the net profit will definitely exceed 100 billion.

Next year, the chip will go on the market. The production cost of Xinghai Group is very low, and the profit margin is extremely high. It is really possible for Xinghai Group to double its profit.

Since we want to give back to the society and fund education, we can expand the scope of funding, and it is no longer limited to colleges and universities in the province. "Wife, how much money does the foundation use to subsidize poor students every year?"

Mu Yang doesn't know the operation of the foundation, he never asks, he just throws money into it.

Song Xuelu said: "Most of the funds are used to subsidize impoverished students across the country. Each person is 5,000 to 10,000 yuan per year. Last year, more than 400 million yuan was used for this purpose, benefiting 60,000 to 70,000 impoverished students.

You are a man who only invests money and never asks how the money is spent.

Why, you still want to increase funding. Your sister said that this year’s money will not be spent. It takes a lot of manpower and time to review student backgrounds and materials. Now the foundation has hundreds of employees. According to the annual donation The more situations there are, the more personnel have to be added. "

Mu Yang smiled embarrassingly, and said: "Let's change the funding method, you reminded me just now, I think, since it is necessary to strengthen the students' practical ability, it may not be enough to just spend money.

So, just mainly donate equipment.

There are so many mechanical majors, welding majors, and automation majors across the country. You can donate some equipment and instruments produced by our company, such as industrial robots, welding machines, CNC machine tools, etc., to help the school establish a student practice center. "

"It's pretty good. Students are used to industrial robots and CNC machine tools. After a few years of graduation, they will become the backbone of the company. They will also recommend Xinghai Group's products, which is equivalent to investing in advance." Song Xuelu blinked and smiled. "Do you think so, husband, I found that you are quite good at calculation."

"No, I didn't think it was that complicated. I just said that having too much money is not a good thing. I'm fine. If a hundred years pass, I think it will be difficult for our children to keep this big business.

Moreover, the Xinghai Group has been promoted as a national enterprise, and it has the ability itself. It should indeed make more contributions to the society. Seeing the society being changed by us, I also feel a sense of accomplishment.

Money is something we can't spend no matter how we spend it.

In the past, I worked hard to change the economic conditions of my family, but now I don’t need money anymore. I found that the more money I earned, I used it to do good deeds. I saw that the fate of the beneficiaries was changed. I can feel their gratitude to us. I Also feel happy. "

"Well, you can figure it out. You are still young now, and thinking about it in a hundred years will only increase your troubles." Song Xuelu smiled optimistically, "If your children are blessed, even if you have nothing, you can start from nothing;

If there is no blessing, even if we have a lot of wealth now, we will let it squander in the end and just sit and eat. Mu Yang nodded, it is indeed too early to think about what will happen a hundred years later, children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

Maybe, he has a system that can solve the problem of lifespan in the future, and maybe live an extra one or two hundred years.

Perhaps, by that time, he has already flown out of the earth to find new resources on other planets, and the property on the earth is nothing.

In other words, by that time, his family would no longer be afraid of any threats, and it might even become a thousand-year-old family.

Mu Yang abandoned the troubles of a hundred years later, and planned to have **** with his wife, but the two children climbed into their bed again, sleeping between him and his wife, and hugged his arms tightly, unwilling to be alone sleep.

"Dad, why don't you want to sleep with us?" "When you grow up, you can sleep by yourself."

"Then Mama has grown up, why do you want to sleep with Dad?" Mu Yang really didn't know how to answer the girl's question.

This is just over a year old, and his mind is about the same as that of a three- or four-year-old child.

Mu Yang has not tested the child's intelligence, but judging from the current performance, it is estimated that it is also at the genius level. It is normal for children over one year old to sleep with their parents, let alone over one year old, no matter how old they are.

Mu Yang remembered that when he was seven or eight years old, he shared a bed with his parents. Back then, his family was poor, and there was only one bedroom and one bed. His parents slept on one end, and he and his sister slept on the other.

What he hates the most is that in the middle of the night, his dad's feet keep sticking out of his head and even his mouth. It should be said that he always rolled over in his sleep, and when he fell asleep, he turned around 360 degrees.

In the past, he thought it was his parents who kicked him to turn his head around, but when he got older, he realized that it was because he slept dishonestly and loved to turn around.

It's not that he doesn't want to sleep with the child now, the bed in his bedroom is huge, the custom-made bed is only two meters wide.

The family has the conditions to let the children sleep by themselves, learn to be independent, and have a nanny to take care of them at night, so they are not afraid of the children rolling out of bed.

One night, Mu Yang didn't sleep very comfortably. The child had to get up in the middle of the night to turn on the water, or he had to get up in the middle of the night to check whether the child's quilt was covered. The child liked to kick the quilt, just like when he was a child.

the next day,

Mu Yang found an expert in the strategy department, and mentioned his idea of ​​funding key national colleges and universities, establishing student practice bases, and funding equipment. At the same time, he asked the manager of the finance department to come and estimate the expenditure, which would be more reasonable.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Mu Yang posted an announcement on Weibo.

[After careful consideration, it is planned to donate equipment worth 2 billion yuan and funds of 500 million yuan to 50 colleges and universities including XB University of Technology in 2015 to improve students' practical ability. Xinghai Group will allocate the amount of funding according to the situation of each college. Xinghai The group will set up a project team to take charge of this matter.

The above are the first batch of funding targets. In the future, we will decide whether to continue funding based on the operation of Xinghai Group.

The list is as follows: XB University of Technology..

At the same time, Xinghai Group also issued an official announcement on its official website. The content is not much, but the news is very amazing.

The donated colleges and universities are all key colleges and universities. How much each university can get is not yet announced. Mu Yang left a little room for himself.

If the colleges and universities don't actively cooperate with this matter, then Xinghai Group's funding will be reduced, or even cancel the funding.

Mu Yang doesn't want to explain which colleges and universities don't have it for the time being, he can give it to whoever he wants, and he has already said that this is the first batch.

Under normal circumstances, all colleges and universities will actively cooperate. After all, on average, for each college, 40 million yuan in equipment and 10 million yuan in funds can greatly improve the level of teaching equipment in each college and help many students.

Some key colleges and universities do not receive so much donations in a year, which is equivalent to a big cake falling from the sky.

Some universities have a lot of research funding every year, but many places have

It costs money, and not much is spent on student practice.

After seeing the news, these universities expressed their support for Xinghai Group's decision on the school's official website, and the school leaders took the initiative to contact Xinghai Group's customer service to find the person in charge of the relevant project. Some school leaders even came directly to the headquarters base of Xinghai Group.

The Xinghai Group donated more than 200 million yuan at once, and it became a hot news again. The media praised Mu Yang and Xinghai Group


Many business owners complained that Mu Yang was really rich, and the money was not considered money, so he just threw it away.

Xinghai Group has zero debt ratio, and the bank sells loans door-to-door, but Mu Yang is unwilling to take out loans. One is that he has sufficient liquidity, and the other is that he hates to owe bank debts and does not want to make an exception and develop the habit of taking out loans.

The smart city lacks funds. It stands to reason that even if Mu Yang borrowed hundreds of billions, it would not be a problem, but he just doesn't want to borrow, and would rather transfer the risk out.

Perhaps by splitting the shares, the Xinghai Group will make a lot less money.

But the accounts are not calculated in this way. Smart cities need partners. Who will sell to so many office buildings? It is impossible to build an empty city. Those investment institutions have to buy some properties and even settle in it.

In addition, Xinghai Group has too many money-making projects, and the capital turnover time of smart cities is too long, so the efficiency of making money is not fast, which is why Muyang is unwilling to invest too much money into smart cities.

He does not engage in smart cities to make money, but to complete the task of upgrading the reading system to 8 levels.

The bank task that Mu Yang gave to Yang Nian is almost completed. By the end of the year, Mu Yang will really have his own private bank: Xinghai Bank!

Originally, Shenzhen Public Bank Co., Ltd. was the first private bank in China and opened on December 12 this year.

Xinghai Bank is preparing and plans to open at the end of November.

Muyang, a private bank, does not make external loans or accept deposits. Its customers are mainly company employees. The main business is employee salary settlement, employee loans and deposits, company capital turnover and storage, foreign exchange processing, and inter-company business transactions. At the same time, it is responsible for some investment For collections, it is enough to ensure that the balance of payments is sufficient.

Mu Yang doesn't want to put too much money in the bank, the money is not safe, and his money is easily exposed.

In the next period of time, Mu Yang turned his energy to the research of automobile chips and suspended the research and development of computer chips.

Automotive chips are still different from mobile phone chips. The development cycle is longer, more difficult, and more expensive.

This is because, unlike consumer products such as mobile phones, cars will run in harsh environments such as outdoors, high temperature, high cold, and humidity, and the design life is generally 15 years or 200,000 kilometers, and the iteration cycle will be much higher than that of consumer electronics. 2-3 years, the requirements for environment, vibration, shock, reliability and consistency are also higher, so the corresponding cost is higher than consumer grade and industrial grade.

Xinghai 01 is an automotive chip designed by Muyang. It is developed on the basis of Xingchen 01, and the development cycle will be much shorter.

After two or three weeks of tossing, the design was finally completed and some samples were produced.

How powerful Xinghai 01 is, you can compare it with Litong SA8155 a few years later.

A few years later, in 2019, Pingtong launched a high-end automotive chip, which was also the top automotive chip at that time: Litong SA8155

Its process technology is 7n8 core, the CPU frequency is: 2.84Ghz*1+2.42Ghz*3+1.8Ghz*4, and the computing power is (that is, 8 trillion operations per second)

This chip can support up to 6 cameras, connect 4 2K screens or 3 4K screens, support iFi6, support 5G, and support Bluetooth 5.0.

The powerful performance of the 8155 chip allowed these screens, cameras, and sensors to be organically combined to form a car-machine system with a strong sense of interaction at that time.

If you can't reach this level, it is impossible to connect several screens and run without interference at the same time.

At that time, if you saw some cars with several connected screens, most of them used high-end car chips.

This chip is high from 2019 to 2022

One of the high-end chips, it was first used in high-end cars. Later, as the chip price dropped slightly, many domestic models also used this chip, such as Xingyue L, Lynk & Co 09, srt Elf, Aion LXPLUS, Chuanqiying Cool and other models.

It can be said that in 2022, car prices will range from 100,000 to more than 500,000, and car companies are desperately "rolling" 8155 chips.

The CPU frequency of Xinghai 01 is higher than that of 8155, 3.25Ghz*2+2.8GHz*2+2.25GHz*4, and the computing power has reached.

It can be said that even if Litong releases the 8155 a few years later, the Xinghai 01 will be more advanced than it, probably by a higher grade.

That is to say, if Pingtong cannot develop a chip better than 8155, the high-end automotive chip market will be monopolized by Xinghai Group.

At that time, the price of the 8155 chip was around US$250, equivalent to 1,600 yuan. When it first came out in 2019, it reached 2,000 yuan.

In the past two years, Xinghai Group has adopted the top-notch automotive chips of Pingtong, but the computing power is not enough, and the 360-degree panoramic images are very difficult to use.

Mu Yang plans to set the price of Xinghai 01 at 3,000 yuan, and it will be almost the same if it is reduced by three or four hundred yuan every year.

The 3,000 yuan car chip is indeed relatively high. It is a bit difficult to use the Xinghai 01 for cars with a car price of less than 300,000 yuan, and the cost of the car machine chip accounts for a lot.

However, some domestic automakers focus on car-machine systems, and they are willing to use Xinghai 01 for models with a price of less than 200,000 yuan, that is, the price of the car is only a few thousand yuan higher.

Therefore, there is no need for Mu Yang to develop a low-version automotive chip, just one.

High-computing chips are the basis for autonomous driving. L3, L4, and L5 autonomous driving require about 20-, 200-, and 2000 TOPS or more of computing power support respectively.

Of course, if Muyang adopts a better process technology, such as 4n or even lower, and the chip area is larger, it is not a problem to pile up chips with a computing power of 200+TOPS, or even 2000+TOPS, but in this way, the cost will increase many times. It's not a matter of thousands of dollars.

However, Xinghai Group currently does not have a 4n chip packaging production line. The chip packaging equipment that plans to produce 1n computer chips is not a production line. .

Therefore, there is no need to pile up chips with high computing power at present. After Xinghai 01 is sold for a few years, Potong will almost launch 8155 or higher-level automotive chips, and Xinghai Group will launch chips with higher computing power.

Muyang developed the Xinghai 01 automotive time has also moved to November 1st.

It took a few more days to install the automotive chip sample on the small Hummer EV02 and test it.

Hummer EV02 has been designed and sampled very early, and it is almost ready for mass production, but the company is waiting for the production of automotive chips to upgrade the automotive chips.

Auto chip testing is not complicated, and the testing process is smooth, which also means that Xinghai Group can officially announce Hummer EV02 and pre-order it.

It takes about half a year from the pre-sale to the actual delivery of the car to the customer.

In the past six months, the mass production of the Xinghai 01 chip and the mass production of the Hummer EV02 will be realized.

Zhou Chen consulted Mu Yang for his opinion, and the announcement and pre-sale dates of Hummer EVO2 were quickly set, respectively: November 11 and December 1.

20 days of publicity is enough for Xinghai Group.

The executives of Xinghai Group believe that as soon as Xinghai 01 is announced, the peers will tremble again. There is also Hummer EV02, looking forward to the pre-sale fire.