MTL - Raising A Golden Crow In Secret-Chapter 511 Holy Celadon

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【Secretly Raising a Little Golden Crow】【】

There was silence on the beach.

Everyone quietly looked at the sad seabird, watched it lightly spread its wings, and watched it close its eyes and enjoy.

Du Yu has many truths and stories.

Only in the end, he slowly fell to the ground.

Beside him, Li Mengnan leaned over, his face full of worry: "What's wrong with the sad sea bird?"

He asked like this in his mouth, but everyone on the beach could sense that the sad sea bird didn't have the slightest nostalgia for this world.

It wants to die, but it's not sad.

On the contrary, the appearance of the sad seabird that is about to be released even has a trace of happiness.

Such real and strong emotions made everyone feel extremely contradictory in their hearts.

Du Yu and others have lived for only twenty years, so they are naturally extremely resistant and fearful of death.

But the tormented creature in front of him had a completely different attitude towards death.

"Zhi~" The sad seabird suddenly called out, the voice was clear and high-pitched.

Suddenly, a huge monster burst out and enveloped Du Yu.

"Thank you for saving me, you have a kind heart." The sad sea bird lowered its patterned bird head and looked at Du Yu, "Your tree has already seen me.

Now, you can let me go.

Du Yu's mind turned sharply: "I also have a sea here, so you can fill it here, can you?

The sad sea bird's eyes are rare and gentle, looking at Du Yu: "Human race, I know your heart.

But you and I have different fates, different experiences, and different natures flowing in our blood.

Meeting you is a rare and beautiful moment in my long life.

I am honored to meet you at the end of my life, please let me go

Du Yu opened his mouth: "I..."

Li Mengnan's heart tightened, and he hurriedly said: "Don't worry, sad sea bird, why are you so hard to think about it.

Lin Shiwei looked up silently, with a sad expression.

Because of the huge soul of the sea bird, while covering Du Yu, it also covered the two people beside him.

Sad sea bird: "Human race, this is my destiny and my choice."

Du Yu's heart was at war between heaven and man, and his complexion changed.

"Hehe." The sad sea bird suddenly laughed, and there was a hint of apology in the hoarse laughter, "I made things difficult for you."

It is precisely because of the connection between the demons and souls that the perception of both sides is extremely real.

The sad sea bird knows Du Yu's heart, and can also detect his temper.

It flapped its wings slowly, and the huge monster was brought back into its body.

Finally, the sad sea bird glanced at Du Yu.

With just one glance, Du Yu could only feel his temples throbbing!

Although he didn't know what the sad sea bird was going to do, his intuition told Du Yu that the situation was wrong.

Very wrong!

"Zhi" the sad seabird suddenly neighed, and the high-pitched sound pierced the sky.

But I saw the broad wings of the sad seabird suddenly draw back!

The graceful bird, even though it is so huge, still gives people the illusion of a slender arrow.


Suddenly, a storm swept under the sad sea bird, and its body turned into a sharp sword, piercing the direction of the sea.

To be precise, it is the sky celadon piercing the sea?!

Naturally, Tianqingci would not let the sneak attack succeed, because she had been paying attention to this side.

She has also been preparing the demon skill town turtle. Once she finds that something is wrong, she will immediately wrap the human race on the shore.

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【Secretly Raising a Little Golden Crow】【】

"Hiss!" Seeing the sad seabird killing him, Tianqingci roared.

Monster Skill Town Turtle!

A huge dragon tortoise stretched out the curtain of fresh water, blocking the path of the sad seabird.


The huge body of the sad sea bird suddenly turned into a strong wind, and its figure disappeared without a trace.

The wind and waves passed by the sea turtle-water curtain ball, and they were pieced together behind the water polo.

The speed of its stabbing has not weakened in the slightest!

The sharp white bird's beak is surrounded by wind and waves, shaped like a sharp drill bit, piercing the dragon's eyes of sky celadon.

"Hiss!" Tian Qingci shouted angrily:

Are you begging to die?

"呀~" the seabird screamed in high pitch of grief:

You are the master of this sea, right?

"Be careful, Celadon!" Du Yu hurried forward and shouted loudly.

Of course, he didn't think that a demon emperor could bring any trouble to Tian Qingci.

Just like the last time when looking for Zize Water, the Demon Emperor Rotten Wood Arowana hidden in the water was killed by Tianqing Porcelain.

Everyone knows in their hearts what the sad seabird is doing.

Tianqingci is also very clear, but...

For Du Yu's sake, I can coax you, the little demon emperor, to play.

But you raise the wind and smash the waves on the sand?

"At the end!" Fu Jianzhou shouted in surprise, the moment his fingers reached forward, the branches of the crabapple tree had already protruded.

Of course, Fu Jianzhou ordered his own demon pet to return to Tianmu.

However, the crabapple tree is faster, and in the process of extending its branches, it grows wildly.

The dense crabapple branches and the dense Huitianmu branches turned into leaf shields one after the other, blocking Du Yu and others in front of them.


The huge waves hit the shield of branches and leaves, making a terrifying noise.

"Hiss!" Tianqingci was furious, and a thick stream of water spewed out.

Demon skills. Clear water waves!

The sad sea bird stabbed downwards, its figure flickered, and moved away as if it was moving in an instant, and continued to stab at Tianqingci.

Around the sky celadon porcelain, a layer of fresh water quickly emerged.

This round of town turtles, no new dragon turtles appeared.

Because Tianqingci herself is the "Suppressing Sea Turtle".

"Huh" sounded loudly!

The sharp beak of the sad seabird pierced heavily on the water curtain ball, such a powerful blow, but was completely stopped by the water ball.

"A sea of ​​sorrow." Du Yu murmured to himself with a complex expression.

The sad seabird that hit the sea turtle water polo wall didn't have time to react, a waterfall crashed down from the sky!

Demon Skill: Tianhai Waterfall!


The water of the Milky Way comes from the sky.

The violent Tianhai Waterfall broke the sad sea bird's body, and also pushed it against the wall of the water polo, smashing it again and again.

What everyone doesn't know is...

A pair of dragon eyes and bird eyes looked at each other quietly through a layer of fresh water.

The remaining anger in the dragon's eyes still persisted.

Bird's eyes were full of relief and relief.

But Tianqingci suddenly stretched out its four-toed dragon claws, piercing through the water curtain that suppresses sea turtles?

She grabbed the huge patterned bird's head and dragged it into the water polo.

"Hiss..." Tian Qingci held the bird's head tightly and let out a growl: You want to die.

"Hey..." The bird of grief is like a gossamer, and the cry is weak:

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【Secretly Raising a Little Golden Crow】【】

I should have been freed yesterday and died in that sea.

"Hiss!" Sky Celadon:

must die?!

"Zi." The sad seabird:

To be swallowed by the sea is the fate of our family.

Like the sun and the moon, and the ebb and flow of the tide, everything in the world is bound by shackles, and everything has its own destiny.

"Hiss!" Dragon Claw gradually clenched the bird's head, and Tianqingci's cold voice was full of majesty:

He hasn't let you die yet.

In this realm of the sea, I am the shackles, and I decide your fate...

Tian Qingci's magnificent body trembled, and he slowly raised his head.

The Tianhai Waterfall has long since dissipated, only the waves are surging in all directions.

As the thin layer of water curtain dissipated, Tian Qingci stared blankly at the sky.

Beneath the dragon's claws, the seabird of sorrow, whose spirit is like gossamer, is going to die calmly, waiting for the fate to come.

And at this moment, the sad seabird suddenly opened its eyes wide.


Through the blurred vision, through the toes of the dragon's claws, he looked at the sky blue porcelain with the dragon's head raised high.

"Wow!" On the reef, Du Yu was looking anxious, but suddenly a cry came from his mind.


Du Yu was very puzzled.

Little Fenyang is naturally a kind person.

For a long time, her mood has been constantly sad and lost along with the tragic fate of the sea bird.

Why is Xiao Fenyang, who is in a bad mood, suddenly so excited and yelling?

Is the sad seabird dead?

Impossible! It is impossible for little Fenyang to have such a reaction because of the death of the sad seabird.

that would be..

"Damn it!" Du Yu's face was stiff, and he uttered a rare swear word.

No insult was meant to anyone, just pure shock.

"Second brother?" Li Mengnan said tremblingly.

Lin Shiwei's eyes were astonished, and she kept raising her head as the sky celadon slowly floated up.

"Gudu." Fu Jianzhou's Adam's apple twitched.

In front of the man's face, Bai Lan's beautiful face quietly emerged, looking up at the distant sky.

Everyone realizes that they are about to witness history!

In the long history of Yuyao World, there must be very few people who are really lucky enough to see such a scene.

After all, not all monsters can cultivate the Holy Spirit.

Not to mention the most holy, but the premise of the most holy, the demon saint level, is very rare!

"Hiss..." Unexpectedly, Tianceladon, which was slowly rising into the sky, calmed down?

Though she still held the bird's head in her dragon's claws,

Still holding the painful creature that was wantonly ravaged by her.

But the sky celadon gives people the feeling that it is bathed in tranquility and holy light.

What can be seen with the naked eye is that Tianqingci's monster is slowly growing, and that illusory dragon turtle is constantly growing skyrocketing.

In addition, Tianqingci's already majestic body, chasing the skyrocketing outline of the demon, keeps getting bigger.

"Uh." Du Yu narrowed his eyes and covered his face with one hand.

The sky celadon is a soft sky blue color, which becomes more and more bright, and finally reaches the level of dazzling.

"Hiss..." The shallow dragon moaned, shaking people's hearts and souls.

Du Yu's heart suddenly tightened, his hairs stood still!

Someone...someone is spying on me!

Someone is sensing everything about me, from head to toe, from the outside to the inside.

"Don't be afraid~ it's a turtle!" Xiao Fenyang said rubbing his little hands excitedly.

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【Secretly Raising a Little Golden Crow】【】

Du Yu felt relieved, and hurriedly asked: "She only has such a strong perception when she advances, or will she always be like this in the future."

Xiao Fenyang: "When you advance to the next level, it's like the time when you gathered demon souls to form and connect the world."

Hearing this, Du Yu was a little disappointed: "That's it..."

"Silly Du Yu!" Little Fenyang said dissatisfiedly, "Even if the promotion link has passed, Celadon's perception is super strong.

Have you forgotten, you always ask me to help you explore the surrounding environment?"

"Yeah." Du Yu responded in his mind and closed his eyes.

At this time, the sky celadon is more dazzling than the sun, and it can no longer be seen.

He continued to ask in his mind, "How long will the Holy Spirit last?"

"Eh?" Xiao Fenyang was stunned for a while, and then whispered, "I...I don't know.

Du Yu: "Aren't you also the most holy? There must have been a promotion link before?"

Little Fenyang muttered in a low voice: "I, I forgot."

"Huh~" Suddenly, the huge body of the sad seabird was thrown out from the "sun" and flew straight to the beach.

Almost at the same time, a cold and majestic word was printed in the minds of all the creatures on the beach:

"Cure it, I haven't allowed it to die yet."

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