MTL - Quick Transmigation and Doted on His Wife-Chapter 159 Doomsday 4

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Chen Rong didn't know how scary she looked, but when she was hungry, her brain seemed to be short-circuited and jumped to another channel - she needed to replenish energy.

This is just out of the tiger's den and into the wolf's den. Do normal people's eyes glow? And eat bones?

No way!

Most of this person is a mutant zombie, and if he wants to deceive himself, maybe he will find other people through her, and he will catch them all!

Chu Jiang felt that he was right.

"Hey! Don't run around, it's very dangerous upstairs!" Chen Rong looked at the disappearing back, wondering what happened to the other party suddenly, and hurriedly ate the crystal core before catching up.

The building is very quiet, only the footsteps of Chen Rong, Chu Jiang has no idea where to go, "I originally wanted to send her down... Forget it, life and death."

Chen Rong had already run to a very high floor, and felt that there seemed to be something attractive on the upper floor, and went up from the stairs. The end of the promenade was indistinct, and the air was filled with the smell of blood.

Looks like a fight happened here too.

near the gate.

The zombies only care about eating and don't dare to approach Chen Rong.

"It smells so bad." Chen Rong covered her nose and stepped in slowly against the door frame. The things inside were messy, there were many knocked over potions, and many human bones , as if it was the monster's lair just now.

Chen Rong picked up the house number on the ground, there were several words in the blood, laboratory number seven.

She turned on the flashlight and walked inside. Going around the sundries, I searched for seven or eight minutes, but I couldn't find anything intact, and it was completely destroyed by monsters.

"Has it been taken by those people just now?"

"It looks like this is the thing." She was happy, so it was not a failure, she held the box in her arms, and was about to go out when she heard the roar of the monster, hurry up Turn off the flashlight and hide behind a pile of debris.

"Bang—" The huge black shadow stopped at the door, and an unknown object came in, and then the footsteps were far away.

Chen Rong looked over and saw a motionless corpse on the ground.

"Is this monster storing food?"

She guessed that the monster had gone far away, and hurried away, but when she passed the corpse, someone suddenly grabbed the leg of her trousers. Suddenly, he turned around and saw the corpse on the ground opened his eyes.

"Big guy, save me!"

"Let go." Chen Rong glanced out the door, quite vigilant, the boy on the ground looked seventeen or eighteen years old, with a round face, he looked like a harmless human animal 's otaku.

My name is Xiaojiu, we can still take care of you together, if the monster finds it, I will help you hold it back!"

Chen Rong rolled his eyes: "Get up quickly, it's another matter if you can keep up."

Ma Liu got up and followed Chen Rong.

The strange thing is that the zombies seem to pretend not to see them.

"These zombies were so ferocious just now, and now they are all blind..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the zombies lifted up and looked over, so scared that he swallowed and silently followed Chen Rong.

Chen Rong saw Xiaojiu following him, but he hesitated. He wanted to ask himself, and blocked his words first, "If you want to live, be quiet."


The monster is blocking the gate on the first floor at this time, so there is not much danger upstairs for the time being. The smaller monster who was scared away by Chen Rong before is now on the highest floor.

Xiao Jiu looked at her so calmly and calmly, turned her head unguardedly, met her big red eyes, took a breath, and was kicked down the stairs by Chen Rong before she had time to express her thoughts .

He scrambling and crawling to escape, I don't know how long he ran, he was caught off guard, and he looked back to see Chu Jiang with a gloomy face.

"Boss!" His eyes were sour, "I thought I couldn't see you alive!"

"Shut up, that monster is on the first floor, don't go down." Chu Jiang frowned, ignoring Xiao Jiu, who was in a mess, "Come with me."

Xiaojiu followed Chu Jiang into a room, there were other survivors in the room, the windows were wide open, and someone was putting ropes out.

No one said much, the atmosphere was very solemn.

"Boss..." Xiao Jiu opened his mouth, thinking about the big guy he met just now, and still said, "I met a monster just now, and someone gave me a pad, but I haven't come down yet. "

"There is no one else here except us." Chu Jiang frowned, as if remembering some bad memories.

"Yes!" Xiao Jiu's attitude is firm, she is a woman, wearing a mask, mysterious, but she is a good person.

Chu Jiang's face became ugly, what is this mutant zombie trying to do? Can't help asking: "Where did you meet her?"

"In that last lab..."




The knock on the door came unhurriedly.

The expressions of everyone changed.

"Why hasn't Sister Chen come back yet?" Haohao was anxiously waiting in the hotel, "It's been almost two hours, she shouldn't have encountered any accidents, right?"

"Don't be a crow's mouth." Li Rou gave Haohao a sideways look, her face was serious, but she was still very worried.

She had a fever in the car before, and she faintly realized that something was wrong with her body. After getting the bracelet, she felt much better. She just rested for a while and found that she seemed to have awakened some special abilities.

She wanted to wait for Chen Rong to come back and ask her, but now Chen Rong has no news.

Haohao is still worried: "I want to find her."

"You go out rashly now, just to cause trouble for her, you don't know where she is, how to find her?" Li Rou used to be gentle, but after so many things , I will think twice about everything, "Since she said let us wait for her to come back, then we will believe her words."

If Chen Rong can't come back, Li Rouhao alone will never be able to leave Sangshi.

Li Rou doesn't know Chen Rong well, but Chen Rong is the most powerful and upright person she has ever seen in the apocalypse. And she owed so much affection to Chen Rong, so naturally she didn't want her to have an accident.

Someone knocked on the door.

Haohao was about to open the door, but was held back by Li Rou, looked at Li Rou suspiciously, and saw Li Rou cautiously looking out through the cat's eyes, after confirming who was outside, Just breathed a sigh of relief.

"You're back." She opened the door, looked at Chen Rong outside, and her heart dropped.

Li Rou went out, met the big red eyes outside, and covered her mouth in fright. I saw Chen Rong walking past him, went out and patted the monster's head, "Honghong, thank you for your hard work, go and stay on the first floor, so as not to scare people."

Red nodded and walked away wagging her big tail.

"Then, what is that..." Li Rou had lingering fears.

"It's a pet I just picked up, it's quite powerful." Chen Rong smiled a little, there were two monsters in the building, this little one didn't eat meat, and Not vicious to people, not like that.

Well, that has been killed by Chen Rong.

Speaking of which, the color of the core crystals of the monsters is quite special. She used to eat crystals that are transparent like crystals, but the monsters are red, and when you hold them in your hand, you can feel the heat inside. breath.


"Amazing." Li Rou coughed, her previous worries about Chen Rong were unnecessary, and after helping to move all the fainted people into the room, she closed the door.

"Where do these people come from?" Li Rou was a little tired and sat on the sofa to relax.

"It was picked up too." Chen Rong sighed, she didn't want to be a shelter, but just now she knocked on the door and entered the house, and before she had time to speak, the curly-haired woman attacked directly, frightened She knocked people unconscious with one hand.

The rest were so frightened by Honghong that they jumped from the second floor. She hurriedly asked Honghong to save people, but Honghong also jumped down, knocking them all out.

"I have rescued them several times, but these people avenge their revenge, and they are very bad."

Chu Jiangyouyou heard this sentence when he woke up, sat up from the bed, and found that he was already somewhere else. And all the people on the ground are her subordinates.

"Sister Chen, she's awake." Haohao stayed away from Chu Jiang. Since Chen Rong said they were bad people, he should stay away.

"Who are you?" Chu Jiang glanced at the three of them, and his eyes fell on Chen Rong's face. He didn't expect that the face under the mask turned out to be very beautiful. But now is not the time to care about looks.

"We are people who do good deeds without leaving their names." Chen Rong took out a thermos cup-like thing from his pocket, threw it to Chu Jiang, raised his chin, "I was looking for you just now, It's just because that Xiaojiu's thing fell, and he wants it back to its original owner."

Chen Rong looked at Chu Jiang's suspicious eyes and smiled contemptuously: "You don't have to be so wary of me, because...I have no interest in you."