MTL - Ranger Legend of Azeroth-v2 Chapter 869 Finally got a mount

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"Clefthoof horse? Is your lord like a human horse?" asked an elf.

"Almost, it's just that there are black stripes on the body like a tiger in Stranglethorn Valley, and there are one or two small horns on the head like a rhinoceros," Yubayashi Xueying said with a smile: "But they are also Malays after all, can you train them?" I don’t know how to train them, I only know that there are still several horse trainers among the human refugees in Hinterland, you can do whatever you want, I just ask you to get the results as soon as possible!”

To be honest, the clefthoof zebra is an untrainable character for hunters in the game, but that is the type of pet to be trained, and it is also a game balance restriction rule. Habayashi Bloodhawk maliciously speculated that Blizzard, a capitalist, was afraid that hunters would not spend gold coins to buy mounts. After being able to catch pets, they would rush to the intersection to grab cleft-hoofed zebras as mounts, so they deliberately imposed restrictions.

But now it's not a game but a reality, so can rangers train clefthoof zebras as mounts? High elves may not be proficient in equestrian training, but humans are proficient in it! Before the orcs came to Azeroth, it might be difficult for Habayashi Blood Eagle to find a horse trainer, but...the orcs came, and they brought a lot of painful disasters, but they also brought a lot to Habayashi Blood Eagle Opportunity.

Too many families in human countries have been ruined by orcs, and the orcs don't care whether the human beings they hurt are rich or poor or what status they are!

The country is ruined and the family is ruined. There are a lot of human refugees who can't even eat. It's not easy for Habayashi Xueying and the others to find a few professional human horse trainers? There are so many human refugees coming to Hinterland, it is really not difficult to find a few horse trainers to teach them horse training skills and let them come directly to help!

Because they have everything they want in Hinterland, and they have the ability to give it to them! Guan Jian is Xantlan, or it can be said that Quel'Danis didn't like their skills.

Refugees who came to Hinterland in the past had special records and archives. People with expertise and skills are more welcome than those who have nothing no matter where and at any time. It is the same in Hinterland, so very few people do not report specialty. It's just that although Habayashi Xueying and his armed forces are three feet away from the mount, they can't find a suitable mount and can only drool every day.

In peacetime, other human kingdoms have strict control over horses, let alone in wartime? At this time, it is foolish to want to get horses from the human kingdom. There are not even enough rough horses for the human army to collect. How can there be war horses exported to Xuntland? So at that time, although Blood Eagle Habayashi knew that there were horse trainers among the human refugees in the Hinterlands, Blood Eagle Habayashi had no choice but to have no horses.

Now it is different in Kalimdor. There are more clefthoof zebras in the barren land, which provides great convenience for the Habayashi blood eagle. Why did he ask the standing army of Quel'Danis to control a large area centered on the crossroads? Why is he targeting centaurs?

It is because Habayashi Blood Eagle wants to turn the entire barren land into a mount pasture for high elves and a natural breeding ground for lion war pets. If the centaur is not driven out of the barren land, then this goal will be difficult to achieve, because the centaur is a bomb that never knows when it will explode to the high elves active in the barren land, and this bomb is still a bomb that can explode. Numerous bombs!

The centaur is now the real overlord of the barren land. As the overlord, who wants others to share their interests in the barren land? The temper of the centaur is not gentle, they are notoriously irritable and manic, they are destined to be enemies of the Habayashi Blood Eagle.

Habayashi Blood Eagle believes that no matter what means are used for centaurs, they must be wiped out or driven out of the barren land, or even driven back to their hometown of Marathon... Desolace! Races that like to create desolation for others, it is best for them to stay in desolation and enjoy the desolation!

The centaurs don't know if they like the desolate predicament, but the blood eagle of the habayashi himself certainly doesn't want to stay in a desolate place where there are no people for thousands of miles. The high elves also need a local environment where people and nature coexist harmoniously.

As a person from the big foodie empire, Habayashi Xueying prefers to be lively, but this group of centaurs only likes to destroy, and indeed they are good at creating very lively things, but this is not what Habayashi Xueying likes Lively, what he likes is that everyone is harmonious and happy, with happy smiles on their faces, not the lively scene full of killing pain and crying.

Centaurs are essentially not a group of guys that can live in harmony, so only by letting them taste the bitter fruit they have brewed, will the centaurs understand that killing is not the only way to live well! There must be no place for centaurs to stand in the barren land!

If the things Habayashi Blood Eagle decides are not encountered in a relatively wrong situation, he will rarely make fundamental changes, especially such a decisive grand strategy will rarely change.

Maybe others will say that Habayashi Blood Eagle is arrogant, but there is no way to have the confidence to be like this. Who told him to have better armaments than centaurs? Not to mention centaurs, even if they were orcs, humans, or elves, who could make so much war money and develop so much military industry in these two huge wars?

With his current equipment, except for the difficulty of mounts, how many countries can replace all the staff with excellent military equipment? There is an insurmountable generational gap between the military industry created by manual workshops and the industrialized military industry.

Although the military industry of Habayashi Blood Eagle can only be regarded as semi-industrialized at best, it is deadly enough for him to bully races with primitive equipment such as centaurs and wild boars arrogantly with elite soldiers in his hands!

So what if you don't agree? I even have pets such as cats, cats and dogs in excellent luxury suits, UU Reading www. will crush you gang of beggars who only have little pants left. If you don’t accept it, you will have to endure it. Who told you that you can’t even beat my pets? Don't talk to me about who is reasonable or whether you have provoked Lao Tzu, this is the way of heaven and you should be beaten, there is no reason to say in front of the way of heaven!

"Understood! Sir, do you mean to transfer all the human horse trainers from Hinterland to train the clefthoof zebras for us?" The officers smiled and said: "We finally have a mount!"

"Yeah!" Habayashi Xueying said affirmatively: "Take them all here, I'll tell the Navy, let them send some Griffin Knights to help you get some cleft-hoofed zebras and let them train them!"

Habayashi Xueying touched his chin for a while and said, "But what belongs to other people belongs to other people after all. After those human horse trainers came over, they trained horses and trained them. You must take this opportunity to master how to train wild horses." The skill of becoming a mount is more important than getting a few cleft-hoofed zebra mounts, I don’t care what methods you use to get this skill!”


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